cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lt_Anders on September 02, 2012, 10:15:51 pm

Title: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 02, 2012, 10:15:51 pm

I never knew that was a rule? Is that new, or just an anti douchebag measure?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Arathian on September 02, 2012, 10:17:15 pm
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: BlackMilk on September 02, 2012, 10:45:01 pm
why the hell did I read whats in the spoiler... :mad:
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Moncho on September 02, 2012, 11:02:21 pm
meh, its not as bad as saying that Dumbledore dies just a week before the book where he actually dies is released, as I did at school, didnt know where to hide when I actually reached the page where it happens...
anyway, shouldn't be considered a spoiler, as its there for anyone who has read the books. True, some people are waiting for the series, and it might be not the best thing to do, but would you do something if someone spoiled now the batman film, for example? I have not seen it yet and I could say its a spoiler and he should be banned for it, but its stupid imo. (or at least thats what my common sense says...) Its out there, and has been out for a few years already (in the aSoIaF case), so you've had plenty of opportunity to do it.
and to ban someone for discussing the fifth book of the series, in which the whitewalkers do this or that and you thought i was going to spoil it and started to freak out..., that should not be bannable imo...

of course if he has repeatedly done it, its a different manner
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Jacko on September 02, 2012, 11:03:36 pm
It is known.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 02, 2012, 11:13:02 pm

Well, alrighty then.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Casimir on September 03, 2012, 01:09:33 am
lol clear and blatant abuse.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 03, 2012, 01:31:56 am
lol clear and blatant abuse. NA
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Lizard_man on September 03, 2012, 02:10:50 am
This is fucking ridiculous... :|
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Havoco on September 03, 2012, 02:12:01 am
In the fourth season every1 dies.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: TugBoat on September 03, 2012, 02:14:42 am
The part about Tyrion is just speculation, so if you read that and felt anything was spoiled don't worry. It may or may not happen.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: DrTaco on September 03, 2012, 03:01:25 am
I'm not sure about this ban guys. I regularly ban people who say spoilers to shows I like. I'm not sure why people call me a bad admin though. Any ideas guys?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: bilwit on September 03, 2012, 03:13:43 am
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Anal Bleeding on September 03, 2012, 03:15:46 am
Jon Snow dies.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 03, 2012, 03:23:18 am
Thax has taken a liking to using chat stir up arguments about race (borderline racism in most cases) and regularly spamming with spoilers to later Game of Thrones seasons for several months, solely to grief, and if I searched his chat logs I would probably find even worse things that weren't posted.  I have warned him repeatedly in the past to behave, have muted him when I'm on, and told him that he will end up being banned when people start complaining.  If you recall, Zisa had a breakdown on these forums because Thax, on alternate accounts, went on racist rants daily and provoked Zisa into tk'ing him and being banned for it.

This time, he was griefing.  Spamming the chat with spoilers to anticipated or popular things is griefing.  For those who don't know, griefing is just finding ways in a multiplayer game to ruin the enjoyment for others, often without in game penalty (except from server admins who catch and prevent it)
No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing...)

He's breaking the rules.  He has a history of doing the same thing.  I banned him for 24 hours.

That's my excuse.  What's the excuse for this thread, in general discussion, posted by one of the most notorious Ban Request Forum trolls?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 03, 2012, 03:26:50 am
Thax has taken a liking to using chat stir up arguments about race (borderline racism in most cases) and regularly spamming with spoilers to later Game of Thrones seasons for several months, solely to grief, and if I searched his chat logs I would probably find even worse things that weren't posted.  I have warned him repeatedly in the past to behave, have muted him when I'm on, and told him that he will end up being banned when people start complaining. If you recall, Zisa had a breakdown on these forums because Thax, on alternate accounts, went on racist rants daily and provoked Zisa into tk'ing him and being banned for it.

Cool. That SHOULD be banned. Glad you did that.

This time, he was griefing.  Spamming the chat with spoilers to anticipated or popular things is griefing.  For those who don't know, griefing is just finding ways in a multiplayer game to ruin the enjoyment for others, often without in game penalty (except from server admins who catch and prevent it)

I can reasonably understand that. But, a spoiler is not greifing if you have seen the movie/tv show/otherwise. I know I and some friends have seen movies before others and we would chat about it, and others nearby may or may not have seen it and thus ruined it for them. Point being, I find this a stretch, but I can reasonably understand the request. But If this is valid, then I want to see more crackdown on other spoiler related things. Since If I see it, I will now screen cap it for greifing and want appropriate action. Expect to see me MORE in the ban section making posts.

