cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Guides => Topic started by: _Tak_ on February 01, 2012, 12:24:01 pm
Leechers, the most useless players in CRPG, every day and night there is always leechers who appears in all CRPG servers, they think they can get away with it, however not in most cases...Trust me it's not fun to have leechers in your team because your team can lose because of them, the reason that they like to leech it is because it's takes less effort. If there are 10 leechers in your team, that means you have 10 less players than the other team, so the chance to win is extremely low...
Why do people leech?:
Non-Intentional Leeching: These leechers are just newbie to the game, didn't know anything about the rules on the server, first thing they do is to join a battle server, he saw that he cannot respawn, so he press T and ask "When i will respawn", someone answer him that he will respawn after the round's ended. Then because it takes a great long time to wait for the round to end, so the newbie Afk from the computer, when he comes back he got kick/ banned, then in forum he will say "I duno nothing ,unban me plz, me no speak english".
Intentional Leeching:
The reason that a leecher is leeching, if you ask him why he won't properly tell you. So here we are. We all know that if you keep wearing expensive items / weapons it will reduce the gold you earn, so these leechers prefer getting more gold by wearing "Super light armor" with "Crappy weapon" so that they can earn gold in the maximum way of benefits. Each x1 tick gives you 50 gold, if which means if you leech for 60 minutes on battle / siege / rage ball server, which means 60 x 50 = 3000, so you will get 3000 gold per hour. on x2 for 1 hour you get 6000, then x3 will get 9000, x4 will get 12000, x5 will get 15000. If you have play CRPG for over a month you can get a massive amount of gold without having to retire if you constantly leech, however leeching is not "Allow" and you must remember that.
Here is the list of leechers in CRPG:
Dumb Leecher: This leecher is clearly a noob, when the battle start, he will just stand at spawn and do nothing, and can easily saw by other people and get qml or kick / ban by admin.
Different kind of leecher : This leecher, what he do is , because he understand that mostly all leechers just stand in a place doing nothing, so he will just going to do a upper block movement to show that he is not a leecher, and he will keep in that position for the rest of the game, this reduce the risk of people qml them because most leechers doesn't do anything when they are leeching, and this leecher is doing a upper block or an attack movement. To do this, leecher will usually decide what movement / attack / block they are going to use, then they will do that movement and press T. Whe they press T, the move will stay forever so it is like he is doing something.
Valour Farming (Delayers): This leecher, is active, and is unlike other leecher, they only appear on battle. First they will try to find a safe place where there is no melee/war going on, then they will stay there until he come the last man alive, then their task has succeed, they will fight for the sake of valour, because of these leechers, team usually lose because of them because if there are 5 valour leecher that is hiding while the fight is going on, the team clearly has more disadvantage toward winning as there are 5 useless people in the team.
Kamikaze leecher: This leecher, will usually wear light armour or with a crappy weapon. Then they will charge at the enemy to suicide. Some of them are smart, they know they can get ban for this, so they will usually try to kill some people before they die, then when they get killed they get free exp and gold from staying dead. (Note: This tactics does not work in siege, only battle.) Kaikaze leecher work best with highest agi build, with 12 athletics so they dont lose any gold. If they dont spend any point in Power strike or Weapon master they might as well go for 13 athletics. It also work great with 13 riding, with 13 riding you can actually become the "First Blood"
Not-so_dumb Leecher: This leecher will AFK in battle at the start of the round for about 30 seconds or less. Then when someone qml them they will press M to make you lose your x1. When you ask them that he is leeching, he will denied it and said he only afk for about 20 seconds. These people usually don't get ban / kick by admins as they are hard to notice.
Rage Ball Leecher: This leecher, first of all he is sick of scoring as he has x5 already, so he and his team mate will try to take the ball away from the goals as quick as possible, they might put the ball in top building so that no one can reach the ball, since rage ball has no time limit , so it is like a paradise for leechers, they can leech in front of the goal to act as a goal keeper, or they can keep delaying and keep running around while they get x5.
Siege Leecher: This leecher, usually understand that if they leech in battle they will face a more risk of getting notice by other people. So they will usually go to siege server as it is more safer to leech. Some of them will try to hide inside a siege tower or buildings where they are able to hide. Because everyone spawns quicker than in battle so the chance of them getting caught has been reduce. We also know that admins online more often in battle than siege so it is a great opportunity for leechers to leech in siege. Most of the time when i play siege there is always leechers and thats usually the main reason why our team lost.
