Firstly a disclaimer This thread is not about STRATEGUS or SIEGE Please do not post about either of those, as my suggestion is not related to them in any way. So only regular cRPG battles.
What needs to be done to greatly improve gameplay of regular cRPG battle is REMOVE LADDERS. Right now, almost every map ends up with the same "situation" - one team's archer climb up to a rooftop where they barricade themselves in a sort of sniper nest. The other team then can not absolutely touch them with cav or inf (unless ALL enemy inf is dead first) and sometimes even then - since destroying the ladder is easy and so is easy destroying enemy ladders trying to climb up. What then happens the only thing is left is that those archers battle it out with enemy archers.
So the negative effects are:
- one team has a serious advantage, since their archers are protected while enemy archers fighting them must beware cav and inf
- each round becomes a "camp the roof" round
- those on the roof are safe from 2 of 3 types of enemy forces (all non-ranged)
- its always THE SAME no matter which map is played
All the while, ladders might be cool, neatly programed, somewhat a novelty (no longer as much as before) but they do NOT add to the game experience, they make it WEAKER.
So we should definetly ban ladders from regular battles! The point of cRPG isnt that any roof becomes a sniper nest and 100% safe from enemy melee. This prevents a wide number of other tactics. T
The advantages of removing ladders:
- forcing a shieldwall to be made for protection of archers (steep roof is better) - but shieldwall takes effort and has other weaknesses. -> variable tactic
- archers actualy NEEDING protection of their own infantry. right now all they have to do is cut the ladder down. Or easly kill the sole climber with 5 archers on top --> remember on open field maps how archers, if breached by enemy melee -> are squishy as they die fast. Thats GOOD.
- actually making use of other terrain features then roof. And that usually always the same roof.
Siege equipment (ladders, shields, construction sites) should in fact all be used for just that - sieges.
I really love the ladders. It turns boring, static maps into dynamic and tactically interesting maps.
And they turn bad maps even worse!How so? Can you elaborate?
Agreed with the OP.
Ladders turn every roof into unreachable sniper nests. That's the main problem, and it is nearly gamebreaking on village maps. After that we can continue with :
- Horses able to go on them
- They are stopping horses (obviously the charge would simply destruct the ladder)
- They are immune to physics
- They are anti-arrow shields
- They are never used in a realistic way
You can't possibly develop a game where a specific class is immune to anything apart itself.
Make a limit of how many ladders can be used in siege,and remove them totally in battles is my opinion.This.
If anything make it so that ladders are not destroyable once planted, you can only raise or lower the stupid things. Why should I be forced to carry a damn ladder or two in my inventory to chase down map exploiters camping places you're not supposed to go according to the original design of the map. Ladders only further encourage the game to become more of a medieval CS game than M&B.
Simple idea: just make these fuckers really-really expensive. If they cost as much as a good weapon or armor, people will think twice before bringing it into battle (repair cost) - and not enough of them to spam!
Simple idea: just make these fuckers really-really expensive. If they cost as much as a good weapon or armor, people will think twice before bringing it into battle (repair cost) - and not enough of them to spam!
Hell, that's a brilliant idea actually. Say as much as an armored horse. So they're still good strategic investments for sieges, but definately not something anyone is going to spam/use on battle servers.
I voted yes but it would also be ok to:Like
- delete Siege Ladders
- Reduce ladders per team to 3-5