Currently my NA ping is at 170, EU ping at 175.
Normally, NA at ~70, EU at 175.
What the fuck is going on with the server.
edit: back to normal now, try not to get your foot caught in the server cables anymore, devs.
Canada, resolved itself about 20 mins later.I get exactly the same! During the "lag hours", my ping to the NA servers isn't affected at all. For example, the ping to EU servers might rise up from 80 to 130, while the ping to NA servers remains 170 all the time.
Evidently not a problem with my end, as my EU ping should also spike accordingly if I was downloading/streaming/whathaveyou.
Usually I get 80 ping from NA servers, now I get 180 ping. WTF.
i got this high ping issue for 2 weeks now and it makes me crazy. i used to have 65-75 ping. 80 at most. now i have 95-115 ping so it is really fucked up. now all i can do is dress like artemrus and make some weak trolling with this somalian ping. i missed melee so much :( pls solve this now
didn't had it in a while, today highping on every EU server, BUT cotgs..same here, seems that we are a lot of ppl with technical problems, asking for a solution or at least some info in the correct forum, hello admins :o(click to show/hide)
didn't had it in a while, today highping on every EU server, BUT cotgs..(click to show/hide)
it seems like they fixed it. i have the old ping now. ty so much !
5 pages of discussion, and no answers/solution from the devs.... :evil:
Without them coming to your house and looking at all the devices you use on your network, along with all network traffic, plus concurrent monitoring of multiple external servers on different network paths, what really do you believe that they can do? While there may be 5 pages here, this is still a minority and very likely that maybe 5% of you have the same cause and as a large number of us don't have issues with c-rpg ping increasing, it leads me to believe that you have a local problem that c-rpg dev's can't help you with.
Easy example. Do you use Steam? Do you have ALL of your games set to Do not Automatically Update? No? Well when Steam starts updating in the background, your ping WILL go up until it finishes, which could be hours with big update. The list can go on and on and on.
Just for the steam, dunno if its settings, but it NEVER updates once i got some game running. If you got steam on and do not add the launcher in it, this could be the cause.
For me, it gets fixed almost everytime by rebooting of router and/or modem. Seems like someone on my line likes torrents and once the router goes on for few days, it gets somewhat stuck. I see like 8-10 clients connected and i have shit ping. Then reset, only two or three clients (as it should be) and ping is OK.
Once or twice this didnt worked, but it was another issue on side of my ISP. 8-)
(i am IT guy, but my field of expertise is not networking, not even windows, so...sorry if i sound stupid :))
So everytime you got problems, if it is not like 24/7, try restart router/modem.
Its about players that had been playing this for long with normal pings and from long time ago they notice big pings spikes or just big ping increases at certain points of the day lasting for hours with the exact configuration and connection they used to use when they had normal ping,sistematically and with no background bandwith use.that's it, that's all. thanks superbeast :wink:
my shitty ping is back after 2 weeks of normality. fuck it and fuck this mod. btw NA admin; we are not some retarded children. most people playing this mod are nerds or atleast know what might cause lag or not
Thought id throw in there that my ping has been fucked for weeks. Used to be 40-60 but its been 100+ for weeks. Curiously EU4 is normal ping.
I stopped playing because of this.
Seriously,its my geography fucked up or its germany nearer than Na from spain......
So i have normal lag on na oceanic connection but 100 ms more than normal to germany. Clap clap. Normal ping on any other server in native or other games. Screenshot taken after full cpu and modem reset with not a single program in background using bandwith(and no i dont launch game from steam)
Now tell me thats an issue with my connection and the connection of plazek belatucadros,trikipuma and all those other guys with exactly same problem..... and this happens everyday, not for minutes but for hours.
Same here: from 60 to 100.
Just can't play :cry:
Fun thing is, months ago I doubled my upload bandwidth to improve ping, because it used to be 80... now it's worst than ever!
