cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: Fips on December 20, 2011, 11:21:50 pm

Title: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 20, 2011, 11:21:50 pm
Morningstar on cav without a shield uses 2h-wpf, right?
If it does, i'm not quite sure which build i should go for. I guess the arabian would be the best choice, because bump-slash is probably the way to go, so i will need at least 7 riding. But 15/21 won't do it for me, 5 PS is just not enough. Or should i just get a courser and go for 18/18?

Any experienced cav could give me an advise? =D
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Maximus101 on December 20, 2011, 11:46:07 pm
Although I'd hardly call myself experienced I am going for 2 hander cav this gen myself. It is very good with morningstar as I can 1 hit almost anything and be effective once my horse is down also. I am using a 21/15 build but I will probably go for 18/18 or 18/21 next time. I am using full 2 hander wpf and tbh bump slashing is working fine destrier and even a rouncey when I am a bit short on money xD. Morningstar works great but I have also been trying war axe. Nice damage and cheap repairs- works great.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 20, 2011, 11:56:48 pm
Although I'd hardly call myself experienced I am going for 2 hander cav this gen myself. It is very good with morningstar as I can 1 hit almost anything and be effective once my horse is down also. I am using a 21/15 build but I will probably go for 18/18 or 18/21 next time. I am using full 2 hander wpf and tbh bump slashing is working fine destrier and even a rouncey when I am a bit short on money xD. Morningstar works great but I have also been trying war axe. Nice damage and cheap repairs- works great.

Great, so i really don't need to get 6 riding =)
Just wanted to make sure i'm not missing a lot if i can't get on a courser or an arabian warhorse^^

Then i probably will go for 21/15. I am 24/15 pure 2h right now and i am doing fine with just 5 WM and 5 ATH. 7IF and 7 PS will do the job on siege as well.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Uumdi on December 21, 2011, 12:25:55 am
Just a thought too - if you don't pump Weaponmaster or Shield, its possible to convert enough times for a 21/21 or an 18/24 build.  I rode a +2 courser with 8 riding and a longsword, and it was pretty disgusting, but it all depends on your playstyle.  5 Riding is probably enough.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 21, 2011, 01:19:03 am
Just a thought too - if you don't pump Weaponmaster or Shield, its possible to convert enough times for a 21/21 or an 18/24 build.  I rode a +2 courser with 8 riding and a longsword, and it was pretty disgusting, but it all depends on your playstyle.  5 Riding is probably enough.

Nah. Since HRE is playing mostly on siege servers, just 3 points for ath or weaponmaster is not enough for me.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on December 21, 2011, 08:51:58 am
Everkistus is using 7 riding and champion arabian and is doing very well as a 2h cav.

I'm a 2h cav myself, but I'm 18/21 infantry build with 3 points to riding from leveling to 31. I still do well with my rouncey though, enough speed to 1-2 shot most people with a loomed morningstar :D

Either way you won't be killing people who pay attention, atleast most of them. 2h cav is still the worst of the cavalry classes. But it's quite challenging to play, lots of fun for me.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 21, 2011, 01:29:26 pm
I cant help much with build advice im afraid as i gave up with lvl 30 along time ago.

I'll add my input for what its worth on 2h cav though.

A.) Heavy cavalry is your friend. 2h cav, with its lack of ranged protection can suffer at the hands of a good archer or 2. Don't waste your precious riding points on getting your horse 2 shot and buy a real one with some armor.

B.) Although unaware archers and engaged infantry are easy kills remember that you are seen as a large easy target with more gold than brains. USE THIS. Make yourself the target utilise the ignorance of people regarding 2h cav. Lul them into the false sence of security then strike with fast swinging pierce damage of death.

C.) Show no fear. Do not be afraid to take on lancers. The time they spend chasing you is time they cant spend killing pesants to help their e-peen syndrome.  Charging foes head on aswell can be suprisingly effective but defo requries atleast a destrier.

D.) As with 1h cav use the bump. Its your greatest ally, maybe not your teamates. (hence why i spend most my time typing 'sorry'.

E.) 2h cav is a mans cavalry. Feel free to behave as a true gentleman should and give up your steed to a fellow in need. Timely delivery of your horse to a good lancer my old friend like tommyyy or oberyn can swing the battle in your favour. Remember you'll be far more effective off the horse than one of those guys with their silly poles of compensation.

