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Topics - Akynos

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Sell/Trade / Gen trade
« on: February 13, 2013, 11:48:33 pm »
Hello !

I would like to make an item exchange lasting for a generation or more if both parties agree.Consider it a temporary trade. I will trade my items which are:

-Lordly Milanese Sallet
-Lordly Milanese Plate
-Lordly Heavy Gauntlets
-Mighty Great Long Bardiche

For a complete set of these items or items similar to those:

-Lordly Klappvisier
-Lordly Rus Scale Armor
-Lordly Hourglass gauntlets
-MW Danish/German/Great Sword/ Claymore


-Lordly Vaegir War Mask
-Lordly Khergit Elite Armor
-Lordly lamellar Gauntlets
--MW Danish/German/Great Sword/ Claymore


-Lordly Klappvisier
-Lordly Light/Heavy Kuyak
-Lordly Heavy Gauntlets
-MW Danish/German/Great Sword/ Claymore

Please message me if you have at least two of these items and you are interested in being a plated my old friend. Further negociation may be done. No money will however be involved in the trades.

General Discussion / First post...
« on: February 12, 2013, 03:19:24 pm »
...decides my next gen's title.

General Discussion / First post...
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:52:09 pm »
...gets to decide my gen's title. Originality is encouraged ! :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / different armor/weight/price ratios
« on: December 15, 2012, 12:04:38 pm »
As we all know, the more expensive the armor, the heavier it is, the more armor it has.
This of course forces players who want a lot of armor to face high upkeeps ( I'm not included, I sell my LP's so I'm cool with that)
This also forces rich players who like to play it light to have weak armors, although they would be ready to pay higher upkeep.

My suggestion is based on what you can see on other multiplayer games: The price is not dependant upon the armor, but on the tier of the

Here, it would translate as having some expensive light armors which have a better weight/armor ratio, cheap light armors that have a bad ratio, heavy but cheap armors with a bad ratio, and so on.

Torn Light Kuyak
Price: 3200

Inferior Light Kuyak

Standard Light Kuyak
Price: 6700

Refit Light Kuyak
Weight: 12
Armor: 43
Price: 8100

Wolfhaired Light Kuyak
Weight: 11
Armor: 44
Price: 12400

2h Hero's Light Kuyak
Weight: 10.3
Price: 16800
This would add a bit of diversity to the game, and also allow some agi-players to compete better against today's strength builds.

Tell me what you think !

Suggestions Corner / Remove arrowstun
« on: December 02, 2012, 03:47:56 pm »
Yes, I'm a big plated noob and I hate ranged, please remove arrow stun.
(I skip the wall of text justifying the whole shit)

Realism Discussion / HBS vs Katana
« on: November 13, 2012, 11:36:10 am »
Right,so all 2h enjoyed the buff, blablabla, let's consider the heavy bastard sword with the katana now:
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

I guess you guys are smart enough to see what has to be done.

General Off Topic / So you like combat games huh?
« on: November 03, 2012, 09:50:51 pm »
Well check this little gem:

General Discussion / Votable titles !
« on: October 24, 2012, 07:20:11 pm »
Hello crpg community,

We haven't had much new stuff lately, not even a small patch, and the nations cup seems dead, so I though of 'spicing up' the game a little bit.
Many players have sort of titles- George_the_Silly, Madmax56_The_Mad, and stuff- but they decided of the title themselves. But normally, you don't choose your nickname, right? People find it for you.
So that's my idea. have a topic where people sort of 'suscribe' to it in order to be able to vote for someones title and have their own voted out.
Once a title is voted by the majority, the fair-play player will change his title to the one chosen by the voters- nothing crpg-official.
It would go like:
Suscribed members:

And then we vote: what should be the title of Akynos?

-Then we have a list of suggestions: Nice,Pretty,ToiletLicker,Gentle
-Poll the suggestions:60% ToiletLicker
-As I agreed to participate, I change my nick to: Akynos_The_ToiletLicker.

It should be fun in my opinion.
Tell me what you think !

Realism Discussion / Headshots
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:47:32 am »
From what I know, a slash to the face ( that is, a melee attack headshot) does +20% damage. A ranged headshot is +75%.
I can't see how an iron-tipped piece of wood can do that much more damage than a shard blade of steel. Please either change that or enlighten me on this mechanic.

General Discussion / Port
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:04:30 pm »
Heya, do any of you guys know the port/ specs used for the game? Need them to get the servers to go through a proxy...
Thanks !

cRPG Technical problems / Unable to find servers
« on: September 16, 2012, 11:43:13 am »

I recently moved in university and am using the campus' internet. It works all fine, but I can't update the launcher or see the servers.
If any of you knows what steps might help me in this, I'd be really grateful :)

Thank you !

Suggestions Corner / My suggestion for the scoring system
« on: August 27, 2012, 01:59:48 pm »
Hello crpg community,

I cannot name one person who wasn't delighted at the new scoring system. Why would anyone be? Based on damage output, it finally
gives a place among the top scoreboard to those who deal lots of damage but who do not deal the final blow. A lot of people praised
it for finally giving a fair representation of a player's usefulness for his team.
However, many of you have seen the flaws of this system : It is still young, and therefore not totally balanced. I also have this feeling,
which is why I suggest a few things that might be implemented in order to uupgrade this scoring system.

