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Messages - Ingleram

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General Discussion / Re: Siege Sundays ! Vote in Poll !
« on: June 27, 2017, 04:37:57 pm »
Incentivising isn't enforcement.

edit: didn't see the "password lock" part, yeah that would be fucked.

I never agree with N1PS, so I will have to disagree strongly with the above statement.... The password idea would not be very functional, nor in keeping with the authoritarian nature of cRPG. The obedience to the two-hander elite must be observed... at all times! Long live chairman N1PS and the ruling party!  :mad: :mrgreen: :mad:

General Discussion / Re: Siege Sundays ! Vote in Poll !
« on: June 27, 2017, 04:30:37 pm »
A "day of siege" would be a great change of pace, excellent idea, I am glad that I thought of it and suggested it....  :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:
« on: November 08, 2015, 08:27:17 pm »
I'd support a hp/armour buff on shields but I don't think they really need much more than that (and even then its not essential). If you give free points in shields that will just make xbowers even more powerful than they already are, and there are intrinsic benefits in skilling into shields that probably don't need mentioning (blocking multiple directions at once, being able to get into flanking positions easier, drawing aggro for your team etc).

I do think most of the issues with the game come down to too high levels. Everyone has too much agi/wpf for the game to handle

Oh stop it... lol I just can not resist. Yet it is also frustrating, as you either do not play the classes you are referencing or just are not aware of the overall trends in the game...

Ok, so the "If you give free points in shields that will just make xbowers even more powerful than they already are..."

The vast majiority of X-bowers do NOT use shields: they use the extra slot for more bolts and often take to flight when approached, thus the extra weight of a shield defeats their (annoying) tactics: They are also by in large, two-hand / one-hand / some even polearm specs: Again, I see it all the time, the x-bower is shooting, gets approached initially may run OR drop his x-bow and engage in melee combat, without the use of a shield....

And your point #2: " and there are intrinsic benefits in skilling into shields that probably don't need mentioning (blocking multiple directions at once, being able to get into flanking positions easier, drawing aggro for your team etc)."

This is really a poor point indeed: First off it points out the blatantly obvious and also the obvious drawbacks, yet again making my points for me....

Firstly, "drawing aggro".. ok yeah for DTV lol (sighs) : otherwise you might argue "Tankyness" right.... but wait: Non-shield specs get... higher overall stats, skills ect... that can be put into avoidance granting foot speed, Iron Flesh, weapon speed... ect : You'll be slower, less beefy and have less damage output with Shield spec: so NO.

Ok so Blocking in Multiple directions and Flanking:

Flanking... two-handers / polearms are the kings of flanking, they can even, yes believe it or not... out flank shields with their (yes you guessed it) higher agi, athletics and longer ranged weapons: which once in position can even reach around ( the nerfed shield coverage range that you used to get with increased shield spec but NOOO) the shield edge to cut your arse off.... With their increased foot speed and typically long weapon reach, they have a massive advantage over shielders. So wrong and NO.

And Blocking in Multiple directions:

True, shields do in fact block in multiple directions: however only for so long remember Shields will break and reaming in a fully defensive role only works for so long and will easily be spotted by seasoned players: Plus have you ever been "kicked", oh yeah, even with your shield up you get a nice stun (that no shield attack grants) that often leads to you being cut in half, so go ahead vs. skilled two-handed / polearm players... you gonna die boy. Now having worked in a shield wall formation myself, I know all too well how this tactic can and did work: however you must have several (4 or more) players dedicated to the wall formation and they must all work as a team (a combination of shielder, hoplite, / pike and two-handed works best): and this was in the old days: we no longer employ the shield wall formation because: it does not work with the high agi / athletic builds that are present now, they are too fast-a-foot and will easily out flank you and cause the breakup of the formation: And again Blocking in multiple directions  does not cover the stat / skill loss from the investment form the points required, after all no other spec must put points into "blocking" just to be able to block and weapons have NO durability factor and do not break. So I give you a "yes obvious" and again my point is made that defense is no argument for the nerffing of a spec in favor of another spec: NO

However I will say this: add point skill requirements for manual blocking speed "more points the faster your blocking reaction becomes" and let's see the tears... OR durability for weapons; the heaver the weapon and its quality the more durability and you lose durability for blocking, attacking (yes even hitting on shields) and double for parrying with weapons. Ohhh lol...


Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:
« on: November 08, 2015, 10:59:15 am »
....and if i was getting spammed or out reached I'd just put the shield away and fight without it(since just plain 1h is better 1v1 than shield IMO). Shield isn't a 1v1 tool its a team fight or useful if you're facing more than one person.

Yet again, my point is made by this type of argument... time after time, in-game I see shields being dropped or put on the players back when they get into combat as such, often even when facing multiple foes... which makes my point completely. Shields are now only basically used for defending against arrows / throwing projectiles. And yes, I agree that 1handed fighting is a solid spec, but that is not what I am talking about. The 1handed spec, is just that, players who use the increased speed of such weapons and excel at manual blocking... the true shield spec is under-powered. Of course you see people carrying shields, even two-handers / polearm specs, but not for melee for basic ranged protection.... these player are not shield specs.

Again, this is about the viability of having to put points into shield just to be able to block, how many players have you killed by "blocking" with your shield.... Yes you can play the role of a defensive player, but that is by playing off the aggression of another team mate... so eventually if you are faced with a one v one situation... I guess your point is, "oh put the shield away and fight as a one hander"... lol.

Your all right, I just suck. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:
« on: November 08, 2015, 09:53:34 am »
Last post: The advantage in favor of the two-handed / polearm specs has ruined the game for me. If there is a change to how the game views stats and spec, which is more balanced I would gladly return.

Ya know, screw it: the game is fun for me, I am just going to switch to joust-lancey cav and HA... screw it... lol. 

NA (Official) / Re: [BAN] Kale_2sekC
« on: November 07, 2015, 03:33:33 am »
nvm just forget it, stuff like this happens all the time. I will just let it go.

NA (Official) / Re: [BAN] Kale_2sekC
« on: November 07, 2015, 12:34:38 am »
Gheist_Ritter is the character involved my loom alt.

Yes Ingleram_Isenzahn is my main.

NA (Official) / [BAN] Kale_2sekC
« on: November 06, 2015, 09:09:10 pm »
Name of your character involved: Kale_2sekC

Time/date: 2:55pm EST 11/06/2015 NA1 Server

Kale_2sekC was repeatedly "bro-coding" and waiting for the end of rounds to fight alone vs. multiple opponents. He would not assist in anyway myself or other players during the primary combat phase. I asked them all to stop it and when I did so, he intentionally attempted and finally managed to team-kill me as I was trying to kill the remaining foes.

This sort of behavior goes on quite regularly and with no fear of reprisal. I feel that it is time for the moderators to increase the punishments for such nonsense, it truly hurts the game. Perhaps the loss of a level on all characters in addition to the suspension of game play privileges would add more deterrence for such behavior.

The round ended just after I was team-killed and so I only have this screen shot of the kill report in the log. I if you cannot read it I can send you the picture of it via email.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Suggestions Corner / Re: Nerf S key
« on: November 05, 2015, 06:33:18 pm »
/ agree.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:
« on: November 03, 2015, 07:29:19 am »
No change will occur, if it did I would be totally surprised. What I am pointing out is obvious and it is reflected in the dominate spec selection within the game. There is a clear advantage that is unbalanced and favors specific specs. If we all want more diversity, it will be demanded but since the majority is within the current popular view point, no alteration will occur. As such, the favoritism will prevail.

Playing a shield spec, is my choice, I am fair at it and will continue, regardless. It would be just more evenly balanced if instead of having to put points in for blocking I could use them for a few more minor enhancements to my spec.     

I will not respond to any further posts, even making this post was likely just a waste of time.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:
« on: November 03, 2015, 05:44:23 am »
Ive been a shield spec since almost day one, have played all the spec builds but focused on shield mainly. And I enjoy it, even with its obvious shortcomings.

This is not about my lack of ability, its about the fact that 5-8 points spent in shield is a large investment for very little return. As to the suggestion that I (and other shield specs) simply switch classes, do you see a lack of two-handed or polearm spec players? No, they are by far the most popular spec played and for a reason. They have a significant and imop unfair stat/skill point advantage overall. 

