Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 12:00:35 am

Title: Procrastination
Post by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 12:00:35 am
Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished.[1] It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, or carrying out less urgent tasks instead of more urgent ones, thus putting off impending tasks to a later time. Sometimes, procrastination takes place until the "last minute" before a deadline. Procrastination can take hold on any aspect of life — putting off cleaning the stove, repairing a leaky roof, seeing a doctor or dentist, submitting a job report or academic assignment or broaching a stressful issue with a partner. Procrastination can lead to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, depression and self-doubt.

Am I the only one here suffering from this?  :wink:
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Xant on April 11, 2016, 12:18:38 am
Yes, the rest of us aren't human.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Taser on April 11, 2016, 12:26:56 am
Yes, the rest of us aren't human.

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Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Gravoth_iii on April 11, 2016, 12:30:38 am
All day every day, doing it right now as we speak.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 12:38:23 am
Yes, the rest of us aren't human.

 :wink: Fair enough, but there're people who fulfil their duties as quickly as they can.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Gurgumul on April 11, 2016, 12:49:28 am
I'm procrastinating to the point where it should be a clinical disorder or something. Lazy people ain't got nothing on me. I'd watch chinese cartoons, play cRPG and other autistic games, and sleep 12+ hours a day rather than do anything productive at all. Because of this, I've failed as a human bean in almost every way - no friends, no real jobs, no significant eduaction, no future. I used to have dreams, but now all I want is to be a NEET. Unfortunately only the luckiest of us get that privilege. I guess this happens to people intelligent enough to have it easy at school, but dumb enough to not see the grim future that comes from slacking. The more you procrastinate, the more it becomes a part of you. I've failed once at university, and it looks like I'm going to fail again.

thx for letting me rant a bit fam ;)
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 12:56:49 am
My case isn't that bad, I will do my job, as always, just won't go to sleep tonight - again :)
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: LordBerenger on April 11, 2016, 12:57:25 am
Am I the only one here suffering from this?  :wink:

Since I was born
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Leshma on April 11, 2016, 01:26:32 am
Rico says I'm the worst case around. While that may be true, I'm bit of a special case. Unable to take anything seriously (will joke about anything, really, no taboos but I do find some things disrespectful especially matters of life and death), ever since nearly drowning in a lake twelve years ago. People say that's like getting second chance to do it right whatever this means but I'm just unable to see what's right and what's not. Actually not right thing for me is to mess with other peoples lives. Rest is just idgaf. Near death experience helped me realize how life is kinda pointless. Still would want to continue my line, that's pretty much my only goal in life.

So yeah, I'm not that unreliable, will do menial tasks for you if reasonable. Up to that point I'm dependable. But have zero ambition to rule over mankind so to speak. To get better for the sake of being better than fellow human. Getting better for myself mostly at my own pace.

Used to spend a lot of time playing cRPG, stopped doing that altogether. Playing games a lot less than before but still there are some games that take my attention and make me obsessive compulsive as always. Strange thing is, I still play those highly adictive games less than average human do. I mean, Factorio is basically achievements game. You unlock thing after thing that lets you make more things to unlock different things... it's vicious circle. Everything takes so much time before you automate it all when it becomes pointless to play anymore. Many video games are like that, specifically designed to be time consuming. Still, I play Factorio less than others do.

But playing less games didn't change my drive so to speak. There is little of it despite not spending much time on trivial bullshit. Wouldn't call it apathy, that's a state of being miserable. Which I'm not. Just not particularly engaged emotionally into things. Just can't. Psychologically a bit broken after that accident and analyzing people behavior didn't help either. Can't involve myself with human apart from those few I really like. That reflect at everything else because we are human made, human driven society and if you're not the one to engage with humans actively and passionately you're not going to get anywhere in human terms in this world created by humans.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 04:49:48 am
Wasn't that bad, already finished and can go to bed for 2 hours  :wink:
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Prpavi on April 11, 2016, 09:42:22 am
Am I the only one here suffering from this?  :wink:

Nope, pretty much describes my life.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Harpag on April 11, 2016, 10:30:37 am
I am so since childhood and somehow alive and happy. Remember the most important thing - time wasted on pleasure is not wasted. For me, time is wasted when people working only for money.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: LordBerenger on April 11, 2016, 11:22:51 am
If they just prescribed Adderall for all of us we would destroy every task in front of us.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Sir_Hans on April 11, 2016, 11:31:58 am
I just moved from Hawaii...

