cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: KaffeKalle on June 30, 2012, 01:50:22 am
Lately I have noticed more and more people do a swing at me, cancel their swing mid swing and immediately restart their swing when they notice I start swinging back. How do you guys do it? I mean, I can swing, parry, cancel swings and restart swings, but not in the instant way that these moves are done. And no matter what kind of buttoncombination I try clicking I cant for the life of me understand how.
Also, whenever I switch from throwing spears to 1hander I get a minor delay before I am able to parry, yet alot of archers do not seem to have that problem at all.
Could someone please explain how these moves are done so that I can fight on equal terms with the rest of you?
Apparently in crpg making your target flinch was historically accurate.
Hopefully you're using a hybrid build that allows such weapon combinations to be used effectively.
You say that you can cancel your swings mid-swing and restart it, but not in the fast way the rest of us can? The best advice I can give is to practice. Practice makes you better, after all, and it's how the rest of us learned.
Ofc I can, just press the right button, but what Im seeing others doing far surpasses that since I have to move my sword back into a blocking position before I get to swing again. The moves Im referring to is the ones where guys just restart a swing in the midle of their swing. Its hard to explain. :D
Ofc I can, just press the right button, but what Im seeing others doing far surpasses that since I have to move my sword back into a blocking position before I get to swing again. The moves Im referring to is the ones where guys just restart a swing in the midle of their swing. Its hard to explain. :D
When an opponent is starting another swing ever after you just blocked one of his, he's trying to get another hit in with good footwork and placement.
ex. He swings, I block. I start a swing, then he starts a swing after, but he still hits me first.
The proximity of your opponent and whether he is to the right or left relative to you affects which swing will hit who first.
ex. My opponent is on my right side, I swing left to right. This swing takes a lot longer to hit, if at all (if he's to the extreme right) compared to a swing from right to left.
Fuck me.
Fuck me.
Any time, anywhere.
You clearly dont understand what I am trying to get at, its not a noobish thing like movement, even though I personally aint a great dueler I do understand that concept.
The move I mean is when I dont even parry their swings, they start a swing, I put up a parry in the right place, they stop swinging, I see their swing has stopped and I start a swing of my own, then they just restart their swing in an instant. Without them having to take the time that I have to take in order to stop a swing of my own. I suppose it is possible that it is a visual bug and has something to do with latency, but if that was the case I am pretty sure I would have seen that kind of swing as often a year ago as I do nowadays, and I did not.
Also, instant parries, what gives? People scroll faster on the mousewheel?
And what about feints? Isnt that just the cancel swing with parry-button, is there another way to stop your swinging?
sounds like lag :P
sounds like lag :P
Definately is.
You clearly dont understand what I am trying to get at, its not a noobish thing like movement, even though I personally aint a great dueler I do understand that concept.
The move I mean is when I dont even parry their swings, they start a swing, I put up a parry in the right place, they stop swinging, I see their swing has stopped and I start a swing of my own, then they just restart their swing in an instant. Without them having to take the time that I have to take in order to stop a swing of my own. I suppose it is possible that it is a visual bug and has something to do with latency, but if that was the case I am pretty sure I would have seen that kind of swing as often a year ago as I do nowadays, and I did not.
Also, instant parries, what gives? People scroll faster on the mousewheel?
And what about feints? Isnt that just the cancel swing with parry-button, is there another way to stop your swinging?
Could be that you're feinting with an unbalanced weapon when they're not. I think, I'm having trouble understanding what mechanic you're trying to talk to us about, I don't know.
Kaf is refering to a time we fought on battle server and i did this kind of attack to him (on my alt), maybe others have done it too i dont know. But ya sometimes when i feint alot when fighting in melle with a morningstar the weapon kind of instant swings. Once i even did 2 instant swings one after the other. When this happens usually i attempted to feint and stop the swing so i could swing in a differnt direction, but i dont stop the weapon in time and inteasd it instant swings to the other direction i was going to go in. Hitting people with instant swings is kind of hard as you never know when it will happen, you jsut know it can happen under the circumstances described, and when it does happen it happens so fast that you dont have time to properlly aim the swing.
