cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Armbrust_Schtze on January 20, 2012, 09:31:50 am

Title: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Armbrust_Schtze on January 20, 2012, 09:31:50 am
I tested my masterwork heavy crossbow with masterwork bolts this morning on EU3 with a russian archer who used to have light armor and 0 ironflesh.

i was surprized when he didnt die after one shot into the chest from one metre.

i was SHOCKED when he even survived the second one!

after that he survived 2 hits with bare fist in the face (with 6 powerstrike). the third finally killed him -.-

seriously how shall i kill even footman now with arbalest? do they need 5 shots now or even 10??
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Herkkutatti on January 20, 2012, 09:33:27 am
how can you be sure he had 0 if  :wink:
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Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Armbrust_Schtze on January 20, 2012, 09:42:58 am
its not crap! and i asked him, why should he lie..
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Herkkutatti on January 20, 2012, 09:43:52 am
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Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Lansamur on January 20, 2012, 10:06:26 am
Tldr; QQ

Response: Aww. QQ moar.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Armbrust_Schtze on January 20, 2012, 10:15:35 am
ah yeah forgot that...
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: VR__Alv on January 20, 2012, 10:55:52 am
FEEL THE RUSSIAN POWER!!! If you from russia you have +200 to awesomeness which equals 400IF)))))
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Templar_Steevee on January 20, 2012, 11:28:32 am
Today i also make some tests with range on eu3 with Templar_GraveFlower. I'm archer with 21str and 3 IF on lvl 30 and i ALWAYS survive a body shot. He was using MW Arbelast and MW steel bolts. I was wearing Monk's robe and leather glowes witch gave me 9 body armour.
He shots my chest, back, ass, arm, hand, leg, knee, foot. And i survive one shot with about 1/10 hp...
So I'm asking why?????!!!!!! It's 100 pierce dmg!!!
After changes with new patch my skin is almost like haubergon for ranged.

After shot from arbelast I should be dead like stone and have no chance to survive one shot.

And about headshooting from arbelast, everyone die like before patch , but shooting at 100 meters to standing still person with 161 WPF in x-bow hit's in target about 1/6, so it's silly, and teloading time is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG. Cav on courser can kill 3-4 players in time crossbowman reload his x-bow.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Leesin on January 20, 2012, 11:45:40 am
Go play Counter Strike
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Vibe on January 20, 2012, 11:55:05 am
Instagib games that way  :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: gazda on January 20, 2012, 12:03:36 pm
1.Rusiian archer had 140% HP

2.Yea, what will we do now xbows can 1shot anymore, I say we incrise damage of All crossbows by atleast 54, also we should incrise accuracy to 178 and decrease reload speed to 8 and then xbows will be viable, cause right now xbows are dead and underpowered.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Panzerstyle on January 20, 2012, 12:20:14 pm
Today i also make some tests with range on eu3 with Templar_GraveFlower. I'm archer with 21str and 3 IF on lvl 30 and i ALWAYS survive a body shot. He was using MW Arbelast and MW steel bolts. I was wearing Monk's robe and leather glowes witch gave me 9 body armour.
He shots my chest, back, ass, arm, hand, leg, knee, foot. And i survive one shot with about 1/10 hp...
So I'm asking why?????!!!!!! It's 100 pierce dmg!!!
After changes with new patch my skin is almost like haubergon for ranged.

After shot from arbelast I should be dead like stone and have no chance to survive one shot.

And about headshooting from arbelast, everyone die like before patch


Buff headshots - doesn't help arbalest. They always died from it anyway.

But making us shoot archers with low armors what seems 99% of the times 2 times is crap. And doing it on medium-long range equals 3 shots...

I'm not even shooting for any medium or heavy armored targets if they are too far away to have a chance to hs.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: [ptx] on January 20, 2012, 12:23:07 pm
I just don't see how 1bodyhit-1kill is a good mechanic in this game. 1bodyhitkills suck balls.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: B3RS3RK on January 20, 2012, 12:26:32 pm
Well, I really like the fact that as ranged ,you are more of a support class now and cant kill very much on your own with ranged, meaning you need to go into melee more often.

I propose buffing the melee Capabilities of ranged for a nice change.

You know, now they are rather shitty in melee, and not supereffective at range, so why not make melee more attractive to them?So they shoot and switch to melee whenever one comes close instead of running.

Something like 10 free wpf in one melee weapon category per point of powerdraw or something.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Ylca on January 20, 2012, 12:36:30 pm
I just don't see how 1bodyhit-1kill is a good mechanic in this game. 1bodyhitkills suck balls.

If a 1 hit can't kill a naked peasant what are shots doing to people in full armor. Yes if you're not wearing any clothes an arrow to the chest should kill you else we should balance the game around naked gear so that no weapon can kill in one shot on a peasant.

