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Topics - Zlisch_The_Butcher

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Suggestions Corner / Allow custom polls!
« on: March 08, 2012, 08:20:08 pm »
Allow random polls where people get to type a max 5000000000000000000letter post, add option "yes/1" "no/2" and customoption/3.
Reason we need this: For the lolz.
1+ on my post means I WANTZ DIS! 1- on my post means I WANTZ THIS AND YOU IZ AWESOME! Not doing anything with my post means you're a boring loser.

Suggestions Corner / Ranged Balance
« on: March 05, 2012, 08:00:03 pm »
I'm but a thrower (HT to be honest, not the best one either), I've however always considered my judgement somewhat fair, I've felt like posting this for a while but due to being a HT and thinking HT desperately needs some kind of buff I was to ashamed to start such a thread until these (
(click to show/hide)
) were put out there by cmp. IMO there are several balance issues with ranged atm I believe for bows long bow needs a really small accuracy or damage buff for it to be better than the rus bow at something, but besides from that I see no real issues in balance between bows. I find the xbow balance pretty good aswell (but buff hunting reload speed a bit IMO). throwing balance I can testify is great, lots of variety for different playstyles, builds, etc. But while the in-class balance seems fine the balance vs everything else is quite flawed IMO.
Bows: I mostly find bows being really unfair to infantry, not due to being able to hit and severely damage them, but due to being able to eternally run away, I think if bows got the following tweeks it'd be a lot nicer: Movement penalty to aiming nearly 100% removed, a large speed nerf (I assume this would be possible by making bows weight huge amounts) so that all balanced none-100%black-armor builds can eventually catch up with archers, ofcourse archers could drop their bows in order to flee which I guess there is nothing to do about. As it is now archers outrun nearly everything (aware archers can deal with cav piss easy (even me who sucks with my archer build can deal with cav if I am properly aware) and as only the naked 3/30 builds can catch our current archers there is not much reason to go HA, I believe if ranged wants to outrun melee they'll need to get a horse and the damage/accuracy nerfs that comes with one.
I know not much about xbows and am therefor not sure exactly how things are for them so TBH I don't have much input here.
I consider throwing properly balanced in all ways I can think of, both against melee and other ranged.
My last part in this post is about HTs, who I (after using around twelve jarrids to down a heavy horse (yes, I actually scavange all my pre-thrown weapons in order to have more ammo once I'm not threatened) I believe throwing needs a buff on horseback, we got shitty ammo (I believe max you can get with throwing knifes is around one stack of normal arrows but I haven't used them for ages and ain't sure), shitty accuracy, etc, I believe throwing was meant to be a low accuracy low ammo scavenger class, but I do not believe it should take an entire stack to kill a heavy horse... so I'd suggest a small damage buff or for speed bonus to exist a tiny bit for HT (I still feel like shit for suggesting a buff to my own playstyle. :( ) That's essentially my post.
Hope I can get some real opinions on balance for once instead of "I should kill everyone, no one should kill me."... etc.

Scene Editing / Maps By Zlisch
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:20:59 am »
Hi, I'm Zlisch, I recently started messing with the scene editor a lot, I'm working on a map, nearly done (providing I can find out how to do ladders 'n' entry points), I'd like feedback on the map (already know it's way to large).

Harazmed Castle (until I make up a better name) work in progress:

I'm looking for HAs willing to help me train my HT skillz (any lancers without shields and with fast horses are searched for aswell), I'm online around 20CET - 23CET near always.
Help poor Zlisch start doing decent again.

Closed Requests / Ban This Guy, You Could Win An Ipod
« on: February 05, 2012, 03:54:50 am »
I doubt this player is from EU (350+ ping) so I don't know if a simple EU ban would be any punishment but this guy kept on teamattacking me until he finally left.


Is this evidence enough?

cRPG Technical problems / Apparent duel bug
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:58:05 pm »
I was dueling Chasey today... there we noticed something annoying... whenever Chasey killed my horse the near-dead (I wish :( ) Chasey regained full health. WTH?

General Discussion / The-Awesome-Zlisch-Unarmed-Tournament.
« on: January 23, 2012, 11:43:28 pm »
EDIT: Cancelled due to Zlisch not being able to make it.

Zlisch hereby announced his awesome unarmed tournament next Friday (EU only), it will start on 10pm CET.
All players must first sign up on this thread, buy a 5k stone from Zlisch, then make a skip the fun build which is: [Build will be announced later this week].
The players must meet up on EU_3 at the mentioned time wearing plate mittens, nothing more, and using the skip the fun build we announced. If we are able to get enough players for this tournament to happen I'll edit the player vs player list onto this post, if not, then all the gold will be returned to it's owners. The winner of the tournament will be rewarded with all the gold (if I can get enough gold gathered together by then I'll add an extra 50k to the poll). If you lose I just wanna say that Zlisch highly approves of fallen out players placing bets on the remaining tournament.
That is all, good luck, have fun, save your skip the fun slot!

Scene Editing / Is there any way to remove the pre-placed plants?
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:11:12 pm »
I've been messing a bit around with the scene editor in c-rpg and I'm just wondering if removing the random pre-placed plants is possible... yeah... that's pretty much it... I really couldn't find any way to make this post any longer... besides going offtopic... like I am now...

Suggestions Corner / Fix the duel server
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:38:14 pm »
Please fix this as soon as possible it is extremely annoying, also I suggest you post when you think it'll be working again.

Suggestions Corner / Don't balance armor costs after the looks!
« on: December 27, 2011, 04:03:53 am »
Let's have a look at one of Zlischs favorite armors...
the Churburg cuirass, there are three items texture choices...

Blue Churburg Cuirass:
weight: 23.6
body armor: 55
leg armor: 19
difficulty: 14

Price 23,097

Red Churburg Cuirass:
weight: 23.6
body armor: 55
leg armor: 19
difficulty: 14

Price 23,589...
...wait what?

Churburg Cuirass:
weight: 23.6
body armor: 55
leg armor: 19
difficulty: 14

Price 24,066...

Am I the only one seeing these numbers? I'm gonna assume the answer is no, and seriously, am I the only one who don't think it makes any fucking sense?

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