Final note from me on 2h cav. Make sure you let thomek (the hater) know how much fun you have as 2h cav and tell him he should try it as you bump slash him in the face.

Good luck my good men, see you on the field!

Cas - 2h cav
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on December 21, 2011, 01:36:35 pm
Either way, welcome to 2h cav. We're now a total of 4 or 5.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 21, 2011, 01:38:19 pm
I cant help much with build advice im afraid as i gave up with lvl 30 along time ago.

I'll add my input for what its worth on 2h cav though.

A.) Heavy cavalry is your friend. 2h cav, with its lack of ranged protection can suffer at the hands of a good archer or 2. Don't waste your precious riding points on getting your horse 2 shot and buy a real one with some armor.

B.) Although unaware archers and engaged infantry are easy kills remember that you are seen as a large easy target with more gold than brains. USE THIS. Make yourself the target utilise the ignorance of people regarding 2h cav. Lul them into the false sence of security then strike with fast swinging pierce damage of death.

C.) Show no fear. Do not be afraid to take on lancers. The time they spend chasing you is time they cant spend killing pesants to help their e-peen syndrome.  Charging foes head on aswell can be suprisingly effective but defo requries atleast a destrier.

D.) As with 1h cav use the bump. Its your greatest ally, maybe not your teamates. (hence why i spend most my time typing 'sorry'.

E.) 2h cav is a mans cavalry. Feel free to behave as a true gentleman should and give up your steed to a fellow in need. Timely delivery of your horse to a good lancer my old friend like tommyyy or oberyn can swing the battle in your favour. Remember you'll be far more effective off the horse than one of those guys with their silly poles of compensation.

Final note from me on 2h cav. Make sure you let thomek (the hater) know how much fun you have as 2h cav and tell him he should try it as you bump slash him in the face.

Good luck my good men, see you on the field!

Cas - 2h cav
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Paul on December 21, 2011, 02:27:41 pm
I'll just leave this here. Level > 30 chars.

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Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on December 21, 2011, 02:30:22 pm
Nice stats. Does it count only when we're using 2h on a horse, or when we're on foot too (aka tracks by riding skill only)?
Because I have a lot better KD when on foot.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 21, 2011, 03:46:06 pm
Don't get what the stats have to do with anything...
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Dezilagel on December 21, 2011, 04:00:19 pm
They show that you are not as
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as you seem to think.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Lorenzo_of_Iberia on December 21, 2011, 04:11:22 pm
Remember as 2h cav that you will struggle to take on a good lancer, ha will chase you down and no spear armed infantry is afraid of you :P

but seriously Caismir one of the few 2h cav that play the class well so I would listen to him (especially about taking a heavy horses).

All I would say is there are not many 2h weapons that work 'well' off horse so pick which one you take carefully but dont be scared to experiment with unlikely candidates! Might discover the new thing ;)
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Teeth on December 21, 2011, 04:53:06 pm
I'll just leave this here. Level > 30 chars.

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The hell? K/D of 1,91 for above level 30 2h cav? Half of those are probably Royyyaanns. Still only 2,5 times as much kills by lancer cav than 2h cav. I feel like the 2h/pole cav ratio is like 1 to 10.

Paul can't you publish these stats like monthly, or atleast once for all classes. Stat nerds like me would like it. I would prefer it if it would be shown from lvl 30 though. Not above 30. The bulk of the playerbase is lvl 30. 
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Lobster on December 21, 2011, 05:03:16 pm
If i may ask a question here.

When two hander as cav your morning star will use two hand wpf ?, When one hand/shield cav your monring star will use one hand wpf ?

Can someone clarify this for me :)

Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Paul on December 21, 2011, 05:04:22 pm
The k/d also includes all the wait up to level 30 so they have to be taken with a big grain of salt.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: dodnet on December 21, 2011, 05:20:35 pm
Paul can't you publish these stats like monthly, or atleast once for all classes. Stat nerds like me would like it. I would prefer it if it would be shown from lvl 30 though. Not above 30. The bulk of the playerbase is lvl 30.

+1, I like to see these stats too  8-) Makes me feel better, that I'm not the worst player out there  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Teeth on December 21, 2011, 05:21:25 pm
I'll just leave this here. Level > 30 chars.
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The k/d also includes all the wait up to level 30 so they have to be taken with a big grain of salt.
Level > 30 chars. The k/d also includes all the wait up to level 30. Wait whaat?