That's my excuse.  What's the excuse for this thread, in general discussion, posted by one of the most notorious Ban Request Forum trolls?

Why? Because of this: Do not post here if you don't have something directly case-related to say. No lobbying, general discussion whether a rule is fair, how admin is nub, etc. Take those things elsewhere, keep this area clear. And I do my BEST to follow the rules in that section. Very rare are my non input related posts/topics in that section.

I had a serious question, and you don't discuss things in ban forum. I love how, you, as an admin can get away with so much and say it to my face. Hypocrite. You wonder why so many disagree with you and have problems with your actions.  I believe the post by christo some time ago with those steam messages shows your demeanor and attitude.

Also, if i'm a troll, go ahead and give me 2 posts where I've made shit threads. I record and report those who grief and plague the server when and admin is not on. If that makes me a troll, then I'll accept it for cleaning the trash from this game and allowing others to play without problems.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Serfonz on September 03, 2012, 03:41:06 am
For the first time ever I agree with Smoothrich I would have banned him as well, spoilers is chat griefing.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 03, 2012, 03:47:44 am
If you have a problem or concern about my decisions just post in my Admin feedback thread and I usually reply and explain myself just fine there.  Starting a thread in General Discussion is just an excuse to make a "drama thread" although since the last deadmin smoothrich thread was a week ago, I should've expected a new one by now.

"A spoiler is not griefing if you've seen it and know the story"  THEN ITS NOT A SPOILER DUDE

You say big twists in stories that people are looking forward to just so they get upset and mad, and ruin their experience on the server.  Its griefing.  Admins punish people for chat abuse all the time, whether its racism, trolling, sexism, or in this case spoilers.  Punishments are usually warnings and mutes, except in repeat offenders.  This guy is most definitely a repeat offender, and someone on my Steam friends list, who I consider a cool guy otherwise, but have personally told him to expect harsher punishments in the future for stuff like this.

If anyone sees anything fundamentally flawed with my decision making here, I'm certainly curious to here an explanation.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 03, 2012, 03:48:38 am
Speaking of spoilers, 3 posted in this thread alone. Personally, IDC about that dumb ass GOT series(GASP YOU DIDN"T!!!).

I respect and understand the griefing part, especially coming from a repeat racist person. This is a new thing to me and you are the first. I won't admin feedback you because I already have. Once is enough for me. If I have more than one complaint, then either I'm really paranoid, or you are serious trash as an admin, and I'll prefer the first option as the latter will be picked up long before I would complain about it.

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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 03, 2012, 03:58:55 am
I'm not a forum moderator, I'm an admin of the game servers, so just report posts that look like spoilers or something and maybe they will get spoiler texted.  I'm not even trying to be a dick to you, Anders, but I'm just calling this thread out as an attempt 2 start drama instead of discuss rules.  Probably a mix of both, but I hope I clarified this griefing thing and don't mind a series of personal insults by random posters.

I'm pretty tolerant of most things in chat, and give people chances with mutes and warnings unless they don't get it, or its legitimately disrupting the server.  My ban justification of "I TAKE GOT SPOILERS SERIOUSLY" was me being a bit sarcastic, but honestly its one of the most blatant and overused methods of griefing on the internet since the show got popular.  Often book-readers feel entitled to grief with these spoilers and not get in trouble because "heh, shoulda read the book, noobs  8-)" like it changes anything, but I think most understand its a dumb excuse and just want to ruin the series for people, for their own amusement.

Ironically, Tears of Destiny resigned as admin mostly in a fit of rage that he thought I was too lenient in letting people grief in chat, because I was an LLJK troll myself with no regard to the rules.  He then banned someone for 3 weeks because they said "cracker" once in chat, blamed me for single handedly ruining cRPG and demanded I be deadminned in a series of horrible yet hilarious posts and threads until he was fired.  However in this situation, where I gave a reasonable punishment to a repeat offender for blatant chat abuse, he begins +1'ing every post saying this is me abusing my admin powers.  Never change, Tears.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 03, 2012, 04:06:45 am
I'm not a forum moderator, I'm an admin of the game servers, so just report posts that look like spoilers or something and maybe they will get spoiler texted.  I'm not even trying to be a dick to you, Anders, but I'm just calling this thread out as an attempt 2 start drama instead of discuss rules.  Probably a mix of both, but I hope I clarified this griefing thing and don't mind a series of personal insults by random posters.

