cRPG => Ban/Unban Requests => Closed Requests => Topic started by: Abay on May 11, 2013, 09:30:45 pm
I want admins to ban him because of some several reasons.
Today, Kapikulu_Guner was banned because of him. Here is the story. In double xp server, everyone spawned in a small area. Players started to kick eachothers. In that time, Guner's kick went to that guy. And that guy reported him serially. Kapikulu_Guner kicked him again and he died. After a complaining to an admin or seeing that dark red color by admin, he got a ban.
I dont see Guner's ban was unfair, cos he had not to keep kicking him after his reports, but you know that guy's history about Turkish players. He is a Greek and probably keeping his hatred against us. He provokes Turkish players in servers and forums. Even he opens a thread in Turkish Forum. Well, maybe he doesnt hate but he has fun with provoking Turkish players and seeing their serious reactions. Personally, I do not have a problem with him but I cannot keep being silent while he has no fun with playing but enjoying with Turkish reactions. That guy got ban for long times before and he may get it again.
Thank you
That seems an easy ban. Everybody knows about Panos and his interesting sense of humour to Turkish people. I think admins should consider twice while there is an event with Panos and Turkish. Not just Panos side, also Turkish side. That ban is unfair and has to be removed. Especially that server we talk about is double xp server.
I agree with Bohannon
unban that guy and stop this nationality shit there
every body kick noob teammates cos they r useles
Hurricane i remember ur name.... peace.
I think that you guys ask too big punishment for this thing.
thats just stupid....
like childs...he kicked me first.....
let it be,its only a game guys^^
everybody know that me I AM NOT TROLL i just unban for me and this ban so troll for me
right.... panos goes free with riding someones ass for being jewish, but guner is banned for kicking him while a kick-ffa is going on and everybody is fine with it. Something is really f*cked-up here...
Churchill is responsible for the
Kratos Guner's ban and he'll decide how to handle it. That is if you manage to make a proper unban request in the correct forum section.
For this ban request: Yes, Panos is an idiot. Yes, he needs help. But being retarded is not bannable (yet). "H-he trolled us ;(" is not a ban reason as far as I am concerned. If you want to see him go make a proper ban request with screenshots of racial insults, actual rule breakings or something like that.
Churchill is responsible for the Kratos ban and he'll decide how to handle it. That is if you manage to make a proper unban request in the correct forum section.
For this ban request: Yes, Panos is an idiot. Yes, he needs help. But being retarded is not bannable (yet). "H-he trolled us ;(" is not a ban reason as far as I am concerned. If you want to see him go make a proper ban request with screenshots of racial insults, actual rule breakings or something like that.
No you didnt understand Guner has banned because of his trolling
From Panos
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"Round starts, and Guner starts punching me, because he believed that I was leeching(?). He punches me 2 times and, yet i do not report him, he starts kicking me and then I start reporting him, as you can see he got mad and he revenge TK'd me, I did not make a ban request against him, Erzengel banned him because he tked me at spawn."
just kick him to started to spam. lol
and panos no armour :D
As you can see panos has peasant gear. Therefor no cant hold on 5 hits with a mallet or something like that guner kicked him with his leg then finally hit hit with maul idk why did he hit with maul
it is a trick screenshot
I don't see any offense from Panos's side: yes, he was in peasant gear, but he retired almost before an accident happens. To be a peasant - not against rules. To be teamkilled intentionally - is. Kapikulu teamkilled him and got banned. Everything is simple and goes under standart rules. I'm saying as witness.
I'm sure that Panos can provide proofs (screens) about his stats and level.
From Panos
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"Round starts, and Guner starts punching me, because he believed that I was leeching(?). He punches me 2 times and, yet i do not report him, he starts kicking me and then I start reporting him, as you can see he got mad and he revenge TK'd me, I did not make a ban request against him, Erzengel banned him because he tked me at spawn."
I think this picture's explaining everything. There is a chamber which has 3 guys. They spawned around them and start kicking each other. There isn't a revenge situation here. Is this Sanxus guy also took his revenge from him?
Don't be funny guys. If you look at the 6th row, you can see what is going on here. Panos's starting to push "M" everytime. In my opinion, he didn't want to miss one hit from Guner and wanted to kick him from server. And in his defence, he wrote "I did not make a ban request against him". That means he wanted to give Guner a lesson with kick him from server. Everybody's doing this in all servers. Ban? Interesting.
I want admins to ban him because of some several reasons.
Today, Kapikulu_Guner was banned because of him. Here is the story. In double xp server, everyone spawned in a small area. Players started to kick eachothers. In that time, Guner's kick went to that guy. And that guy reported him serially. Kapikulu_Guner kicked him again and he died. After a complaining to an admin or seeing that dark red color by admin, he got a ban.
