cRPG => cRPG Technical problems => Topic started by: Trikipum on October 10, 2012, 11:55:42 pm

Title: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Trikipum on October 10, 2012, 11:55:42 pm
Problem is Hetzner (the host provider for the servers) sucks dick in their network. People reaching their network by this gateway get crazy ping and lag:
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The idea is. Post your country if you are having ping problems. That way ppl in charge of servers may give a damn about us and hopefully  do something about it.
I personally got this shit and im at  spain, and most spanish players also get it. Those using other ISP than mine get slightly higher ping but seems liket they reach the server by diferent route and have not this problem (ONO ISP).
And you?.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oohillac on October 10, 2012, 11:59:03 pm
Canada, resolved itself about 20 mins later.

Currently my NA ping is at 170, EU ping at 175.

Normally, NA at ~70, EU at 175. 

What the fuck is going on with the server.

edit:  back to normal now, try not to get your foot caught in the server cables anymore, devs.

Evidently not a problem with my end, as my EU ping should also spike accordingly if I was downloading/streaming/whathaveyou.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: SanGliers_Hautecourt on October 11, 2012, 11:57:29 am
Having lag spikes for several months now...I'm in france.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: [ptx] on October 11, 2012, 12:05:59 pm
I was having major issues at my other home for a while, as i was being routed through a .ru adress (over 120 ping) for whatever reason, when going for a .de adress. This would be that way for a couple of weeks, before going back to normal (no .ru adresses in route, ping 60-80).

Currently enjoying a 40-50ms latency through an optical cable :)

I am from Latvia.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Wingthor on October 11, 2012, 01:01:58 pm
ping of 30-40 in eu and 150+ in NA. Btw. in which country are the eu-servers located?

greetings from germany
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Andswaru on October 11, 2012, 03:44:16 pm
I believe it the EU stuff lives in Frankfurt Germany. Ive ping 17 outta Mannheim. No-one move the servers or im gonna cry.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on October 11, 2012, 04:08:16 pm
Country: Spain.

Having same ping issues,which usually get out of the way at 23:00 and forward,mainly having the issue from 18 to 22 madrid time.

Saw other people with different isps and diferent conections from spain and the same problem.They got their ping raised by 40-60 at that times.Even from adsl,doesnt matter their bandwith.

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on October 11, 2012, 05:19:07 pm
Living in Denmark, usually having like 40-50 ping, now I have like 80-140 ping.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on October 13, 2012, 01:59:44 pm
Like Beast said, I have the same problem. I live in Spain and I use the same ISP Superfool does, and we both have our pings rise to the double from 4 pm until midnight, more or less.

It's unplayable with 150 ping or more, so I can only play during the mornings or late nights.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Trikipum on October 13, 2012, 04:32:13 pm
Too bad admins dont give a damn about this problem. The old original servers ran much better for me....
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on October 18, 2012, 11:28:55 am
Canada, resolved itself about 20 mins later.

Evidently not a problem with my end, as my EU ping should also spike accordingly if I was downloading/streaming/whathaveyou.
I get exactly the same! During the "lag hours", my ping to the NA servers isn't affected at all. For example, the ping to EU servers might rise up from 80 to 130, while the ping to NA servers remains 170 all the time.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Riddaren on October 20, 2012, 08:07:06 pm
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Still got the high pings on all EU servers 3 hours later.
NA servers have around 120 ping like they should have.

Got low ping on one EU server though:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: no_rules_just_play on October 20, 2012, 09:25:40 pm
same for me all eu servers are going up to 400 ping. there is another tread called 'ping rising...' where more people agree to this
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on October 20, 2012, 09:38:45 pm
Here is some irrefutable proof that the EU servers are laggy whilst NA servers are not: (pictures taken earlier this afternoon) (note that I normally have between 75 and 90 ping in EU)

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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on October 21, 2012, 06:12:39 am
yea, still continues   :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: AvengerC47 on October 22, 2012, 03:53:50 pm
If think the place we live doesn't matter
I live in Poland and have same problem
'main' ping is lower than in old server but now, like everyone here, have that jumps to 100+ and disconnections from time to time
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: peter_afca7 on October 22, 2012, 06:36:48 pm
Nord_Mauwits got this shit to normal ping 20-30   with this weird ping he gets around 180 from the Netherlands
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on October 24, 2012, 04:23:35 pm
I have checked that i have like 68-80 ping on native servers with my isp and connection,so having 100 normally on crpg and sometimes 110-150 its a problem of crpg hosts or the nodes that it uses. That is also the reason why other people with different connections and countries may have the same problem as trikipuma has already shown.

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Cepeshi on October 24, 2012, 04:29:08 pm
did not had any issues up untill last week or so, maybe longer but as it occurs mostly in the evening i might have been at work and not noticed before. Anyways i am usually on 45+-, but i oscillate from 90-500 during the "prime time". Nothing else is running on my network at that time. Made sure of that last evening, as i plugged myself directly to the modem output cable. Still same :(

No idea what is causing this, but this is making the game more of a leechfest for me at the time it is actually somewhat well populated, which makes me a sad panda. Also, not sure if that is just me, but i noticed quite some high pings on EU lately during evenings.

During the day there is like half the server ranged or cav, so not much fun in 30 people, and when i could actually have some serious fun, i have these issues.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Riddaren on October 24, 2012, 08:06:39 pm
If anything these issues are slowly killing the mod.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Bjord on October 24, 2012, 08:11:15 pm
Recently started getting the same issue, it's really weird. Usually starts around 6-7 PM, and always when I'm on EU3. Sometimes it doesn't occur on the other servers, like today. EU1 and 2 was fine, but EU3 my ping was fluctuating between 70-100 ping, while my average is 37 ping.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: GanForr on October 24, 2012, 08:45:50 pm
I've problems, too. Since the start of Semptember my ping have started raising, and from the 50-55 that i usually had now i have 80 or more. This happens in all the eu server. Only today i had 60-65 ping(and I nerd hard).