I'm pretty tolerant of most things in chat, and give people chances with mutes and warnings unless they don't get it, or its legitimately disrupting the server.  My ban justification of "I TAKE GOT SPOILERS SERIOUSLY" was me being a bit sarcastic, but honestly its one of the most blatant and overused methods of griefing on the internet since the show got popular.  Often book-readers feel entitled to grief with these spoilers and not get in trouble because "heh, shoulda read the book, noobs  8-)" like it changes anything, but I think most understand its a dumb excuse and just want to ruin the series for people, for their own amusement.

Not trying to be a dick? But you....nm I believe I won't go there and leave it as is. Tis fine on greifing part. Expect to see me getting those SSes of them durn griefers.

Still, even not reading the books, I've spoilered my self so much i could name you a bunch of the story sucks. First book was the only one I read, went belly up from there. Though I prefer fantasy, I'm not much for intrigue, incest, grimy action, etc. Never liked the series.

Ironically, Tears of Destiny resigned as admin mostly in a fit of rage that he thought I was too lenient in letting people grief in chat, because I was an LLJK troll myself with no regard to the rules.  He then banned someone for 3 weeks because they said "cracker" once in chat, blamed me for single handedly ruining cRPG and demanded I be deadminned in a series of horrible yet hilarious posts and threads until he was fired.  However in this situation, where I gave a reasonable punishment to a repeat offender for blatant chat abuse, he begins +1'ing every post saying this is me abusing my admin powers.  Never change, Tears.

Ok don't need this as this deviaties into flame war territory. You too can take grudges elsewhere.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 03, 2012, 04:13:08 am
Americans take their TV very seriously.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Froto_the_Loc on September 03, 2012, 04:21:33 am
No one forces you to read the chat...
Admin abooze.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: LordBerenger on September 03, 2012, 04:25:11 am
Ironically, Tears of Destiny resigned as admin mostly in a fit of rage that he thought I was too lenient in letting people grief in chat, because I was an LLJK troll myself with no regard to the rules.  He then banned someone for 3 weeks because they said "cracker" once in chat, blamed me for single handedly ruining cRPG and demanded I be deadminned in a series of horrible yet hilarious posts and threads until he was fired.  However in this situation, where I gave a reasonable punishment to a repeat offender for blatant chat abuse, he begins +1'ing every post saying this is me abusing my admin powers.  Never change, Tears.

Tears of Jealousy
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Kirbyy on September 03, 2012, 07:50:36 am

^ lol so true.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Vibe on September 03, 2012, 08:00:42 am
did not read any post in this thread but I'm just here to tell you you are a cocksucker for posting spoilers in chat
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Torben on September 03, 2012, 08:05:47 am
the fuck i read the spoiler.  fuck this shit. deserved ban,  god i am pissed now fuck. 
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Bobthehero on September 03, 2012, 08:13:55 am
Dark Vador is Luke father.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Moncho on September 03, 2012, 08:15:17 am
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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on September 03, 2012, 08:37:47 am
Dark Vador is Luke father.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: enigmatic_stranger on September 03, 2012, 10:31:39 am
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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: gazda on September 03, 2012, 10:42:37 am
what happened to freedom of speech
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 03, 2012, 10:57:30 am
Everyone dies when the meteor hits in the last season.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: dodnet on September 03, 2012, 11:25:34 am
Dark Vador is Luke father.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! PERMABAN!

@Vibe: That gif in your signature is crazy, where's that from?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Havoco on September 03, 2012, 11:31:53 am
what happened to freedom of speech
Youd think Smooth out of all ppl what understand that right..... lol
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: gazda on September 03, 2012, 11:58:49 am
i understand smooths actions, after all, everyone who gives spoilers about game of thrones hates america

i would have done the same
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 03, 2012, 12:09:07 pm
Anders...griefing. Do you understand what that means? Also, quit talking all the time during other peoples strat battles.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Havoco on September 03, 2012, 12:13:20 pm
and regularly spamming with spoilers to later Game of Thrones seasons for several months, solely to grief,

Soo, was he right about those spoilers?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Osiris on September 03, 2012, 12:16:08 pm
Read a book sometime then you wont need to cry
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: ArysOakheart on September 03, 2012, 12:17:33 pm

Soo, was he right about those spoilers?

Even the truth behind Jon's weirwood branch reaching into the vagina of a kracken who is munching on Lord Manderly's bush to get closer to patchfaces army of mermen waiting under the sea is enough to get a ban i'd say. Dirty fucking neckbeards preying on good folk.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 03, 2012, 12:18:54 pm
GoT spoilers lol. Serius busnss. You can always start watching the really good series like Supernatural instead.

