cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: MrShovelFace on May 24, 2011, 12:11:17 am
Share what has been taught to you by the cRPG and M&B community
I learned that it is possible to stop a great axe with a wooden staff
Almost everything Warband-cRPG related?
I started here with no idea how to fight back correctly, I trained myself here.
Geez, it was almost a year ago.. time goes by so quickly.
Do not try to sneak up on magicians in camouflage clothes when you have horsearchers and axemen hiding everywhere.
cRPG taught me that even after a year ( give or take, I really can't remember when cRPG was released to the public, just know that I played since then lol ) of constant changes and improvements, there will always be a large number of people who want to whine about something, over and over.
That unwarrented vocal hatred of a single weapon type results in horrific "balance" changes.
The internet is for porn.
That looking straight down at the ground while running forward and swinging your weapon over and over from left to right is not only a valid combat tactic, but a very successful one.
That more people should play
I learned nothing, for I am all knowing--there is simply nothing for me to learn.
I learned that one should accept and respect a my old friend for who he is, for he probably can beat the shit out of you with his f****ing mallet.
I also learned trolling is for retards...
Oh wait... Crap...
I learned that by using better gear you make less money.
The internet is for porn.
I can squash stuff with hammers.
I learn that I hate all kind of
noobs gentlemen. :P
Oh wait... I already learned that in Call of duty...
EDIT: Under ManofWar commands.
I learn that I hate all kind of noobs. :twisted:
Be nice
learned the phrases "badmin" "buttmad" "spamitar" among a few other choice words. Thank you CRPG!
It taught me that the Warband engine is shit and beyond repair.
That I should be more aware of mods when trying out a game. Crpg has far surpassed native imo.
To love again ...
It was hard but finally i learned.... upblock.
It has taught me to believe in something that will never actually happen. (Strategus :( )
I've Learned to speak whine.
I learned that wood, when made into a circle and worn on the arm, magnetically attracts projectiles.
I've learned that anyone using a projectile weapon, be it drawn/released, shot, or thrown for anything other than hunting food is by default someone that loves sucking male genitalia and getting rammed in their anus by phallic objects.
I have learned that the mongols attacking with their horse archers must have been insanely crappy for the people getting attacked. If they didnt have a castle to camp in, they basically had no chance of defeating a horde of archers, kiting and kiting and kiting. I understand better now how the knights of that time must have felt, forced to fighting an unbeatable foe. If you tried to flee, they would pursue shooting you with arrows, if you tried attacking he would flee while shooting you with arrows. You never had the chance unless you camped a castle or a river or something and had tons of archers to shoot down the enemy. (the reason why I didnt learn this in native is because the AI doesnt seem to understand how kiting works.)
crpg helped my group win melee tournament
4 groups of 5 combatants
here's the video of sweetest victory. in opposing team were two winners from the last year's duel tournament. skillz? maybe. tactics? none at all.
i'm the little left flanker with longsword going only for easykills. in the first battle one opposing fighter denies to fall after 2 hits. disbelieving that he has been ninjad gained him some additional hp :rolleyes:
that being a peasant sucks :(
It's considered leeching if you play naked, even if your score is better than half of your team's.
That abooze is another word for using admin rights to remove teamwounders.
It has taught me how to blaim everything else but myself for my mistakes.
I learned that shooting people with arrows in the face can transform them from fairly ordinary people, to homophobic, racist curse spouting weirdo's who could make a Tourette Syndrome sufferrer blush.
I also realised that causing the above brings me joy.
when I fail it's not my fault it;s "lagspike"
when I fail it's not my fault it;s "lagspike"
Or "Downloaders"
One or two Russian swearwords.
Cant say I learned that internet is full of self centered assholes with a shitty attitude in cRPG, but it certainly reminded me!
That I have changed my sexual orientation in the eyes of the community through the use of a bow while learning that I am a complete coward when it comes to a proper fight, with respects to Moribund's ts quote: "Command Tenne's orders; hide behind the women, then run away."
Ive learned to play this when I die. :oops:
I learned that some devs (*protip* chadz and co. *protip*) don't care about their playerbase at all.
Example: me and other people who lost characters due to the "insta-30lvl" confuse.
Another example: No patch notes, changelogs...
Another one: Trolling about "what is that?" text (chadztext)
Ah, and I learned to NEVER, EVER even THINK about using something not checked by other people yet.
And that I am certainly stupid that I even tried to get chadz give me my character back. ;(
I learned that some devs (*protip* chadz and co. *protip*) don't care about their playerbase at all.
Example: me and other people who lost characters due to the "insta-30lvl" confuse.
Another example: No patch notes, changelogs...
Another one: Trolling about "what is that?" text (chadztext)
Ah, and I learned to NEVER, EVER even THINK about using something not checked by other people yet.
And that I am certainly stupid that I even tried to get chadz give me my character back. ;(
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Some admins (such as meow or whatever his nick is) can ban u for trolling ur teammates with a dagger while being LVL 1 and not dealing any damage at all and calling it teamwounding.
No matter how bad you are at blocking there is always someone far worse than you that will die to you.
A two handed weapon is faster than a one-handed weapon.
The more you know!
That cheating is widespread amongst the old clans and that they hide it and pretend they're skilled blockers and that their hits going through blocks is your fault!
That terribad failtards (like the person above me) suck at the game so bad that they convince themselves it's due to widespread cheating rather than face the reality that they are just plebs getting outskilled.
That terribad failtards (like the person above me) suck at the game so bad that they convince themselves it's due to widespread cheating rather than face the reality that they are just plebs getting outskilled.
That some people need to grow up especially when in positions of responsibility in the community like being an admin for instance. Childish grudge holding cunts shouldn't be given admin rights. They ban for bias not rule breaking.