Edit: btw, i live in Italy.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Osiris on October 25, 2012, 07:53:19 pm
eu1 ping is 50ish, eu4 right now 80-100 O.o
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on October 25, 2012, 09:23:33 pm
Another picture where you can see the little difference in ping between EU and NA:
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Riddaren on October 26, 2012, 10:59:54 pm
Just want to say, I've not had these problems the last two days and I've played at all hours of the day.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Riddaren on October 28, 2012, 09:12:25 pm
... and the ping problem is back again. It's not just me. I guess 5-10% are affected on EU_1.
This should be priority #1 for the cRPG team to fix.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kapikulu_Disaster on October 28, 2012, 09:54:47 pm
I live in austria and have same problem

my ping is normally 28-30

now 55-60  :(
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on October 30, 2012, 03:41:46 am
At least devs could answer something at this point.Even a we will check it next year or something just to make sure they read it though :(
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on November 01, 2012, 07:00:13 pm
Bump. Fix the lag!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Elmuri on November 01, 2012, 08:17:26 pm
Yep I've noticed that theres some guys whose pings alway rise by 40 or 50 at the same time. (Including me)
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Torben on November 01, 2012, 08:21:24 pm
my ping wildly jumps from 15 to 18 and back,  its really annoying.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: SanGliers_Hautecourt on November 02, 2012, 10:24:46 am
BUMP  :evil:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Count_RisArch on November 02, 2012, 09:35:07 pm
United Kingdom here.

I went from having 40-50 ping a week or two ago to about 100 now, as stated with a few screenshots above I find the US servers have comparable latency to the EU. This needs to be fixed, as seems like a waste of money on these "super" servers otherwise.


My ping has returned to normal, in fact its better than before running at 34-40 ping on a full eu_2. Don't know what happened but they're you go, thanks server crew! 
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: camperus on November 04, 2012, 08:39:19 pm
from 62 to 200+ today, and now 400+. Unplayable
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Dino_Penis on November 05, 2012, 03:02:04 am
Usually I get 80 ping from NA servers, now I get 180 ping. WTF.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BranStark on November 05, 2012, 05:24:26 am
Usually I get 80 ping from NA servers, now I get 180 ping. WTF.

Same dude. I usually get 50 ping on NA servers, now I'm getting 150-160. Ping has tripled overnight.... No idea.

Ran a test on, and my internet is fine. I DL fine. So... what the fuck is wrong with the servers.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Xiou on November 05, 2012, 10:20:14 pm
I am in the UK too, ping has been reliably under 50 until recently where, like all these other unfortunate souls, it has gone to 100+ making the game either a leechfest or completely unplayable. My NA ping is unaffected and remains about 110 which is now often better.

Soooooo whatever you did it would probably be best to find it and undo it :D

In the meantime I shall play something else...
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kapikulu_Disaster on November 07, 2012, 02:29:22 am
From 25 to 60-70 Ping :(
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Ragnar_Ulfson on November 07, 2012, 03:30:51 am
I'm NA, normally I run around 45-50 ms, and randomly I'll have normal ping, then later in the evening it'll just jump to 165-180 and not return until very early in the morning.  I've tested and reset my internet, it's obviously a server side issue.  I would like a fix but doubt it'll come soon, on a side not, that ping is almost impossible to play for me.  I can't play until it's fixed.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: ObiWan on November 07, 2012, 01:47:33 pm
From 64 to 160 ping. Poland.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Mateoo on November 11, 2012, 04:00:31 pm
Same situation here. From around 59-64 to over 100. Higher "jumps" occur as well. For example from 60 to 130 then to 354 and then slowly going down to 220 then to 130... Very annoying. Sometimes I can't even climb a ladder.

Country: Poland
P.S. I have run speedtest already. Everything seems fine.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Sir_Mahtin on November 11, 2012, 08:48:51 pm
I'm having the same issue. My ping use to be a steady 40-60 at peak, but now it's all over the place. Once in a while I also get disconnected every time the map switches.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Belethor on November 13, 2012, 06:03:01 am
Country: Australia

Ping is almost always 200+ sometimes even 300+. NA servers are around the 200, EU is 250+.
Hopefully an Australian server will come out some day. . . .
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kapikulu_Disaster on November 16, 2012, 03:19:32 pm
from 28 to 70 ping. austria
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Mateoo on November 17, 2012, 08:43:08 pm
Yeah. Now I am unable to win a single duel. Swords go through shield. People getting behind me in just one second...  Very annoying.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on November 23, 2012, 03:03:26 pm
Le bump.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: NuberT on November 26, 2012, 06:03:04 pm
I am getting this aswell from time to time.. and I live in germany.

ingame ping is ~90ms
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while I have a ping of ~20ms everywhere else..
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: camperus on November 27, 2012, 07:18:26 pm
Now my ping is moving between usual ping (6x ms) and 180ms. I have 2 screens so im tracking ping on secondary screen and i dont have any issues with my inet. And i didnt see any admin giving us any answers but we are a lot of people with latency issues that makes game unplayable and we have no support form devs.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kapikulu_Disaster on December 04, 2012, 09:25:03 pm
from 30 to70-80 bump  :evil:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on December 05, 2012, 12:23:25 am
Welcome to my world!  :P
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on December 08, 2012, 03:39:03 am
i got this high ping issue for 2 weeks now and it makes me crazy. i used to have 65-75 ping. 80 at most. now i have 95-115 ping so it is really fucked up. now all i can do is dress like artemrus and make some weak trolling with this somalian ping. i missed melee so much :( pls solve this now
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on December 08, 2012, 06:48:11 am
i got this high ping issue for 2 weeks now and it makes me crazy. i used to have 65-75 ping. 80 at most. now i have 95-115 ping so it is really fucked up. now all i can do is dress like artemrus and make some weak trolling with this somalian ping. i missed melee so much :( pls solve this now

you better take some courses from artemrus, he will teach you  :lol:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on December 09, 2012, 10:15:01 am
its getting worse everyday. i ve an average of 120 ping right now. ive ping of 65-69 at bf3 and dota 2 so im pretty sure now its just about crpg. is it so hard to fix this or what ? u gotta change the servers or something ? i login every few hours, play like 15 minutes till i GTX due to some nonskilled spammer owns me cause of my ping. i dont wanna look bitchy but just please fix this or atleast tell me something. im so close to GTX from the whole fucking game(delete my chars etc.). maybe it ends good after i quit. my life might get better but i dont want that ! i wanna play crpg
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Bozdag on December 09, 2012, 05:49:11 pm
normally i played 65-75, max 80 ping but now i'm playing 110-120. It's really annoying, EU servers and NA servers pings are similar. Fix this please.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Imperious on December 11, 2012, 06:35:00 pm
from 77 to 120
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: NuberT on December 11, 2012, 06:45:11 pm
didn't had it in a while, today highping on every EU server, BUT cotgs..
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: camperus on December 11, 2012, 07:23:21 pm
didn't had it in a while, today highping on every EU server, BUT cotgs..
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same here, seems that we are a lot of ppl with technical problems, asking for a solution or at least some info in the correct forum, hello admins  :o
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kafein on December 12, 2012, 02:01:34 am
I have a vivid fear of ever being lost on a desert island. Do you imagine the ping you get when playing through a satellite connection ?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on December 12, 2012, 09:29:30 am
didn't had it in a while, today highping on every EU server, BUT cotgs..
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thats the best ping i get btw :D wish i had ping like that now. but seriously why is it happening ? is there a way to fix it? weeks and days passing no admin responds...
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: NuberT on December 12, 2012, 11:01:15 pm
looks like they are trying something :shock:

50 ms instead of 90 ms
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Haze_The_Hobo on December 13, 2012, 12:43:18 am
Ping and connectivity issues, writing from Finland. Ping used to be 40-50 now it is around 60-70.

