To fix cavalry you want them to be even more useless against aware players?
I understood the main gripes of teh cRPG community with cavalry was that they were cowards who only backstabbed / went for easy kills?
Ways to balance the cavalry out a bit is to make them less successful in situation where the enemy is aware of them. This will make the cavalry more of a support unit for infantry and defenders of the ranged units.
if anything, the lance angle nerf only buffed maneuver in cav vs cav fights,
Ways to balance the cavalry out a bit is to make them less successful in situation where the enemy is aware of them. This will make the cavalry more of a support unit for infantry and defenders of the ranged units.
The game has been "balanced" and "rebalanced" again and again. There will never be total equality until all weapons are the same speed and length and weight and damage.
Everything has a counter. People just need to figure out how to play smarter and USE those counters, rather than appealing for Devs to make changes in the game system/weapons.
Your first point I totally agree with. It's nerf-rpg, not c-rpg. Reminds me of the book Harrison Bergeron by George Orwell.The piece of equipment needs to be fun as well. Running around with a spear and shield with one attack direction and shield autoblock is pretty boring to be honest. And you need pretty much one guy wanting to play that boring style to every player playing cavalry that most people would agree is way more dynamic and fun.
Totally agree with the 2nd point and is basically verbatim to what I've been saying for months. I'm tired of the dev's nerfing shit instead of telling the whiney players to learn how to use tactics to counter the natural weaknesses of a class or piece of equipment.
to clarify: ...buffed manueverable horses in cav vs cav fights... as you now use the movement of the horse to guid the lance a lot more in cav duels. thats why the arab will always be the most dangerous opponent if the rider is of same skill as you are.
to clarify: ...buffed manueverable horses in cav vs cav fights... as you now use the movement of the horse to guid the lance a lot more in cav duels. thats why the arab will always be the most dangerous opponent if the rider is of same skill as you are.
The piece of equipment needs to be fun as well. Running around with a spear and shield with one attack direction and shield autoblock is pretty boring to be honest. And you need pretty much one guy wanting to play that boring style to every player playing cavalry that most people would agree is way more dynamic and fun.
Cavalry... Anyone using a heavy lance or couch lance won't have too much trouble with infantry, even 2h. I assume this, as if they thrust at the horses head, will a heavy lance outreach it? I'm not sure. A Danish Greatsword thrust has a long range, and so does a thrust, but the horses body from head to the rider is factored against the reach of the lance. This means that a well-averagely times two handed thrust will often rail a horse, rendering the often not-as-melee specialized rider to fight a build based for ground combat.
This is why Meevar and I believe that a non-retarded two-hand user, much less, a pole-arm user will have no trouble with a lancing cav.
tl;dr = thrusts timed well with greatswords/polearms will rail any cav user using a thrust lance, due to the 2h thrust animation, or the lancers effective range decrease if horse is struck in the head.
This. Aim for the head of the horse. Kill it in 1 strike, overhead strike the rider as he lies helpless on the floor besides you.
Nice post. Obvious they should revert archer nerf and leave the fucking game alone's balanced enough.
Cav isn't OP as such, not in the sense that when you look at the kills table you see a load of cav players with 30 kills and 3 deaths; it's just that the effect it has on the game is disruptive; it seems too many people have pikes and everyone is throwing away their crossbows...
I want them to be forced to team-play. I see no other way to do that.
Infantry :Only read that, its plain wrong.
1. Have the lowest mobility and can find themselves unable to get out of an unfavorable situation.
Hmm...disruptive to what, exactly?Since ladders were taken away and ranged damage was dropped, this is a buff for cavalry on most maps. A major hazard for horses was getting shot and now not only do arrows and bolts do less damage, but with no more roofers, the opportunity to shoot at cav is reduced, too, unless it's a random steppe. Crossbow use is in decline because it's harder to find a safe place to reload. Rather than increasing ranged damage (which will probably hurt 2h and polearm infantry more than cav) I would suggest lowering the Health of horses.
I've set up a poll in the Game Balance section to get more input on what I think can be a solution:,25304.0.html
ah the view shared by all honorable infantrymen, they despise "cowardly" backstabs (but only from cav, backstabs by inf is ok) yet they go for a cheapshots like this
oh the irony ^^
Since ladders were taken away and ranged damage was dropped, this is a buff for cavalry on most maps. A major hazard for horses was getting shot and now not only do arrows and bolts do less damage, but with no more roofers, the opportunity to shoot at cav is reduced, too, unless it's a random steppe. Crossbow use is in decline because it's harder to find a safe place to reload. Rather than increasing ranged damage (which will probably hurt 2h and polearm infantry more than cav) I would suggest lowering the Health of horses.