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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: dodnet on September 03, 2012, 12:28:06 pm
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That is old news  :P
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 03, 2012, 12:29:36 pm
Spoiler inside!
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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: sF_Guardian on September 03, 2012, 02:31:33 pm
Christo, WE NEED YOU HERE!  :lol:
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Miwiw on September 03, 2012, 02:37:47 pm
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You probably just watched smth on youtube, it seems.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: cmp on September 03, 2012, 03:11:42 pm
24h for a GoT spoiler? Softie.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: dodnet on September 03, 2012, 03:37:10 pm
24h for a GoT spoiler? Softie.

Just panosban him.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on September 03, 2012, 03:43:40 pm
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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Leshma on September 03, 2012, 03:46:14 pm
This thread :lol:
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Tyr_ on September 03, 2012, 03:47:39 pm
There's a trick to avoid spoilers that relate to the TV-series
Books aren't evil!
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on September 03, 2012, 03:50:12 pm
There's a trick to avoid spoilers that relate to the TV-series
Books aren't evil!

Uncles ruckus is a legend. Just saying. Much of what goes on in our ts is related to what he says.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Leshma on September 03, 2012, 03:50:34 pm
+1 Tyr

I was just about to post same thing as well:

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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Jarlek on September 03, 2012, 04:13:32 pm
24h for a GoT spoiler? Softie.
Yeah, what's with the americans giving out such short bans anyway? 8-12 hours seems to be the standard :/ Seems they need someone to teach them a thing or two about punishments.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Teeth on September 03, 2012, 04:16:22 pm
Good job smoothie.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: gazda on September 03, 2012, 04:18:19 pm
the dude was lucky, 24h is small punishment, if he had been black, he would have gotten 3 day ban at least
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 03, 2012, 10:08:02 pm
You probably just watched smth on youtube, it seems.  :mrgreen:
Oh I've watched both GoT seasons. First one couple of times actually :mrgreen:. Then again I'm sure I've watched every Supernatural episode atleast 2 times, if not 3. Because you just don't see everything during the first watch...
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on September 03, 2012, 10:19:04 pm
Uncles ruckus is a legend. Just saying. Much of what goes on in our ts is related to what he says.
*Attempts to join Mercs* Ruckus is awesome.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Captain_Kirk on September 03, 2012, 10:54:20 pm
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Miley on September 03, 2012, 11:27:00 pm
If you can get banned for saying a spoiler for a TV show...
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 04, 2012, 12:10:24 am
If you can get banned for saying a spoiler for a TV show...
Obvious griefing!
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: DrTaco on September 04, 2012, 12:41:25 am
If you can get banned for saying a spoiler for a TV show...

I break down and cry every time someone posts a spoiler to a TV show I watch (Or maybe am addicted to, though I never read the book). Because (I presume) I went to the admins for long enough, or yelled loud enough, the guy who posted spoilers that MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE is now banned.

I'm not sure, but this seems a bit ridiculous.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Osiris on September 04, 2012, 12:46:44 am
the book has been out for a long time now. how long untill it isnt a spoiler? do we get banned for talking about The Hobbit incase some kid wants to see all the films and not read the book first? where the does madness end :D

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Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Bryc3ee on September 04, 2012, 01:15:16 am
Thax has taken a liking to using chat stir up arguments about race (borderline racism in most cases) and regularly spamming with spoilers to later Game of Thrones seasons for several months, solely to grief, and if I searched his chat logs I would probably find even worse things that weren't posted.  I have warned him repeatedly in the past to behave, have muted him when I'm on, and told him that he will end up being banned when people start complaining.  If you recall, Zisa had a breakdown on these forums because Thax, on alternate accounts, went on racist rants daily and provoked Zisa into tk'ing him and being banned for it.

This time, he was griefing.  Spamming the chat with spoilers to anticipated or popular things is griefing.  For those who don't know, griefing is just finding ways in a multiplayer game to ruin the enjoyment for others, often without in game penalty (except from server admins who catch and prevent it)
No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing...)

He's breaking the rules.  He has a history of doing the same thing.  I banned him for 24 hours.

That's my excuse.  What's the excuse for this thread, in general discussion, posted by one of the most notorious Ban Request Forum trolls?
Calm down nerds.

Nice Smoothrich. If you're going to throw out accusations to justify your nerd rage why don't you back it up with some evidence?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: TugBoat on September 04, 2012, 01:17:09 am
the fuck i read the spoiler.  fuck this shit. deserved ban,  god i am pissed now fuck.