Suggestions Corner / Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:
« on: November 03, 2015, 04:01:02 am »
Suggestions Regarding Shield Spec Characters:

I think it is fair to assume that most veteran players of crpg would agree, that within the current game settings, two-handed / polearm using character specs have a clear advantage over shield spec builds.
Two-handed / polearm builds, not only enjoy weapons with often vastly greater length and damage but also benefit by having significantly more weapon and skill points to allocate; true they must be proficient at manual blocking, however with the increased wpf and athletics that these builds afford, it is all too easy to simply probe in and out of range avoiding attacks completely and null any advantage that the shield using spec would have defensively.

On the other side, shield using specs who must assign valuable skill points into the shield proficiency, just to be able to use higher tier shields and slightly enhance shield effects, thus limiting the characters overall stats and drastically reducing the builds effectiveness. Thusly dedicating such significant skill points into the shield skill, that the result is a greatly reduced range of potential skills across the build variance and with no real non-defensive advantage for the trade off. Plus as we all know, shields break, giving the oft feeling that the points spent are wasted.

We all know this advantage / disadvantage exists and how it harms the game goes beyond any personal wish of mine to see shield specs get a much needed alteration. For a semblance of balance I suggest the following options: Focused primarily on option A.

A: Points spent in 1-Handed weapon points should add per every 20 points 1 point into the shield skill automatically. Example: 170 1-Handed Weapon = 8 automatic shield points allotted. This allows the shield using player the same freedom to spend skill points, as other builds and remain balanced and competitive within the game. (Any variance of the points could be applied, 20per, 30per etc.. Anything to help offset the overly costly nature of shield points).

B: Removed /agree not needed

C: Removed /agree not needed

Overall, my aim is twofold in these suggestions:

One, to give a needed re-balance to the burdensome nature of shield specs, that allows for a more competitive mixture of builds within the game.

And secondly, most new players often gravitate towards the more defensive nature of the shield spec; if this line of builds is predetermined to underachieve by design, then they will undoubtedly become frustrated by failure and quit playing. Granting a minor enhancement to the shield spec, that in no way takes away from the other builds, gives it more long term playability and a reasonable competitive role within the game. This will insure both a wider range of build diversity on the battlefield and may in time even increase the number of new players that endure the difficult nature of mastering crpg.

Thank you for your consideration.

Events & Tournaments / Re: 3 v 3 Tournament
« on: October 26, 2015, 04:53:33 am »
Congrats to the winners! A great event, thanks for holding it, I look forward to the next one.

Events & Tournaments / Re: 3 v 3 Tournament
« on: October 23, 2015, 02:36:38 am »
Is there going to be a special "senior citizens" category for this event?

If not, I'd like to file a complaint about not having any activities for the more "mature" players in the CRpG community; few though we are, there is never any consideration for us and no "scaling" for our more "seasoned" abilities. I mean, really there should be some crossbow / archer only and/or cavalry jousting events or even a special heavy armored crush-through weapon only event, all aspects of the game that WE all really enjoy. But I guess I am just asking too much... oh well.


The Ancient One, Ingleram Isenzahn, stood farthest in the back nearest the doors. He still prefers the cold of the outdoors, even now after all these years.

*In swift silence, Ingleram whirled around, kicking open the large oaken doors allowing a frostbitten gust of air to blast into the hall. Planting himself as he spun about, he launched an axe high into the air, tumbling end over end as it arched over the assembled gathering, plunging with a ringing crash into the blazing fire-pit at the center of the hall. Fierce embers and fire shot upwards, reaching at the rafters and scattering about the hall in veil of ashy smoke as the cold wind bellowed forth. All eyes turned to the scar laden warrior, his eyes wide with a glint of madness and his sword raised high.*

In our swords, there in rest the chilled breath of death. *He murmured*

In our spears reach, there in rest the fiery fangs of rage.  *He snorted*

In our axes might, there in lay the embers of pain. *He gruffly spout*

In our shields, hued with runes, there resides our menacing guise *He smirked*

War, is it... *he paused, gazing at the swirling smoke billowing up through the hall*

Then by Odin's call, let it be victory or our passage into Valhalla!

*With no further word, Ingleram strode over to a keg of mead and plunged his drinking horn to the bottom. Drank it dry in one breath and threw it at across the hall towards Hungry. with a haughty laugh*


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