Often when i try to join game get instant disconnect and then for 5secs message your character in use.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on December 13, 2012, 04:31:59 am
My general ping was about 60-70 in first year of crpg. Next year, it was about 65-75 until last 2 weeks. And it was maximum today like 120-140 in EU2 server. Strange  :|
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on December 14, 2012, 07:55:37 am
it seems like they fixed it. i have the old ping now. ty so much !
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: kinngrimm on December 14, 2012, 10:04:32 am
:oops: wrong thread   :wink:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: NuberT on December 14, 2012, 11:02:46 am
it seems like they fixed it. i have the old ping now. ty so much !

No they have not fixed it. Actually its worse,  1 day/week a highping of 90ms was better than beeing stuck at permanently ~40 ms, while I should have 20 ms like I have in any other game.. me not happy :cry:

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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: NuberT on December 16, 2012, 11:56:45 am
Finally my ping is again how hes supposed to be. Plz leave it that way :D.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: ilikere19 on December 16, 2012, 05:23:26 pm
Ya i get big problems, In na i get around 70-100+ and eu over 200 and I'm from Canada
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Wes_Durden on December 16, 2012, 10:20:01 pm
Ping problems during evening and night. I'm in spain and i have a 10 M bandwidth. Thnx
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: NuberT on December 17, 2012, 03:25:27 pm
and it's fucked up again ping x3, cant block shit - me not happy :cry:.

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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on December 17, 2012, 04:12:05 pm
today, it is really bad. high and unstabil pings with lags  :(
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Lord_Hawk on December 18, 2012, 03:17:04 pm
I have the same problem, i tought it was me and i tried everything to fix the internet. I even called my isp and ask if they know anything about this, but they didnt. I live in the Netherlands (Holland) and my ping has always been around 20-30, now its always 40-50. I have this problem a couple of months now and it did not change. But for the first time in ages my normal ping was back again 2 days ago. I was very happy about it. But it was only for 1 day, i have the same high ping again... Please fix this.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on December 19, 2012, 05:07:06 pm
Could devs pls take a look at this? I think it must affect a lot of people of the player base and seems devs dont even have read this as no official answer for it after lots of posts.... :(
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Lepintoi on December 19, 2012, 07:49:52 pm
Bad lag since EU2 became 120 player limit even tho it mostly only has 60 people in it...
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: SanGliers_Hautecourt on December 20, 2012, 10:40:21 am
5 pages of discussion, and no answers/solution from the devs.... :evil:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: fdaslan on December 20, 2012, 11:29:32 pm
Getting random disconnects and lags nowadays. I check my connection after every dc and it seems okay.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Rumblood on December 21, 2012, 12:54:04 am
5 pages of discussion, and no answers/solution from the devs.... :evil:

Without them coming to your house and looking at all the devices you use on your network, along with all network traffic, plus concurrent monitoring of multiple external servers on different network paths, what really do you believe that they can do? While there may be 5 pages here, this is still a minority and very likely that maybe 5% of you have the same cause and as a large number of us don't have issues with c-rpg ping increasing, it leads me to believe that you have a local problem that c-rpg dev's can't help you with.

Easy example. Do you use Steam? Do you have ALL of your games set to Do not Automatically Update? No? Well when Steam starts updating in the background, your ping WILL go up until it finishes, which could be hours with big update. The list can go on and on and on.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Cepeshi on December 21, 2012, 01:02:12 pm
Without them coming to your house and looking at all the devices you use on your network, along with all network traffic, plus concurrent monitoring of multiple external servers on different network paths, what really do you believe that they can do? While there may be 5 pages here, this is still a minority and very likely that maybe 5% of you have the same cause and as a large number of us don't have issues with c-rpg ping increasing, it leads me to believe that you have a local problem that c-rpg dev's can't help you with.

Easy example. Do you use Steam? Do you have ALL of your games set to Do not Automatically Update? No? Well when Steam starts updating in the background, your ping WILL go up until it finishes, which could be hours with big update. The list can go on and on and on.

Just for the steam, dunno if its settings, but it NEVER updates once i got some game running. If you got steam on and do not add the launcher in it, this could be the cause.

For me, it gets fixed almost everytime by rebooting of router and/or modem. Seems like someone on my line likes torrents and once the router goes on for few days, it gets somewhat stuck. I see like 8-10 clients connected and i have shit ping. Then reset, only two or three clients (as it should be) and ping is OK.

Once or twice this didnt worked, but it was another issue on side of my ISP.  8-)

(i am IT guy, but my field of expertise is not networking, not even windows, so...sorry if i sound stupid :))

So everytime you got problems, if it is not like 24/7, try restart router/modem.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Bozdag on December 21, 2012, 01:39:12 pm
Like TTNet customer service :D
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Rumblood on December 21, 2012, 05:10:13 pm
Just for the steam, dunno if its settings, but it NEVER updates once i got some game running. If you got steam on and do not add the launcher in it, this could be the cause.

For me, it gets fixed almost everytime by rebooting of router and/or modem. Seems like someone on my line likes torrents and once the router goes on for few days, it gets somewhat stuck. I see like 8-10 clients connected and i have shit ping. Then reset, only two or three clients (as it should be) and ping is OK.

Once or twice this didnt worked, but it was another issue on side of my ISP.  8-)

(i am IT guy, but my field of expertise is not networking, not even windows, so...sorry if i sound stupid :))

So everytime you got problems, if it is not like 24/7, try restart router/modem.

