bow and arrows = 3 slots
Ammo included you mean? Silly goofy goof.
I agree though, battle axes and flamberges were the go-to offhands.
And Mace/ Langes Messer isn't a solution for you? You probably won't like the Yumi, not many people use it. :|
Both Mace and Langes Messer are truly awesome weapons. For just 1 slot.
And... i was disapointed in this thread, i actually thought it was to create a "5 PD 2 slots not usable on horseback" bow, for the dedicated 5 PD infantry archers. :(
is the way to go.
I don't even carry melee weapon. Shoot -> run -> shoot -> run -> shoot... is the way to go.
the way you go is to ruin the archer's reputation, you make other classes QQ and the devs do nerfs because of that.Okay, I was joking. I do try to avoid melee though untill I run out of arrows, or if I am the last one in the team. Sometimes I just go in melee with my hammer for fun. Also we do have 2 slot bows... I usually use rus bow, but sometimes I just grab horn bow and 3 stacks of normal arrows and kill them enemy archers. It's easier to kill enemy archers that way than with rus bow IMO. Since you can shoot faster and spam the shit out of them with 3 stacks of arrows.
What about Fighting Axe in 2h mode? >100 reach with most swings, breaks shields, fast and hits harder than most 1h swords.
Or a 1-hander, with or without the 0-slot buckler. Archers have plenty of options. Embrace the slot system; I myself remember having an Arbalest+bolts, a long maul, and a pike all equipped at once. That was utterly stupid.
Limit quivers to 1 per player, increasing the amount of arrows in the process, and reduce the accuracy penalty from armor.
Not to more than 18 though, also 20 if loomed (not sure about the number, arrows should be used wisely and not spammed). That should be enough.
I do not see why you are complaining.
Well, spamberge is unsheathable, so no worries there, and maybe a way needs to be found so the Poleaxe archers dont come back I guess.Make certain weapons (greatswords, gmauls, longmauls, poleaxes, shit like that) 3 slot?
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Limit quivers to 1 per player
Limit quivers to 1 per player, increasing the amount of arrows in the process, and reduce the accuracy penalty from armor.Small quiver: 0-slot and few arrows.
That's all the class needs to be ballanced in itself.
Make certain weapons (greatswords, gmauls, longmauls, poleaxes, shit like that) 3 slot?
Funny that 2 out of 4 mentioned already is 3 slots. :rolleyes:lol, should've bothered checking the slots before posting, but yeah, make those 2 STAY 3 slots :mrgreen:, and btw, really ain't 2 out of four when the other two I mention are weapon classes.
Again, I have been playing this longer than you, I have tried every combination you can even imagine and several more. The fact that you think it is ok to take a stupid horsebow and 3 quivers shows you really are a scumcunt. No offence, I'm sure you think your a great person, but kiteing is just NOT OK. Archers need to be able to stand their ground and fight. Currently I think only 3 of us do this. Tenne is a well sung hero of this. I have been doing it for 2 years. But it needs a buff. Kiters need a massive nerf. This is a game about fighting.
Balance-wise: Kiteing needs removing. Realism-wise: Kiteing needs removing.
The fact that crossbows reload so fast and fire so accurately is a whole other issue.
The fact that you think it is ok to take a stupid horsebow and 3 quivers shows you really are a scumcunt. No offence, I'm sure you think your a great person, but kiteing is just NOT OK.
Not to more than 18 though, also 20 if loomed (not sure about the number, arrows should be used wisely and not spammed). That should be enough.
No. Using a crossbow is about using your ammo wisely. Archery is not. Saracen archers knew how to shoot 3 arrows in 1.5 seconds ( I am sure they had more then 1 quiver on their horses.So let horses be able to stash quivers then? When you're running on foot, 1 quiver.
So let horses be able to stash quivers then? When you're running on foot, 1 quiver.
And besides, those shots are "easy" shots where you barely pull the string back. Good for shooting fast but you don't have very little velocity and it has almost no piercing ability. Would barely pierce cloth.
( kid using a 10 pound bow doesnt have a clue about archery, watch his fucking left arm FFS, he has never fired a non-kiddie bow else he wouldnt fling his left hand forward with the shots, doing that would quickly destroy your elbow joint, probably fuck your spine aswell. Loosing a 90+ pound bow is matter of balance and form, you dont spam arrows unless firing into massed groups of infantry, because arrows do NOT grow on trees. Historically, only slingers spammed, and thats because their ammo was either rocks, or if using metal ammo, could be very quickly made since it is a single cast, NOT like arrows, which need 1/ shafts making, time consuming before machinery 2/ Fletching, time consuming for 2 reasons, the process is fairly difficult and you need feathers with also need prep and a bird, and 3/ Heads, which need casting and then attaching. Archers NEVER spammed arrows, they may have fired fast into massed formations, but since we dont have 10k armies fighting 10k armies, it does not apply.