Oh i'm sorry, forgot i was in a CRPG forum, nerf ranged more please. Sometimes when they shoot me i still die and i can't show of my super pro skills swinging right 20 times in a row with heavy armor and 10 ironflesh watching many weapons bounce off my armor.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: SquishMitten on January 20, 2012, 12:41:01 pm
i have been playing in Milanese Plate + plate mittens for the last few days, arbalest shots do between 1/4 and 1/2 of my hp (18 str 4IF) so it seems that the arbalest, due to its pierce damage, is doing similar damage to low armour people as it is high armour people
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Jacko on January 20, 2012, 01:06:16 pm
I get "1shot" killed all the time. From melee, but still, it's fine. You should be able to kill another ranged in 2 hits with MW arb + bolts, just like I'm fine being "2shot" by archers with heavier bows. Probably still getting 2shot by bows tho.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Leshma on January 20, 2012, 01:10:35 pm
If a 1 hit can't kill a naked peasant what are shots doing to people in full armor.

Now you can kill everyone with one hit. You just have to aim for the head :P
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Leshma on January 20, 2012, 01:12:38 pm
I get "1shot" killed all the time. From melee, but still, it's fine.

Sad but true. Those STR monsters one hit me every time. I think we need similar tweak for melee as well. Lower the power of PS big time but buff the head hit multiplier.

Too bad I'm the only one supporting this.

Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: [ptx] on January 20, 2012, 01:13:17 pm
No, a MW longbow with +2 bodkins kills a cloth (less than 10 armor) clad archer in at least 3 hits. Dying in one random bolt to the arm just blows.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: EyeBeat on January 20, 2012, 01:19:25 pm
I am glad for the nerf to crossbows.  Many people were using crossbows with no wpf investment and being way too effective with it.

If they were to make wpf more meaningful for other classes to begin with... I would support crossbow wpf giving faster reloading times and more damage.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Dezilagel on January 20, 2012, 01:20:16 pm
If a 1 hit can't kill a naked peasant what are shots doing to people in full armor. Yes if you're not wearing any clothes an arrow to the chest should kill you else we should balance the game around naked gear so that no weapon can kill in one shot on a peasant.

Oh i'm sorry, forgot i was in a CRPG forum, nerf ranged more please. Sometimes when they shoot me i still die and i can't show of my super pro skills swinging right 20 times in a row with heavy armor and 10 ironflesh watching many weapons bounce off my armor.

1. Spamming only works consistently against people who suck, thus you will never be able to to good consistently by doing it. (Can't speak about NA hurr)

2. If you're running around with 10 ps, full plate and a flammy then I (and most other melee players I reckon) would regard you about as high as a rangedtwat (well, a little higher, your attacks are blockable).

3. Why would you even play it? It's boring.

Melee is in my opinion the heart and soul of this game. I mean look at archers, luck-based growing crosshair a la' 2003?

What I would like to see for archers is a massive accuracy buff, even slightly less damage (flame on), less stun from arrows, less running and a big increase in melee capability.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Ylca on January 20, 2012, 01:26:38 pm
1. Spamming only works consistently against people who suck, thus you will never be able to to good consistently by doing it. (Can't speak about NA hurr)

2. If you're running around with 10 ps, full plate and a flammy then I (and most other melee players I reckon) would regard you about as high as a rangedtwat (well, a little higher, your attacks are blockable).

3. Why would you even play it? It's boring.

Melee is in my opinion the heart and soul of this game. I mean look at archers, luck-based growing crosshair a la' 2003?

What I would like to see for archers is a massive accuracy buff, even slightly less damage (flame on), less stun from arrows, less running and a big increase in melee capability.

2 of your points are about the opinion of other players, which i know matters to some who have e-bushido but in balance means less than nothing. 1 is a point that is constantly thrown about to keep from having to make a point. Yeah "only works against those who suck". Welp, archery only works against those who suck, i dodged arrows and used my shield every day a shielder and archers did nothing to me while i slaughtered them in 2 hits.

I guess everyone else "just sucks" then. Anywho it's all academic at this point, devs should just remove archery the joke that they're trying to balance it stopped being funny months ago. Archery will keep getting nerfed because people can't accept the fact that certain builds should have disadvantages. The thought that you can't slaughter everyone using the best 2h/polearm with no shield without having to worry about something else is just too much for most of the CRPG community to handle. Dodging? What's that i didn't put any points in AGI or th ATH so that's unfair! Shield? What? Then i don't have extra points for PS and IF, that's unfair.

Funny how in a game where you can build your own character any way you wish everyone else's build is broken and unfair. Actually it's not funny it's just an indicator of a poor beta community with little testing skills and a ton of false bravado over being e-knights.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Dezilagel on January 20, 2012, 01:39:22 pm
You're missing my point. I don't mind dying to good archers, but when I would die in two shots to the 8-9 PD arrowspamming archers who just got lucky with crosshairs bigger than the combined e-peen of the 2h community that just sucks.