Waited like 48 hours before my flight to even begin packing... then had to pack like a madman for every waking hour up to flying out. Had to have the buddies drop my car off for shipment because I waited too long to book the shipping/transportation.  :|  They saved my ass on that one.
8 boxes through fedex: $535, Car shipment from Hawaii>California: $1100, 1 way plane ticket, coach: $275.

I made it, still waiting on car though.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Harpag on April 11, 2016, 11:48:35 am
Do you want to have a better ping or what? What other reason to leave Hawaii?
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Vibe on April 11, 2016, 12:03:30 pm
All day every day, doing it right now as we speak.

This basically. I've done it with every single thing in my life for my entire life. School, work and personal related. I've been slapped a few times for it but I manage. It's just how (most) humans work, I guess.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Sir_Hans on April 11, 2016, 12:04:45 pm
Do you want to have a better ping or what? What other reason to leave Hawaii?

Nah you kind of get island fever after a few years.

Even being on the largest island its very small. 2 hour drive from one side to another... 4 hours to do the perimeter.
No seasonal changes... pretty much the same year-round unless a tropical storm hits. Only so many places to eat, and to be honest most of them suck, they only stay in business from tourists... if it wasn't for tourists 85% of the food eateries would not be able to stay in business.
Zero nightlife, unless you are in honolulu.
Everything is expensive... basically you end up paying shipping costs (overseas) on anything you buy... whether it be groceries, motor oil, or furniture.

Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome place to live, people there are really chill. Ocean is perfect temp and beautiful. Swam with dolphin, spinner/bottlenose, super large manta rays, whale shark, tiger shark, black/white tip reef sharks, octopus, countless reef fish. Got certified as rescue diver, licensed as boat captain, made some good munz, marked a few things off my bucket list... It just gets old after a while.
Probably could have gone a few more years but I would never want to live there permanently... starts to feel like groundhog day.

Actually got a job offer like the day before I flew out. I might go back in a few years and work there again. Definitely best/easiest job of my life working on/off a boat in the tourism industry.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Algarn on April 11, 2016, 12:15:33 pm
I did literally nothing this university year but playing FPS' instead of revising engrish. The worst is I might even get the year, what a freaking joke.  :lol:

BTW, when I say nothing, I still have the first papers I got at the beginning of the year in my bag right now, like if I'm a serious student that revises and put some order in his courses, right ?
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Harpag on April 11, 2016, 12:50:43 pm
@Sir Hans

Probably we are much too young for such a life. For me valuable opinion. Thank you.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: karasu on April 11, 2016, 03:06:29 pm
It's part of who we are. Specially when there's almost no incentive to do otherwise.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Xant on April 11, 2016, 07:33:11 pm
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Harpag on April 11, 2016, 08:05:18 pm
My monkey is not afraid to the panic monster :D
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Kalam on April 11, 2016, 09:52:26 pm
We act like we're fully in control of ourselves, but few people are. There's the 'immediate reaction you', 'the you' that you need survive a lion attack or whatever, that gets in the way of the 'long term you'- 'the you' that goes a little hungry in order to stock up food for the winter. Often, we attempt to tell our in-the-moment self he should do something, and then he doesn't, and then you feel guilty, and then you think...why try? It's not like anything matters. It's not like I matter. Might as well have fun and ride the tide, right?

Except there is a choice. You just treat your in-the-moment self as a different person. If something doesn't work, it's the system you used to motivate that person that failed, not you. You've just got to keep trying until you find things that worked- like a constant experiment to see what works when training a dog. Except you're not training a dog, you're training yourself.

 Not all the same things work for everyone because human minds are complex, which is probably part of why there's been little progress in finding effective methods, there.

I've found that framing my real life like a game helped a lot. You often consume some media (a game, a movie, a book, etc) and think "Ah! If only I was in this magical world I would have a life that mattered and save the world, etc, or fix things, or live a life of fun adventure, etc." Except, if we really got zapped into such a world, we'd probably be random NPC #677229, slacking at his farm and shooting the shit at the village. You don't care about the evil empires, the necromancers, or the shitty guild that's ruining things nearby. You just want to get to the end of the week, drink your ale, play some cards, and stare at the commotion when some big strapping hero with white hair and two swords comes by and starts some shit. And then you go back to your life.

You do have opportunities. Things aren't as clear cut as they are in games, but there are lofty missions to pursue, though they might seem much more boring than fighting a monster. Oh, and there are monsters too, but they're hard to find, and fairly rare in our well-developed societies. The biggest ones are more common, but they're ephemeral, herculean problems that no one thought to tackle until some independently minded problem solver got lucky on the 31234234 time trying. Even if you fail with one of these big bosses, the next hero who comes along might learn from your failure, and win the fight one day.

