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Topics - Phantasmal

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Balance Discussion / Remove Rain/Snow
« on: April 05, 2013, 06:32:59 pm »
Rain/snow screws:
-agility based characters
-Crossbowmen significantly (25% reduction to damage)
-Archers (10% reduction to damage)

Effects on STR crutching tincans = 0%

The weather effects only succeed in imbalancing an already skewed equilibrium between agility and strength based builds. Also (it may just be me) but rain seems to be occurring more and more often than it was before.

I petition for the removal of weather or the addition of an element of weather that effects STR/armor crutchers as well (possibly intense heat? running around in all that armor must cause one to work up a sweat/become dehydrated quickly. Maybe make an equation that higher armor weight leads to penalties in movement, swing speed and weapon damage? Just tossing around ideas).

cRPG Technical problems / C-RPG Launcher crashing
« on: November 26, 2012, 07:36:05 pm »
Whenever I run the C-rpg launcher, the program crashes. I get to the screen with the choices of play, configure and exit, but the moment I select play I get a notification stating that M&B:WB has stopped working and I am forced to close. Any suggestions on a fix?

If anymore information is needed I would be more than happy to provide it.

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