Most of what has been said that is a spoiler is pure speculation.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 04, 2012, 01:27:57 am
Its someone trolling/abusing chat to make some people very mad or upset and probably not want to play on the server anymore, who received warnings and bans for the exact same thing in the past.  GoT book spoilers is textbook griefing method number 1 on the internet, its not even original.  I have been seen people on somethingawful post gigantic images just listing who dies in the middle of TV discussion threads, which leads to instant bans.  Same treatment on Reddit.  If you did this in public, you'd probably be punched in the mouth by some ex-marine who just got in the show or something.

Just because YOU personally don't care about spoilers doesn't make it not griefing.  It means you have no empathy for other human beings, a terrible sense of perspective and logic, and probably no soul.  Shame on you all.

By the way, I've read the books so it's not like I'm personally mad.  You people are ridiculous, at least the ones who aren't simply blatant EU trolls (90 percent of people in this thread)
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Havoco on September 04, 2012, 01:42:04 am
I haven't seen "The Dictator" yet. So if ppl are talking about it in the server would it be a legit reason to cry for a ban?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 04, 2012, 01:56:04 am
I haven't seen "The Dictator" yet. So if ppl are talking about it in the server would it be a legit reason to cry for a ban?

He wasn't just talking about GoT with some other fans.  He was just listing major events/twists that happen next season often in all caps, so people would be forced to read it and ruin some of the show for them.  This isn't the first time.  I've been on to mute people doing this before, but after so many times a mute might not do the trick for a person.

Everything should be judged fairly and with common sense.  A friendly conversation about something (like this ever happens in cRPG chat) wouldn't be treated the same way by bullet-point spoiler notes being spammed in all chat by someone with a long warning and ban history of trolling and griefing in chat, trying to provoke as much anger as possible.

Also, this was a 24 hour ban to tell him to knock it off and stop spoiling the show for everyone, including innocent people who logged on to play cRPG for a half hour after work, and probably would never bother posting in this thread like you spergs.

Why do people even care so much lmao, its a day break from a dumb videogame server for being a dick in chat.  I've seen people get lifetime bans from cRPG servers for standing in shield walls on the ATS servers, and lifetime bans for cursing in WW2 shooters if its "christian administrated"

If anyone legitimately thinks I am some warped power-hungry admin who bans to grief because of this, then.. I guess you're right.  Now I will ban everyone who shit talked me in this thread.  Starting with you, Havoco.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Havoco on September 04, 2012, 02:15:57 am
All I was doing was asking a question. I'm sry though, this whole rule seems silly to me. It's just my opinion, but I wouldn't give a shit about what he said even if I watched game of thrones. Although it's funny that u think I'm shit-talking you.

And yes, this has happened to me b4. Ppl "spoiling" the primary quest for skyrim for example. I really don't give a shit about spoilers.

Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 04, 2012, 02:21:35 am
All I was doing was asking a question. I'm sry though, this whole rule seems silly to me. It's just my opinion, but I wouldn't give a shit about what he said even if I watched game of thrones. Although it's funny that u think I'm shit-talking you.

And yes, this has happened to me b4. Ppl "spoiling" the primary quest for skyrim for example. I really don't give a shit about spoilers.

You don't care, that's fine.  But others do.  That's my entire point, and why I think people's complaints here are so silly.  Its just somebody trying to piss people off with whatever tools they have at their disposal.  Spoilers for popular thing is a common one.  It doesn't matter what your personal attitude towards hearing a spoiler is, or what my personal reaction is.  Its just abusing the chat to grief, because odds are someone out there cares, which is breaking the rules.

It's basically like arguing "As a white privileged male, I'm not offended by the n-word.  Why should it be bannable?"  This argument has been made by cRPG players countless times too lmao
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Havoco on September 04, 2012, 02:44:58 am
Sounds like ppl get too tied into the suspense and less into the true enjoyment of the episode. (unless u find suspense enjoyable.  :rolleyes:).

So, can we also ban ppl that say gf, gg, all of that nonsense just to grief others? Thats chat abusing too, and I find it really irritating and it ruins my enjoyment of the game!

 Anyways, this is a controversial topic;and I'm not the only one that questioned ur ruling.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Kafein on September 04, 2012, 04:30:53 am
I'm too dumb not to read the entire post before opening spoilers, but I have enough mental control to forget what I saw.

Sounds like ppl get too tied into the suspense and less into the true enjoyment of the episode. (unless u find suspense enjoyable.  :rolleyes:).