So, I come to think '' This scoring system is based upon the following principle : rewarding players for their efforts in fighting skills and teamwork.''

So, what are factors are we talking about when we think 'fighting skills' and 'teamwork' ?

-Attacking (melee)
-Attacking (ranged)

 Can't think of more out of my mind.

Attacking (melee): We have already covered that factor by allocating points for damage.A rather fair system.
The only thing that would need to be changed is to add a bonus for kills : A dead man can't kill, a guy with 1 HP can:
Therefore, his death should be worth more than the score allocated for the damage that kills him.

Damage dealt to horses is still too high for what it is: Speed bonus for damage against an often armorless oponent.
Other topics explain this better than I do.

Attacking (ranged):
Despite current problems with ranged, nothing to say about the score system. It's fair.


I will emphasize on this point because I feel defense is a very important part of player skill, and yet is not taken into account
by the scoring system.
There are people with my build (str-orientated) who are pretty much newbies and because they spammed/were lucky/slashed peasants/faced other newbies, they had a better score than a valorous archer who bravely defended himself against a top-notch
2 hander and after many blocks and feints, fell to his knees.

That should not happen.

How to solve that problem then?

Well,I thought that points could be given for successful blocks. Very few points though, which means that
the points for damage/kills would have to be substancially increased.For example:

Sucessful block: 1 pt
Taking out half HP off a standard 2 hander : 15 pts

The issue with this is that it can be very easely exploited:
*1-Get two friends
2-each in different team
3-meet up where no one sees
4-swing and block indefinately
Or a guy may just backpeddle and block forever....

This is open to discussion.

The result of kicking lies in the following slash. 'Nuff said.

This was the reason for implementing proximity bonus. Unfortunately, it is easely exploitable and does not require active
participation from a team member to get points.
I cannot see any way to reward players for their distracting abilities.So many different situations. I suggest the removal
of the proximity bonus if the community prefers to avoid abuse, or keep it if it wants to reward every distracting opportunity.Your choice.

Stunning or bumping is underrated.So many times have I been able to slash a guy's face thanks to a well-timed arrow, slash or cav bump.
I want to reward those guys for their intelligence. I say give them a bonus.
= Extra points for first hit if second hit lands less than *insert milliseconds there* later.

To gank or to be ganked, that is the question.

Ganking someone does not take much skill. Actually, in situations such as 4 vs 1, joining in is pretty stupid. No bonus there.

However, having more than one person on his back is suicide haem, valorous. Maybe giving extra points for every hit
and block for the defendant for being able to fight multiple oponents at a time, and so distracting them from the rest of the team.
Of course, a proximity check would be needed to make sure this bonus does not happen if a teammate is close.

Anyway, all of this is pure brain juice out of gameplay experience, I don't expect it all to be coherent.
Please tell me what you think of it, and admins, think about it ;)

Thank you for your attention !

Suggestions Corner / (GUI) Vaegir Elite Armor
« on: August 01, 2012, 03:17:46 am »
Heya everyone,

I don't know if this should go in bugs or suggestions, but it seems that the armor under the name 'khergit elite armor' is in fact 'vaegir elite armor'. If you play
warband native, you will see that the name is different. Just saying.It'd be good if you could change it back ( I plan to use it for an alt)

Closed Requests / Bohemian_Rhapsody/LUCKY_LUKE
« on: July 06, 2012, 02:23:17 pm »
Played today on an EU server with few people.At the end of a round, only one enemy, LUCKY_LUKE, me and that bohemian_rhapsody. They did not attack each other, which led to me trying to attack the archer solo.It was clearly a refusal to attack from both sides, which unless I am mistaken, is not allowed.This carried on through the other rounds.I have video evidence of this. Below is the link tot he video.

Sorry for the poor quality, but otherwise it was 500 MB, thanks to fraps.
Bohemian is the guy in blue, LUCKY_LUKE the archer who is next to him and they both completely ignore each other.Bohemian then proceeds to retreat away to avoid confrontation.
The round before that, he stood still while I was getting shot by his 'friend'. He was not AFK, because he blocked my attack aimed at stimulating him.
I do not know what such behaviour brings, I'll let you decide.I just believed that friendship does not justify non-aggression.
Thank you for your time.

cRPG Technical problems / Inventory problem (IG)
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:38:31 pm »
Heya all,

lately I had trouble with my IG inventory: for the last few days, it would often not load, forving me to spawn level 0 naked and having to rejoin another server for it to load. That's all right.
Now, I logged with my main, and found out that my Mighty Great Long Bardiche had dissapeared, and left a Mighty long axe instead.After my heart skipped a few beats, I checked the website, but my beloved bardiche was still there.The problem seems to be in-game only.
Did I miss something, a patch, a fix of some kind, or is warband trolling me?
Thanks already.

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