Yeah, that's my point Cepeshi, most of the time it is on the client end and many people are not technically proficient enough to figure out what their problem is. Instead they go the gaming forums of whatever they are trying to play and demand that those developers do something about the network issues. It would be like telling your mother that she needs to fix your problem because you always get dropped calls when talking to her.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on December 21, 2012, 05:44:24 pm
I see ur points grandpappy,but youre not hellping at all,if u luckily not part of the so called 5% by u(numbers out the ass?specially when u seem to be Na admin and probably u dont play too much on eu isnt it?......5%.....Lol....) then congrats,but i can assure u,as i been checking this for months and talking to players about this,that there is some ping issues for lots of people with different connections and different countries at the same times and hours of the day. Not mattering if they have 10mb broadband, 50mb broadband, adsl, cable,etc .

At first post there is a tracer test that shows some nodes having problems.If u connect by that node ur ping its increased. I dont have any steam or antivirus running on background,no updates,nothing at all and i still can have the problem at those times, and at that same time i can see people that have normal ping usually having like 100+ ping on the same servers so ur point its invalid,and really unsolidary. Maybe theres a minor percentage of people that has this kind of problems cause they are running programs on the background or cause any hardware or software they use its not well configurated,but were not talking bout this. There is a big difference in playing this game with 115-120 ish ping and playing it with 80-90.U may or may not noticed it,but if u dont experience this problem help or kindly get out of the way ,thank u.

What i mean its that u would be right on some of the supossitions u do if u know exactly what we are talking about, but this thread its not about: i have laggz helpz me out coz i dont know nothing bout internetz. Its about players that had been playing this for long with normal pings and from long time ago they notice big pings spikes or just big ping increases at certain points of the day lasting for hours with the exact configuration and connection they used to use when they had normal ping,sistematically and with no background bandwith use.

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: SanGliers_Hautecourt on December 21, 2012, 10:07:31 pm
Its about players that had been playing this for long with normal pings and from long time ago they notice big pings spikes or just big ping increases at certain points of the day lasting for hours with the exact configuration and connection they used to use when they had normal ping,sistematically and with no background bandwith use.
that's it, that's all. thanks superbeast :wink:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on December 23, 2012, 10:59:39 pm
my shitty ping is back after 2 weeks of normality. fuck it and fuck this mod. btw NA admin; we are not some retarded children. most people playing this mod are nerds or atleast know what might cause lag or not
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Rumblood on December 24, 2012, 06:06:38 am
my shitty ping is back after 2 weeks of normality. fuck it and fuck this mod. btw NA admin; we are not some retarded children. most people playing this mod are nerds or atleast know what might cause lag or not

No, a few people do. The rest go "Omg me too! The exact same thing!" when usually, no, no it isn't the exact same thing. But carry on.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: the real god emperor on December 24, 2012, 06:39:54 pm
Got 86 ping on EU1, other servers 120, hard to play but still can pown many ppl :P imagine  me with 30 ping!!!!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: karasu on December 28, 2012, 05:24:41 pm
My ping raised in every EU server from 50 to 90+. Not sure if a node problem still sucks, can't play decently, not only due to the ping, but mostly for the constant in-game lag.

It's now at 110... cool.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Bozdag on December 28, 2012, 11:52:57 pm
it's over i won't play mod anymore. ha - you guys do not care i don't care either too native is good for me :)
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on January 05, 2013, 05:34:02 pm
180+ ping since day 2 of january. Funny thing is i have 190 on Na servers.  70-90 on native and other games. Done with it.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: djavo on January 05, 2013, 07:47:22 pm
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Angantyr on January 12, 2013, 07:01:59 am
Been having similar problems the last month or two, on and off, never had so before and don't have it any other games (not that I really play many others though but in the few I have there's hasn't been any issues), when browsing, downloading or in speedtests. Have tried calling my isp several times but so far they haven't been able to help. Really takes a lot of the enjoyment out of the game even to the point where it's unplayable.

Not denying the problem may very well be on my end somehow (between me and the server rather) just wish I knew where.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Stabby_Dave on January 14, 2013, 01:54:19 pm
Thought id throw in there that my ping has been fucked for weeks. Used to be 40-60 but its been 100+ for weeks. Curiously EU4 is normal ping.

I stopped playing because of this.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 14, 2013, 05:52:22 pm
Thought id throw in there that my ping has been fucked for weeks. Used to be 40-60 but its been 100+ for weeks. Curiously EU4 is normal ping.

I stopped playing because of this.

what did devs say about that?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Strudog on January 14, 2013, 06:29:11 pm
ping used to be 30 and now its 82, i live in the Uk not in Siberia
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Belatu on January 15, 2013, 12:28:36 pm
Country: Spain.

Good ping EU 115    NA 170          from 1:00 (1 am) to the morning (havent cheked it but i think it is around 8:00 (8am))

bad ping issue the rest of the day EU 245 NA 190  with speecially really bad lags and mad ping at the evening


Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on January 16, 2013, 10:22:43 pm

Seriously,its my geography fucked up or its germany nearer than Na from spain......

So i have normal lag on na oceanic connection but 100 ms more than normal to germany. Clap clap. Normal ping on any other server in native or other games. Screenshot taken after full cpu and modem reset with not a single program in background using bandwith(and no i dont launch game from steam)

 Now tell me thats an issue with my connection and the connection of plazek belatucadros,trikipuma and all those other guys with exactly same problem..... and this happens everyday, not for minutes but for hours.

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 17, 2013, 06:09:15 pm

Seriously,its my geography fucked up or its germany nearer than Na from spain......

So i have normal lag on na oceanic connection but 100 ms more than normal to germany. Clap clap. Normal ping on any other server in native or other games. Screenshot taken after full cpu and modem reset with not a single program in background using bandwith(and no i dont launch game from steam)

 Now tell me thats an issue with my connection and the connection of plazek belatucadros,trikipuma and all those other guys with exactly same problem..... and this happens everyday, not for minutes but for hours.

i have your same problem warbeast, and i have to say that devs are not really helpful on this; already tried to speak on IRC. also even if many have this problem still no answers so far.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on January 17, 2013, 08:14:38 pm

This article helps to get traces on that network and then u can send their provider whats going on.

Ive sent a email to hetzner but im not client of theirs so this should be done by devs itself so theiy take it on account. :p
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Viriathus on January 18, 2013, 01:59:29 pm

Country: Portugal (next to Spain)
Ping used to be 50, now its 80 to 100.

Ive reset my router, I made sure im the only one conected to it.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: tizzango on January 18, 2013, 10:15:03 pm
It seems like it's happening to a lot of people.

When I play I usually start on 40 ping and it gradually makes its way to 80-90. Then I get mad spikes like 400-600 it gets pretty crazy!