I don't get these stats anymore. So to clarify, these stats are from lvl 1 and up? All the cav classes get a positive k/d? I understand that cav will probably be used at later levels, but still seem like they are doing extraordinarily good. Can't be arsed to calculate a proper average, but seems somewhere around a k/d 1.8. I wonder which class are the ones getting killed so bad. Please post these stats for every class from lvl 30 and up if you can, now I'm even more curious.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Xant on December 21, 2011, 05:31:04 pm
They're stats from > level 30 people but those include the k/d before they reached 30.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Paul on December 21, 2011, 05:43:02 pm
Xant is correct.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Teeth on December 21, 2011, 06:05:55 pm
Ah, ofcourse
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 21, 2011, 06:15:30 pm
I don't think K:D is anyway representative of the the way cavalry works anyway.

I bump far more people (team mates included) who are then killed than kills i actually get. Plus i get plenty of kills on foot.

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as you seem to think.

What do i seem to think i am exactly, a mermaid with glasses?
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Teeth on December 21, 2011, 06:38:10 pm
I don't think K:D is anyway representative of the the way cavalry works anyway.

I bump far more people (team mates included) who are then killed than kills i actually get. Plus i get plenty of kills on foot.

What do i seem to think i am exactly, a mermaid with glasses?
Who says she's a mermaid? She might as well be a naked lady.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 21, 2011, 06:50:07 pm
I'm sure its this

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I assume my lack of meme knowledge is what prevents me from understanding this nonsense.

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Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Teeth on December 21, 2011, 06:52:46 pm
What Dezilagel said in the form of a picture: 'That you are not as underpowered as you seem to think'

Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 21, 2011, 06:55:44 pm
2h cav is OP. I've said it again and again! Why wont you listen to me?!
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Dezilagel on December 21, 2011, 07:05:48 pm
What Dezilagel said in the form of a picture: 'That you are not as underpowered as you seem to think'

Pretty close, but what I really said was "you're not as cool and alternative" as you think you are.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: BADPLAYERold on December 21, 2011, 07:45:43 pm

Those KDRs are pretty bad for cavalry really, any cavalry can usually get 3+ kills per round just attacking idiots from behind.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Teeth on December 21, 2011, 08:11:15 pm
Those KDRs are pretty bad for cavalry really, any cavalry can usually get 3+ kills per round just attacking idiots from behind.
Lancer cav, yes. The others included, mehh. Just think its weird that one entire group of players gets an average k/d of 1.8. Even with weaker classes as HT, HC and HA taken into account. Average in any class shouldn't that far from 1. Although these are only the guys above lvl 30, which are generally the more experienced players, which makes this probably not representative for the average player. Still I would like to see similar data of all classes to compare, or even better, data that is representative for the general playerbase.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Kato on December 21, 2011, 09:03:16 pm
This stats are quite impressive, specially for ranged mounted classes, but stats are exclusive from people that already have everything heirloomed and tons of experience, however excepted better stats from lancers.
Mostly people that perform poorly only trying it for one gen or as HA havent bow and arrows looms and ofc loomed horses.
Would be interesting to see this stats for other classes.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 22, 2011, 01:50:52 am
Pretty close, but what I really said was "you're not as cool and alternative" as you think you are.

More alternative than using a poleaxe and lolthrusting  8-)
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Xant on December 22, 2011, 09:15:32 am
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on December 22, 2011, 09:34:08 am
Pretty close, but what I really said was "you're not as cool and alternative" as you think you are.

So playing a class that has a total of 5 EU players is not "alternative"? lol
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 22, 2011, 10:26:25 am
Can't wait to be Hipster_Fips_HRE  8-)
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 26, 2011, 03:09:31 am
This is so much fun =D
Still need a lot of experience with cav, though. I bump my teammates too often xD
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: To Kill A Dead Horse on December 26, 2011, 03:37:53 am
2h cav is still the worst of the cavalry classes. But it's quite challenging to play, lots of fun for me.

