cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: JasonPastman on July 02, 2015, 05:26:36 am

Title: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: JasonPastman on July 02, 2015, 05:26:36 am
So, I would like to explain the rules of caving that have been developed on NA since 2010.  While these rules are unofficial they have been preserved through the traditions of NA cav though the years and by us traditionally been followed. 

1) Always give the senior cav right away.
    a) This means that you should always be warrey to give the more senior cav the right of way.
    b) This also means that the senior cav is aware of you and will stay out of your way as well.
    c) In the event that two cav collide all care should be given to ensuring that both may escape without substantial harm.
2) In 1v1 jousting, where the challenge is clear, it is unprofessional to go for killing the opponent horse instead of the rider
   a) Traditionally, cav have shown great respect for each other and as such it is a great sign of disrespect to kill the horse instead of the man, as following this will cause him to become dismounted demonstrating not that you are the better cav, but rather that you took advantage of the closer proximity of the horse.
3) A cav's primary target is enemy cav, followed by enemy archers, and then infantry.
   a) While opportunistically this ethos is not always viable, it severs the best interest of the class to follow this rule as pubic opinion has a substantial impact over the viability of it.
   b) Cav should always have their fellow man in mind and act on behalf of their team not just their kd.
4) Team-bumping should be avoided at all costs
   a) Cav is a support class at its heart,  and as a cav we are advocates for our teammates, thus it is against our own interest to not represent theirs.
   b) Thus, even if kill can't be achieved, it is always ideal to bump an enemy so that a fellow infantry can get the kill as that is in the best interest of the team.
5) If you unintentionally kill a friendly cavalry unit's horse, it's polite to dismount and offer your own horse to them.
   a) The rider should remedy his mistakes when he is at fault.

If I think of more rules I will post them, and please leave your own!

I would also like to thank the Devs for making heavy cav viable again with the new xp/gold.  In doing so cav can once again be a substantial counter to archery while remaining vulnerable to players able to focus on challenging us.

Overall, the current balance between all the melee classes, range and cav is most impressive and better then I've seen it in years.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: //saxon on July 02, 2015, 05:54:57 am
1) Always give the senior cav right away.
    a) This means that you should always be warrey to give the more senior cav the right of way.
2)It is unprofessional to go for killing the opponent cav instead of his hourse
   a) Traditionally, cav have shown great respect for each other and as such it is a great sign of disrespect to kill the man instead of his horse, as following this will cause him to become dismounted which is a great dishonor in any case.
3) A cav's primary target is enemy cav, followed by enemy archers, and then infantry.
   a) While opportunistically this ethos is not always viable, it severs the best interest of the class to follow this rule as pubic opinion has a substantial impact over the viability of it.
4) Team-bumping should be avoided at all costs
   a) Cav is a support class at its heart,  and as a cav we are advocates for our teammates, thus it is against our own interest to not represent theirs.
   b) Thus, even if kill can't be achieved, it is always ideal to bump an enemy so that a fellow infantry can get the kill as that is in the best interest of the team.

5) Make sure you're rich as fuck like king mircea, preferably richer than him if possible  :?
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Palurgee on July 02, 2015, 06:20:13 am
6) reassure everyone on the server that cav is, in fact, hard
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 02, 2015, 06:27:23 am
6) reassure everyone on the server that cav is, in fact, hard
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Kadeth on July 02, 2015, 07:06:13 am
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Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: SP1N on July 02, 2015, 07:55:12 am
Everyone knows the only rule of cavalry is "Fuck you, I'm on a horse."
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on July 02, 2015, 10:30:56 am
   a) While opportunistically this ethos is not always viable, it severs the best interest of the class to follow this rule as pubic opinion has a substantial impact over the viability of it.
Jason, I like you man. But I lost it at "pubic opinion" :lol:
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: JasonPastman on July 02, 2015, 10:44:25 am
Jason, I like you man. But I lost it at "pubic opinion" :lol:

Yea, so in the past especially cav were particularly greedy with kills and often as a rustly harming teammates in the process (bumps/ teamwounds), which particularly upset people.  There was a lot of rage on the forums over it and i believe that's why cav were nerfed so much over the years.  In contrast range who is alot more unfair against the opponent (because have risk death every time they attack) have received far less rage feedback, I think because they almost never substantially interfere with teammates but instead are benefit them.  Cav should always have their fellow man in mind and act o behalf of their team not just their kd.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Gurnisson on July 02, 2015, 11:07:39 am
"I'm on a horse, that means I'm superior" - Serfonz after getting called out on teamspeak for bumping teammates
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Torben on July 02, 2015, 01:04:16 pm
but but,  my horse is amazing!

ah check it out .D
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Guray on July 02, 2015, 02:03:26 pm
I already do those things. I also dont kill the afks and the new spawned people on the base I just hit them few times. I also do not kill the newbies/peasants.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Sharpe on July 02, 2015, 02:14:36 pm
Everyone knows the only rule of cavalry is "Fuck you, I'm on a horse."

I'm on a horse mother fucker take a look at me, straight ridin on a horse in the deep green sea.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Casimir on July 02, 2015, 02:33:46 pm

2) In 1v1 jousting, where the challenge is clear, it is unprofessional to go for killing the opponent cav instead of his hourse
   a) Traditionally, cav have shown great respect for each other and as such it is a great sign of disrespect to kill the man instead of his horse, as following this will cause him to become dismounted demonstrating that you are the better cav.

This is amusing because if you killed or even struck another riders horse in a medieval joust you would be disqualified and if the mount was killed or seriously injured you had to give over your own.  Encouraging people to go for the horse is the total opposite of what the true knight should do.  Going for the horse is both cowardly and displays the lack of skill of the jouster, it is far harder to hit the opponent rider and therefore far more glorious should you achieve this.  Only an ignoble, upstart knave would ever condone such a cowardly move as intentionally striking their opponents horse.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: karasu on July 02, 2015, 02:35:11 pm
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Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: JasonPastman on July 02, 2015, 02:37:50 pm
This is amusing because if you killed or even struck another riders horse in a medieval joust you would be disqualified and if the mount was killed or seriously injured you had to give over your own.  Encouraging people to go for the horse is the total opposite of what the true knight should do.  Going for the horse is both cowardly and displays the lack of skill of the jouster, it is far harder to hit the opponent rider and therefore far more glorious should you achieve this.  Only an ignoble, upstart knave would ever condone such a cowardly move as intentionally striking their opponents horse.

Yes, that makes seance, and is actually the case in game as well, sorry for the error. I edited it.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Bronto on July 02, 2015, 02:49:39 pm
Caving Rules
1. Never enter a cave alone!
2. Always get permission before entering a cave – Every cave has and owner,
respect landowners and their property.
3. Cave in groups of at least 4, and have and experienced caver in the group.
4. Know your group – make sure they understand and practice cave conservation
and safe caving techniques.
5. Let someone know where you are going, and when you expect to return.
6. Always have at least 3 reliable sources of light.
7. Know the cave and check weather conditions before entering.
8. Always wear a helmet & have proper equipment in good working order.
9. Always have twice as many spare batteries/carbide than you think you’ll need to
complete the trip.
10. Know your limits, and have proper training and safety equipment before
attempting advanced techniques such as vertical caving.
11. Know and abide by the state and federal cave protection laws.
12. It is illegal to: break or remove broken formations; disturb harm or remove cave
creatures; disturb or remove historic artifacts or bones; deface the cave by leaving
litter or marking on the cave walls.
13. Don’t leave anything in the cave – Pack it in, pack it out! Dispose of all trash
14. Never use ropes, ladders, etc. that have been left in a cave.
15. Never run in a cave, and never jump when you can climb.
16. Always stay clear of people above and below when climbing.
17. If you dislodge anything while climbing, scream “ROCK!”
18. If someone screams “ROCK!”, don’t look up!
19. Always stay with your group – don’t wander off. If you get lost, STAY PUT…
someone will find you.
20. Never drink cave water – it may look clean, but can be polluted.
21. If anyone on the trip becomes injured or is excessively tired, that person should be
escorted from the cave ASAP by other experienced trip members.
22. Don’t give cave locations to just anyone! They may damage the cave, or trespass,
or get hurt or lost. Rescue operations can have a lasting impact on caves.
23. Please report cave vandals to the cave owner and the police. The actions of a few
bad apples can ruin caves and cause caves to be closed to everyone.
24. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but carefully placed footprints, kill
nothing but time. (NSS Motto)
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Sharpe on July 02, 2015, 02:55:37 pm
(click to show/hide)