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Dalhi on January 19, 2013, 05:51:51 pm
Someone knows what is the server ip?

(click to show/hide)

While having decent ping on IG_Battlegorounds, 57 to be precise.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: LordBerenger on January 19, 2013, 06:38:13 pm
My ping got higher than usual on NA 1 now :L

From 110-120 to 160-180
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on January 19, 2013, 09:03:21 pm

Awesome how this happens to a fking load of people still not a single dev posted in here.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Malagigi on January 20, 2013, 01:38:35 pm
Same here: from 60 to 100.
Just can't play :cry:

Fun thing is, months ago I doubled my upload bandwidth to improve ping, because it used to be 80... now it's worst than ever!

Edited to add this:
- I'm from Italy (that's why my english sucks :)
- ping to Cotgs' server is just fine (can't find how to upload screenshot, but it's 58 vs 100)
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 20, 2013, 04:47:07 pm
Same here: from 60 to 100.
Just can't play :cry:

Fun thing is, months ago I doubled my upload bandwidth to improve ping, because it used to be 80... now it's worst than ever!

Edited to add this:
- I'm from Italy (that's why my english sucks :)
- ping to Cotgs' server is just fine (can't find how to upload screenshot, but it's 58 vs 100)

same gigi, on cotgs my ping is normal  :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Honozz on January 20, 2013, 06:19:50 pm
I also have the ping problem. Before Christmas i had about 40 ping, then it went to 70-80 and now i have +- 100 every day.
Btw, i am from czech republic. :)
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Mongolista on January 20, 2013, 08:19:23 pm
Same here, Ive encountered this problem since the last patch, I had stable 37 ping before that, now its 37 with about 6 lag spikes per round (5 minutes) when my ping goes to about 100-250 ping. I thought its a problem of my roommates, thought they are downloading something, but then I played while they were away for Christmas and I still had lag spikes...All my other online games work fine without this problem....I am playing from the UK.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 20, 2013, 09:04:43 pm
used proxy and i got lower ping (54) wut the fuck is happening?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Cepeshi on January 20, 2013, 09:10:56 pm
Just one thing guys, the ping showing on the List of servers is usually higher than the one you get ingame later. I have like 114 pings when i list servers, but when i join i got my usual 35-50.

Well, that is if nothing is fucked up and i dont sport like 100-800 in pingspikes. Even while alone on the line.  :shock:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Apsod on January 20, 2013, 09:32:32 pm
I also have this problem. Sometimes my ping is normal, but then suddenly it increases by 20-150 ping out of nowhere and stays that way for hours. Really frustrating :mad:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Gurnisson on January 20, 2013, 09:42:17 pm
Back to 120-250 ping on EU crpg servers while having normal ping on NA and Native servers :|
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 20, 2013, 10:17:30 pm
Back to 120-250 ping on EU crpg servers while having normal ping on NA and Native servers :|

try with proxy it should get lower
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: kasMVC on January 21, 2013, 02:47:14 am
I'm usually around 37 ping on NA servers. Every so often this will spike to upwards of 850+. Sometimes I even get disconnected. I haven't even been watching sketchy porn!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Gurnisson on January 21, 2013, 03:50:36 am
try with proxy it should get lower

Might be a norwegian thing. Siiem has the same problem atm, and I know Tor always got high ping on sunday evenings. :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Apsod on January 21, 2013, 08:17:43 am
I am also from Norway and I have these problems. :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Malagigi on January 21, 2013, 08:08:19 pm
Me and darmaster are from Italy and experienced the very same problem, so it's not a norvegian issue.
Today is even worse, from 100 to 125. Wtf is going on?

Tried playing without cRPG launcher, tried repairing the installation, nothing seems to work. Opened a ticket with my ISP, but my dsl's parameters are fine. I guess is something related to cRPG's servers.

@darma: How could a proxy help this? O_o it should add delay.. anyway, what proxy did you use?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 22, 2013, 06:09:13 pm
Me and darmaster are from Italy and experienced the very same problem, so it's not a norvegian issue.
Today is even worse, from 100 to 125. Wtf is going on?

Tried playing without cRPG launcher, tried repairing the installation, nothing seems to work. Opened a ticket with my ISP, but my dsl's parameters are fine. I guess is something related to cRPG's servers.

@darma: How could a proxy help this? O_o it should add delay.. anyway, what proxy did you use?

yep a proxy should delay, but you get an higher ping that usually, not higher than this one; radament told me you get like bounced everywhere, didn't get exactly what he said :/ anyway yes, it's a cRPG's servers problem.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Life on January 22, 2013, 08:03:51 pm
for somereason i keep "losing connection" to all servers on crpg every now and then. its rather annoying.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Malagigi on January 24, 2013, 06:51:28 pm
Out of curiosity, this morning I run the game and checked the pings. They were good!
This evening, again >100ms  :cry: :cry: :cry:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Radament on January 27, 2013, 06:39:00 am
Out of curiosity, this morning I run the game and checked the pings. They were good!
This evening, again >100ms  :cry: :cry: :cry:

had the same problem some months ago , i called my isp , sweared to the telephonist and tried to solve the issue on my own checking all activities that drains bandwith.

ping was normal in the afternoon , crazy in the evening (like 170 eu_1 / 40 eu_4 / 125 na_1  etc..)

resolved itself , don't remember what i did.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Sagar on January 28, 2013, 06:38:25 pm
My ping was always around 35 - 45. Now jumping from 50 to 150? Is there problems with cRPG servers?
I try it in other games, and it is the same as before around 35 - 45.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on January 28, 2013, 10:04:12 pm
If you read the OP, you would know the answer. Yes, it's the servers, ever since they were moved. I've been having lag for most evenings for more than a year now.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Gurnisson on January 28, 2013, 10:20:39 pm
Had it for a few months now. 120 to 350 ping from afternoon till late evening. Kind of ruins the mod for me, especially considering I've got 55-65 on native servers at all times... :wink:

NA servers have better ping for me than EU. 200 on EU, 155 on NA. Fun when you're from europe...
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on January 29, 2013, 12:02:09 am

