Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: Clockworkkiller on July 22, 2013, 05:19:41 pm

Title: Knife thread
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 22, 2013, 05:19:41 pm
this thread is now about knives & the discussion of knives, BEGIN

my collection, in no particular order (sorry, no pics)

Benchmade griptillian
spyderco endura
spyderco delica
Spyderco paramilitary 2
2 Spyderco tenacious
CS spartan
CS mini-AK47
CS Kudu
CS G.I Tanto
Kershaw blur
Kershaw Leek
Kershaw Scallion
Kershaw Select-fire
CRKT hissastu (forgot how to spell it)
CRKT swindle
SOG trident
Boker subcom
2 ontario Rat-1, one with stonewashed blade
ZT 550
Unknown microtech folder
unknown Smith & Wesson folder
A Balisong trainer, dont know the brand

Thats all i have in the cardboard box under my bed, sure i got 1 or 2 more lying around.
planning on buying a real balisong, been look at the benchmade ones
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Mala on July 22, 2013, 09:03:15 pm
i have a selection of IKEA kitchen knifes, if that counts.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 22, 2013, 09:25:22 pm
This thread is now about Smoothrich
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Grumpy_Nic on July 22, 2013, 09:33:53 pm
I have axes.
1 Kukri
2 Machetes
some throwing knifes

all the rest I gave away cuz it was too much
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on July 22, 2013, 09:57:12 pm
I have axes.
1 Kukri
2 Machetes
some throwing knifes

all the rest I gave away cuz it was too much
This thread is now about Smoothrich
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Osiris on July 22, 2013, 10:20:08 pm
Smoothrich is no knife! THIS IS A KNIFE!

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Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: wayyyyyne on July 22, 2013, 10:33:16 pm
you call that a knoife? this is a knoife m8

Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on July 22, 2013, 10:59:21 pm
These are the knives I have, very nice

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Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 23, 2013, 03:24:14 am
lol expecting these replies to happen.

honestly, i cant imagine what its like to not carry or own a couple pocket knives, i would feel naked without one
a blade is a extremely handy thing to have, and im not talking about that stupid Self defense excuse.
even a $5 backstreet made crap of a knife, if kept sharp, can be useful as a EDC.

plus theres a in a good qualilty knife, both mechanically and aesthetically.

some people collect rocks, some people collect jewlery. me? i collect pointy and sharp things
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Rumblood on July 23, 2013, 07:14:18 am
Here is where I go for mine ClockWorkKiller. Video is shaky as hell, the dude blows right by the more interesting shit, and skips 2/3 of the store, like he doesn't even show all the badass swords and axes, the high end kitchen knives, or any of the old military knives, but it gives you a decent idea of what the store looks like. Maybe I'll have to go take a video myself, because really this place is much cooler than this video  :lol: I've got my eye on a sword cane for Christmas  :mrgreen:

Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Leesin on July 23, 2013, 07:58:13 am
I used to own some nice ones but seeing as it's illegal to even carry them here now I don't really bother anymore. My favorite pocket knife which I used for fishing, before it got confiscated from me many years ago, was just a 4 inch blade 100% steel lock knife. It looked awesome and was a sturdy piece of equipment, bottom 1 inch of the blade was serrated, made easy to cut certain things that a smooth blade might have trouble with. There is something pleasing about a knife that looks awesome and is actually practically useful.

 I still have a flick knife which is just about 5 inch blade but it's quite nice, I also have a big lock knife, doesn't look pretty and it's old but it's got an 8 inch blade, it's got a pretty bulky and heavy handle and the butt of the handle is a solid metal lump designed for smashed heads, it's nice to hold in the hand as it has some weight, I guess it would be my weapon of choice if anyone broke into my home.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 23, 2013, 08:28:48 am
Ritual dagger and athame master race

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Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Radament on July 23, 2013, 01:43:16 pm
does these counts?
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Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Armpit_Sweat on July 23, 2013, 02:12:07 pm
SOG trident

imo one of the best looking knifes out there! Made it as a CS model back in the days... :)
I dont own one, as it is illigal to carry even a letter-opener here, but damn that Trident looks sexy!

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Classic beauty! Like Megan Fox

Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Lennu on July 23, 2013, 03:16:57 pm
Lol, I have a tiny swiss armyknife on my keyring  :
1 blade for cutting, mostly for peeling oranges and opening letters
1 short dull thing that works as a screwdriver (helps when your drunken friend passes out in the hotelroom's toilet -> didn't have to break the door  :lol: )
+ tiny LED light. To see if your drunken friends pupils are responding = he's not drugged/dying/having a seizure 

That lil thing has saved me a lot of trouble. Except that one time at the airport when I forgot to take it off the keyring  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Jarold on July 23, 2013, 07:04:22 pm
This isn't related to knives but since lennu mentioned getting in trouble at the airport. I was almost arrested for having plastic handcuffs in my backpack.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 23, 2013, 07:32:29 pm
This isn't related to knives but since lennu mentioned getting in trouble at the airport. I was almost arrested for having plastic handcuffs in my backpack.

I want to know why you had plastic handcuffs in the frist place? Planning a little BDSM hmmmmmm?

does these counts?
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Dear god, wtf, I saw something like that in a BudK catalog (AKA the book of cheap poor quality insane shit that you have no use/need for)

Here is where I go for mine ClockWorkKiller. Video is shaky as hell, the dude blows right by the more interesting shit, and skips 2/3 of the store, like he doesn't even show all the badass swords and axes, the high end kitchen knives, or any of the old military knives, but it gives you a decent idea of what the store looks like. Maybe I'll have to go take a video myself, because really this place is much cooler than this video  :lol: I've got my eye on a sword cane for Christmas  :mrgreen:

Wow, that place is huge

I usually buy mine, at the small local knife shop, but they don't have super large inventory, (they don't sell ANY CS, and seems to have a limited selection everything)
If the shop doesn't have it, I usually go onto (, they have a incredible selection, and great service.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 23, 2013, 11:00:47 pm
I own 3 types of blades. Some nice decorative blades as well. I got 1 pocket knife, a knife that is made of ceramic and can pass metal detectors(probably, not going to try it), and this beauty:
(click to show/hide)

It's not the same, but its a Mauser bayonet for my 1922 Czech Mauser(Model M-92/22, not the other common, better czech mauser. Can't remember the model off had).

Also own a socket bayonet for my Mosin-Nagant, but that's less a knife and more a spear.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Teeth on July 23, 2013, 11:36:31 pm
lol expecting these replies to happen.
Yeah, apparently owning two dozen knives is not the norm and a lot of people do not feel the need to carry around tools of murder all the time.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 24, 2013, 12:00:04 am
Yeah, apparently owning two dozen knives is not the norm and a lot of people do not feel the need to carry around tools of murder all the time.

Not saying everyone should own two dozen, im saying people should own a pocket knife or two, as they are extremely handy as TOOLS.
Tools of murder is probably the most stupidest thing I've ever heard. A knife is a tool just like a shovel is or hammer. Can they be dangerous? Yes, but so are other tools. With proper handling and common sense, a knife can be used safely.

I collect knives, nothing wrong with that. People collect antique and historic firearms, are those "tools of murder" too?
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 24, 2013, 12:06:47 am
I own 3 types of blades. Some nice decorative blades as well. I got 1 pocket knife, a knife that is made of ceramic and can pass metal detectors(probably, not going to try it), and this beauty:
(click to show/hide)

It's not the same, but its a Mauser bayonet for my 1922 Czech Mauser(Model M-92/22, not the other common, better czech mauser. Can't remember the model off had).

Also own a socket bayonet for my Mosin-Nagant, but that's less a knife and more a spear.

always wanted a WW1&2 era bayonet, sadly the ones in good condition are usually out of my price range
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Son Of Odin on July 24, 2013, 12:31:56 am
Well I don't "collect" knives but I guess I have more than 10. It's just that each and everyone of them has a different purpose and I actually use them. Woodworking knife is rarely a good knife to gut fish and a cook's knife is rarely good at anything outside the kitchen :D.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 24, 2013, 03:45:06 am

always wanted a WW1&2 era bayonet, sadly the ones in good condition are usually out of my price range

Mines not in "Good Condition." It's missing the top loop that fits over the rifle barrel. Apparently, this was a common practice on those bayonets by the turks (the ones who owned my gun model specifically). But All mausers have the same kinda design. That picture was from a South American Mauser, so standardization. Also, Both of my Bolt action rifles are Circa 1920s models. Just after the Great War, but before the Second World War. You can tell, they are so, so different than the later 1940s versions(at least on my Mosin, my buddies each have a 1940s, but I got a 1926 model). My third buddies rifle is all brass rather than full steel like mine. His was a 1943 version. Shows how bad the USSR needed steel at that time.
Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Rumblood on July 30, 2013, 04:52:31 am
Here as promised Clockwork, the whole thing. Like I said, that other video was about 1/3 of it. Took over 20 minutes for the entire walk through. I think you would dig the place. It's in HD so you can full screen and not lose any resolution.

Title: Re: Knife thread
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 30, 2013, 06:48:23 pm
Here as promised Clockwork, the whole thing. Like I said, that other video was about 1/3 of it. Took over 20 minutes for the entire walk through. I think you would dig the place. It's in HD so you can full screen and not lose any resolution.

Wow! Thanks! My hats off to you! Definitely gonna have to go down there sometime during my life