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Messages - Replica

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: Fallen attacking Dashbigha
« on: July 15, 2011, 11:26:35 pm »
Village won :)

Spam / Re: The Story about Gingerpussy the 8th (18+ or older ONLY).
« on: May 29, 2011, 05:20:46 pm »
Hehe Ginger !


If i can remember your 1st story was deleted or something, cause forum admins did not understand roleplay ...

Heard that it's possible, but "you can't hide your reputation". So maybe changing name slowly to what you want? Like... Jack -> Jack Daniel -> Daniel.

I feel pain of those "shadow archers" and such running around with polearms.

Instead of namechange you might get char delete if you try it like this :) i dont advise it

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding "wind" for projectiles.
« on: May 27, 2011, 11:45:02 am »
Il2 ftw :) clocked some insane hours there. It is a heaven to play with saitek x52 + saitek rudder pedals + trackir. I am still pretty good in the game.
I also fly soaring planes irl and Rc soaring planes, and this game actually helped me a lot :) BUt because of it i stopped flying real soaring plane because i cant hold myself back not to do the things i can do in game. It sucks, but with soaring planes you have no engine to save yourself and it is to much of a responsibility. So i rather dont take off anymore :)
Cant wait untill the new IL2 gets patched properly.

But back to topic, You dont need a compass to show wind direction. maybe archers could get some stick with strapes/flag  on it to show  how wind is blowing.

You can always try to bribe some admin with some, lets say 300k, gold :) I dont say it will be a succes but you can try.

This is only a joke, dont take it serious plz.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding "wind" for projectiles.
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:38:37 pm »
I AM COMPLETELY UP FOR THAT !!! If it is even possible . Love the idea

Love to spice things up a bit.

And if some archer is complaining about my post - i am an archer aswel, dedicated one.

General Discussion / Re: Battle of the biggest nerd!
« on: May 26, 2011, 02:23:03 pm »
754 hours played
For warband
That is roughly 32 days, nothing much :)

Gen5 lvl 30

General Discussion / Re: Heavy GS/Bastard scam public shame list
« on: May 25, 2011, 12:32:54 pm »
I did,  and it was a good bargain 4 sure :)

General Discussion / Re: Heavy GS/Bastard scam public shame list
« on: May 24, 2011, 10:48:31 pm »
Anyone heard of open market yet ?

The people may ask whatever they want for whatever they want.
If you get scammed it is completely your fault for not checking the deal.

If it was my decision i would remove the normal shop for chars above certain lvl  and everyone should need to buy/sell on a market.
That would only work if some kind of craftsmanship would be implemented
- also craftsmanship should not be grindable, maybe you get a chance to produce the certain item if you play the game, but in no case you could focus only on that. (but maybe the secret message (blah, blah, blah..., now you know better about armor and weapon you are wearing , blah, blah ....) that you get from time to time is all about that).

Maybe some time, when strategus comes back...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Mass Admin Actions
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:42:40 pm »
More toys to play with ? Hell yeah !!! But only if they come in pink color !

Pages: [1]