Today i also make some tests with range on eu3 with Templar_GraveFlower. I'm archer with 21str and 3 IF on lvl 30 and i ALWAYS survive a body shot. He was using MW Arbelast and MW steel bolts. I was wearing Monk's robe and leather glowes witch gave me 9 body armour.
He shots my chest, back, ass, arm, hand, leg, knee, foot. And i survive one shot with about 1/10 hp...
So I'm asking why?????!!!!!! It's 100 pierce dmg!!!
After changes with new patch my skin is almost like haubergon for ranged.
After shot from arbelast I should be dead like stone and have no chance to survive one shot.
And about headshooting from arbelast, everyone die like before patch
I just don't see how 1bodyhit-1kill is a good mechanic in this game. 1bodyhitkills suck balls.
If a 1 hit can't kill a naked peasant what are shots doing to people in full armor.
I get "1shot" killed all the time. From melee, but still, it's fine.
If a 1 hit can't kill a naked peasant what are shots doing to people in full armor. Yes if you're not wearing any clothes an arrow to the chest should kill you else we should balance the game around naked gear so that no weapon can kill in one shot on a peasant.
Oh i'm sorry, forgot i was in a CRPG forum, nerf ranged more please. Sometimes when they shoot me i still die and i can't show of my super pro skills swinging right 20 times in a row with heavy armor and 10 ironflesh watching many weapons bounce off my armor.
1. Spamming only works consistently against people who suck, thus you will never be able to to good consistently by doing it. (Can't speak about NA hurr)
2. If you're running around with 10 ps, full plate and a flammy then I (and most other melee players I reckon) would regard you about as high as a rangedtwat (well, a little higher, your attacks are blockable).
3. Why would you even play it? It's boring.
Melee is in my opinion the heart and soul of this game. I mean look at archers, luck-based growing crosshair a la' 2003?
What I would like to see for archers is a massive accuracy buff, even slightly less damage (flame on), less stun from arrows, less running and a big increase in melee capability.
I am glad for the nerf to crossbows. Many people were using crossbows with no wpf investment and being way too effective with it.
Also don't you agree with me about making archery less luck-based?
Now you can kill everyone with one hit. You just have to aim for the head :P
increase accuracy decrease damage
Instead of that stupid random reticule thing, the shot should be accurate, but with a moving reticule. A bit like in a dart game.
What I would like to see for archers is a massive accuracy buff, even slightly less damage (flame on), less stun from arrows, less running and a big increase in melee capability.
I'm more for hybridization where ranged weapons would serve as secondary weapons. If you don't know to fight with real weapons you shouldn't be on the battlefield.
Either that or extremely realistic approach to medieval archery. This Legolas shit has to go.
Angry 14-year-old CS gamers who can't instagib anymore.
Go play Counter Strike
The irony is most juicy when one realises cRPG now demands headshots for ranged to be effective. Perhaps they will add a headshot sound effect in the next patch. He doesn't need to play cs, he is playing it.
Insta-fix: Anyone with a bow or crossbow or throwing should take extra damage to ranged.
Archers wear next to no armor and generally don't have that many points left over for IF. I rarely see an archer that can take more than 2 arrows or bolts already.
I think if you're wearing less then mail you should be able to be killed by range in a hit or two but as it stands now only 10 PD builds really do anything with body-shots. Headshots with my unloomed vaegir war mask have taken about half health but good luck landing those consistently.
The irony is most juicy when one realises cRPG now demands headshots for ranged to be effective. Perhaps they will add a headshot sound effect in the next patch. He doesn't need to play cs, he is playing it.
Oh I´d LOVE Quakesounds in cRPG.
Its the thing im missing most from older shooters.
"Headshot" "M-mo-mo-MONSTERKILL"
I loved those.
I like to see people cry.