Since ladders were taken away and ranged damage was dropped, this is a buff for cavalry on most maps. A major hazard for horses was getting shot and now not only do arrows and bolts do less damage, but with no more roofers, the opportunity to shoot at cav is reduced, too, unless it's a random steppe. Crossbow use is in decline because it's harder to find a safe place to reload. Rather than increasing ranged damage (which will probably hurt 2h and polearm infantry more than cav) I would suggest lowering the Health of horses.
Cav isn't OP, cav is a force multiplier, the reason they get so many kills is because most battles are very spread out and disorganized, the Cav is basically a vulture/kill-stealing class. Basically the Rogue in any other sort of game.Put a top 100 player on an arabian warhorse with heavy lance vs pretty much anyone and he will win.
Put a top 100 player on an arabian warhorse with heavy lance vs pretty much anyone and he will win.
Smart cavalry is so dangerous.
I do not like getting slashed by 1 cav , bumped from the other one and couched from the 3th one in 3 seconds.(Literally made me GTX 3 days ago lol) but c'mon ...
Why do people have such a problem with cavalry, i've been playing as infantry for ages, recently respecced back to cavalry though. Cavalry is not a problem, just be aware of your surroundings and try not to spawn late...
Actually it shouldn't be the pike that take 3 slots, should be the greatswords, as well as the biggest axes.
Would be a nice motive for people to take smaller swords.(click to show/hide)
A few cav are no problem but the mass of cav really are. I constantly look around and still get often hit in the back by some cav as its too many to watch them all. I am a cav build but I'm on foot most of the time as cav got really annoying since a few weeks.
The problem with cav is also that you have to kill two: horse and rider.
The amount of cav is sickening, I counted 22 on my team and 15-20 on the enemy team on eu 1 today. It was a flat map where the cav of each team decided the outcome of the rounds. Cavalry is not really overpowered, but the amount should be lowered somehow and some tweaks could be nice. Higher speed to knock someone down would be nice and shield not magically stopping projectiles/melee attacks that should normally hit the horse would also be good.
Biggest problem is the actual usage of the brain from most of the people on the server. If you see a lot of cav, do you really want to be standing alone in the open? I saw a lot guys trying to get to some ruins or inside a fence, but too many was taken down outside those places, which made them easy prey at the end of the round.
Didn't get any screenshots covering all the cav since most of them split around at the very start, but there were tons of them. I got a screenshot showing some of them at least(click to show/hide)
Also, another problem with cav is that any hybrid can dump some points into riding while still be perfectly good soldiers while on foot. I made one of the most stupid builds in history, and would by no mean feel sad if it wouldn't have been any good, but it's still viable since cav only needs 1-2 hits to kill any enemy.(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Some people forget that in the medieval era, many armies were all cavalry, others were half. It is unrealistic to mandate that they should only be a small fraction of an army.
If you can't kill the rider without killing the horse, I would strongly suggest you reinstall the game and stop half way.
I think cav itself isn't really OP (at least it has to be a bit OP as it is cav!), just the amount of cav is a problem.
This isn't CoD or Street Fighter, it features cavalry and irl, they were numerous. Both major sides during the crusades had a number of cavalry comparable to that of infantry. There are countless medieval battles in which at least one side featured only cavalry, even discounting those involving Asiatic cavalry-only civilisations like the Mongols, Tartars, Alans etc.
If you feel sick to see cavalry, perhaps you're not cut out to play a medieval battle simulator. That's cool, there's always c-rpg duels. :P
I do think the game should be balanced so same amount of upkeep is balanced.
This isn't CoD or Street Fighter, it features cavalry and irl, they were numerous. Both major sides during the crusades had a number of cavalry comparable to that of infantry. There are countless medieval battles in which at least one side featured only cavalry, even discounting those involving Asiatic cavalry-only civilisations like the Mongols, Tartars, Alans etc.
If you feel sick to see cavalry, perhaps you're not cut out to play a medieval battle simulator. That's cool, there's always c-rpg duels. :P
So lowering cav upkeep solves the problem? RLY? It would increase usage of cav even more. :shock:
But maybe I just misunderstood what you wanted to say...
This isn't CoD or Street Fighter, it features cavalry and irl, they were numerous. Both major sides during the crusades had a number of cavalry comparable to that of infantry.
Fix ranged damage to horses.I'm somehow guessing they can't else they probably wouldn't have messed with them at the same time.
I'm somehow guessing they can't else they probably wouldn't have messed with them at the same time.
Then fixed ranged damage overall.
Then fixed ranged damage overall.
Range damage is fine. It's even easier for skilled players to get kills.
But then I don't really see any other solution to fixing the amount of cav there is.
you cant talk about cavalry, you need to be more specific, you need to seperate heavy cavalry form light cavalry, cause differences between those are huge.