["rus_horse", "Rus horse", [("rus_horse",0)], itp_type_horse|itp_merchandise, 0, 1400, abundance(45)|hit_points(130)|body_armor(25)|difficulty(4)|horse_speed(43)|horse_maneuver(40)|horse_charge(28)|horse_scale(110), imodbits_horse_basic ],
and (item_set_slot, "itm_rus_horse", slot_item_multiplayer_item_class, multi_item_class_type_horse),
Don't think you are using script_multiplayer_set_item_available_for_troop though.(click to show/hide)
well, most of pino´s armour sets have a really bad transition at the texture edges, especially at the shoulder region.Sadly, otherwise they would be truly great. The mail shirts would probably be fine though.
well, most of pino´s armour sets have a really bad transition at the texture edges, especially at the shoulder region.
No offence, a lot of stuff has already been added yes and kudos for that. But whenever more equipment gets added in Crpg, I just feel like a kid in Christmas, even when I never wear the things added. Personalization is a big part of fun.agreed
Teutonic banded would get me to retire (it's too heavy for my current 1h/throwing build):something like that would sure fit my black helmet :)(click to show/hide)
So if you want to kill Peasant Phew one last time, lobby for this to be added!
It fits quite well.i love you man, i would soooo use this armor combo.(click to show/hide)
Please answer devs :)
Go directly on IRC chat to ask them what you want.
Patience is good.... But sometimes patience is not enough.
Please, answer, whatever it will be, we just need to see it. Even if you say that they are never going to be added and you won't allow anyone to add them. (Hope for a different answer though :D )
bump, why do devs don't give a fuck ...
bump, why do devs don't give a fuck ...
Nordic Helm and Rus Horse PLEEEEZ
We Vikings/Rus' haven't had any additions since the Gjermundbu.
Those were designed to be lithuanian helmets, if I'm not mistaken.
this (http://www.regia.org/images/ImageI77.jpg)