Also you will have to remember that the ideal dodging is completely random. Sure you can fool the sucky archers by playing some simple mindgames but anyone remotely decent will not fall for that.

Disregarding balance, I think the idea behind this change is great.

Also don't you agree with me about making archery less luck-based?

Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Rebelyell on January 20, 2012, 01:57:15 pm
I am glad for the nerf to crossbows.  Many people were using crossbows with no wpf investment and being way too effective with it.


Crossbow(1slot one) upkeap is above 700, its based on WPF soo if you havent any wpf in that you have to pay upkeap every round.
No one normal do that WITHOUT WPF, its so hard to understand,if you see some 2h polearm or 1h runing all the time with crossbow that mean then he have WPF.

Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Overdriven on January 20, 2012, 01:58:35 pm
Also don't you agree with me about making archery less luck-based?

Yeah it should be less luck based, but for that there needs to be a massive increase in accuracy.

I'd be fine with reducing the amount of stagger an arrow causes and other potential fixes if the accuracy was made a lot better.

But right now trying to get headshots is mostly luck with a little bit of skill thrown in.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: SquishMitten on January 20, 2012, 02:00:12 pm
increase accuracy decrease damage
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: B3RS3RK on January 20, 2012, 02:05:51 pm
Yes, a slight accuracy buff for archers would be a good thing.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Templar_Steevee on January 20, 2012, 02:08:37 pm
Now you can kill everyone with one hit. You just have to aim for the head :P

It's easy to say "aim head" but is much harder to do. Players who tried to play a ranged nowdays know that accuracy is not good enought to shot someones head in medium-high distance. And shooting in close distance i fucked too because dodging is not so hard and archers using heavy bows (i'm using long bow) and crossbowers have only one chance to shoot and most of them just suck in melee, or they are fast enought to block, but to slow to attack.

This patch just killed dedicated arbelast users. :( Now i almost can's see anyone using arbelast. That was nice class witch forced other players to stay more carefull and watch what are they doing.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Kafein on January 20, 2012, 02:10:38 pm
Instead of that stupid random reticule thing, the shot should be accurate, but with a moving reticule. A bit like in a dart game.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Old Autobus on January 20, 2012, 02:14:02 pm
increase accuracy decrease damage
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Adamar on January 20, 2012, 02:26:01 pm
Is that really a fair way of ballancing the kill count between classes?

I for one say we need more arrows in our quivers for now. If we get less damage, it seems only fair that we get more chances of inflicting it.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Templar_Steevee on January 20, 2012, 02:29:36 pm
Instead of that stupid random reticule thing, the shot should be accurate, but with a moving reticule. A bit like in a dart game.

Nice idea. But then what relations WPF and PD and moving  reticule could be??
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Overdriven on January 20, 2012, 02:30:14 pm
Bad idea bad!
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Templar_Steevee on January 20, 2012, 02:36:21 pm
why you think so?

It could be preety funny :D
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: bonekuukkeli on January 20, 2012, 02:42:37 pm

What I would like to see for archers is a massive accuracy buff, even slightly less damage (flame on), less stun from arrows, less running and a big increase in melee capability.

Sounds amazing suggestion to me. Actually I would vote for max 1 quiver for archers as well if their melee capability would be made better (with small increase in arrow amount perhaps).
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Arrowblood on January 20, 2012, 02:45:56 pm
Buff longbow and arbalest.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Stabby_Dave on January 20, 2012, 02:47:13 pm
As far as xbows go. Make it so that wpf has an important impact on damage. This would buff Pure Xbowers while nerf hybrid xbowers.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: mOus333 on January 20, 2012, 02:55:57 pm
This. Op is soo right^^ its only solution to save pure xbower from extinction. I dont know its that hard to implant ingame,  but if it posibile make xbows  avalible on certain amount of wpf ( DEAD TO HYBRIDS ) !!!
Btw , current path is still playable 4 pure xbowers, chadz team must try harder if they want to see us gone :P
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Leshma on January 20, 2012, 03:03:48 pm
I'm more for hybridization where ranged weapons would serve as secondary weapons. If you don't know to fight with real weapons you shouldn't be on the battlefield.

Either that or extremely realistic approach to medieval archery. This Legolas shit has to go.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Overdriven on January 20, 2012, 03:06:18 pm
I'm more for hybridization where ranged weapons would serve as secondary weapons. If you don't know to fight with real weapons you shouldn't be on the battlefield.

Either that or extremely realistic approach to medieval archery. This Legolas shit has to go. hasn't been legolas shit since over a year ago before the animation changes ect. Did you even play then?