Fake leecher: This leecher don't usually appear in most case, but from time to time you will see them, they will act as a leecher, then they will wait until someone qml hem, then when that happens they will press M so you lose a multi.
Active Leecher: This is far the most intelligent leecher. This leeche usually will first press Tab and see if any admins are online, for making sure that he is safe from leeching, he will usually press I in game to use admin chat to talk to an admin to find out whether or not an admin is online. When he thinks he is safe, first thing he will do is to find a nice spot to leech, these people usually leech while they are eating or doing small business in real life. Their character in game will stop on a spot, then when someone qml them, they will press M usually after 10 - 20 seconds before 30 seconds. So they won't get kick.
Leecher Builds (These are people with the worse K/D ratio and they will never expect to get any kills):
Super-Fast Leecher Build : 3/39: With this build, you can have 13 athletics, the weapon they usually use is a Scythe, or weapons that is Not like a long dagger, they will usually become the First blood as they are the fastest runner.
(To be honest playing as a leecher does not really have any builds, you can just leech using any kind of builds and equipment, but leeching has it's own way, which is the way of leeching
Leecher with a Shield: Because this leecher knows that the build from above will die very quickly and admins will usually notice that this guy is leeching, so this guy will going to bring a shield with him. They can have high ath and 1 handed weapon, "For example Leo King", Leecher use this build so that they can last longer and in most case admins will not think that they are leeching. If you want to die fast, use a crappy shield, if you don't want admin to notice you are leeching, try to attack and use your shield to block few hit, then suicide. Since you want to be a leecher, it is best to not have too high shielding skill or else you will turn into a delayer instead of a leecher
Leecher on horse: They usually ride on a sumpter or a rouncey (Mostly sumpter as they wanted to earn more gold), with 13 ridings or 12. Then they might spend some points on powerdraw to show that they are like a horse archer to reduce the risk of being caught. Because riding on horses is faster than running so they will die a lot faster than the Super-fast leecher build. Because they have so high riding skill so they can usually bump someone to death, so the chance of them getting caught has been reduce again (Only dumb horse leechers will get caught) Tips: Just charge at the enemy, bump some of them before you die, just like the japanese did in World War.
Leecher Thrower: These leechers will usually have 10 Power Throw and with all throwing weapons, when they run out of bullet, they die, nice and easy, this build is good for leecher who like to have more throwing fun and they can last quite a bit. tips: when you run out of bullet, don't pick them up, just go to enemy and punch them to death
Leecher Pikeman/ Spearman: Bring a pike, naked or light clothing, people will less likely thinks you are a leecher, try to stab randomly at enemy when the fight goes on, when you see an enemy is swinging at you, don't block so you get 1 hit kill, then free exp for leeching while you are dead.
All-Class-Leecher: All class in CRPG can become leecher, it depends on how you play and how you act, just make sure you act smart so you don't get caught.
Builds for delayers: It is more risk play as an leecher , so you decided to become a delayer, here is some builds that you can use .
Shielders : 13 shielding skill, no weapon master (You will probably become the legendary valour farmer. it's for awesome annoying player as your shiled is unbreakable on any type of shield, thanks to isatis for this
Rider : with 13 riding skill, when the round start, you can run off to hills to hide for a while, then try to bump as many enemy as you can, then because you have 13 riding skill so no horseman will be able to catch you even if you are using a destier, you have more good reason to delay as you are on a horse
Ninja: With 9/27 build you can hide in hays or anything like that to delay for a while, when enemy are near you, sneak up to him and kill him (Only do this if you thinks he is alone). When the admins ask you what you are doing, you can tell him that you are practising the way of a ninja and want to be invisible.
Twohanded/ Polearm does not work great with delayers as you can die more easily than the builds from above, if you are going for delayers , don't play as two handed or polearm unless you wants to hide like a ninja.
Do not: If you are on x5 or x2 or more. Never never never report a leecher unless you are absolutely sure that he is Afk and is not active leeching. Smart leechers will not get kick by qml most of the time, if you qml him he will probably press M which means you will lose a multi, to safest way to report a leecher is to take screen shot and put those evidence in the forum to get them ban by admins, or tell admins in game about the situation that you rage because you lose a multi to a leecher.
If you are an admin:: This is too obvious, before you try to kick or ban the person, you should send him a message to make sure that he is not leeching, or else he will rage. In forum they will probably say that they didn't saw the warning message, so it is best to take screenshot as a prove to prepare those lies. After many players have read this article more leechers will come, so it is up to the admins to deal with them, which means the admins will have to deal with more leechers again. "Show names cheat does not work with active leecher, only works with people who ALT+TAB."