Tbh, suspense is a big part of the pleasure of reading, but it depends on the genre. I'm quite sure I'm like many people and I tend not to be as enthusiastic about books/shows such as game of thrones when I already know what will happen.

Of course if it was family guy, skyrim or superman I wouldn't really mind.

The "do not be an asshat" rule has it's uses, and I think this is a good one.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 04, 2012, 05:55:41 pm
This is fucking ridiculous... :|

No it's not...Game of Thrones is serious business.  I'm only a few chapters into the 2nd book, I don't want some douchebag spoiling the ending of the 5th book for me...that shit should be bannable.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Turkhammer on September 04, 2012, 07:50:52 pm
Smoothrich you're catering too much to the emo vote.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Moncho on September 04, 2012, 08:12:42 pm
Im sorry but you guys are calling for spoilers:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Leshma on September 04, 2012, 08:37:36 pm
Smooth, you're exaggerating.

Spoilers aren't serious business.

But I do understand why you banned the dude. Because he's a dick.

And that's the only important thing here.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 04, 2012, 08:51:18 pm
Smooth, you're exaggerating.

Spoilers aren't serious business.

But I do understand why you banned the dude. Because he's a dick.

And that's the only important thing here.

I'm not a spoiler chocolate chip cookie here, or a chat fascist.  Pretty much any trolling in chat just gets a mute if I'm on and someone complains or its especially awful, a "meh" and a warning if its a first time complaint or not too bad in a ban request.  But when you're an admin on these small servers for long enough its easy to remember trouble makers and hand out responses that are fair to the circumstances, which include's a player's ban history or repeat behaviour.

We keep track of notorious griefers in our pro secret Official Server Admins Forums lounge, and the spoilerer in question here is a steam friend of mine who I chat with, and told him I'd ban him if I got more complaints in the future.

There is a shocking amount of common sense put into most admin decisions.  Common folk shouldn't worry themselves too much about it.  We know what's best for all of you.  Go back to your homes and stop posting immediately.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: djavo on September 04, 2012, 08:53:56 pm
So what if I tell you for example that last boss in Duke Nukem is Sarevok who killed your father?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: gazda on September 04, 2012, 09:44:52 pm
On the serious side,

Banning someone for giving out spoilers is the lamest, dumbest, shittiest, most idiotic thing to do!

  So, lets start from the statement that giving spoilers is griefing.
In order for something to be griefing, the  other party needs get annoyed, irritated etc. Now, if someone gives spoilers about tv show, or something else, some people will get irritated, in which case to them it is griefing, and some won't, in which case its no offense at all. Now, we already have a split conditional offense.
  Should my neighbour be arrested for having bbq that produces smell which bothers me? or should I just close the window? Now, what about those who do find it offensive? should a man giving out spoilers be banned , or should those who find it offensive just mute him?
  Offense he did, was personal, and it CAN be solved personally. Global punishment is only for something that that individual cannot resolve himself.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 04, 2012, 09:48:56 pm
On the serious side,

Banning someone for giving out spoilers is the lamest, dumbest, shittiest, most idiotic thing to do!

  So, lets start from the statement that giving spoilers is griefing.
In order for something to be griefing, the  other party needs get annoyed, irritated etc. Now, if someone gives spoilers about tv show, or something else, some people will get irritated, in which case to them it is griefing, and some won't, in which case its no offense at all. Now, we already have a split conditional offense.
  Should my neighbour be arrested for having bbq that produces smell which bothers me? or should I just close the window? Now, what about those who do find it offensive? should a man giving out spoilers be banned , or should those who find it offensive just mute him?
  Offense he did, was personal, and it CAN be solved personally. Global punishment is only for something that that individual cannot resolve himself.

This my friends is what I call the "AS A WHITE PRIVILEGED MALE IT IS MY *RIGHT* TO SAY (n word) WHENEVER I WANT!!1" defense.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Miwiw on September 04, 2012, 09:50:37 pm
PPl giving out spoilers should be banned as much ppl should be banned who come with "Then I took an arrow to the knee.." sentences, however those don't really exist anymore. That ain't cool anymore.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 04, 2012, 09:55:57 pm
On the serious side,

Banning someone for giving out spoilers is the lamest, dumbest, shittiest, most idiotic thing to do!

  So, lets start from the statement that giving spoilers is griefing.
In order for something to be griefing, the  other party needs get annoyed, irritated etc. Now, if someone gives spoilers about tv show, or something else, some people will get irritated, in which case to them it is griefing, and some won't, in which case its no offense at all. Now, we already have a split conditional offense.
  Should my neighbour be arrested for having bbq that produces smell which bothers me? or should I just close the window? Now, what about those who do find it offensive? should a man giving out spoilers be banned , or should those who find it offensive just mute him?
  Offense he did, was personal, and it CAN be solved personally. Global punishment is only for something that that individual cannot resolve himself.

