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Topics - Bryggan

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Suggestions Corner / class wages based on supply and demand
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:01:45 pm »
Would it be possible to make ingame gold dependent on class?  Sort of make it a supply/demand thing.  If we were to say that 20% cav, 20% range and 60% infantry was the perfect mix, if there was a game with that mix everyone would get 100% gold per round.  But if it were 35% cav,  25% range and 40% range, cav would get paid 57% gold, range would get 80% and infantry would get paid 150% gold.

That way if a class is over represented, people could switch to alts to make better money and it would keep the game balanced.

General Discussion / Best Drama Thread Nominations
« on: July 29, 2012, 04:48:57 am »
It seems to be Oscar season here, what with the 'best player', 'best sandwich maker'etc.  So I think we should open up a few more categories, and, being a deeply intense individual who truly feels things, I suggest a best drama thread.  I'm not well versed in cRPG drama, not being involved in anything or anyone, or actually really caring about anything, but I'm sure a lot of you QQ readers out there could come up with some ideas.  So go for it!

General Discussion / What's your KD rate
« on: July 17, 2012, 10:08:53 am »
I am curious as to what sort of K:D rate forum users have.  As we all know, for every kill there is a death.  When we look at the scoreboard the top quarter have most of the kills, then the remaining 75% trickle down from 2-3 kills per death to zero or a minus figure.  My question is who uses these forums?  Is it just gen 20ers with heirloomed everything who can kill half the board while chatting to their buds and playing 'Angry Birds' on their Iphone at the same time, or do the 'fodder', such as myself, read this shit too?

So please be honest.  These polls are anonymous, so if you do in fact have a low K:D rate, vote honestly, then lie later and say you didn't vote until a few other people voted the 25+ kills.

General Discussion / Scrue y'all
« on: July 02, 2012, 11:10:44 am »
No fucking happy Canada day??? Scrue you all Euro lovin colony hating bastards.  I'm not mad at the Americans though, cuz 200 years ago they got their asses kicked.  And kicked again.  By a bunch of voltigeurs and some indians and some brits that weren't worthy to fight Napolean.  Yeah, they're fucking proud of the fact they won the battle of New Orleans, but WTF?  This was an invasion of Canada.  New Orleans, for all you non-NAers, is way the fuck south east of Canada.  Ben Franklin said 'it would just be a matter of marching'.  Not when you have trained british regulars, french voltigeurs who just hate being assimilated, and indians who just didn't like being massacred*.  Every battle on Canadian soil was won by uept for one, but that was unfair cuz the americans held their ground after the first volley and no one was expecting that.  2 km up river they got their asses kicked.

*sorry to all natives- the deal was if we won, you'd have your land, if we lost, you'd be massacred.  Unfortunately, the war weary brits called it a tie, despite the fact washington was sacked and the fighting was down in Loiusianna, but they didn't care; NA was far, far away from Napolean.  So you got fuck all, just a polite nod and a promise of a deal when we took over your lands.  Oops, silly us :oops:

Might be off topic and in the wrojng thread, but that's ok, I'm drunk.  Happy Canada day all (-2 hours in Vancouver).

Beginner's Help and Guides / How do you kick someone from server?
« on: June 26, 2012, 11:19:04 pm »
I'm sure no one wants to tell me this because there is so much kick vote spam going on already, but I've been intentionally TKed and kicked off walls and all that other fun stuff some jerks love to do.  I can report for TW, but that means I gotta die or get kicked or hit or whatever 5 times.  Right now I never report unless its some flailing newb who needs a heads up to what they're doing, or its far from the actual combat.  Kinda sad how some people get (or give) their kicks.

General Discussion / How awful was no friendly melee damage?
« on: July 01, 2011, 03:01:29 am »
I never had the opportunity to play no friendly melee damage.  How bad was it?  I started a single player game for the first time in aeons, mainly to practice my blocvking, but what I did find was I improved my foot work and the knowledge of my surroundings.  It felt great.  Currently in C-RPG it seems very Iliad-ish, in which only heroes duel while the less elite are htere to die.  A very skilled warrior can currently kill 5 enemy surrounding him, only because no one dares hit for fear of TWing.  This seems unnatural and weird.  The greeks got rid of individual heroics thousands of years ago. No more Achilles or Gil-Gameshes.  I mean really, the whole idea of formation was so regulars could spam the elites to death.

While I was not there to experience what happened, it would seem to me that friendly melee damage only helps the elite, ie the top 10% who makes 90% of the kills.  Unfortunately we all tend to respect the elite, and tend to bow to their wills,  I personally believe that if ten mediocre guys ganged up on an Achilles, he would die.  This would never happen in the Iliad, where Hector thought he could win if his cousin? brother? (I forget) helped him fight.  But that was 600 BC, not 1257 AD.  Or whatever time we virtually live in.

So, tell me more...

Suggestions Corner / one hit kills kills the fun
« on: June 09, 2011, 06:30:47 am »
I'm  a first gen lvl 3o with a crappy build.  Still, if I'm not on my game I make one mistake and I get killed in one hit.  I'm 18/18, with a kuyak and novogorad helm, mail mittens and splinted leather boots.  I do okay, as in equal K/D rate in small (25-) battles, but die damned quick in bigger battles.  One hit with a good 2 hander or pole arm kills me.  While I realize my build is not optimal, and I don't have crazy skills, I should be able to withstand one hit.  I may be a little cranky cuz I tend to find myself stuck between two two hander tin cans right at the begining of every battle (it seems).  They dance around me and one takes me in the back of the skull and I'm down.  Realistic I suppose, but not fun.  Waiting four minutes between deaths with zero kills due to a single misjudgement hurts.  I'm not saying nerf anything, just perhaps lower the damage all around.  After all, we all play to hit each other and more game play all around may be a good thing.

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