You, my friend, obviously haven't tried dagger cav, stabbed a fully plated long war axw user twice, with his full attention on me :D.
Sadly using a 2h on horseback requires 1h WPF.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 26, 2011, 03:39:02 am
A bumped team mate is a happy team mate

You, my friend, obviously haven't tried dagger cav, stabbed a fully plated long war axw user twice, with his full attention on me :D.
Sadly using a 2h on horseback requires 1h WPF.

only when the weapon is used with a shield, trust me.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on December 26, 2011, 06:33:39 am
Respect now, switch to a heavy lance, and kill


Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: To Kill A Dead Horse on December 26, 2011, 07:14:09 am
But i dont use a shield......... and it stilll hasn't got my short vougle still hasn't got any faster with 2h WPF.
But then again it doesn't have the option to use a shield. If what you say is try i need to try out my morningstar again.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Everkistus on December 26, 2011, 10:16:19 am
You probably already decided but the thing that makes me tick is:

18/21; 6 PS, 6 ath, 7 riding and 4 WM

Champion Arabian and Mighty Morningstar. Tried using a longsword on horseback but the extra reach isn't worth it compared to morningstar. The pierce really does a difference. You got to be more careful with bumps though, it's so short that you can't reach people who are on the ground.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on December 26, 2011, 12:28:23 pm
Respect now, switch to a heavy lance, and kill



Laaaaaame. And i don't like polearms on foot. Although they are totally OP.

You probably already decided but the thing that makes me tick is:

18/21; 6 PS, 6 ath, 7 riding and 4 WM

Champion Arabian and Mighty Morningstar. Tried using a longsword on horseback but the extra reach isn't worth it compared to morningstar. The pierce really does a difference. You got to be more careful with bumps though, it's so short that you can't reach people who are on the ground.

Nah, if you manage to bump and slash at the same time u still hit that unlucky bastard. Only if they got bumped before and fell or other cav got dismounted and is on the ground i cannot hit them.

But yeah, i decided to go 21/15. I dunno, is the difference between 5 and 7 Riding really that huge?
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Everkistus on December 26, 2011, 03:04:13 pm
Laaaaaame. And i don't like polearms on foot. Although they are totally OP.

Nah, if you manage to bump and slash at the same time u still hit that unlucky bastard. Only if they got bumped before and fell or other cav got dismounted and is on the ground i cannot hit them.

But yeah, i decided to go 21/15. I dunno, is the difference between 5 and 7 Riding really that huge?
The main difference is that you can use the Arabian Warhorse which is the best horse. You also gain some small bonuses from the 2 extra skill. Depends a lot if you go dedicated cav or not.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 26, 2011, 05:17:11 pm
I'm yet to try the arabian since it was put to 7 riding, although i do feel my +2 war horse would be better if i had 7 riding
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on December 26, 2011, 08:48:42 pm
Well I'm using a Rouncey with 3 riding because I'm actually a footman but I can still get kills if I use a Morningstar. It's just so ridiculously damaging. Also great to hunt down heavy horses.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 26, 2011, 09:12:08 pm
Im a standard 18:21 inf build with my additional level points dropped into riding. 

It sure does make for some fun game play and makes you incredibly versatile.

My best moment of being 2h cav was when i was fighting several opponents whilst dismounted, killed an enemy horseman who attempted to back stab me, whistled for his horse, it knocked down the guys chasing me and i escaped on it :D
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: isatis on December 26, 2011, 09:23:48 pm
sound legit... oh no... I want 2h cav madness too

shit... flamerge why did I heirloom you!!

(right: to kill cav dun dun dun)

for the help part: just follow casimir and hope you got as good as him
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 27, 2011, 05:18:47 am
flamberge was holdable on horseback last time i spawned with one.

Leads to some amusing moments, you can block, just not attack IIRC

My Idol was Uthred_The_III_Of_Bebbanburg - long may his memory live on
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Tristan on December 27, 2011, 07:29:36 am
Yeah, I remember playing 2h on cav as well back in the days when morningstars had crushthrough and there were no slot restrictions.
(Morningstar, great maul and the s.word of tears).

Uthred was my inspiration as well, but I never ventured into this class since....
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on December 27, 2011, 07:31:50 am
2h cav is great, much more challenging then slicing through packs of noobs on foot with 2h :D
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Glyph on December 27, 2011, 09:32:01 am
ask kastamonulu, the best 2handed cav on EU
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: SirProto on December 28, 2011, 03:45:46 pm
I've been inspired to make a 2H cav now hahah!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Dach on December 29, 2011, 06:20:46 am
Don't, it suck  :mad:

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Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on December 29, 2011, 05:29:09 pm
Brothers, come into the light, embrace the one true OP class!
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Mephisto on January 02, 2012, 02:33:08 pm
It works. All there is to say in this topic. Go for 18/21.