Nobody on devs team seem to care about this. Ill just play something else.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Radament on January 29, 2013, 12:20:29 am
too bad i see some peple quitting cause of this problem.
i know it's only a few guys having shitping but it could be nice to see some response from devs in this thread.
it's not a little bug that you can fix just rewriting a line of code or something , just inform these players about the problem and if it will be fixed.
i know devs have other things to do like battlegrounds and other , i'm just sad seeing ppl leaving for this , that's it.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on January 30, 2013, 09:44:01 pm
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Moncho on January 30, 2013, 10:46:18 pm
Since a few days ago, my 60-80 ping is now 160-200. This is unplayable.
Online ping tests give 40-60 still, my connection has not changed.
My pings to the servers:
(click to show/hide)
In other games it is 60-80. An internet pingtest (while playing):
(click to show/hide)
btw, my location is the UK
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: mikeb118 on January 31, 2013, 10:33:14 pm
My normal ping on eu servers was 29-39, now for the past week it's been more like 169-189 and the game is unplayable. I've checked network settings and usage on my end and i can see no problems with my setup.
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on January 31, 2013, 10:51:16 pm
Nobody on devs team seem to care about this. Ill just play something else.
U should make a xbowman alt and experience artemrus perspective of the mod. İt helped me a lot when i had shit ping. That and shitload of drugs.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on February 01, 2013, 06:36:39 am
U should make a xbowman alt and experience artemrus perspective of the mod. İt helped me a lot when i had shit ping. That and shitload of drugs.

Hehe, i already experienced this same problem last year for like 4 months,and have had enough of that kind of "experience" .Drugs only help till 120 ping,over that,even loads of drugs cant make this game fun as its intended too. At least for the melee part. =)

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on February 01, 2013, 12:51:50 pm
ok mate farewell then. just dont delete ur char this time :))
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on February 01, 2013, 08:07:58 pm
 :oops: No worries, this time he ll  take his weapons and armor in the grave for virtual eternity-hibernation :D

Gn and good luck!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on February 01, 2013, 10:48:15 pm
my ping got fixed
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Angellore on February 01, 2013, 10:58:29 pm
For me, cRPG server runs smoothly most of the time, but sometimes ping increases or packet losses appears.
Today I have about 10-15% packet losses and the game is unplayable. I see delays in game, hits not synchronized with animations and things like that.
With old server I had no problem at all, this new one causes this kind of things. Yeah, it's fine most of the time, but from time to time my ping jumps +10, +20 or +30 ms for a day/few days or like today I have packet losses.
And it happens to my friends as well, even those who lives in other cities and has different providers. But it don't happen same time, today I have problems with connection, tommorow it can be one of my friends. So I guess it's on server hoster side, maybe some connections gets low priority for some reason (too low bandwith for too many users same time?). I don't know, but it is annoying :(.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Tojo on February 02, 2013, 03:45:54 am
I am in Southern USA, and recently my ping for NA servers has gone up 80 ping... I do not like this. I have done a speed test and it is not an issue on my end.

Can an Admin tell me whats going on and where the servers are located?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Tojo on February 02, 2013, 03:46:32 am
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Malagigi on February 02, 2013, 03:09:32 pm
My ping seems fixed, too! Yey!  :D :D
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Pandemona on February 02, 2013, 06:32:59 pm
Problem solved for me.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Tojo on February 02, 2013, 07:55:35 pm
i was back at normal ping this morning on NA_2, but after playing for while it increased to the dreaded 120+ ping.

It seems like some servers have better ping than others. When i pulled up the server list NA_2 78 ping and NA_7 had 160!!!!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Moncho on February 02, 2013, 08:02:17 pm
For me, during the mornings it is fine (40-60 usually) but in the afternoon-evening it gets mad (160-200). Shame that I can only play during the afternoon-evenings most days...
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 02, 2013, 08:13:31 pm
I am in Southern USA, and recently my ping for NA servers has gone up 80 ping... I do not like this. I have done a speed test and it is not an issue on my end.

Can an Admin tell me whats going on and where the servers are located?

Read the forum rules ( More precisely how "report post" works.

If you see a post breaking these rules, please do not respond to it, use the 'report to moderator' button instead. Don't abuse the button to contact the staff, we have private messages for that.

And may I add IRC. It's that small chat button all the way up there ^
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Tojo on February 02, 2013, 09:56:45 pm
that still does not answer ANY PART of why I am lagging so bad.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Son Of Odin on February 02, 2013, 10:32:27 pm
that still does not answer ANY PART of why I am lagging so bad.

I am not responsible for any stuff related to server upkeeping, developing etc. I simply moderate the forums and do admining ingame. Also I'm not NA. So here's my answer: I don't know! Go to the irc channel and try to ask from someone who knows if it's such a big issue.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Angantyr on February 03, 2013, 09:33:21 pm
My ping has been jumping all over all day and I've seen many others complain about the same on different servers. Can the cRPG servers handle this amount of players or should we perhaps try to collect donations to get them optimized?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on February 04, 2013, 05:50:04 pm
My EU pings jump like crazy from 40 to 200. Completely randomly.

NA are steady at 130 or 170. I don't know why it switches between those.

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oerput on February 04, 2013, 08:07:43 pm
im getting those jumps too. it only stays like that for a few seconds though but its annoying if ure in combat
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: vipere on February 04, 2013, 08:23:33 pm
Same for me, my ping is nice on the morning (49) and it increase to 120/150 and at night it slowly decrease to normal ping
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Latvian on February 07, 2013, 02:46:16 pm
For me, cRPG server runs smoothly most of the time, but sometimes ping increases or packet losses appears.
Today I have about 10-15% packet losses and the game is unplayable. I see delays in game, hits not synchronized with animations and things like that.
With old server I had no problem at all, this new one causes this kind of things. Yeah, it's fine most of the time, but from time to time my ping jumps +10, +20 or +30 ms for a day/few days or like today I have packet losses.
And it happens to my friends as well, even those who lives in other cities and has different providers. But it don't happen same time, today I have problems with connection, tommorow it can be one of my friends. So I guess it's on server hoster side, maybe some connections gets low priority for some reason (too low bandwith for too many users same time?). I don't know, but it is annoying :(.
this sounds exactly like my problem, i get it for couple h daily, sometimes it doesn appear.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: darmaster on February 07, 2013, 02:56:19 pm
my ping is bad again (only on crpg servers, on IG battlegrounds is 43)
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: May The Great on February 07, 2013, 06:02:35 pm
I'm also havng ping issues, as they rise randomly.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BIA_ASSASIN on February 08, 2013, 02:42:45 pm
my ping increased by 100% with 100 to 220. i am russian, cause 100 is good ping for me!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Mlekce on February 08, 2013, 06:20:59 pm
mine went from 45 to 122. What is wrong with pings?
I see a lot of people having high ping.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Igmaster on February 08, 2013, 07:18:19 pm
My ping is about 100-120. Better than 400+ ofc, but still bad  :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Elmokki on February 10, 2013, 10:43:13 am
For the love of god, get the server ip address and use tracert when you a) don't have problems and b) have problems and compare them or take screenshots or whatever.