I understood that horse where a phenomenal creature with at least two brains, since shooting it in the head doesn't affect his function at all.
I understood that a wounded person shot in the leg would be as fast as a healthy one, thanks to hate hormones making him overcome pain.
I understood thait baiting then dieing is a valuable tactic for wich you shall be proud, even at the cost of your life. When a dear-to-me person asks me to do it, i still feel a bit unease, but i'll probably grow accustomed to it. Cause... i'm still aliiiiiive !
I understood that carrying a range weapon had the same effect as shouting a rude taunt sentence.
That cheating is widespread amongst the old clans and that they hide it and pretend they're skilled blockers and that their hits going through blocks is your fault!
That some people need to grow up especially when in positions of responsibility in the community like being an admin for instance. Childish grudge holding cunts shouldn't be given admin rights. They ban for bias not rule breaking.
Considering what you just posted about old clans cheating and hiding it, you really shouldnt take the word "childish" in your mouth.
Considering what you just posted about old clans cheating and hiding it, you really shouldnt take the word "childish" in your mouth.
Funny that, because I was being totally serious in that post. ...
Short sighted fool, it was internet sarcasm. Although there is a small amount of truth to what I wrote.
crpg taught me that a 24h grind is possible.
Crpg taught me that a shower, food and social contacts are simply overrated sometimes.
Crpg told me the right pronaunciation of the words axe, sword, knight and transitional.
+1 :D
A witness speaks xD
Quote Warlord:
"Mega, you been playing all night and day? I left @ 5 o clock in the morning!"
"Yes, i am level 38 now, i need sleep...uhhhhhhhhh....."
cRPG taught me that ping is everything.
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No notable players were using the hack. Mainly gen 1 guys, one gen 14. Mostly NA players apparently. Just cause cicero 'hit though' your block murmy :P dont be bitter.
I learned that I can play till 1am and yet still get up at 6am in the morning and somehow stuggle through the day without falling asleep.
Sort of. :D
cRPG taught me the most sacred ways of NBOH.
Samurais used to fight Vikings in the desert.
No mather where you hide, archers will get you.
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The basics of blocking. :D I'm still not very good at it, but it's way better than before. Besides that it just stole many hours of my life.
That whining is and will stay a part of gaming.
Samuaris used to fight Vikings in the desert.
but romans are out of the question
That when life gives you lemons, you have to dodge those lemons and then chase the lemon thrower all the way back to the attackers spawn point if necessary. Seriously, there's nothing more fun than chasing an archer around a castle for 2 minutes with your axe held in the overhead chop position.
Also, even if you're a 2hander with zero xbow skills, it's fun to shoot bolts at Gorath. :P
All money no skill.
That is it normal to retire at the age of 46.
There are some miserable people who try to learn some stuff from a game which made for normal people to kill their extra time.
That strategus is not real.
Adding "derp" to peoples names is fun
I learned that someone wearing a strawhat could in fact survive being hit in the head with a battle axe.
Seriously... That thing is magnificent.
I learned that someone wearing a strawhat could in fact survive being hit in the head with a battle axe.
Seriously... That thing is magnificent.
a) I am susceptible to the RAGE. Never knew this before.
b) People, myself included, will always find excuses for their shortcomings. Especially when it's a game.
c) Shit talking. Never did much of that before, either.
d) Once you cRPG, you never go back. No game, in terms of mechanics, can ever compare.
a) I am susceptible to the RAGE. Never knew this before.
b) People, myself included, will always find excuses for their shortcomings. Especially when it's a game.
c) Shit talking. Never did much of that before, either.
d) Once you cRPG, you never go back. No game, in terms of mechanics, can ever compare.
Cheers to that, except the rage part, I am an angry gamer at times :D
That some games you can never be good at unless you have the talent and needed motor functions.
Also, even if you're a 2hander with zero xbow skills, it's fun to shoot bolts at Gorath. :P
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That some games you can never be good at unless you have the talent and needed motor functions.
All games should be like this.
Share what has been taught to you by the cRPG and M&B community
If a guy is squating like he's about to take a shit and has a sharpened stick of some kind, you better watch out
that e honor is serious business
its taught me to be spoiled with the best combat system ever invented
its taught me to rage
its taught me to be humble :shock:
its taught me that some things are worth waiting for....
It has taught me that
Cheapshot EU3's a man's best friend :D
That is it normal to retire at the age of 46.
This is favorite
That ranged is overpowered in native.
how to be a cunt ofc.
Taught me to be the fastest person on my team, just in case we ever run into ManofWar.
I learned that donkeys can fly and that we must fear that abusive of a carpet seller.... Aladin :mrgreen:
that if you swing your sword through 3 peoples heads at once it will only damage one of them
To not take on responsibilities, such as being an admin/moderator or member of a high requirement clan.
To not take on responsibilities, such as being an admin/moderator or member of a high requirement clan.
That you can organize a random mob of players into a proper team and do tactics, regardless of all the naysayers. :D
All it takes is months and months of shouting at them in caps. :rolleyes:
CHARGE! :twisted:
That you can organize a random mob of players into a proper team and do tactics, regardless of all the naysayers. :D
All it takes is months and months of shouting at them in caps. :rolleyes:
CHARGE! :twisted:
Can someone explain to me how to put on the flag?
Can someone explain to me how to put on the flag?
hold down alt and then press x
when you see the flag command screen click on the flag you want. Dont choose the blue one though its bugged I think.
hold down alt and then press x
when you see the flag command screen click on the flag you want. Dont choose the blue one though its bugged I think.
cRPG taugh me never to start my own multiplayer mod because players would soon take over the projet :mrgreen:
To hate chadz, obviously, you NUBS!