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Topics - rufio

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General Discussion / microsoft sam explains archery of old
« on: November 28, 2012, 08:51:57 pm »

also buff heavy great sword by 1 speed ?

Closed Requests / ban request byzantium_bowbimbo
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:14:05 am »
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situation: fighting at gates, after enemys are dead, bowbimbo comes and kills me. accusing me of opening gate, and leaving it open. i did no such thing. i explain this, and get an appropriate response........

Spam / i am here to whore upvotes, yes i am honest like that
« on: September 13, 2012, 06:04:59 pm »
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Closed Requests / Eu2 Ban request Hetnaje
« on: August 21, 2012, 02:45:58 pm »
i warned this guy and 2 others who were teamhitting and tking eachother that i would get an admin if they proceeded, i did this after 2 incidents, they proceeded to lol about abit and take the piss, but they did participate in siege again, 2/3 min further hetnaje comes to me throws a lance in me, team hits me and quits game. we need more admins on eu2!

screens: as is visible there are no enemys about, and it is intentional teamhitting.
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Suggestions Corner / QQ
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:15:22 pm »
remove long stun from ranged (make it like melee stun), lower blunt knockdown chance (its increddibly op considering blunt also neglects ~~50% armor,  ballance xbows even more (longer reload or pd to use )

Inactive / ban request lanicor_is_tight
« on: June 30, 2012, 12:18:41 am »
this individual qml me twice in a row while i was fighting, afterwards saying that walking backwards not fighting is leeching. first qml i could M, second didnt register and i got kicked, i request a week ban since he also was defending this abuse. this vermin makes crpg less fun

Dont know if people have already made threads similar to this one, ifso , sorry.

I would like to suggest adding a second option to the killing your alt and transfer heirlooms to your main lvl 5.
Since heirloom prices on the market have reached an all time high, it is near impossible for people like me (1 mil away from 34 , and shit no im not gonna retire ever) to buy them unless we go full retard and basicly semi leech in crap gear. what i suggest is adding the option of paying ~50k gold for the heirloom transfer whiles killing your alt, instead of having to be lvl 5... morally seen i think this is pretty fair, since the player is still doing all the work for his heirloom, + paying a pretty big fee to transfer it.
please let me know why this would be a bad/unfair idea.



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so ye this is the basics of what i mean what will happen on alt killing for heirlooms to main.

prediction of effect it will have :

New players / currently still retireing players : will get an extra income boost.
High lvl players ( 32+): will be motivated to play on alts / lower lvls
Market will become more vibrant, with high lvl players  choosing to heirloom trade / or sell theyr heirlooms to make money for high end gear upkeap, while low lvl mains will have More money to buy on the side to.
The gap between new players and old players will close in faster.
Overall a more dynamic experience for the whole playerbase, with a higher reward feeling.

feel free to comment on flaws / ad idea's to this basic system.
Think for yourself and how you and the rest of the playerbase would be affected by this system, if it would improve or worsen the overall player experience of crpg.
But plz dont start guessing on what a developers train of thought was and use that as an argument against this idea, if many people think this would be great for crpg, devs will eventually give theyr own oppinion to it, its not up to you to philosophise on theyr thoughts.
thanks in advance for your input.


Game Balance Discussion / archery..
« on: February 14, 2012, 07:31:56 am »
archery is ruining this game again , ty

Strategus General Discussion / Rufios major butthurt QQ,
« on: November 24, 2011, 07:03:38 pm »
ok so this the dealio, my pc yo , died yo, me no log on yo, me pc fixed now yo, but aliens teleported me somewhere, prob is i have like 30k worth of goods, thx thx aliens for invading the castle i was safeley in and teleporting me to middle of nowhere, where bandits attack me and take ~250 hours worth of goods, awesome, like ye this is really good that strategus has aliens in it that teleport ur settled character,  im just sayin , i mean its not like i have the technology to fight aliens.

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Game Balance Discussion / i beg you make bodkins unusable on horseback
« on: October 12, 2011, 11:47:44 am »
because its totaly retarded and unballanced that is all , i dont think i need to go eny deeper into the details of how retadedley retarded it is

Sell/Trade / WTT +2 longsword and +1 longhafted blade
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:10:18 pm »
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Balanced Longsword
weapon length: 106
weight: 1.8
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 99
weapon length: 106
thrust damage: 24 pierce
swing damage: 37 cut
slots: 2
Secondary Mode
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Deadly Long Hafted Blade
weapon length: 153
weight: 2
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 153
thrust damage: 20 pierce
swing damage: 38 cut
slots: 2

would like nordic warsword/ nordic champions sword , elite cav shield, horseys, kuyak or russcale other offers also welcome.

i can also have money to add to the trade if items are awesome.

Sell/Trade / WTT Great long Axe x2 and Long hafted blade x1
« on: October 09, 2011, 07:00:58 am »
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Powerful Great Long Axe
weapon length: 125
weight: 3.8
difficulty: 16
speed rating: 91
weapon length: 125
thrust damage: 17 blunt
swing damage: 47 cut
slots: 2
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
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Deadly Long Hafted Blade
weapon length: 153
weight: 2
difficulty: 15
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 153
thrust damage: 20 pierce
swing damage: 38 cut
slots: 2

for nordic champions sword/ nordic war sword / heavy war horse/ elite cavelary shield/ rus scale armor. (other offers welcome to thow )

so basicly eny of the above items for x2 - x2 or x1 - x1 or x1+x2 for x3

im also interested in gold, make bids in pm
greatlong axe changed for longsword x2

Sell/Trade / want to trade +2 longsword for +2/+3 long war axe
« on: September 22, 2011, 01:25:21 am »
as titel says.

Sell/Trade / +1 longhafted blade +2 danish
« on: September 12, 2011, 10:22:43 am »
lf mw morningstar for now let me know if u fancy both these items for it thx MW greatsword also welcome

Closed Requests / panos's ban request for me..
« on: August 25, 2011, 05:26:11 pm »
I would just like to share my oppinion on the post 3 down, in witch panos put more time into submitting then he was actually in the server. situation from my perspective :   our team was getting beat pretty bad, so we decided to build a fort ontop of windmill witch was still accecable through ladders, this was done in chat and discussed with alot of teammember = fun = teamplay. then panos joins the game, and out of the blue killls our 1st ladder, we in chat ask him why he did this, and that he plz wont do it again ( remember this was a team effort in witch 5 people brought ladders with them ) but well panos killls all 4 other ladders put up after it... so yes we had 1 left and decided to tk him since he wasnt listening or had no intention whatsoever to play or teamplay. and now im banned, on his request... and im dissapointed, since admins actually still listen to him, he is known throughout the crpg community as a troll, and even in this ban request  threatens for admins to submit to his demands.... this is a request for me to be unbanned, since i only tkd him after more then one request for him to stop his griefing, and it was in the light of saving the tactics we had discussed throughout the whole team.

many thanks and keep up the good work.

greetings rufio

ps. panos your such a troll 

direct quote form panoses post ''If my demands dont meet i shall bring hell on eu servers,and trust me u know i can do it  ''  are admins really even listening to people that say shit like this.... commooon have some dignety

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