Sometimes when im feinting alot in a fight i get a feeling like its goign to happen, and so im ready when it comes and can hit someoent then. And almost feels like a special attack that comes at the end of a combination like in a game like mortal combat, swing and feight real fast in abunch of directions and bam instant swing for the kill.
Maybe just personal perception, some people just restart swings ungodly fast without animations showing in a way they usually do. Its like, 80% near complete ordinaryswing, weapon warps back to starting position of the swing, and restart swing for the kill.
I am certain it isnt lag but something people actually are able to do that I cannot understand how. Cause it aint the way I swing when I move my mouse and click its buttons.
Pretty sure I aint referring to that Lemmy, since I havent been on a battle-server in months, except for the odd minutes I spent there the other day whining about how horrible it was. ;) Siege FTW!
Also, the swing I am referring to always restarts as the same swing as the first. They dont change direction, they just restart the first swing without anything happening in between as far as I can tell.
Kaf is refering to a time we fought on battle server and i did this kind of attack to him (on my alt), maybe others have done it too i dont know. But ya sometimes when i feint alot when fighting in melle with a morningstar the weapon kind of instant swings. Once i even did 2 instant swings one after the other. When this happens usually i attempted to feint and stop the swing so i could swing in a differnt direction, but i dont stop the weapon in time and inteasd it instant swings to the other direction i was going to go in. Hitting people with instant swings is kind of hard as you never know when it will happen, you jsut know it can happen under the circumstances described, and when it does happen it happens so fast that you dont have time to properlly aim the swing.
Right, I've had shit like that happen, pretty sure most people has, seems to be associated with lag rather than something you can actively make happen.
I've had something similar where someone whiff a stab on me because I'm too close and then instantly side swing me within milliseconds of the whiff so I can't react in time to block since I thought it was my turn to attack.
Another theory is that it might just be a feint in the same direction? Like a right swing feint to a right swing.
Maybe just personal perception, some people just restart swings ungodly fast without animations showing in a way they usually do. Its like, 80% near complete ordinaryswing, weapon warps back to starting position of the swing, and restart swing for the kill.
I am certain it isnt lag but something people actually are able to do that I cannot understand how. Cause it aint the way I swing when I move my mouse and click its buttons.
Pretty sure I aint referring to that Lemmy, since I havent been on a battle-server in months, except for the odd minutes I spent there the other day whining about how horrible it was. ;) Siege FTW!
Oh i thought you were kafein for some reason.
I am alot of people, but I aint he. :D
Maybe just personal perception, some people just restart swings ungodly fast without animations showing in a way they usually do. Its like, 80% near complete ordinaryswing, weapon warps back to starting position of the swing, and restart swing for the kill.
I am certain it isnt lag but something people actually are able to do that I cannot understand how. Cause it aint the way I swing when I move my mouse and click its buttons.
Pretty sure I aint referring to that Lemmy, since I havent been on a battle-server in months, except for the odd minutes I spent there the other day whining about how horrible it was. ;) Siege FTW!
Most likely the "warp" you're seeing is the result of an extremely fast feint (I use these frequently, and even on my screen the parry is only visible for a couple frames) being warped by ping so the parry never shows up.
As for the instant parries, swapping weapons is a tactic I also use frequently to confuse people. It's possible to parry or attack very rapidly after a switch, and if they managed to get you focused on their previous weapon, the quick speed of the swap combined with a little ping mutation can make it seem instant.
Basically, this is most likely the result of a little mid-fight confusion combined with some ping warping.
It's definitely lag, that and you not seeing the full animation of their feint. Basically sometimes the animations glitch and won't show the full feint, but will try to play catch-up so all you see is their weapon instantly teleport to mid-swing. Happens to me alllllllll the time.
I dunno, seems like an odd thing to lag about.
Its not even all that hectic at some of the times I recall seeing the move. All I know is that it pisses me off when it happens, almost as much as seeing the clan-banner-dudes sticking together like glue and farming my precious siegeservers. ;)
Been running around trying to swing and cancel in the same way as I talked about, but really, no matter how I press the buttons a similar move does not happen. It is ofc. possible its just a visual glitch as you say, then I guess kudos to the people I see pulling it off whenever they damn well please, well done. But I cant help feeling that there is something in the basic combatstrategy of the game I'm missing.