The devs worked on getting rid of you want to bring them back?
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Rebelyell on January 20, 2012, 03:32:36 pm
but for reall what is bad with hybrids!?
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Bjord on January 20, 2012, 03:39:54 pm

Angry 14-year-old CS gamers who can't instagib anymore.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on January 20, 2012, 04:12:17 pm

Angry 14-year-old CS gamers who can't instagib anymore.

You never really proved that you are older than these you are referring to :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: mOus333 on January 20, 2012, 04:37:00 pm
Just dont mind him, seams Panos touched biord in that "special" way , and he is still in trauma...
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Penitent on January 20, 2012, 05:44:28 pm
Put archers back the way they was fine.  Fine I tell you!
1-body shot kills are fine if the person is wearing light arming, and the shot is from an xbow.  The same is true for 1-body shot kills from a melee weapon, if the person is wearing light armor and gets hit by a Flam or Bardiche or something.

It was hard enough to get kills as an archer before...not its really really really hard.  I don't play archer btw, but I have in the past on a STF.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: MadJackMcMad on January 21, 2012, 12:22:01 am
Go play Counter Strike

The irony is most juicy when one realises cRPG now demands headshots for ranged to be effective.  Perhaps they will add a headshot sound effect in the next patch.  He doesn't need to play cs, he is playing it.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: B3RS3RK on January 21, 2012, 12:58:36 am
The irony is most juicy when one realises cRPG now demands headshots for ranged to be effective.  Perhaps they will add a headshot sound effect in the next patch.  He doesn't need to play cs, he is playing it.

Oh I´d LOVE Quakesounds in cRPG.

Its the thing im missing most from older shooters.

"Headshot" "M-mo-mo-MONSTERKILL"

I loved those.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: HUtH on January 21, 2012, 01:18:26 am
^ I would like something like that but in ye olde English... just for fun
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Chris_P_Bacon on January 21, 2012, 06:03:35 am
Insta-fix: Anyone with a bow or crossbow or throwing should take extra damage to ranged.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Ylca on January 21, 2012, 09:52:40 am
Insta-fix: Anyone with a bow or crossbow or throwing should take extra damage to ranged.

Archers wear next to no armor and generally don't have that many points left over for IF. I rarely see an archer that can take more than 2 arrows or bolts already.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Oggrinsky on January 22, 2012, 08:29:05 am
Archers wear next to no armor and generally don't have that many points left over for IF. I rarely see an archer that can take more than 2 arrows or bolts already.

Actually, with the new patch, with my MW Arbalest it takes me at least 3 shots to take down most archers... that are wearing cloth...from a medium range.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Uumdi on January 22, 2012, 09:12:46 am
The ranged nerf is ridiculous.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: woody on January 22, 2012, 07:05:51 pm
Needs to be balance.

X bows had a quick drop off of effective range so reverting damage to old but possibly increase rate of energy loss in model would do?
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: SixThumbs on January 22, 2012, 07:16:13 pm
I don't know if it was intended but there were a few instances where I've taken no perceptible damage from range and most of the time I take about a twentieth of my health if I'm wearing my try-hard gear. There were even a few instances wearing padded armor where I took damage from range that did barely nothing.

I think if you're wearing less then mail you should be able to be killed by range in a hit or two but as it stands now only 10 PD builds really do anything with body-shots. Headshots with my unloomed vaegir war mask have taken about half health but good luck landing those consistently.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: XyNox on January 22, 2012, 08:49:54 pm
I think if you're wearing less then mail you should be able to be killed by range in a hit or two but as it stands now only 10 PD builds really do anything with body-shots. Headshots with my unloomed vaegir war mask have taken about half health but good luck landing those consistently.

I only got 8 PD, putting every other point in weapon master and my longbow still feels like a shotgun. Instantly switched over to machinegunbow postpatch. Being a longbow user was not exactly easy prepatch, but I really wanted to get something out of this bow. Sadly the nerf now forced me too to join the hornbow faction. I guess this will be the only weapon for archers youll see for the next time on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Leesin on January 22, 2012, 10:10:55 pm
The irony is most juicy when one realises cRPG now demands headshots for ranged to be effective.  Perhaps they will add a headshot sound effect in the next patch.  He doesn't need to play cs, he is playing it.

Ranged makes up 95% of the effective damage in CS regardless of headshots or not, your 'irony' attempt fails.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Vibe on January 23, 2012, 09:21:59 am
Oh I´d LOVE Quakesounds in cRPG.

Its the thing im missing most from older shooters.

"Headshot" "M-mo-mo-MONSTERKILL"

I loved those.

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Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Fartface on January 23, 2012, 10:03:27 am
I like to see people cry.
Title: Re: Seriously? what the fuck?
Post by: Bjord on January 23, 2012, 12:17:42 pm
I like to see people cry.

You must like these a lot then.

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