Good ol' times as mounted two hander ;_)

My best moment of being 2h cav was when i was fighting several opponents whilst dismounted, killed an enemy horseman who attempted to back stab me, whistled for his horse, it knocked down the guys chasing me and i escaped on it 

Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on January 02, 2012, 04:24:23 pm
Super-weird idea came into my mind today:

    Strength: 18
    Agility: 18
    Hit points: 53

    Skills to attributes: 2

    Ironflesh: 0
    Power Strike: 6
    Shield: 0
    Athletics: 6
    Riding: 5
    Horse Archery: 0
    Power Draw: 0
    Power Throw: 6
    Weapon Master: 6

    One Handed: 1
    Two Handed: 140
    Polearm: 1
    Archery: 1
    Crossbow: 1
    Throwing: 86

Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on January 02, 2012, 05:25:31 pm
2h javalry!?
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: isatis on January 02, 2012, 05:34:10 pm

such a marvel!!

2h javalery assemble!
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on January 02, 2012, 06:24:27 pm

Although 86 wpf in throwing won't allow me to use my usual gear...but it's still gonna pwn!
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Glyph on January 05, 2012, 02:40:09 pm

Although 86 wpf in throwing won't allow me to use my usual gear...but it's still gonna pwn!
then you'll have to take horse archery. atleast to use it from your horse, it's not 2handed javalry yet without it!
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Fips on January 05, 2012, 02:55:33 pm
Respeced to 2h only again xD
I totally suck at throwing.

But 2h-cav was fun, i'll probably get an end-build where i can use the horsies as well.
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: BlackWhite on January 09, 2012, 06:32:11 am

All else:0

2h WPF:111(at 30)

Armor: Heavy body armor with good leg def. (40+ body and 13+ leg) and Good boots (spurs because you are cav duh). Whatever else you want

Horse: Destrier or above.  Personal favore is Large Warhorse because you will be a HUGE arrow target and this thing soaks em up like a sponge. 

Weapon(most important part of 2h cav): I can't believe this isn't more commonly used but the freakin Shortened Military Scythe.  112 range, 39 damage.  Only downfall? It's slow.

Weapon(secondary): Great Maul for when you get dismounted or a Axe/Morningstar of your choice. The Scythe is still surpisingly good at dueling dismounted.

Strategy(beginning of round): Beginning of round I rush straight at the blob.  Archers will predictibly shoot at you and infantry will chase you.  Cav will  be trying to couch you so the zig zag trot is essential.  When you get the infantry seperates from the archers now you go get some work done.  Archers die in 1-2 swings from the Scythe so take a few out and go treat your wounds. 

Strategy(Mid round): Support your infantry with bumps and learn how to use manuevering to pwn Spear cav.  Ctrl+J works against coursers, and against anything else just bait them to swing at you while evading where the swing will be last second.  To really make a spear cav. look bad hold down block and intercept your horse to cut his off. He will thrust into your block, maybe damaging your horse but now he is in your range.  You can stay pure infantry support and just protect infantry against cav + bump etc. Or you can be more offensive using the zig-zag trot effectively helps here.  Archers are your bread and butter here, bait spearmen away like you do in the beginning game and take out archers. 

Any questions?

Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Glyph on January 09, 2012, 09:27:30 pm

All else:0

2h WPF:111(at 30)

Armor: Heavy body armor with good leg def. (40+ body and 13+ leg) and Good boots (spurs because you are cav duh). Whatever else you want

Horse: Destrier or above.  Personal favore is Large Warhorse because you will be a HUGE arrow target and this thing soaks em up like a sponge. 

Weapon(most important part of 2h cav): I can't believe this isn't more commonly used but the freakin Shortened Military Scythe.  112 range, 39 damage.  Only downfall? It's slow.

Weapon(secondary): Great Maul for when you get dismounted or a Axe/Morningstar of your choice. The Scythe is still surpisingly good at dueling dismounted.

Strategy(beginning of round): Beginning of round I rush straight at the blob.  Archers will predictibly shoot at you and infantry will chase you.  Cav will  be trying to couch you so the zig zag trot is essential.  When you get the infantry seperates from the archers now you go get some work done.  Archers die in 1-2 swings from the Scythe so take a few out and go treat your wounds. 