Though doesn't matter since chances are no-one here can help anyway.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Dalhi on February 10, 2013, 11:07:49 am (
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: crazybob on February 10, 2013, 10:44:47 pm
Got the same problem as you lot. Normal ping for me is 70-80. in the evenings, and only then, i can get 100-120 for hours.Its started happening like a week ago. Just now i have a record high of 160 ping, worse than the normal lag problems. I still have normal ping on native servers as usual.

Definitely crpg server issues.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on February 11, 2013, 03:39:42 pm (
Post all that here and read the OP. People post here without reading the first pages and say "why do I have lag in EU and not in NA?". Besides, this thread is much older and was made to avoid making more threads, and it's in the proper section.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on February 12, 2013, 03:48:05 pm
After 3 weeks break, I saw a ping like 120-220. It doesnt hold a constant number, just changes in a second. Its normal was around 80 but, I didnt see it. The strange thing is that ping seems normal in night time. Any suggestion?  :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: MrShine on February 12, 2013, 03:54:48 pm
NA servers, normally have ping in the 40s.  Lately it's been anywhere from 70-130.  It's still stable, but different/higher each time I play.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on February 13, 2013, 11:08:13 pm
For the last two days, I have been getting very unstable ping too. My normal ping values used to be between 60-80 but now it starts at around 79 and constantly varies, increasing normally up to 170 or so and sometimes to around 300.

Seems ok at night as abay wrote above though.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: bredeus on February 14, 2013, 07:51:08 pm
it seems that hetzner virtual servers are not that good as old ones
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: MrShine on February 15, 2013, 06:10:26 am
getting 150-160 ping tonight - other games & things seem to work fine.

I currently cannot play.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Macropus on February 15, 2013, 11:08:17 am
Had the same problem few days ago, but now it's ok since yestersay. Although, EU3 feels a bit more laggy with the same ping.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Stabby_Dave on February 15, 2013, 02:26:05 pm
Ive stopped playing completely because of this shit.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Nessaj on February 15, 2013, 07:40:41 pm
Those of you who already posted trace routes and ping please do new ones in this thread (
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Dalhi on February 24, 2013, 02:54:37 pm
Friday evening, Saturday evening and whole Sunday... can't play with that ping  :?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Ronald_Meliossandro on February 24, 2013, 09:26:55 pm
Every evening my ping go from 33 to 100-130 :((((((((((((((((((((((((

OMG its 197 :((((((((((((((((((((((((
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Lamk on February 27, 2013, 03:56:10 am
140 on NA and 108 as usual on EU. I'm canadian..
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Patoson on February 27, 2013, 03:54:26 pm
The lag that used to last several hours almost everyday in the past seems to be gone for some time now for me. I will keep you posted, in case this changes. Cheers if this is because of you!

Edit: lag again (over 120 ping when my good ping is 80), fixed by using a VPN via France.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on February 28, 2013, 02:11:09 pm
at nights, it is normal(75-85) for me but in day time, it is about 120. at the beginning of crpg, it was 55-65, I miss it  :cry:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Ronald_Meliossandro on March 04, 2013, 06:33:41 pm
Please fix this problem!
100 ping :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Moncho on March 04, 2013, 06:34:21 pm
Those of you who already posted trace routes and ping please do new ones in this thread (
In case someone has missed it and has not posted there.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Nessaj on March 04, 2013, 09:44:19 pm
Those of you who already posted trace routes and ping please do new ones in this thread (

In case someone has missed it and has not posted there.

The ping issues are still being investigated. We've updated the method of testing.

Please do a secondary post (or first) which includes a saved image from: ( -- same IP as the other tracert.

Let it run a series of 5 to 10 tries (auto is 15) before saving the image.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Shemaforash on March 04, 2013, 09:45:10 pm
I usually have 40 ping but sometimes I have pings that go 80+ to ~150. For some strange reason restarting cRPG fixes it.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kanclerz on March 05, 2013, 09:21:01 pm
12 - 23 pm  ping 120 - 160 // I'm from Poland.
In other mods (Napoleonic Wars) and games I have normal ping 50 - 70
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: BlindGuy on March 06, 2013, 09:46:39 pm
so many months of this thread in existence and it seems no official response. At least lie to us and tell us your looking for a fix so we live in hope?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Moncho on March 07, 2013, 12:37:25 am
so many months of this thread in existence and it seems no official response. At least lie to us and tell us your looking for a fix so we live in hope?

You truly honour your name... Look 3 posts above yours, you might find something that might be exactly what you are asking for
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: KingBread on March 07, 2013, 07:42:50 am
I had 39 on EU2 all time but since yesterday its over 100. Restarting everything is not helping :(
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oohillac on March 10, 2013, 03:43:45 am
Last two days have been full of brief, 2-3 second stutters on NA1.

Frustrating, is not my internet.  Seems to happen a few jumps down the line from tracert results.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Admiral Ballsack on March 10, 2013, 03:48:04 am
USA, Georgia still lagging like fuck in NA, always over 150-500 ping but still ping 150 on EU servers.... Not to sure whats up but its making me mad. Ping goes up as does delay the longer i play.. this started 2-3 days ago..
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Shaith on March 11, 2013, 01:54:18 pm
Same problems here.
Before the recent patch i was running 35 - 45 ping on EU servers.
Now i am reaching 65 at minimum all the way to 180>
Nothing has changed in my broadband circumstances, as i still get consistent pings on native and PW.
Not really sure whats going on here, would be nice to get an update from the Staff.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Angellore on March 12, 2013, 11:25:25 am
In most cases this is crpg servers hoster problem. Old hoster was fine, this new one only works fine from time to time.
Last sunday evening, cRPG servers looked like this:
(click to show/hide)
And it looked like this for everyone in game, not just me. Some people tried to play, but most resigned.
I understand devs changed hoster, because new one is much cheaper. But now crpg is sometimes unplayable or just barely playable.
It's few months now with new hoster, and nothing is getting better - it's even getting worse!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Shaith on March 15, 2013, 01:15:44 am
After the weird goings on with the website my ping seems to have returned to a playable level...
hopefully it will last!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Dalhi on March 15, 2013, 07:33:58 pm
It is not fun any more. I played only once with decent ping at the evening this week, and I know that on weekends it is only getting worse. This is going on for several months with short window for December when pings were fine (actually lowest that I ever had  :shock:). For quite some time I thought that my cheap polish internet provider is fucking me up, but it appears that the problem is on the servers hoster side. Whatever they do, or maybe don't do, I fucking don't like it. Since new year pings are fucked almost every evening and it is really frustrating. I doubt if they will do something about it, even if they will I guess just temporarily, maybe I am a bit pesimistic but well... they give no reasons not to be.
Maybe it is time to find new servers hoster as the problem concerns significant amount of players from all over the Europe. Unless there is a possible solution to fix it with current host in reasonable time (and crpg meme "soon" is not reasonable  :lol:). I do realise that would require a lot of work with setting the servers and all the stuff at new machine, but well to be honest from my point of view every single euro payed to Hetzner is a waste. Just my 5 cents.