Excuse me sir, but it is called Spelunking.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: JasonPastman on July 02, 2015, 03:19:17 pm
Title fixed  :?

Although... :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Oberyn on July 02, 2015, 04:20:59 pm
I agree with most of those rules. Still, they are all superseded by another, much older rule, which has already been pointed out, (paraphrased) "I'm on a horse motherfucker, move out of the way, you's a peasant bitch, I'm a noble, prima noctae up in here".
Title: Cav douchebags
Post by: xxkaliboyx on July 02, 2015, 05:36:44 pm
I only have a problem with CAVs that go after AFKs, spawn camp the enemy and pick on the rookie infantry guys in general. Only one comes to mind in NA1 and that is Thax. I called him out on it and he was my motivation for going Cav this gen. I spend at least 1 minute every round trying to protect spawn from THAX and after I called him out on being a CAV douche, he just proceed to call me a kid, immature or some other crap. Dude is a total douche all around specifically in NA1. I'm sure he is a nice guy.

THAX; read these rules man.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 06:29:58 pm
Really learned a lot as I am but a lowly footpleb. Its nice to see that purposely teambumping and teamkilling is actually not the primary rule. Who would have known?

Thread is 9/10, needs more whale gifs

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Thread is 10/10.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Bronto on July 02, 2015, 06:56:36 pm
Really learned a lot as I am but a lowly footpleb. Its nice to see that purposely teambumping and teamkilling is actually not the primary rule. Who would have known?

Thread is 9/10, needs more whale gifs

(click to show/hide)

Thread is 10/10.

Mo' whales, no problem.

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Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: njames89 on July 02, 2015, 07:03:11 pm
Mo' whales, no problem.

(click to show/hide)


(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: BlackFysh on July 02, 2015, 09:45:11 pm
I agree with most of those rules. Still, they are all superseded by another, much older rule, which has already been pointed out, (paraphrased) "I'm on a horse motherfucker, move out of the way, you's a peasant bitch, I'm a noble, prima noctae up in here".

Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Tojo on July 02, 2015, 09:49:16 pm

2) In 1v1 jousting, where the challenge is clear, it is unprofessional to go for killing the opponent horse instead of the rider
   a) Traditionally, cav have shown great respect for each other and as such it is a great sign of disrespect to kill the horse instead of the man, as following this will cause him to become dismounted demonstrating not that you are the better cav, but rather that you took advantage of the closer proximity of the horse.

This part of the code I would revise add a b). Only because I use the normal Lance, which is not able to fight a good heavy lancer or great lancer 1v1 couch.

b) The killing of another riders horse is acceptable if the shorter couch weapon makes the kill.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on July 02, 2015, 11:40:15 pm
I agree with most of those rules. Still, they are all superseded by another, much older rule, which has already been pointed out, (paraphrased) "I'm on a horse motherfucker, move out of the way, you's a peasant bitch, I'm a noble, prima noctae up in here".

Got to admit that I miss the few cav vs. infantry duels we had on EU2. Too bad siege is dead and you aren't a siege regular either. Furthermore, I quit playing. Sad stuff.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Jona on July 02, 2015, 11:54:00 pm
All cav be like:

Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Switchtense on July 03, 2015, 12:13:34 am
All cav be like:

Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Lionheart on July 03, 2015, 12:36:02 am
Rules as a cav? Holy fuck, git good and kill them all  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Siiem on July 03, 2015, 12:38:45 am
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on July 03, 2015, 01:03:47 am
There is only 2 rules for cav on EU:

1) Aim for the arse
2) Fuck team mates
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on July 03, 2015, 03:37:00 am
I always enjoyed calling infantry "fucking peasant groundling shits" when I was on a horse.

Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: BlackFysh on July 03, 2015, 03:53:42 am
I always enjoyed calling infantry "fucking peasant groundling shits" when I was on a horse.

Silly peasants can't afford no horse. 
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Legs on July 03, 2015, 03:54:54 am
When clearly provoked, it is your honor as cavalry to face infantry directly and not run from the challenge.

When enemy cavalry is positioned to overlook the field, respect their peace and do not approach them aggressively.

As a runner, it's your duty to pursue routed infantry and archers to prevent them from fleeing.

In a joint charge, junior cavalry go first to trample enemies and leave them vulnerable to attack by the senior.

If you unintentionally kill a friendly cavalry unit's horse, it's polite to dismount and offer your own horse to them.

Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: BlackFysh on July 03, 2015, 04:16:32 am
When clearly provoked, it is your honor as cavalry to face infantry directly and not run from the challenge.

When enemy cavalry is positioned to overlook the field, respect their peace and do not approach them aggressively.

As a runner, it's your duty to pursue routed infantry and archers to prevent them from fleeing.

In a joint charge, junior cavalry go first to trample enemies and leave them vulnerable to attack by the senior.

If you unintentionally kill a friendly cavalry unit's horse, it's polite to dismount and offer your own horse to them.

I actually really like all of these, and abide by them.  i really like the field overlook one, imma use dat. 
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: JasonPastman on July 03, 2015, 05:11:39 am
This part of the code I would revise add a b). Only because I use the normal Lance, which is not able to fight a good heavy lancer or great lancer 1v1 couch.

b) The killing of another riders horse is acceptable if the shorter couch weapon makes the kill.

Nope, no excuses.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: JasonPastman on July 03, 2015, 05:14:01 am
If you unintentionally kill a friendly cavalry unit's horse, it's polite to dismount and offer your own horse to them.

Adding this.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Oberyn on July 03, 2015, 03:43:36 pm
Just pointing out that while playing NA yesterday Jason broke every single one of his own "rules" repeatedly, especially the killing afk's in spawn part. This man is no knight! He is but a knave, lowly and crude.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Snufalufagus on July 03, 2015, 04:01:51 pm
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!  This is the only rule for Cav.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Panos_ on July 03, 2015, 04:39:10 pm
The only rules I follow as a lancer are these 3.

1. Always aim for the best enemies either mounted dismounted, even a single bump can change the entire round.
2. If I see a better lancer than me, for example Oberyn, Tommy or Torben, I always give them my horse.
3. Bump friendly turks and never apologize, bump them in purpose while they`re fighting for the lolz.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on July 03, 2015, 04:52:04 pm
But that's all backwards...
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Prinz_Karl on July 03, 2015, 09:04:38 pm
Just pointing out that while playing NA yesterday Jason broke every single one of his own "rules" repeatedly, especially the killing afk's in spawn part. This man is no knight! He is but a knave, lowly and crude.

To be fair, I saw you spawnkilling several times, too, pretty sure.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Oberyn on July 03, 2015, 10:35:57 pm
To be fair, I saw you spawnkilling several times, too, pretty sure.

I'm pretty sure you didn't, since I spent most of those rounds either fighting other cav directly or protecting spawn from them.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Alec on July 03, 2015, 11:45:28 pm
This is amusing because if you killed or even struck another riders horse in a medieval joust you would be disqualified and if the mount was killed or seriously injured you had to give over your own.  Encouraging people to go for the horse is the total opposite of what the true knight should do.  Going for the horse is both cowardly and displays the lack of skill of the jouster, it is far harder to hit the opponent rider and therefore far more glorious should you achieve this. Only an ignoble, upstart knave would ever condone such a cowardly move as intentionally striking their opponents horse.

cRPG community*  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: BlackFysh on July 03, 2015, 11:49:12 pm
I'm pretty sure you didn't, since I spent most of those rounds either fighting other cav directly or protecting spawn from them.