As for the archerthing, I close up on an archer, start swinging when he still has his bow in his hand, my swing hits and I hear the unmistakable sound of a parry instead of the sound of my sword cutting his flesh. And he hasnt even begun switching weapons before my sword is moving in on him. I cant even start parrying with my new weapon if I start switching when people are two steps away and then start swinging at me.
Definitely sounds like major lag to me. What country do you live in and what's the name of the server you're playing on?
If you swing and wait until the last possible second to feint/cancel/block and than attack again, given your weapons didn't clash before you try the feint, it will come out at the end of the attack animation and you won't appear to hold up whatever block direction you used to feint.
If you swing and wait until the last possible second to feint/cancel/block and than attack again, given your weapons didn't clash before you try the feint, it will come out at the end of the attack animation and you won't appear to hold up whatever block direction you used to feint.
ya that sounds right.
Right, I've had shit like that happen, pretty sure most people has, seems to be associated with lag rather than something you can actively make happen.
I've had something similar where someone whiff a stab on me because I'm too close and then instantly side swing me within milliseconds of the whiff so I can't react in time to block since I thought it was my turn to attack.
Another theory is that it might just be a feint in the same direction? Like a right swing feint to a right swing.
Stuff like this happens to me on occasion, usually when I'm fighting a 2H in the exact way you described. Their thrust glances at close range, and somehow they instantly execute a quick left swing as if their first attack never happened. It did, though, because I hear the glance sound followed by my character losing health from the follow-up left swing.
Bouncing a thrust intentionally and follow up with a quick swing is just a trick to try and get past someone's block, just like feints/holds/footwork/chamber blocks etc.
Whiff a thrust is a way to get through someone's defenses? That's new to me because it always gets me killed when I subsequentially stab unintentionally and then try to backpedal my way out as I'm defenseless for the next few moments.
Bouncing a thrust intentionally and follow up with a quick swing is just a trick to try and get past someone's block, just like feints/holds/footwork/chamber blocks etc.
You mean it actually works like that? When I whiff on someone with a thrust, I have this fucklong recovery time and I for SURE can't instantly swing back.
And by instantly swing back, I mean that 60% of the side swing's animation is actually hidden behind the stab whiff and then it plays the remaining 40% but it's already too late to react by then. I assume it's a client<->server lagfuckery that sometimes happens so that clientside, it played a whiff stab but server side, he's just been swinging the entire time.
Bouncing a thrust intentionally and follow up with a quick swing is just a trick to try and get past someone's block, just like feints/holds/footwork/chamber blocks etc.
It shouldn't work, though. Your attack is glancing. The very fact that you launched an attack which awkwardly came into contact with the opponent's hitbox means you should be stunned just as though they blocked your attack.
Yes, in real life if you glanced your thrust your weapon would now be next to your opponent's body which you could swing into, but I would like to stay away from that argument.
Intentionally bouncing a thrust means that you and your opponent are too close. If the opponent intentionally footworked to make your thrust glance, this should reward the opponent. If you unintentionally footworked too close to your opponent, this should punish you. I don't see how an intentionally glanced thrust should be equivalent to a feint, hold, or chamber in terms of tricking/getting around an opponent's block.
The bounce trick only works if you instantly glance at facehug range. It is very rare for it to happen by accident. A normal thrust glance will leave you stunned.
As for the OP, the chamber animation not playing is almost certainly lag.
OP, are you sure they aren't just feinting without releasing their swings? There are two types of feints.. one where you ready an attack but don't actually attack and one where you release an attack, cancel it halfway and do a second attack.
The first is done by just holding the LMB and switching up attack direction quickly with the RMB. If you repeatedly do it in the same direction it will look like you're doing half swings but it won't make the distinct 'woosh' sound of a real swing.
Second one is where you actually swing but cancel it with RMB and do a different swing. This type makes the 'woosh' sounds and it a lot slower but the sound can decieve opponents.
sounds like lag :P
It is lag, I sometimes do that to people on accident when I'm lagging. What I see on my screen is I try to swing, but nothing happens, then after a second I see the end of the swing animation and someone dies.
Always funny when it happens and someone asks "wtf". Or when you lose control over your char due to lagspike and 1s later regain control and someone is dead.
Could someone please explain how these moves are done so that I can fight on equal terms with the rest of you?
Play hard go pro.