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Can not move out of here
If possible when resetting my position can I be sent to EU?
this quickly translates to "im drunk and my face hit the keyboard yet again"
It seems that everytime NA move on map you post it on forums. Attack spawns new thread. I can't even imagine all the drama during siege. Declare war, week long discussion and no battles guaranteed :rolleyes:and we probably have more fun than you too
It seems that everytime NA move on map you post it on forums. Attack spawns new thread. I can't even imagine all the drama during siege. Declare war, week long discussion and no battles guaranteed :rolleyes:
It seems that everytime NA move on map you post it on forums. Attack spawns new thread. I can't even imagine all the drama during siege. Declare war, week long discussion and no battles guaranteed :rolleyes:
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This war is pretty damn funny.
Aren't you the guy who rage quit strat within the first week of strat because you only wanted to do trading and the GOBBLINS wouldn't let you?
Oh and Arys, I'm on my way
Here's the update since last night(click to show/hide)
1. I was not sober, so for some reason I thought Daruvians eye would be in the desert...commence quickmarch! Low and behold his main base of operation is the to the east! To the east we shall go!
2. On my way to the east I realized as I was sobering that I should infact attack this weakly large number of unarmed gobblin scum. Then my brain reminds me that i could lose a great peasant army to some horrible time setting just trying to disrupt your trade moneys.
then I watched Black Sails.
Holy shit dude, Black Sails is pretty fucking dope
but boy I got moderately-severely trolled when they made Cap'n Flint into a butt-bombadier
I mean it's all good that he's bi or whatever it just felt really ham-fistedly thrown in there for LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE CAN BE
like one episode these two motherfuckers are just trying to hammer out philosophy and pragmatics behind fixing Nassau
and then like 5 minutes later one of these motherfuckers is balls-deep in the other one?
fucking shit
i bet the jews did this
I want to attack you that was the whole point of this. If you want to wait until 6pm pacific that's fine, that's like 9 est and thats a good time from a friday night in the lonely life that is neckbeardism
Holy shit dude, Black Sails is pretty fucking dope
but boy I got moderately-severely trolled when they made Cap'n Flint into a butt-bombadier
I mean it's all good that he's bi or whatever it just felt really ham-fistedly thrown in there for LOOK HOW PROGRESSIVE WE CAN BE
like one episode these two motherfuckers are just trying to hammer out philosophy and pragmatics behind fixing Nassau
and then like 5 minutes later one of these motherfuckers is balls-deep in the other one?
fucking shit
i bet the jews did this
If we fight in the forest on the Strat map do we get a forest map? Because that would be pretty cool.
thats the thing about black sails. its 90% dope, and then some gay or lesbo action comes along for no reason at all. producers dont get that these things dont shock no one since internet porn. might as well stick to telling the story.
also: peasants, yay!
thats the thing about black sails. its 90% dope, and then some gay or lesbo action comes along for no reason at all. producers dont get that these things dont shock no one since internet porn. might as well stick to telling the story.
also: peasants, yay!
thats because we groveled like dogs
Lol one of your guys was spamming chat in game about you guys being down and then you guys had a shit ton more mercs.
my favorite was the guy who typed "wow GOBBLINS ninja rostering" or whatever
like nigga
we are the attacking team
you cannot ninja roster as the attacking team, particularly not when the defense has 51 people signed up an hour before the battle and you have like 34 (which is legit what it was an hour before the battle)
i really hope that guy was memeing
Cikel, you wish to start a meme war?
When did you learn to meme?
When my schwartz is so much larger than yours.
fun fact: kesh is in the top 10 downvoters on the forums. thats a statistical fact you can find on the forums stats page lol. i know because i checked to see where i ranked in renown.
(now we wait til this gets downvotes to observe this fun fact in its natural habitat)
Come on Kesh we had an intermingling battle.
Wow, obsess much. lol. Checking my posts, my ratings, how fast I will down-vote you. Seriously I have never seen a bigger loser with less of a life than you man to check all that shit on forum, not even a game, just a forum. I am in the top 10 voters, not down or up - it doesn't track that, but then again you are too stupid to know the difference. I did thousands of up-votes, just very rarely for you as most of your posts are trite and predictably lacking in with or intellect. (By the way Huseby nice job kicking my ass, got like 5000 more votes in than me!)
Just the fact that I made you that retardedly obsessed with my posting tells me that I have won the forum wars this strat! Thanks for admitting defeat with that last post! You may win strat with a mega-gay care-bear alliance but damn son, you will never learn how to shit-talk properly on the forums.
Also, I expect you to do some gay story about you and me again after this post - you know your usual defense when you get obliterated in the wit department.
Wow, obsess much. lol. Checking my posts, my ratings, how fast I will down-vote you. Seriously I have never seen a bigger loser with less of a life than you man to check all that shit on forum, not even a game, just a forum. I am in the top 10 voters, not down or up - it doesn't track that, but then again you are too stupid to know the difference. I did thousands of up-votes, just very rarely for you as most of your posts are trite and predictably lacking in with or intellect. (By the way Huseby nice job kicking my ass, got like 5000 more votes in than me!)
Just the fact that I made you that retardedly obsessed with my posting tells me that I have won the forum wars this strat! Thanks for admitting defeat with that last post! You may win strat with a mega-gay care-bear alliance but damn son, you will never learn how to shit-talk properly on the forums.
Also, I expect you to do some gay story about you and me again after this post - you know your usual defense when you get obliterated in the wit department.
Seriously I have never seen a bigger loser with less of a life than you man to check all that shit on forum, not even a game, just a forum.
btw am I the only on who finds it funny that the first faction to fight us in pitted combat in a real battle and not get flap camped was FPF
Kesh has gone full smoothrich lol.
(click to show/hide)
and yet you still have to respond.
(ive never posted about cats, all of my upvotes have come from shit talking people like you lol)
Keshian, Daruvian:
By provoking each other and responding to the provocations, you are giving up your right to complain. We can either mute both of you or none of you, and since you are probably better-off without being muted, you should stop reporting the other's posts to us mods.
Keep flaming or stop, it's up to you. But it's in your own interest to leave the forum moderation out of this.
Keshian, Daruvian:
By provoking each other and responding to the provocations, you are giving up your right to complain. We can either mute both of you or none of you, and since you are probably better-off without being muted, you should stop reporting the other's posts to us mods.
Keep flaming or stop, it's up to you. But it's in your own interest to leave the forum moderation out of this.
ban us both permanently(click to show/hide)
well mine was 5% but its gone down
long gone are the days where off topic diplomacy posting got you an insta 50% mute
well mine was 5% but its gone down
long gone are the days where off topic diplomacy posting got you an insta 50% mute
Did you go to the St Paddy's day parade?That's thursday you fucking shitiot
you know what i just realized is that bostonites might be the only group of people so retarded they can't even pronounce the name of their own city right
you know what i just realized is that bostonites might be the only group of people so retarded they can't even pronounce the name of their own city right
St Paddy's is a big deal in Boston, especially southie
I'll be in Southie on Sunday. Look for me in the green shirt.