Confirmed.  I was the one fighting him (DeLaitre)
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Akavirius on July 05, 2015, 01:21:53 pm
You missed a whole section. How to behave around cavalry :

1: Horses have a limited acceleration and turn radius. Try no to get in the way of friendly horsemen, they can't always avoid you.

2: When fighting an enemy, don't get in the way of the friendly cav that is trying to help you. It can only lead to teamhits and friendly bumps.
      -2.1: Be aware of your surroundings, friendly cavs are here to support you in the fight and change the tides of the battle, not steal your kill and valor.

3: As infantry, you should try playing as cav at least once. All these problems come from ingnorance about cavalry.

4: "Anyone not on a horse is a peasant."
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Sharpe on July 05, 2015, 01:32:19 pm
12. If you see a long spear user, run right at him; your lance will outreach his spear.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: JasonPastman on July 05, 2015, 04:33:59 pm
Just pointing out that while playing NA yesterday Jason broke every single one of his own "rules" repeatedly, especially the killing afk's in spawn part. This man is no knight! He is but a knave, lowly and crude.

Psch... Oberyn more like NOberyn.  :mrgreen:

Confirmed.  I was the one fighting him (DeLaitre)

Psch... DeLaitre more like DeLater.   :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

... Too strunk with that funk, you know I can't help but make that dunk, but fuck, you think this rhyme stunk so ima sit here and get crunk...   Some might know me as Jason_The_Drunk, but in battle you know Jason_The_Punk, don't hate me just because I cause you to flunk.

#BlockDown  :lol:
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Gmnotutoo on July 05, 2015, 05:20:53 pm
As a disciple of Huey-senpai I've learned that Superior Lance Cav is akin to being like a demi-god and all others are inferior. It does not matter if they are afk, a peasant or a team-mate for all will someday be sacrificed to the GODKING.. oh wait I'm not spamming BIRD CLAN right now...uh... INVISIBLE PINK UNICORN. The only class worthy of respect is other Lance Cav and yes I agree to never be that guy whom first attacks the horse.

Also Ranged Cav are scum so embrace the bloodlust, kill them or die trying.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: JasonPastman on July 05, 2015, 05:23:03 pm
As a disciple of Huey-senpai I've learned that Superior Lance Cav is akin to being like a demi-god and all others are inferior. It does not matter if they are afk, a peasant or a team-mate for all will someday be sacrificed to the GODKING.. oh wait I'm not spamming BIRD CLAN right now...uh... INVISIBLE PINK UNICORN. The only class worthy of respect is other Lance Cav and yes I agree to never be that guy whom first attacks the horse.

Also Ranged Cav are scum so embrace the bloodlust, kill them or die trying.

Word... I think.  8-)

Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Tindel on July 08, 2015, 03:23:51 am
So a cav and a kitten was in a room, and the kitten said: "Pussy!".
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Macropus on July 08, 2015, 11:23:06 am
I know killing an enemy's horse is "lame" and all, but back when I played cav I really liked to kill a cav's horse and then shout "Infantry!", showing them how their social status degraded with that.
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Guray on July 08, 2015, 12:04:18 pm
I know killing an enemy's horse is "lame" and all, but back when I played cav I really liked to kill a cav's horse and then shout "Infantry!", showing them how their social status degraded with that.
Haha Ya ! Yesterday I killed an enemy cavs horse and I was like :
He was like :
(QQV)Damn youuuuuuu!
Title: Re: The Rules of Cavalry
Post by: Simon_Belmont on July 08, 2015, 01:32:12 pm
13. Always mock throwers for playing an easy class, specially if they kill your horse.
14. Reward all ranged (friendlies too) with bumps. They are the equivalent of hugs.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Riddaren on July 11, 2015, 10:27:21 pm
6) reassure everyone on the server that cav is, in fact, hard

Yes and that's why I mostly play cavalry. It's not fun if it's not challenging.
Title: Re: The Rules of Caving
Post by: Senni__Ti on July 12, 2015, 01:47:39 am
Yes and that's why I mostly play cavalry. It's not fun if it's not challenging.

Challenging you say?
Cav nerf inc.