Good excuses :shock: for leecher when people ask why they are leeching:
1) Me wife call me to bed so i go have sex with her for about 20 minutes, (it's good time and it make me feel so hard) me no do it again unban plz.
2) My dog attack me while i was on a computer, so i gunned her down, when i came back to game i notice i was ban, unban me plz
3) Because I am the "King" of leechers ! Fear me!
4) i was drinking a cup of tea and because i would like to add more sugar so it's not my fault, comeon unban me!
5) my hamster bite the cage again, so i go and slap his head with my thumb, thats why i was afk
6) i went to school and forgot to turn off crpg...
7) My wife was giving me a head and it feels so good so i went afk for a while sorry
8) Me? Leeching, i am innocent
9) Me no speak english unban plz
10) what is leeching?
11) My mum tells me not to play game
12) Ah jeez , i was playing for almost 12 hours non-stop and i didn't sleep, so while i was playing i slept through the night ...
13) when I got killed by an enemy in battle server, I press Alt+Tab to come to window mod so that the game won't crash, then I go on surfing the internet, then i come across an advert that has some pretty attractive pornographic pictures, so I click on it and accidently forgot about CRPG. Sorry I won't do it again
14) I was playing as a goal keeper in rage ball!
15) I was defending the flag for the whole time!
Warning: Only professional leechers will never get caught, which means the every minute you leech you will are taking the risk and it is your responsibility to take whatever that will happen to your character, you could get banned for a short period of time for leeching, then if you are caught again you will get multiple warnings, admins are not that stupid so don't think you can get away with that, if you are one of those leechers I strongly recommend you start helping the team to win, because if the whole team leech together you will just stay at x1 forever, and you won't earn much exp and gold either
Thanks for reading , (Thread still under construction) :o
There is no way to recognize king of the leechers (me) ,i know all the tricks and glitches :) and i leech all of the types you have here and some moar :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
There is no way to recognize king of the leechers (me) ,i know all the tricks and glitches :) and i leech all of the types you have here and some moar :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Well done King of leecher , mind to share me some of your tips?
hahaha sounds familiar :D
You can find them in battle / siege servers, they are always there
'tis some guide for admins?
'tis some guide for admins?
for leechers + players + admins + the world xD
Leechers are not the most hated, LOL. They hardly even matter. :)
Ppl that wear no equipment or armor are just easier to kill!
Those that hide I would not qualify as leechers but "delayers." That's a whole different animal, and the most hated in my book.
People that spawn with a rouncey or throwing weapons are NOT leechers. You have to leave room for other play-styles. Not everyone plays the way you think is the right way to play! :evil:
I hate valor whores, I would like to see valor completely removed so there is no incentive to being the last few people alive. They really are useless to your team, and had they been fighting and dying with the team might have given your team a chance to win.
I admit I will sometimes kamikazi on my horse into the enemy if I need to go AFK, but I will kill as many as possible, and if I survive I keep playing until I die.
I recognise most of these types of leeching you have posted.
The only grey areas for me are the guys who die first and fast in battle.
It's easy to tell when someone is just auto walking forward into enemies, not even blocking or attacking.
When some naked guy is charging and putting up a fight though I cant really say he is a leecher.
He isnt "letting" them kill him, he's fighting and trying to kill/wound and it's a "playstyle", like horse archer (hated by most but viable).
Plenty of times i just want to rambo, and try to do as best as I can, even though I chide myself for a silly death afterwards.
What the hell is this shit? A guide for leechers?
You shall not call anyone else as leecher , its my trademark!! :wink:
Leechers are not the most hated, LOL. They hardly even matter. :)
Ppl that wear no equipment or armor are just easier to kill!
Those that hide I would not qualify as leechers but "delayers." That's a whole different animal, and the most hated in my book.
People that spawn with a rouncey or throwing weapons are NOT leechers. You have to leave room for other play-styles. Not everyone plays the way you think is the right way to play! :evil:
I really hates leecher because they makes my team lose most of the time. Especially on siege, leechers usually wear not much equipment / light armor so they can get killed very easily so that they can leech while they are dead.
you can actually leech on a horse, and leeching on a horse will get you a kick rather than a ban , duno why
I admit I will sometimes kamikazi on my horse into the enemy if I need to go AFK, but I will kill as many as possible, and if I survive I keep playing until I die.
Same over here :P
I recognise most of these types of leeching you have posted.