PS Oh, and post your ping test results in this thread ( you lazy cunts!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oohillac on March 15, 2013, 11:32:33 pm
Getting spikes every few seconds on NA1, steady ping on EU.

The ping issues are still being investigated. We've updated the method of testing.

Please do a secondary post (or first) which includes a saved image from: ( -- same IP as the other tracert.

Let it run a series of 5 to 10 tries (auto is 15) before saving the image.

Is there an NA server I can test with?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oohillac on March 16, 2013, 08:21:24 pm
Getting spikes every few seconds on NA1, steady ping on EU.

Is there an NA server I can test with?

BUMP, can I get an address to test the NA servers?

Edit:  Dug up an old server address, still need a confirmation if this is the right one to pingtest on:
(click to show/hide)

As you can see, all is well until the server itself spikes to 651 ping after a few samples, causing massive packet loss back down the line.  Completely matches my experiences as of late on NA, every few seconds ping spikes through the roof.

Another test hours later, ping spiky again:

(click to show/hide)

hop number 9: spike to 415 ping

Pingtest when things are normal:
(click to show/hide)

Again, still need a confirmation if this is the right one to pingtest on!
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: oohillac on March 17, 2013, 03:48:39 am
bump, still waiting on a response.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Latvian on March 23, 2013, 05:14:35 pm
happy saturday for me with 100+ ping best part is we got clan league match today and guess who will suck at fighting when it is most needed?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Dalhi on March 24, 2013, 03:49:51 pm
post your ping test results in this thread ( you lazy cunts!

That's bullshit.
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Edit. It is even better now  :lol:
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Latvian on March 24, 2013, 05:20:58 pm
That's bullshit.
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Pollux on March 26, 2013, 04:50:04 am
My ping varies from ~69 - 110+ on NA servers. It used to be flat 69 all the time, but it's more often 110+ on a daily basis. The other day I was averaging 69 ping for almost the entire day, but yesterday and today have been 110+ so I choose not to play.

Nothing has changed on my end. I haven't moved, computer is the same, and same ISP.

EDIT: I just bought a new router to see if my other one was getting old, but I am still getting abnormally high ping from the servers.

BTW I am on the west coast of US testing for NA servers.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Abay on March 28, 2013, 04:46:09 pm
bump for bad pings  :|
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Thedric on March 28, 2013, 08:21:52 pm
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Ronin on March 28, 2013, 08:32:13 pm
Pings are fucked up, but not because I have connectivity issues. Servers are laggy. Fix it please.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kapikulu_Disaster on March 29, 2013, 01:57:19 am
very nice ping normally 30 now 70-90 :evil:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Lerva on April 04, 2013, 08:37:48 pm
Currently my eu ping is 70-500 ( 90% of the time over 200) and NA ping is constant 150.
I live in Finland.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Radament on April 04, 2013, 10:34:13 pm
it's been 3 months i have those ping madness , the main problem is catch the right timing entering the server and get the normal latency.
not very frustrating cause i just spam refresh and when i see a nice 32 i just enter like a crazy.
this evening i can't get a single 40+ ping , always 100+ and when i get 70 and enter the game i have like 300.
tried a ipconfig /renew , unplugged all shit , restarted router  , disabled some useless services , nothing happened.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Ronin on April 05, 2013, 12:56:25 pm
Fuck this shit :mad:
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Latvian on April 05, 2013, 03:42:29 pm
problem solved, i play only like 5 h weekly now,maybe even less, i dont even notice ping cuz i simply almost stoped playing. GG.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: lolpoi on November 03, 2013, 07:16:40 am
i am in north america and i am experiencing upwards of 600ms, the game is completely unplayable and i dont know what to do to fix it. i have never had lag like this in any other game.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Akynos on November 03, 2013, 02:47:21 pm
70-120 ping since a week, WTF

Pingtest results (Frankfurt) :54ms (usually my ping)

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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Yazid on December 11, 2013, 12:15:49 am
I'm having issues with this, can anyone help?
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Kirbies on July 08, 2014, 01:04:37 am
Im not sure if anyone has found a solution to this, but im getting random spikes to 80-120 when its normally 30. Its not me either, i check other mods and my ping is fine, come back to crpg and its 120.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: andreakarasho on July 11, 2014, 02:42:40 pm
Today my ping is very high (only on crpg). Normally my ping is 24 ~.
Code: [Select]

Traccia instradamento verso []
su un massimo di 30 punti di passaggio:

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     *        *        *     Richiesta scaduta.
  3     7 ms     7 ms     7 ms
  4    11 ms    15 ms    15 ms
  5    19 ms    23 ms    23 ms
  6    22 ms    19 ms    19 ms [93.186.
  7    18 ms    17 ms    17 ms []
  8    30 ms    31 ms    30 ms []
  9    88 ms    87 ms    88 ms [4.69.
 10     *       88 ms    88 ms []
 11    87 ms    87 ms    87 ms []
 12   130 ms    90 ms    89 ms
 13    90 ms    90 ms    89 ms []
 14   104 ms    90 ms    90 ms []
 15    93 ms    94 ms    94 ms []

 16    90 ms    89 ms    90 ms []

Traccia completata.

Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: juv95hrn on July 13, 2014, 12:40:24 pm
I have a problem with lag and rubberbanding only in cRPG but my lag is rather low in the score list. Not sure if it spikes when I play but the performance is definitively worse in this game than others. I am in Sweden on a 100 m/bit connection.
Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Sari on July 15, 2014, 06:08:22 am
really?  NA normal ping 48
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Title: Re: ULTIMATE PING THREAD. Post here if you have conectivity issues
Post by: Gurgumul on April 23, 2016, 12:31:52 pm
Usually my ping is 50-70, but today it's minimum 150 and occasionally jumps to 500+.
Sorry for necro  :oops: