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Messages - Imperator_L33

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Loomz to gain inside
« on: April 16, 2014, 05:25:37 am »
Did she spot you, or did you spot her?

Everything now is shrouded in blur

It came on when things, were going quite swell

How then, has it come, to this living hell.

She played you like some, repugnant, arrow fodder,

Why is it that, you can’t find someone hotter?

Now you’re living off booze, and cigarette ashes,

Why is it that, you can’t blend with the masses?

You’re running out of time, as you’re digging for dimes,

And by playing by rules that say you must rhymes.

If truth be told, I’m not sure why that I try…

I just hope I learn

Before I must die.

Suggestions Corner / Headshot score discrimination
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:16:41 am »
When will the 2-3 point award for killing someone via headshot be rectified?

Hey guys, I've been playing for some time under the same character, started playing with a group of guys and was gonna join their group. I've done it before so i didnt sweat the idea of requesting name change.

Flash forward to today and now not only is my new name Illuminaughty_PGI emptied but so is my old name Imperator_L33. All cash, Gen pts, and inventories are k.o.'d any insight into the possibilites of retrieval would be greatly appreciated. Gracias guys.

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