Great to see a new active cRPG clan :D
unfortunately this means that Phyrex will once again beat the crap out of me in cRPG... but without his lolstab!
I'll be 22nd_Merc_Xant and Siiem will be 23rd_Merc_Siiem
You guys new to Warband? Don't think I've heard of you before. =p:lol:
Lolstabbers united at last!
Yes, only Bjord left now!
Ya rly
Unless you're implying that you know something I don't. :?
Hello guys :DAnd hello to you :mrgreen:
We need a new faction name imo. Ideas?
Me and BaldRider discussed the matter for quite some time, and the best we could come up with was "Plazekstanian Horde". Opinions?'s some sexy stuff right there.
That's some sexy stuff right there.
Gratz to Phyrex for the win in the duel tournament!Stole my money, damn bastard.
Gratz to Phyrex for the win in the duel tournament!
Bah, you can't kill something that has no life.
Bah, you can't kill something that has no life.Epic quote.
Epic quote.Someone's been watching too much South Park.
Someone's been watching too much South Park.
No such thing as "too much" south park.Someone's been watching WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much southpark
Awww fuck, I'm back!
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Goodbye, motherfucking Internetstick-dongle of Doom.
Awww fuck, I'm back!
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Goodbye, motherfucking Internetstick-dongle of Doom.
Looks like the perfect opportunity to show you a real connection.
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Looks like the perfect opportunity to show you a real connection.
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i wish to apply for 22nd using a tecnique i learned from my friend Xant, he know what i am talking about
ps: yes i am trolling him
ps:2 no i am not trolling you
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yes i already did it
Looks like the perfect opportunity to show you a real connection.
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OP has been updated with strategus claims.
...not again, ffs...... :rolleyes:(click to show/hide)
Any clan trying to claim fiefs inside the noted(BaldRider's spoiler above) territory will find their own, final, utter, complete and total destruction very fast.
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ill just lose 500 gold by killing myself in the river so nobody gets the money... WIN!
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Hmffff I agree with Gnjus.
Also Phyrex, what happens if you piss off everybody, which is bound to happen after I had a ''conversation'' with rokema_the_pirate on official servers (im pretty sure the shogunate wouln't like to see those logs) and calling every hispanic country ''Mexican'' (Which I am one of those people from a hispanic country) you will just get slaughtered, I would think of keeping you're tongue in if you're gonna insult whole clans AND whole communitys of people...
Hmffff I agree with Gnjus.
Also Phyrex, what happens if you piss off everybody, which is bound to happen after I had a ''conversation'' with rokema_the_pirate on official servers (im pretty sure the shogunate wouln't like to see those logs) and calling every hispanic country ''Mexican'' (Which I am one of those people from a hispanic country) you will just get slaughtered, I would think of keeping you're tongue in if you're gonna insult whole clans AND whole communitys of people...
Yes, because everyone will surely be pissed off by Rokema saying every hispanic country is Mexican (Oh sweet jesus and yellow spirit guides! Worse an insult has never been heard!)
In fact, anyone getting pissed off by that (or anything else Rokema says, that cuddly sweetheart) will probably have too hard a time navigating the Strategus interface to slaughter anyone. If they get past those difficulties with some heavy external help, the pool of drool from their mouth will surely make their keyboards inoperable and thus, they will not be slaughtering anyone. (Except themselves perhaps, when they, in their folly, attempt to use a knife for eating.)
I don't drool, even when im drunk, and my keyboard is usally under the glass, so yeah...
Also I would be angry if he insulted my country, isn't this like the start of conflicts?
Why would you be angry if he insulted your country? Patriotism is so wonderfully irrational, but of course, serves the government's interests.
Why? because insulting my bloodline, and my homeland is just rude and un-called for.
And you speak of patriotism, isn't that one of the human instics, or are we all cyborgs who have no fellings?
All bullshit aside:
Act accordingly.
All bullshit aside:
It is pointless to argue whether or not you should feel insulted about X. You should be worried if the majority of people (not you personally, but the majority of your audience) is insulted by X.
Patriotism whether it makes sense or not, exists, and people get angry over it. Welcome to irrational life that makes absolutely no god damned sense whatsoever. Act accordingly.
Pfft, you should only be worried if those people can do something that negatively affects you.
All bullshit aside:
It is pointless to argue whether or not you should feel insulted about X. You should be worried if the majority of people (not you personally, but the majority of your audience) is insulted by X.
Patriotism whether it makes sense or not, exists, and people get angry over it. Welcome to irrational life that makes absolutely no god damned sense whatsoever. Act accordingly.
Hey 22nd, whatever happened to those comics one of your guys made when you were fighting the Templars?
(Also roleplaying some Templar order which used to cause great amounts of deaths IRL many years ago due to religious ignorance in that time might be offensive to some but they deal with it, why can't you deal with your bloodlines? )
Hmm, that kind of troll can only be done by a very very ignorant guy. Even wikipedia is not that biased, thanks for teaching us history with Kingdom of heaven or whatever shit movie you watched.
It's like trying to set up a chocolate chip cookie clan in WB where you yell "Off into the chamber!" instead of "God wills it." )This... gives me ideas.
Oh, baldrider's comics, you mean?
Stabbing muslims for the sake of stabbing muslims isn't evil, I know.
We should all stab more muslims.
We should all stab more muslims.They'll gank you Siiem.
Disclaimer: The legal department of the 22nd would like to notify the userbase of c-RPG that the above post, or the user, does not speak on behalf of 22nd, nor does the above represent any official 22nd stances on muslims, stabbings, or stabbings of muslims.
Educate yourself in education Xant, or shall I say, Xant the absent:cry:
Xant is in no way a representative of our legal department, he is a fkn smurf
lowl, unexpected, may we know which village ? :lol:
It's secret, hidden in the shadows and classified!
Ninjas took Kwynn :)
I feel dirty.
Risen's secret intelligence police is onto us :s
VVar as secret intelligence is not a good idea.
No, I think Xant ment his intelligence is secret.
Yes. A secret better guarded than the gold of Fort Knox...
Ok templars will station ourselfs on those black areas, which are inside the green but not green.
We might as well raid xant's secretporn stashMilitary docturine on kulum.
Thats pure fucking poetry, hugs and kisses my love!
Oh and
Only because you two are into bromance and love finland.
Nooooooooooooo, my childhood is ruined. :(
Siiem your a sheep. You always have been and always will be. <3
And Siiem, being the sheep he is, followed suit and is now a shielder too.
Now that we got our arguments out of the way... Who the fuck are you and why do you keep calling me a sheep? :?
Siiem is a sexy norwegian sheep
I NO RITE. And it's fucking awesome.
And Siiem, being the sheep he is, followed suit and is now a shielder too.
and both of you still lose to me?
wow double fail ..
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Im starting to think sheep dont know any other words....