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Messages - Z_E_N

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Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:23:52 am »
The difficulty increase on the "fast" horses is pretty intense.  Basically it means you are either paying tons of money to ride an armored horse or you are sacrificing a lot of STR because you need high enough riding to ride the fast horses.

Even the Desert horse is 6 difficulty.

Are we sure about the rider bumped thing or is that a troll? 

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:11:59 am »
Too bad my university starts again today so I won't be online much ahha.

In effect my longbow has been buffed in missile speed and accuracy, if ever so slightly. Damage is the same from what I can gather, 33 damage Masterwork longbow, 3 arrows, 36 piercing damage, pre patch was 29 and 7 therefore 36 piercing damage.

True, but now people that don't want to use a longbow can still do good damage again :)

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:06:52 am »
FURTHER information regarding bows:

[00:00] <@Urist> ammo determines damage type now
[00:00] <@Urist> thats why longbow damage increased

Therefore it's actually a BUFF to longbows (bows in general), goddamnit devs, can't you bloody well keep to your golden rules!? :P

(click to show/hide)

That basically puts bows to how they were before they were ever changed to cut damage. 

Xbow's speed rating is so high as well that its going to be a ranged fest for a while.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 01:00:49 am »
I'm in different other than the fact that it's in keeping with the "nerf archery every patch" golden rule. Although I would ditch that accuracy in favour of a bit more damage back... =/

Also, added some more I remembered after I clicked post.

Did they increase accuracy on bows?  I'd like that personally... miss the old sharpshooters.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:58:28 am »
Anyone have a different equipment page up? I still have xbows up (and the speed ratings are WAY different).

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:57:03 am »
yh think mw has 40 cut now

With 40c going to be possible to go 9 STR 30 AGI and still kill people just fine with high wpf/ath

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:55:22 am »
katana got a +2 cut buff i think

Awesome that I just got rid of my masterwork one...

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 12:53:06 am »
-Longbow was changed to cut damage.

-Hunting Xbow has 160ish speed rating(!)

(These are the only things I've seen so far while the website was up for about 5 seconds)

General Discussion / Re: Auto Block Hack At Work?
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:19:47 pm »

No, I don't use any of that crap but I'm not naive enough to believe that in gaming there aren't almost ALWAYS some cheats floating around for damn near every game out there so it's pretty common practice to go look for what's out there when I buy/begin playing new online PvP games so I have a clue what could potentially pop up to ruin the fun.

Agreed with my fellow Seattlite. It's a shame really, even though the gameplay of this game still allows skill > hack through juking etc.. the average person picking up something like this is no longer average.  I miss the days when 80% of the population would miss their manual blocks. 

On a side note, anyone who knows where the hacks are should report them to chadz via pm (if he doesn't know them already), or even Talesworld.  I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to come up with something to counter the script.  Giving the hacks to the developers would benefit the community as a whole.   Usually indie games like this are great because everyone is on an even playing field. 

General Off Topic / Re: So what the heck is Darkfall
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:32:04 am »
I never had any beef with Darkfall myself.

Started in EU1 when it was just one server period (even though I'm an NA player), and played during the good days before things got crappy.  Never had any regrets.

Though going along with what Gorath said...

It's a shame that no MMO developer has the balls to copy and paste M&B style combat.

Seriously...they need to end this left click knife spam crap, and just rip off this game for an MMO.

General Discussion / Re: AGI needs some love back.
« on: March 21, 2011, 08:57:52 pm »
Whew this discussion got somewhere good while I was off playing Shogun 2.

So we can essentially conclude so far:

- To be extremely fast you have to be naked/near naked with a practice dagger. 
- To just be plain fast you still have to be naked/near naked with a decently lightweight weapon.

- High STR builds almost everyone can agree is boring, yet it is so much more powerful that we are handicapping ourselves greatly if we don't do it.

- Armor destroys AGI even more than I originally realized with the WPF.
- AGI chars can always be near one-shot.  However, they can't even swing fast enough to keep a STR character on their toes so they have zero advantage against them.  Even if you are a much better duelist than the STR char you are fighting, you still have to hit them 5+ times to kill them and one slip will get you killed instead.

The grand picture:  We are getting bored with doing throwing hybrids.  We are getting bored seeing the exact same characters everywhere (with different looking armor, but generally the same).  Nobody likes being one-shot, but unless you are one of the players "in the know", then you are probably getting one shot all the time.  Fixing AGI brings back specialization characters while also putting a limit on how high STR can go (because they will get spammed; and rightfully should if they have 0 WM).  This in turn lowers the number of "one-shots", making combat more interesting.  It also makes combat more fast paced so everyone and their grandmother can't manual block like a Jedi  (sorry to say, everyone that is a pro manual blocker now is only because combat is so slow paced..sure there are some great ones that would be great even with the faster speed; but there are SUBSTANTIALLY more players that can manual block everything than pre-patch because the combat speed has slowed down).

(Edit: Ok maybe that last comment was a bit harsh, but combat was still more interesting pre-patch with the faster paced non one-shot combat).

General Discussion / Re: AGI needs some love back.
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:15:02 am »
Weapon points sould definitly affect youre ability to use a weapon. Right now you need zero wp to use a 2h sword. This is why ppl chase archers only to be killed by a flamberge. Someone with 0 wp should be significantly slower than someone with 150 wps.


It is fine as it is now. There is a noticeably big difference in 0 wpf to 100. Even 0 to 50.

I'd like to refer you to Walt-F4's study here:,2531.0.html

If you look at the graphs, you will see that most weapons don't even gain a 0.1 second speed increase between 0-50 WPF.  You may think it helps, but numbers don't lie.

Some weapons don't even get a 0.1 second speed increase until 140 WPF

Oh, the best part is, full STR characters with 0 WM can have 113 WPF at level 30.  AGI characters have around 140-160 at level 30.  Extreme AGI ones have 190 at most, but do no damage and glance all the time.  So at most an extreme no-damage AGI character has a 77 WPF advantage, which is about 0.05 second speed difference.

I would place a vote to oust:

Sakura Islands: Same reason as above.
Sky Castle: This map tends to kill the server population, drops 20+ every time it gets to it.
Misty Mountain Hop:  Too much hill, everybody but camping archers hates hills.

General Discussion / Re: AGI needs some love back.
« on: March 13, 2011, 12:58:27 am »
I hope you realize that the game intentionally prevents "spamming people" as an option in all but the most extreme speed difference cases, such as great maul overheads.

I agree, someone with an average wpf and wm/agi should never be spammed.  However, someone who takes the "risk" of 3 agi 0 wm should have a disadvantage.  As it is right now, 3 agi is actually an advantage.  A 39 or 36/3 character has a HUGE advantage compared to a 24/15 or 18/18.

Why should someone with a 3 agi actually have an advantage because they chose to dump everything in strength?  It should be balanced with disadvantages.

You might as well just get rid of weapon master entirely, because as of now it makes no difference. 

Prepatch we had problems added on that made it absurd.

Wpf carryover from earlier gens giving high str characters insanely fast attack as well.
Very high level 40+ characters that had high stat advantage giving them the same.

Now there is no wpf carryover, and no insane level differences, so why can't weaponmasters be finesse fast attackers?  They graze half the time anyway.

Suggestions Corner / Re: How to survive as pure melee?
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:40:14 pm »
Best thing to do is to take cover and wait until the map dies down a bit.
2h really shines when its like 5v5 or 10v10

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