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Topics - Spartan793

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Upkeep Solution - Hear me out
« on: August 02, 2011, 02:39:57 am »
So what if a certain mode....

*Cough* Defend the Virgin *Cough*

Became upkeep free?

This would mean that although the main games, siege and battle, are still balanced and fair with regards to upkeep theres an oppurtunity for people to earn money and XP, and were talking very slowly with Defend the Virgin, while using their favourite equipment.

Who would it harm and what damage would it do? Noone and None as far as I can see

Can anyone see any problems with this idea at all because i'd love to hear them :)

Game Balance Discussion / Upkeep system flawed
« on: July 17, 2011, 08:44:55 pm »
Now I cans ee where it might come in handy meaning avoiding every player runnign around in full plate.

But how can it be fair that wearing some pretty basic equipment im being forced to shell out around 400-600 gp per game? Now to say that there are only about 5 clicks a game im having to play on a x2 multiplayer to even stand a chance of keeping th money i have, never midn making more.

And even the concept seems kinda messed up to me, those guys in the more heavy armour fighting for their team and the multipliers, generally doign a better job at gaining the than the random naked people are having to pay more. So i'd have a mroe productive time sat naked charging in doing sod all to aid the battle. Seems kinda wrong to me

Is there somthign im missing or is that all there is to it, because if so then i seriously dont see how im supposed to collect a decent amount of money

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