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Messages - Chaos

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General Discussion / Re: The Dark Force
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:46:38 am »
Same, but its still cooler when the evil side has a chance.

General Discussion / Re: The Dark Force
« on: November 30, 2011, 09:39:13 am »
OP video gave me a hard on, and not because I hate the Fallen, I actually enjoy playing with the Fallen (given that they don't camp a roof the whole round). I just like to see the devs handle things with innovative, ridiculous means. And its a plus seeing the Fallen actually put up a fight against those monsters. Also, the video was tastefully done and the whole situation had a poetic feel to it.

1) increase quiver weight

2) fix maps by nerfing archer perches

3) reduce arrow count


Suggestions Corner / Re: Usable items in maps
« on: November 15, 2011, 09:16:44 am »
Yes please. Make it an object you can interact with, so that holding "F" at it for awhile will drop a single Excalibur sword that has relatively balanced but desirable stats, something that teams might want to fight over. Also make it expensive as hell so that the bastard who ends up with it might get raped by upkeep, a tactic partially to deter archers from using it.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: End the free upkeep exploit
« on: November 13, 2011, 11:38:26 pm »
something needs to be done because currently on NA battle server there are more heavy cav than light.

But its fun lancing these idiots

Suggestions Corner / Re: Suggestion: Machine Crossbow (Please Consider)
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:28:05 am »
I have some alternative stats which are both closer to reality and more balanced. The idea is to make this a weapon that is useful in the right situation and fun to play with...but that no sane player would use for a serious build made to top the scoreboard. Like the peasant clothes/weapons.

Repeating crossbow
Cost: 22,157+ Gold (This is an exotic weapon and therefore should follow the rules for exotic weapons - overpriced as hell.)
missile speed: 38 (Slower than a hunting crossbow, just as fast as a longbow. Very easy to dodge over long distances.)
weight: 4.5 (This thing has 4 bolts loaded in a wooden magazine, as well as being a pretty annoying shape to carry and use.)
accuracy: 85 (Worse than any other ranged weapon, including throwing.)
difficulty: 16 (Harder to use than an arbalest and an awkward number, meaning the user with either go to 18 str to have a normal build (with less wpf for accuracy) or play a 16 str broken build.)
speed rating: 12 (Slower to reload than an Arbalest, extemely vulnerable while reloading.)
max ammo: (4) (Enough to stun for a brief moment if they all hit, not enough to achieve a kill on a full hp target.)
thrust damage: 10-12 pierce (Enough to stagger and do a little damage, but in no way life threatening on its own. Only scary to naked guys at short range.)
slots: 2 (Awkward shape)
Can't reload on horseback
Can't sheath

Its only advantage is its rate of fire, just like in real life. Useful purely for stunning enemy players, firing into groups and being a weaboo.
What say you?
Before you write a reply, try and pretend you aren't a polearms/2handers user who is sick of ranged being responsible for 12% of thier deaths because it is unfair that you didn't get to just right click like a shielder or have your own ranged weapon.

Should have slightly higher cut damage imo.

Otherwise these stats look gimped enough not to cause any real commotion, while still providing us with a new novelty item. And its not japanese and therefore cannot help us be weeaboos, although the consideration is appreciated.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: sheild body armor
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:08:47 am »
Shield HP determines how much damage the shield can take before breaking. Shield armour determines how much damage the shield will take when you block with it. The two are both important for the overall durability of the shield.


My favorite way of explaining this stat is the following: think of your shield as a peasant that you hold in front of you. The peasant's hp is the shield's hp, and the amount of armor you have on the peasant is the shield's armor rating.

Suggestions Corner / Re: A "march" toggle
« on: August 09, 2011, 01:01:28 am »
yes please, a march toggle with the slowest or almost slowest possible movement speed would be awesome

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hiding Polearms While Arching
« on: August 03, 2011, 01:56:45 am »
Say the ex-RS clan that bitched whenever someone shot them or threw something at them because they wanted to play without a shield, therefore everyone cater to their e-peens?

Right. Interesting moments in the TS.  :lol:

The point is, 1st person is unusually limited in view.

I consider this example beneficial to my argument because the shieldless infantry would be adapting to the game by taking shields with them or running around like epileptic chickens, like switching to first person view for pole-archers. Although honestly I don't care that much, I secretly just want everyone to play in first person view   :twisted:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hiding Polearms While Arching
« on: August 02, 2011, 11:24:33 pm »
I want to be able to literally watch my own back all the time and use every weapon in the game with no drawbacks. Therefore, cater to my 3rd person view needs!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hiding Polearms While Arching
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:13:50 am »
It's still not realistic. The Yumi is larger than the War Bow, yet which takes two slots? If slots were put in to be realistic, then I don't think every other thing in this mod would be unrealistic.

Also, first person and third person aiming is different. You can't just tell someone to go in first person, because you have to aim totally different.

Let's not go for realism because yumi bow is an extra option for archers that like to suck a challenge. Having your polearm visible on your back eliminates archers hiding big weapons in their asses and then pulling them out to the surprise and misfortune of pursuing infantry. Because it's fair.

I know their aiming is different, I'm saying "get used to it" because there should be a drawback to constantly being able to see over your own shoulder and wearing huge weapons on your back simultaneously.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff throwing!!!
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:00:07 am »
How about we buff dedicated throwers by creating two types of stacks of each throwing weapon. The first type is the same 1 slot throwing stack that exists at the moment. The second type would be a 2 slot version of the throwing weapon stack that has twice the maximum ammo of its 1 slot counterpart plus 1 or 2. Someone carrying nothing but throwing lances could have 6 lances, or perhaps this could be done only for those throwing weapons that need some sort of buff.

Personally I think throwing is in a good place right now and doesnt need to change, but if a buff is required then I think a slightly higher ammo count for dedicated throwers would be what we need to fix that.

General Discussion / Re: Who is your favorite player?
« on: August 01, 2011, 07:42:30 am »
I hate ROHYPNOL, that guy is a bastard. I like JimCANDY_dfc (or however the hell you spell it) though, he's pretty cool. Especially when he used to play drunk on his old character.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Cavalry Are Still Overpowered
« on: August 01, 2011, 01:14:28 am »
Please stop posting everywhere . I don't wanna see you on every damn topic.
Trying to be a forum god or smt ?

All hail tears of destiny!

And now on topic, cavalry is a tradeoff that gives you speed but also gives you increased vulnerability, strict movement and attack option restrictions, and visual (and if you're using a headset, audio) cues that alert everyone on the map that you're around. Additionally, melee cav is the only class that can be thwarted 100% of the time 1v1 by anyone carrying a particular weapon (that being any of the rather long polearms, or any polearm+shield).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hiding Polearms While Arching
« on: July 31, 2011, 02:53:49 am »
Saying, "Play in first-person," isn't a fair thing to say. Melee in first person. Let's see how you like it (referring to the majority of people)!

I love it.
It is a fair thing to say, both views have their drawbacks and the drawbacks of first person tend to outweigh those of third person. God forbid that switching views might actually be useful in this one, rare instance. Not to mention that either view is just one instant button push away.

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