Strategy(Mid round): Support your infantry with bumps and learn how to use manuevering to pwn Spear cav.  Ctrl+J works against coursers, and against anything else just bait them to swing at you while evading where the swing will be last second.  To really make a spear cav. look bad hold down block and intercept your horse to cut his off. He will thrust into your block, maybe damaging your horse but now he is in your range.  You can stay pure infantry support and just protect infantry against cav + bump etc. Or you can be more offensive using the zig-zag trot effectively helps here.  Archers are your bread and butter here, bait spearmen away like you do in the beginning game and take out archers. 

Any questions?
this way you can get 7 IF, check it on the calculator
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Casimir on January 09, 2012, 10:05:30 pm

All else:0

2h WPF:111(at 30)

Armor: Heavy body armor with good leg def. (40+ body and 13+ leg) and Good boots (spurs because you are cav duh). Whatever else you want

Horse: Destrier or above.  Personal favore is Large Warhorse because you will be a HUGE arrow target and this thing soaks em up like a sponge. 

Weapon(most important part of 2h cav): I can't believe this isn't more commonly used but the freakin Shortened Military Scythe.  112 range, 39 damage.  Only downfall? It's slow.

Weapon(secondary): Great Maul for when you get dismounted or a Axe/Morningstar of your choice. The Scythe is still surpisingly good at dueling dismounted.

Strategy(beginning of round): Beginning of round I rush straight at the blob.  Archers will predictibly shoot at you and infantry will chase you.  Cav will  be trying to couch you so the zig zag trot is essential.  When you get the infantry seperates from the archers now you go get some work done.  Archers die in 1-2 swings from the Scythe so take a few out and go treat your wounds. 

Strategy(Mid round): Support your infantry with bumps and learn how to use manuevering to pwn Spear cav.  Ctrl+J works against coursers, and against anything else just bait them to swing at you while evading where the swing will be last second.  To really make a spear cav. look bad hold down block and intercept your horse to cut his off. He will thrust into your block, maybe damaging your horse but now he is in your range.  You can stay pure infantry support and just protect infantry against cav + bump etc. Or you can be more offensive using the zig-zag trot effectively helps here.  Archers are your bread and butter here, bait spearmen away like you do in the beginning game and take out archers. 

Any questions?

You'd use the morningstar on foot, but not on horse? :L
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Smoothrich on January 10, 2012, 10:08:22 am

All else:0

2h WPF:111(at 30)

Armor: Heavy body armor with good leg def. (40+ body and 13+ leg) and Good boots (spurs because you are cav duh). Whatever else you want

Horse: Destrier or above.  Personal favore is Large Warhorse because you will be a HUGE arrow target and this thing soaks em up like a sponge. 

Weapon(most important part of 2h cav): I can't believe this isn't more commonly used but the freakin Shortened Military Scythe.  112 range, 39 damage.  Only downfall? It's slow.

Weapon(secondary): Great Maul for when you get dismounted or a Axe/Morningstar of your choice. The Scythe is still surpisingly good at dueling dismounted.

Strategy(beginning of round): Beginning of round I rush straight at the blob.  Archers will predictibly shoot at you and infantry will chase you.  Cav will  be trying to couch you so the zig zag trot is essential.  When you get the infantry seperates from the archers now you go get some work done.  Archers die in 1-2 swings from the Scythe so take a few out and go treat your wounds. 

Strategy(Mid round): Support your infantry with bumps and learn how to use manuevering to pwn Spear cav.  Ctrl+J works against coursers, and against anything else just bait them to swing at you while evading where the swing will be last second.  To really make a spear cav. look bad hold down block and intercept your horse to cut his off. He will thrust into your block, maybe damaging your horse but now he is in your range.  You can stay pure infantry support and just protect infantry against cav + bump etc. Or you can be more offensive using the zig-zag trot effectively helps here.  Archers are your bread and butter here, bait spearmen away like you do in the beginning game and take out archers. 

Any questions?

pro guide
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Vibe on January 10, 2012, 10:29:34 am
But 2h-cav was fun, i'll probably get an end-build where i can use the horsies as well.

2h cav population dropped by 25%
Title: Re: 2h-cav
Post by: Rebelyell on January 10, 2012, 06:13:10 pm
lol why you tooks only about morningstar.... yea its good against tinkans but

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