Being a douchebag is not against the law IRL (in most countries).  However being a douchebag at a private store or company, could easily result in you being throw out, or banned for life. 

I'm glad I could show you how your analogy was facetious. 

If someone is trying to be a douchebag and posting spoilers about something as epic as Game of Thrones (or A song of ice and fire books) they should be punished (muted, and if repeated over and over, banned).  24 hours isn't the end of the world, stop acting like a douchebag and you won't get banned.

It's pretty simple.  I try not to act like a douchebag in game, and I've never been banned.  It's not hard to avoid being banned.


If a book series as epic as A Song of Ice and Fire can get my 27 year old bro to read 5 books totaling over 4200 pages, when he hasn't read a book since the 5th grade, I'd say it's fucking epic, even if quite nerdtastic. 
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Skyline on September 04, 2012, 09:57:36 pm
Being a douchebag is not against the law IRL (in most countries).  However being a douchebag at a private store or company, could easily result in you being throw out, or banned for life. 

I'm glad I could show you how your analogy was facetious. 

If someone is trying to be a douchebag and posting spoilers about something as epic as Game of Thrones (or A song of ice and fire books) they should be punished (muted, and if repeated over and over, banned).  24 hours isn't the end of the world, stop acting like a douchebag and you won't get banned.

It's pretty simple.  I try not to act like a douchebag in game, and I've never been banned.  It's not hard to avoid being banned.

rofl no TV show is "epic"
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Miwiw on September 04, 2012, 10:01:06 pm
Who the hell cares about the TV show? It's far from being epic. The books are it! They are one of the best I've read. Not the best to note.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 04, 2012, 10:24:34 pm
rofl no TV show is "epic"

The book's sure as fuck are, I've only seen the first season of the TV show, and am only about 1/5th into the 2nd book, but I still really liked the first season on TV.  It's not nearly as epic or in depth as the first book, but the visuals are awesome, you get people who are acting, and you can see the actual fighting and sparring taking place.  There's +'s and -'s to both formats, although the book is way more in depth (you get insight into what characters are thinking).
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 04, 2012, 10:26:58 pm
I'm still waiting to be banned for talking about the Hobbit book when the three movies are being released  :lol:
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Miwiw on September 04, 2012, 10:27:54 pm
Ehm, people had more than 60 years time to read the Hobbit book. That's another story. :P
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 04, 2012, 10:37:16 pm
rofl no TV show is "epic"

Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 04, 2012, 10:37:22 pm
Since Tears and Skyline both +'ed Gazda's post, they must not realize the difference between something being against the law, and something being against a private companies policy.

It might not be illegal to walk around smelling like shit, but if you show up to your job reeking of alcohol and shit, you're probably going to be asked to leave, and never return.


That was fucking epic smoothdick.  I'd never seen anything from the Rome show before...guess I'll have to check it out now.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Skyline on September 04, 2012, 10:39:05 pm
The book's sure as fuck are, I've only seen the first season of the TV show, and am only about 1/5th into the 2nd book, but I still really liked the first season on TV.  It's not nearly as epic or in depth as the first book, but the visuals are awesome, you get people who are acting, and you can see the actual fighting and sparring taking place.  There's +'s and -'s to both formats, although the book is way more in depth (you get insight into what characters are thinking).

Which is why i said TV show..... i know the difference between a book and a movie lol.

People take shit way to seriously in here..
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Skyline on September 04, 2012, 10:42:21 pm
Since Tears and Skyline both +'ed Gazda's post, they must not realize the difference between something being against the law, and something being against a private companies policy.

It might not be illegal to walk around smelling like shit, but if you show up to your job reeking of alcohol and shit, you're probably going to be asked to leave, and never return.

No the reason i +ed is is because it makes no difference to my game play.  Which is what the admin should be worried about not QQing and banning over a "epic" tv show lol.

And your logic is valid, but doesn't apply here BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING GAME not rl..... no one gets paid to be admin here, no one gets paid to play the game, mute the fucker and move the hell on.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Skyline on September 04, 2012, 10:43:01 pm

Great, just because some people think its "epic", doesn't mean everyone has too.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 04, 2012, 10:43:30 pm
Since Tears and Skyline both +'ed Gazda's post, they must not realize the difference between something being against the law, and something being against a private companies policy.