So find a mission. Break it down. Determine what stats you need to take on such a mission, and then what you have to do to grind those stats. Break the action down to the tiniest levels, and always have them in the back of your mind. When you feel like procrastinating, procrastinate with side missions. For example, your main mission might be to save lives in the simplest and most direct sense, so you decide that the best way to do that is to become a trauma physician. You figure out all the little steps needed to become a physician, and break it down to the point that you know your next step is writing a letter to Dr. Bob to get a recommendation so you can get into med school next year, or finish page 2 of organic chem. Your side mission might be 'become a musician', and you've decided that guitar is the easiest thing for you to learn, so your next step there is matching chords to pitch, with your eyes closed. When you procrastinate with your organic chem homework, procrastinate by practicing guitar. That way, even your procrastination is productive. I'm not saying eliminate all mindless pleasure. Just reserve it for real downtime.

We like games because they're full of small successes and chances to correct our mistakes. They're simple enough that it's easy enough to spot our mistakes once we've made them. Real life often has too much data to do that, but you can break down every task further and find ways to evaluate yourself until it's just a next action. If you say "I want to succeed socially", you've got to figure out what that means. You figure out how people communicate, how they think, and you break it down and see what your biggest mistakes are and fix that. So after looking at the quality of your voice, the content of what you say, your mindset, and your body language you might realize that your voice just sounds weird and reedy, so now you know you might benefit from a vocal coach, or just learning everything you can about voice training. You find out what some of the exercises are, and you know you want to breathe with your diaphragm and speak from the back of your throat. That's a lot easier than 'succeed socially', and it's easier to see progress there, and once you succeed once you can apply the same process to find the next 5 second action to complete.

That little dose of pleasure you get when snipe someone from across the map? That's the kind of pleasure you need to be able to derive from learning the skills you care about in real life.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Leshma on April 11, 2016, 10:54:32 pm
Gamifying our reality? Sounds awful. Work environment is exactly like that. Why would you want to extend that to everything in your life.

I feel the best doing stupid things , without real cause or reason. You know irrational stuff, driven by lack of coherence in a way our subconscious come to the surface and communicate with rational brain. My rational brain sends me signals that goal oriented living is the best because bastard evolved thanks to work and wants to evolve further. But thanks to evolution I'm able to realize how meaningless I am, everything around me and constant strive towards bettering ourselves and taking our evolution a step further. Because of it, while doing stupid things I'm sending a statement towards this hierarchically organized world we're living in. Not just to human society but life itself. I'm telling it idgaf, that I matter. Not just another slave to evolution. It's a rebellion, to tell you frankly. Deep personal rebellion against order of things, against composition, against tyranny of mathematical formulas that define this universe.

Also, I hate insects. They are everything we want to become in the future. Collective hivemind that only does things necessary for survival and growth/betterment of whole species. Fuck that shit.

Now if you excuse me, I have to visit bathroom, to take care of some urgent matters.

Edit: Religion of ignorance is great idea. Yes, every religion is based on ignorance but this one won't hide its true nature behind fairytales and myths.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Leshma on April 11, 2016, 11:05:52 pm
We like games because they're full of small successes and chances to correct our mistakes.

No, we like games because they allow us to do things we're unable in this physical world. All kinds of manipulations of space and time. Would you enjoy your game success if it took as much time and effort it does in real life to do things. That would be literal time wasting. Doing something in same way we do it in reality but without any reasonable impact on that same reality. Unless you're driven by ignorance to piss against the wind, like I explained in previous post.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 11:10:53 pm
(click to show/hide)

Funny stuff, but he's wrong - just as you are - when he says that everyone is procrastinator. There's plenty of people with amazing work ethic.
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Leshma on April 11, 2016, 11:16:58 pm
Those people lack creativity and aren't pisces zodiac sign. Excuses, I know...
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Falka on April 11, 2016, 11:31:44 pm
Those people lack creativity

The problem is most of the jobs "need oxes, not eagles" (there's a saying like that in polish  :wink:). So people who are hardworking and reliable on average are more successful than those who are maybe even brilliant but lazy. Because, let's be honest, procrastination is just a fancy synonym for a laziness  :wink:
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Asheram on April 12, 2016, 08:48:37 pm
I was gonna reply to this thread when you first posted it but, well you know.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Procrastination
Post by: Kafein on April 12, 2016, 10:54:43 pm
I have good days and bad days. Some days I can't bring myself to be productive. As much as I wished the contrary, I'm not completely a cactus.