Edited to add this:
- I'm from Italy (that's why my english sucks :)
- ping to Cotgs' server is just fine (can't find how to upload screenshot, but it's 58 vs 100)
Back to 120-250 ping on EU crpg servers while having normal ping on NA and Native servers :|
try with proxy it should get lower
Me and darmaster are from Italy and experienced the very same problem, so it's not a norvegian issue.
Today is even worse, from 100 to 125. Wtf is going on?
Tried playing without cRPG launcher, tried repairing the installation, nothing seems to work. Opened a ticket with my ISP, but my dsl's parameters are fine. I guess is something related to cRPG's servers.
@darma: How could a proxy help this? O_o it should add delay.. anyway, what proxy did you use?
Out of curiosity, this morning I run the game and checked the pings. They were good!
This evening, again >100ms :cry: :cry: :cry:
Nobody on devs team seem to care about this. Ill just play something else.U should make a xbowman alt and experience artemrus perspective of the mod. İt helped me a lot when i had shit ping. That and shitload of drugs.
U should make a xbowman alt and experience artemrus perspective of the mod. İt helped me a lot when i had shit ping. That and shitload of drugs.
I am in Southern USA, and recently my ping for NA servers has gone up 80 ping... I do not like this. I have done a speed test and it is not an issue on my end.
Can an Admin tell me whats going on and where the servers are located?
If you see a post breaking these rules, please do not respond to it, use the 'report to moderator' button instead. Don't abuse the button to contact the staff, we have private messages for that.
that still does not answer ANY PART of why I am lagging so bad.
For me, cRPG server runs smoothly most of the time, but sometimes ping increases or packet losses appears.this sounds exactly like my problem, i get it for couple h daily, sometimes it doesn appear.
Today I have about 10-15% packet losses and the game is unplayable. I see delays in game, hits not synchronized with animations and things like that.
With old server I had no problem at all, this new one causes this kind of things. Yeah, it's fine most of the time, but from time to time my ping jumps +10, +20 or +30 ms for a day/few days or like today I have packet losses.
And it happens to my friends as well, even those who lives in other cities and has different providers. But it don't happen same time, today I have problems with connection, tommorow it can be one of my friends. So I guess it's on server hoster side, maybe some connections gets low priority for some reason (too low bandwith for too many users same time?). I don't know, but it is annoying :(. ( all that here and read the OP. People post here without reading the first pages and say "why do I have lag in EU and not in NA?". Besides, this thread is much older and was made to avoid making more threads, and it's in the proper section.
Those of you who already posted trace routes and ping please do new ones in this thread ( case someone has missed it and has not posted there.
Those of you who already posted trace routes and ping please do new ones in this thread (
In case someone has missed it and has not posted there.
so many months of this thread in existence and it seems no official response. At least lie to us and tell us your looking for a fix so we live in hope?
The ping issues are still being investigated. We've updated the method of testing.
Please do a secondary post (or first) which includes a saved image from: ( -- same IP as the other tracert.
Let it run a series of 5 to 10 tries (auto is 15) before saving the image.
Getting spikes every few seconds on NA1, steady ping on EU.
Is there an NA server I can test with?
post your ping test results in this thread ( you lazy cunts!
That's bullshit.visitors can't see pics , please register or login(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Traccia instradamento verso []
su un massimo di 30 punti di passaggio:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 * * * Richiesta scaduta.
3 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
4 11 ms 15 ms 15 ms
5 19 ms 23 ms 23 ms
6 22 ms 19 ms 19 ms [93.186.
7 18 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
8 30 ms 31 ms 30 ms []
9 88 ms 87 ms 88 ms [4.69.
10 * 88 ms 88 ms []
11 87 ms 87 ms 87 ms []
12 130 ms 90 ms 89 ms
13 90 ms 90 ms 89 ms []
14 104 ms 90 ms 90 ms []
15 93 ms 94 ms 94 ms []
16 90 ms 89 ms 90 ms []
Traccia completata.