I dont see Guner's ban was unfair, cos he had not to keep kicking him after his reports, but you know that guy's history about Turkish players. He is a Greek and probably keeping his hatred against us. He provokes Turkish players in servers and forums. Even he opens a thread in Turkish Forum. Well, maybe he doesnt hate but he has fun with provoking Turkish players and seeing their serious reactions. Personally, I do not have a problem with him but I cannot keep being silent while he has no fun with playing but enjoying with Turkish reactions. That guy got ban for long times before and he may get it again.
Thank you
I see no provocation in the screenshots, nor can you teamkill someone because of their past behaviour, dislike them yes however there is no grounds to teamkill them for not liking someone. If that was fine then im sure noone would leave spawn except the lone new guy.
Furthermore this 'oh he hates turks' is being used too much, i remember when Kapikulu used to pull this trick all the time and it led to many a guy being bollocked for it until an admin stepped in and firmly told you guys to 'cut the racism crap' and yet around a year later you guys are using the same card, please just lay off. We all know Panos' past history however he is actually behaving in-game currently so stop this pointless vendetta against him.
As you can see panos has peasant gear. Therefor no cant hold on 5 hits with a mallet or something like that guner kicked him with his leg then finally hit hit with maul idk why did he hit with maul
it is a trick screenshot
Peasant gear due to retirement not due to leeching. Teamkilling is still a bannable offence and therefore that was what he was banned for, trying to say that Panos somehow initiated all this is false when you can see he was teamwounded then teamkilled, trying to instigate that it was somehow Panos' fault for being teamkilled is ludicrous and complete tripe - the screenshot proves that Panos was teamkilled and reinforces the point that it was in fact a ban for teamkilling not 'trolling'.
Spoken as the middle man
I think this picture's explaining everything. There is a chamber which has 3 guys. They spawned around them and start kicking each other. There isn't a revenge situation here. Is this Sanxus guy also took his revenge from him?
Don't be funny guys. If you look at the 6th row, you can see what is going on here. Panos's starting to push "M" everytime. In my opinion, he didn't want to miss one hit from Guner and wanted to kick him from server. And in his defence, he wrote "I did not make a ban request against him". That means he wanted to give Guner a lesson with kick him from server. Everybody's doing this in all servers. Ban? Interesting.
When you are a peasant you take damage from everything - the kicks are intentional teamwounds which the M button is for, if you believe you are intentionally teamkilled then you press M - Guner was intentionally teamwounding Panos - he knew this by being reported with M yet he did not stop, if he had have stopped then fair enough but he carried on and was banned for teamkilling. The fact remains Guner was:
A) Teamwounding
B) Teamkilled
C) Was banned for the above
Spoken as the middle man
Churchill is responsible for the Kratos Guner's ban and he'll decide how to handle it.
Lol where the hell did I come from? :D
Anyway since Panos cant talk, screenshots speak for him, Panos was imo?
I didnt say Guner is the right side here guys. Please be careful when u read. It is a thread for complaining about Panos, and everyone knows his trolling mind. I know Panos and I dont care what he does but Kapikulu always has at least 5 new players everytime. Many new ones will join in the future I am sure. Many of them dont know how to react against any provokation and they take it serious. Then they get angry and do something illegal. So we have always that kind of problems. Lets see how we solute this. Well, I think the best is not allowing Panos to play this game. Because he will keep provoking new Turkish players in the game and new ones will do that kind of things surely.
For example, his insults about Atatürk with opening an alt char like ''Aptaltürk'' may be a great an serious deal for a new Turkish player in the mod. So the general issue is not about only Guner, see what I wrote with wider window.
At the end, we play a game for having fun. And seeing that kind of guys around us make some new players angry and they react like that. So I offer not blocking new players' fun with allowing one or two players like panos to play it.
Thanks again
I will write a "learn how to act in front of Panos or other trolls" Guide...I will sell it on marlet...I will be rich.... 8-)
We cannot educate Panos...try to educate your new players.... to be ban because of Panos provocation is the worst thing ever in Crpg (after being killed by Pepe)...
Just screen Panos illegal acting and banthread him with screens.... other ways are useless
So in short, you want to ban Pancake, because Guner teamkilled him?
Seems legit. Panos will keep trolling no matter what, so you just have to stop responding to him, ignore him :P
And to those new kapikulings, just tell them to grow some thick skin and ignore trolls and insults, just mute them, or use ctrl + shift + m to mute the entire chat (ctrl + shift + u to unmute it)
Guner is a fine guy, but he is kinda fast in his actions, punching people who don't move or teamkilling obvious leechers instead of reporting them :D
I personally do whatever I can about that kind of provokations for our new members and try to teach how they can react, but it takes time you know. :|
his insults about Atatürk with opening an alt char like ''Aptaltürk'' may be a great an serious deal for a new Turkish player in the mod.
Then it's their own fault for being offended by insulting guy who died amost a century ago and was retarded enough to name himself father of turks... This guy had to have huge epeen :P Don't take yourself and your nation too seriously.
Atatürk is holy (sacred) in Turky... respect him.... don't taunt Jesus for christians, mahommet for muslims, jeovah for jews, buddah for buddists, money for USA pple..etc...
Love for all....
Then it's their own fault for being offended by insulting guy who died amost a century ago and was retarded enough to name himself father of turks... This guy had to have huge epeen :P Don't take yourself and your nation too seriously.
Talking arguments about nations and cultures may take days with anyone. It is about difference between perceptions.
Atatürk is holy (sacred) in Turky... respect him....
Respect my lack of respect for him. I've heard Ataturk was gay :P
Respect my lack of respect for him. I've heard Ataturk was gay :P
Who says? Is being gay wrong? Or do you follow Panos for your profession in the game? Lets stop spamming and write if we have an opinion about this situation.
Wait, what? No. Long live Panos, my true love!
Panos is a troll, deal with it.
ctrl+m if u getting damage from teammate.
btw Guner teamkilled only innocent Panos who is well known ... greek. somehow I know that Panos was trolling him(someone just told me about this drama) so Guner had reason to make him wounded. but he did it at least with kicks so that wasnt natural chaotic teamkilling like headshot on spawn or something like this.
he did not realy bad this which can deserve only kick or few hours of ban.
Panos won this war in trolling anyway... maybe here is no fine proofs about him but somewhen he will be banned again... and maybe will come back again... and will get ban again because its Panos xD
I see no provocation in the screenshots, nor can you teamkill someone because of their past behaviour, dislike them yes however there is no grounds to teamkill them for not liking someone. If that was fine then im sure noone would leave spawn except the lone new guy.
Furthermore this 'oh he hates turks' is being used too much, i remember when Kapikulu used to pull this trick all the time and it led to many a guy being bollocked for it until an admin stepped in and firmly told you guys to 'cut the racism crap' and yet around a year later you guys are using the same card, please just lay off. We all know Panos' past history however he is actually behaving in-game currently so stop this pointless vendetta against him.
Peasant gear due to retirement not due to leeching. Teamkilling is still a bannable offence and therefore that was what he was banned for, trying to say that Panos somehow initiated all this is false when you can see he was teamwounded then teamkilled, trying to instigate that it was somehow Panos' fault for being teamkilled is ludicrous and complete tripe - the screenshot proves that Panos was teamkilled and reinforces the point that it was in fact a ban for teamkilling not 'trolling'.
Spoken as the middle man
When you are a peasant you take damage from everything - the kicks are intentional teamwounds which the M button is for, if you believe you are intentionally teamkilled then you press M - Guner was intentionally teamwounding Panos - he knew this by being reported with M yet he did not stop, if he had have stopped then fair enough but he carried on and was banned for teamkilling. The fact remains Guner was:
A) Teamwounding
B) Teamkilled
C) Was banned for the above
Spoken as the middle man
Guner's behaviour isn't related with anything happened in past. They were just at same server at the same time. Vendetta? We even accepted him our roster. That is a comment from memorize. We're ignoring his words and giving a peace hand to him. But i think he is feeding from these. Insulting our nationality, making fun with our own language words. These can be funny for him or make him renown in server. But enough! He's directly talking about our nationality. We have a right to play this game without hearing racist words. Admins are becoming a part of here. They must protect our rights.
And yes! He has right to press "M". But if you're using your own rights to punish/give a lesson to someone. That is prejudice. You get teamhit and then you push M. But you always keep press "M". This is a bad intention.
Guner didn't just punch him. He killed Panos with his Maul (?) because he was mad about the reports. Reports are usually a clear warning that the other person isn't enjoying what you are doing (unless he is a friend and you are trolling each other ofc). Instead of teamkilling him, he just could have stopped after the first report and nothing would have happened.
I really don't see a reason for an unban.
Banning panos after he tked atas for 5 hours and banning guner after he tked panos for 2 days. At least you could decrease it to 1 day. :?
Insulting our nationality,
Lulz, and you care about what some poor, homeless, unemployed greek is saying about your country because... well, because of what exactly? Reacting with such funny fury you just ask for more trolling :wink:
some poor, homeless, unemployed greek
Panos has internet, home, and a steady job sir!
Banning panos after he tked atas for 5 hours and banning guner after he tked panos for 2 days. At least you could decrease it to 1 day. :?
It wasn't me who banned Panos for teamkilling Atas, so it has nothing to do with this decision. Two days is the usual ban for a teamkill. Show me some proof, that Panos has provoked him in this situation and we might talk about it again. Or ask Panos if he is fine with a shorter ban.
No proof is needed Panos provok everyone Guner is a good guy i don t think he deserves any ban cause he plays well and have some difficulties to stand pure troll like greeks (i understand him)
No proof is needed Panos provok everyone Guner is a good guy i don t think he deserves any ban cause he plays well and have some difficulties to stand pure troll like greeks (i understand him)
Being a good player doesn't protect you from getting banned if you break the rules. :rolleyes:
Proof is always needed in the ban section, so stop spamming here please.
Yes, proofs. Panos has a proof, other side of conflict - no. Cut it off, Panos wright, other side wrong.
closing the thread for now and will prepare a video about him if he keeps provoking and make a new thread. cheers