It might not be illegal to walk around smelling like shit, but if you show up to your job reeking of alcohol and shit, you're probably going to be asked to leave, and never return.

I do realize the difference, ever heard the term "stoking the fires?"

I +1 things that amuse me, regardless if I agree or disagree with the content. Gazda posted something interesting and amusing, so I plus 1ed it, it matters little if I agree or disagree with it. These forums are hardly serious business.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Adamar on September 04, 2012, 10:45:57 pm

The british accents negate the 'EPIC' flag.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on September 04, 2012, 10:47:52 pm
Tears, I know you're intelligent enough to have spotted the logical fallacy in gazda's post, and that you plused him for entertainment, or you just thought he made an interesting point.

I too was only half heartedly saying that you agreed with his post, and was partly fanning the flames.  We're both adept enough at forum whoring to know what we're doing :P
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: sF_Guardian on September 04, 2012, 10:51:44 pm

Whats epic at this BS?
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 04, 2012, 10:57:10 pm

Now I feel like watching the full Rome season
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: sF_Guardian on September 04, 2012, 11:10:06 pm
Now I feel like watching the full Rome season

I feel more like killing the actors :D
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Turkhammer on September 05, 2012, 04:28:21 am

Proof that your judgement is suspect.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Smoothrich on September 05, 2012, 11:20:26 am
That was fucking epic smoothdick.  I'd never seen anything from the Rome show before...guess I'll have to check it out now.

HBO makes the best shows.  Rome is a BBC/HBO co-production, thus "BRITmy old friendS NOT SPEAKING PROPER CLASSICAL LATIN" or whatever these complaints are about is kind of silly.

Rome is only 2 seasons long too, it sadly was ended prematurely because HBO didn't think a show as expensive as Rome was worth it.  Eventually they realized their mistake, because Rome was amazing, and still very popular in DVD sales and with critics.  Game of Thrones was their attempt to return to this kind of epic storytelling, and has succeeded beyond their highest expectations.

Suffice to say, if you think Game of Thrones is good, you will not be disappointed by Rome.  It follows the events of Caesar's Civil War to the rise of the Roman Empire, from the perspectives of the senators, Caesar, Cleopatra, Augustus, Marc Antony, etc along with the two dudes in that pro clip, regular soldiers in Caesar's elite personal legion.  There you get to see family, military, and civic duties from a more common-man perspective that is lacking in lots of historical dramas.  Tremendously entertaining and funny the entire time too, a true epic.  A++ would watch again
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Vibe on September 05, 2012, 11:34:47 am
Rome is one of the best TV shows I have seen. I personally knew the story about Caesar's life and events after his death from the books I read, because the show follows them pretty accurately, but I still enjoyed it immensely. Will watch both seasons the second time when I get enough time.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: djavo on September 05, 2012, 03:19:03 pm
Why they dont speak latin in ROME? Its unrealistic, nerf it.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: Adamar on September 05, 2012, 03:41:00 pm
HBO makes the best shows.  Rome is a BBC/HBO co-production, thus "BRITmy old friendS NOT SPEAKING PROPER CLASSICAL LATIN" or whatever these complaints are about is kind of silly.

Rome is only 2 seasons long too, it sadly was ended prematurely because HBO didn't think a show as expensive as Rome was worth it.  Eventually they realized their mistake, because Rome was amazing, and still very popular in DVD sales and with critics.  Game of Thrones was their attempt to return to this kind of epic storytelling, and has succeeded beyond their highest expectations.

Suffice to say, if you think Game of Thrones is good, you will not be disappointed by Rome.  It follows the events of Caesar's Civil War to the rise of the Roman Empire, from the perspectives of the senators, Caesar, Cleopatra, Augustus, Marc Antony, etc along with the two dudes in that pro clip, regular soldiers in Caesar's elite personal legion.  There you get to see family, military, and civic duties from a more common-man perspective that is lacking in lots of historical dramas.  Tremendously entertaining and funny the entire time too, a true epic.  A++ would watch again

It's still british looking guys, with british accents portraying latin people. They could at least have a more distinct speech like in Spartacus, but the romans themselfs are still portrayed by northern looking people there.
Title: Re: You can get banned for posting *spoilers* in chat?
Post by: dodnet on September 05, 2012, 03:41:31 pm
Now I feel like watching the full Rome season

I watched the full series some weeks ago and its really worth it. Too bad it was cancelled after 2 seasons  :?

Why they dont speak latin in ROME? Its unrealistic, nerf it.

In the series I watched they all spoke german - Rome must have been a german colony back then...