The only grey areas for me are the guys who die first and fast in battle.
It's easy to tell when someone is just auto walking forward into enemies, not even blocking or attacking.
When some naked guy is charging and putting up a fight though I cant really say he is a leecher.
He isnt "letting" them kill him, he's fighting and trying to kill/wound and it's a "playstyle", like horse archer (hated by most but viable).
Plenty of times i just want to rambo, and try to do as best as I can, even though I chide myself for a silly death afterwards.
Dude, what is the grey area? :shock:, only noob leechers will charge up without try to block or attack, but smart leechers will try to fight and defend so that they can still die in the end in gangrape, then they will get free exp and gold when they are dead. you seems to rambo alot in siege :D
What the hell is this shit? A guide for leechers?
what do you think Teeth?
You shall not call anyone else as leecher , its my trademark!! :wink:
but it's free trade right?
5) my hamster bite the cage again, so i go and slap his head with my hand, thats why i was afk
You don't have to mention the hand, there is only one other bodypart that can do slapping, and it would be kind of inappropriate if you used it on your hamster.
But besides this, I think you have to remove this excuse. It's perfectly valid. God damn hamsters are ALWAYS biting the cages, and slapping them is really the only thing you can do against it. Sometimes I even think they bite the cages because they enjoy the slapping, the nasty little buggers.
what do you think Teeth?
Seems to me that there are a lot of pointers in here for leechers.
Yeah and some play without keyboard, because the poor sods can't afford one.
"Kamikaze leecher", ha ha, the best kind of leecher...
1) Me wife call me to bed so i go have sex with her for about 10 minutes, (it's good time and it make me feel so hard) me no do it again unban plz.
Who the fuck has sex for only 10 minutes? You are at your house, not in a night club or a parking lot...
Never heard of any chick "calling to bed" for 10 minutes psh...
Who the fuck has sex for only 10 minutes? You are at your house, not in a night club or a parking lot...
Never heard of any chick "calling to bed" for 10 minutes psh...
also: 13 shield skill make your shield unbreakable so it's not for leecher, it's for awesome annoying player!
4) i was drinking a cup of tea and because i would like to add more sugar so it's not my fault, comeon unban me!
Any self respecting tea drinker would know how much sugar to put into their tea. Unban request denied.
Yeah and some play without keyboard, because the poor sods can't afford one.
they should try Screen-keyboard or a Xbox controller :wink:
Who the fuck has sex for only 10 minutes? You are at your house, not in a night club or a parking lot...
Never heard of any chick "calling to bed" for 10 minutes psh...
Some people only last for 10 minutes, i am talking about the computer geeks Tears .... :oops:
also: 13 shield skill make your shield unbreakable so it's not for leecher, it's for awesome annoying player!
Fixed, thank you isatis
Any self respecting tea drinker would know how much sugar to put into their tea. Unban request denied.
These excusses are "Consider good" for leechers but in fact they are not :lol:
These excusses are "Consider good" for leechers but in fact they are not :lol:
Hehe I know, I was just making a joke off the back of your jokes! :rolleyes:
Hehe I know, I was just making a joke off the back of your jokes! :rolleyes:
indeed :oops:
Who the fuck has sex for only 10 minutes? You are at your house, not in a night club or a parking lot...
Never heard of any chick "calling to bed" for 10 minutes psh...
Well, it really depends on age. Many couples, in their thirties, start having routine sex before showering and going to sleep, and that usually doesn't even last 10 minutes. Some years later, more than 50% of them break up. Humans are just not made for monogamy.
Who the fuck has sex for only 10 minutes? You are at your house, not in a night club or a parking lot...
Never heard of any chick "calling to bed" for 10 minutes psh...
10 minutes? Why in hell do you need so long? :mrgreen:
I didn't even know I was being a leecher when I went out naked, with my long spear, and got three or four kills.
Thank you for enlightening me.
Fixed, thank you isatis
love your guid
remove that annoying almost unbreakable
the shield reduce damage at a rate of: 13*8% = 104% so in fact, every hit increase your shield health... even practice shielld is impossible to break!
good player use the crappy board shield + nordic short sword, they can even get some kill!!!
isn't this more like a guide on "How to leech???"
can understand your letting people know how others leech and such but are you not also telling them the best ways to leech and not get caught? O.o starting to wonder whos side your really on....
Rather then punishing leecher there should be thinked about it why leeching exist at all.
In my opinion its because of the totally broken reward system.
Actually there is no reward system. Everything I can think of is better then this x per time-shit.