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Topics - Tears of Destiny

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Spam / The perfect man
« on: August 28, 2011, 11:26:49 pm »

I think we all need to practice our listening faces.

Spam / Goodbye!
« on: August 17, 2011, 09:55:49 pm »
So when I vanish, you don't think I died.

I am going on vacation from the 18th to th 22nd. I doubt I may log on during that time unless I am stuck in an elevator by myself (but then, when that happens other strange things occure...) or some other such thing.


*listens to the crickets chirp*


Closed Requests / MOVED: UnBan request
« on: August 15, 2011, 03:25:14 am »

Closed Requests / MOVED: Buhn Unban Request
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:14:53 am »

Having a budget of no more then 42K or 43K of equipment gear. (Since I have difficulty sustaining anything past that), and having to use a Klappvisier, Huscarl and Military Cleaver (18,464 already spent), what would you use to go well with the helmet?

I was originally using Wisby Gauntlets, Rus Splinted Greaves and Druzhina Elite Lamellar Armor, but the effect just did not look like what I intended and ended up looking rather ugly.

Theoretically I want a high protection outfit to act like a "tank" to take advantage of my high HP.


Spam / How much would you pay for me to stop posting for a week solid?
« on: August 02, 2011, 08:57:15 am »
How about two weeks?

Just curious if someone is willing to give me c-RPG gold in order for me to shut up for a week solid on these forums, with the notable singular exception of the NA (Official) ban forum since I kinda have to post there...

Also wondering if I could con someone out of gold and offer my avatar slot for sale for a 1 month time slot (as long as whatever wins the bid as the next avatar does not break forum rules).



Closed Requests / MOVED: Unban Please
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:01:15 am »

Closed Requests / MOVED: Unban request
« on: July 27, 2011, 06:56:15 am »

Closed Requests / MOVED: UnBan request
« on: July 27, 2011, 02:11:02 am »

Closed Requests / MOVED: Banned?
« on: July 26, 2011, 07:23:01 pm »

Easy solution besides banning all of NA:

Wipe Strategus again (due to the larger map and shoving EU on one side and NA on another side).

Make Calradia bigger to help solve the "crowding issue" since new Strat has significantly more players and clans then old Strat did. EDIT: For clarification I support crowded maps as that causes wars. I do not however support maps that are overcrowded, and currently c-RPG is overcrowded on Strategus.

When joining Strategus ask the player "Are you NA or EU?." Depending on what option the player clicks will determine which side of Calradia he randomly spawns on, this way the middle still has messed up time battles but people can still beat each other up as they please, and one side is just EU and one side is just NA...

 This way "critical mass" is still possible for the game, and it is entirely optional if a clan wants to venture towards the middle where the gigantic NA VS EU timezone clusterfuck is, or just stick on their side of the fence. The best part is, this will 1.) still allow friends to play together, and 2.) naturally set the "clusterfuck neutral zone" without worrying if one side has too small of a population for the continent or not as players will set the "zone."

Problems include making new maps and new names, but names could be easily done in a few days (I could volunteer), enlarging Calradia is a matter of photoshop so there is only a few minutes, and new maps could be solved by using pre-existing villages and slowly making custom maps to slowly get rid of duplicates.

Remember to say why if you disagree with the idea... Otherwise this will keep popping back up to annoy you week after week, month after month.

Actually, this is what is planned, more or less.
The difference is that travelling across the border means you have to fight on enemy servers, no matter the attacker/defender.
In case you have missed the obvious, this is not a 100% original idea and is a result of me thinking about a collection of ideas, picking the best parts of them, putting it all together, modifying it so it fits properly with itself, and added a wee bit of my own ideas to the mix. In other words, for those who need it in extremely simple terms: THIS IS NOT A 100% ORIGINAL IDEA.

PS: If you really needed me to type this out, you are a equus africanus asinus since no other thread has ever needed to type this out as everyone knows almost every single suggestion  thread on these forums draws inspiration or heavily borrows from something else... and by You I mean Jambi.

DISCLAIMER FOR MY DISCLAIMER: The entire disclaimer above was written entirely in jest and should not be taken seriously at all. Period.

Closed Requests / MOVED: Unban Request
« on: July 24, 2011, 08:24:09 pm »

Closed Requests / MOVED: Ban Request: LLJK_GoaTeK_ofChaos
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:23:50 pm »

This section is for ban/unban requests, everything else will be considered spam and sanctioned accordingly.
Only posts allowed are on-topic posts by the people asking for a ban/unban, admins and witnesses that can provide relevant information regarding the individual case.

  • Do not post here if you don't have something directly case-related to say. No lobbying, general discussion whether a rule is fair, how admin is nub, etc. Take those things elsewhere, keep this area clear.
  • Before posting anything at all, please consider reading the Official Server Rules first.
  • General rules discussion must be taken elsewhere (General Discussion).
  • When making a ban case, having screenshots or video recordings along with a coherant arguement will help.
  • If you are permanently banned we will not unban you before you make a unban request. Make a post, if you don't know why you are banned, ask. If you don't make an unban request, you will NOT be unbanned. (If we don't know that you understand why you are banned, we have no reason to unban you.) If you know why you are banned, you will earn a lot of goodwill by telling us why the action was wrong, and promise to not do it again.
  • Please remain calm and coherant when posting here, even if you think someone made a mistake. This will allow us to resolve your case quickly!
  • If your request was denied, do not post another thread about the same request.
  • Failure to abide by the Forum Rules in this section, Unban requests: how to by chadz, Ban requests: how to by cmpxchg8b, or the rules and guidelines outlined in this post may result in a warning or mute. Failure to read all of the above will not be considered a valid excuse for avoiding punishment.
(click to show/hide)

Official NA Server List
  • NA_cRPG_1 (Battle 120)
  • NA_cRPG_2 (Siege 120)
  • NA_cRPG_3 (Strategus-Duel 200)
  • NA_cRPG_6 (Defend the Virgin 20)

Admins can move SPAM-posts in here for deletion if a moderator is not available.

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