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Messages - Cheesecake

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cRPG Technical problems / ERROR! help plz
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:48:26 pm »
game loads fine i pick a guy >cluck na1> then crash.

pop up error says :

exception_access_violation  a crash log with detailed information was saved to logs\crpg_beta_log_21.10.2014_13.44.53_crash.txt

what do?

attemtping to "repair" now

repair worked ~

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Dracul_Artyem
« on: August 15, 2014, 11:13:52 pm »
accidentally ff him : kick

rejoin server and respawn due to it being in first 30 seconds.

pink text about how i cant do that.

tell him dont kick for no reason bundle of sticks


bad admin.  should be banned from adminhood

NA (Official) / dont bother unbanning
« on: August 15, 2014, 10:33:03 pm »
got kicked from a server for hitting an admins horse with a lance(not on purpose) i join back in
he says " dont rejoin servers if kicked or dea"

I say, " dont kick for no reason bundle of sticks"


literally FUCK the admins in this game.  <--- not even mad.

so really dont bother.  More than done. shits not even fun anymore.

cheesecake /out

ps artyem or whatever your name is.  Your bad admin and worse at the game.  try harder bro.

Faction Halls / Re: [BRD] Bridgeburners: The Third
« on: December 08, 2013, 04:54:19 am »

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Increase the speed and damage on polearms.
« on: November 01, 2013, 02:13:19 am »
It's not an exploit and very easy to counter.  Just the most basic footwork will stop it while choosing the correct swing will score you a free hit.  Next time someone tries it watch what swings you're doing, the short swing or the long swing (swinging across your chest). 
Polearmers can do a left swing while moving right follow it into a stab on the right side. 
A one hander can approach you on the right side and drop two lefts on you if you don't follow the footwork and choose the correct swing. 

The problem I have with you Jona is your mindset when it comes to this game.  If you die? fuck them that was bullshit!!
Try just once asking "What did I do wrong? What was my mistake? How can I counter this?"

oh shit you just got forum castor'd

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 10, 2013, 06:26:22 pm »
ton of duplicate errors then crash

The culling has begun!
The time is now my faithful vassals.

Enter the new age. Stand and be counted.

The bridges will be easy to burn, once they are littered with our fallen enemies!


General Discussion / Re: Where are the admins on the NA server?
« on: January 13, 2012, 07:53:56 pm »
would your steam and ts be filled with the same whiny crybabies who ruin most games?

they have had many names over the years;  trammies, carebears, etc, etc

and they do this because they know their white knight will show up on the server and save them!

As you have said, I HAVE played this game for a long time, and I have also seen you act like this before as well.

I guess when some people get the admin buff, they change their hats.

If you want to have a reasonable debate about this hop in ts and we can do it where its not on a public forum. 

ill be in the star wars channel, because even though that game sucks too, at this point anything is better than the current incarnation of c-rpg.

I assure you I am not mad at all at you and will be in a pleasant mood and will discuss the whole situation, and my stance on it, with decorum and reasonability.

sigh... I really dont want to resub darkfall but at this point its looking like thats my only option for "my type of" fun.

unless i reinstall uo and play on hybrid or ipy.

if anyone is playing either of these send me a tell or come in ts and "holla at me".

General Discussion / Re: Where are the admins on the NA server?
« on: January 13, 2012, 07:37:55 pm »
why would i lodge a complaint

listen tears i know this is YOUR forum and no one is allowed to post here unless alerting you first(but your email prob does that for you) and you just HAVE to argue with me, BUT




its in human nature to be corrupt, why wouldnt we expect it from anonomous video game nerds on the internet.

and no matter how hard you try to be fair you will ALWAYS favor your friends over some random.

even if YOU are the one white knight on the internet the rest of the admins will always do this, good intentions or not.

but thats for another thread maybe....

whole point is WHY would this guy cry when there ISNT any admins on, as thats when the game actually is slightly amusing.

General Discussion / Re: Where are the admins on the NA server?
« on: January 13, 2012, 06:50:04 pm »
you act like banning me from a dead mod (imo) would be a bad thing...

and people already do this , (like huey), and dont get banned because of the exact reasons you stated.

I wish chadz would have just let us have a classic c-rpg na server and all this would be a moot point.

oh and just to put things in perspective;

I retired and renamed my guy and put the chaos banner on and started trolling incessantly and tking and teambumping with impunity and all i got from the admins were lols.

leave the bans on and remove all admins priviledges besides map change, time limit shit.  I mean all sensible people dont even pay attention to the polls they just 1 or 2 to get rid of the damn text anyways.

also @ manowar:  yes im mad, im mad one of my favorite games is going to hell.  theres more reasons than just star wars that the brd and fcc dont play this game so much anymore.

This being said im logging on now to hopefully get banned

General Discussion / Re: Where are the admins on the NA server?
« on: January 13, 2012, 09:35:06 am »
this is what this game has come to?


FFS you sissy ass fucktard TK the offending individuals relentlessly until they GTX and masturbate using their own tears as lotion.

god this game has become shit, absolute and utter shit.  No one to blame but the playerbase.  Oh and chadz...

police the servers your goddamned selves pussies.  NO BADMIN IS A GOOD BADMIN


Announcements / Re: xmasRPG - November 2010 Edition
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:05:35 am »
fucking epic

way better than the current incarnation of c-rpg

and btw chadz i WAS a late starter to it and was only gen 3 when you patched it and i STILL loved it.

also i dont get to play ALOT as i work full time and have kids so i dont get why people cried

if you could get an na server and just keep it up that would be fucking awesome and no one would ever see slippery_brd on na1 again

General Discussion / Re: Horse Bumping
« on: September 19, 2011, 06:34:14 pm »
Oh look, an agility shielder who plays with cloth armour and an archer being in favour of this? WHO WOULD OF THOUGHT

Im 1 handed cav and I support this as well

Your a lancer, and afaik a damn good one.  This will not affect you in the slightest.

General Discussion / Re: Horse Bumping
« on: September 19, 2011, 06:30:44 pm »
Bamboo spear is actually pretty lethal now. That guy using them on EU1 when the patch first came out and before everyone joined was doing pretty good damage to cav. More people should use it I think.

I as well as many others have been touting the bamboo spears effectiveness for a while now

I think even kesh has had a mw one for a while

and the str reqs on it was pretty low....havent checked to see if that got changed

General Discussion / Re: Horse Bumping
« on: September 19, 2011, 06:29:09 pm »
+1 +1 +1  + OVER 9000

Love this~!

horsebump slash =crushthrough every time basically

now you have to actually STEER the goddamn horse :)

ps.  Im one handed cav

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