the game is dedicated to the 13th century.... yeah USA.
You can't put a time stamp on freedom.U call America freedom?
U call America freedom?
There is a reason they call it "The land of the free" and it's not because they are a welfare state like most of europe.Do you really think that this "freedom" will lead to any good?
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visitors can't see pics , please register or loginThis.
I second this! 8-)
Do you really think that this "freedom" will lead to any good?What, do you hate freedom? Only Commies hate freedom.
Do you really think that this "freedom" will lead to any good?
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visitors can't see pics , please register or loginOnly proper Heritage Moment in these situation (
There is a reason they call it "The land of the free" and it's not because they are a welfare state like most of europe.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login have to be white and christian with a deep love for all things American...
Fun fact: only Americans call it "the land of the free". :wink:Fun Fact: No one cares what Johnny Foreigner calls it in their godforsaken Commie language.
President - Glenn_Beck
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Ahahhahahahhhaaa, russian weapons!
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No hard feelings man, you guys are so proud of all-US stuff, so I had to do it :D
Count Berenger, you have peculiar taste in women.
Actually Asian women are not a top preference, they are just rather cute, especially SNSD!
SNSD Hwaiting!
Actually Asian women are not a top preference, they are just rather cute, especially SNSD!
SNSD Hwaiting!
Lies, you are in cahoots with the S-Korean government aren't u!!!!!?
Lies, you are in cahoots with the S-Korean government aren't u!!!!!?I'm a cute bitch.
I'm all about them American and European goth/emo etc looks
It's the best
I got a date tomorrow with a raven haired girl with a nose ring, super hot punk chick (Made in the USA!!! stamped on her tight ass)
She probably weighs 300 pounds
Lucky you, Kesh :D Just be careful with that piercing, that reminds me a story of my friend who needed to see the doctor after one passionate night, with scars in not - that - honorable places :D
This should be your theme song.It's already in the OP.
Nothing else, nothing moar.
It's already in the OP.
seriously tho, can SoW be your allies and can i please get the banner pack which has your banner?AMERICA
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What on earth are you doing Poop? You've seemed to have found an emo website?
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginAwhhhh. Now find some manly ones.
Awhhhh. Now find some manly ones.
Now you're black too?
I thought only White Christians were accepted o,O wat is diz.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginOkay, now I'm thinking you're a women's rights activist..
Okay, now I'm thinking you're a women's rights activist..
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginAlright, cut it out before you make me go into an all caps rage! Jaykay.
Alright, cut it out before you make me go into an all caps rage! Jaykay.
As long as he "Lived happily ever after" then that is fine.
Personally would not work for me, I want cuddles and love :/
I'm a cute bitch ^^
I'm a cute bitch ^^You're a cute beautiful? ...what?
You're a cute beautiful? ...what?
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginHow does one move on when there was no previous relationship? Fail.
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the forums.
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What the fuck is this... :shock:
What the fuck is this... :shock:
Where Freedom Fries and Freedom Kisses reign supreme, none of that sissy foreigner crap!
'Merica, land of the free and home of the brave
And you have a taste in Asian women. Son, i am disappoint. As punishment for this improper behaviour, i will give you 2 tickets to Seoul, S Korea where you may take 1 SNSD friend like..Dach and never...AND BERENGER MEANS EEEEEEEEEEEEVEEER come back...agaiiiiin.
Where's my ticket!?! :o :D
It has come to my attention that USA Clan is repressing our god-given rights and disallowing a certain gentleman's institution.
As such I have no choice but to break off and form the CSA.
Here is our banner:
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Our national bird is the Koala, well known as the most racist of all the animals:
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Anyone who wants to stand up against this NORTHERN AGRESSION add CSA_ to your name.
I, CSA_Gen_Robert_E_Leet, will lead the way.
I live in a border state and will therefore throw my hat in with whoever gets their banner into the banner pack first.
Seriously get that fucking USA flag in the banner pack
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Jets, obviously.
I'm impressed theres so many Jets fans...
Colts fan here....and no Peyton this season...goddammit. This blows more than Sasha Grey does.
Will I be able to retain my title as Lord High Irish by joining?
USA is nothing without Canada, Canada is pretty much USA tophat, without it, USA wouldnt as awesome and classy.By that logic we are nothing without Mexico also. Where else would we shit out of? :D
By that logic we are nothing without Mexico also. Where else would we shit out of? :D
(our lower areas?)
but... that joke is taken.. USA is Canada's toilet... all the shit goes south.In yall's case I'd say it goes Quebec.
Earth, go introduce a rusty barbed pole to your asshole kthx.Ohh don't be so mean! You know I love you!
Well then allow me to insert my very own rusty barbed pole :lol:I bet it has cobwebs too.
NEIN I keep mein pole klean, but I lakk the oil to get rid of the rust.You should talk to a doctor about that. I heard it could be fatal.
Shit...they're making a Chaos thread out of this glorious Anti Terrorist thread! S.O.B's!!!!
America doesn't negotiate with tourists.
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Lol - Freedom and America in the same sentence.
i know right? its like saying "freedom freedom" its just redundant... right?Hold on, the corrupt Russian government is trying to say how America isn't free or anything. Let it speak
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America fuck yeah! :rolleyes: :lol:
I think they're part of the pussies! :mrgreen:So GB is pretty much linked with Norway? ME LIKEY!
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America fuck yeah! :rolleyes: :lol:
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The USA brigade is quickly dominating the battle server, watch yourselves: Democracy is coming to you.
USA USA USA USA USA! Btw when will you Carpet Bomb the drug cartels out of Mechiko?
i know right? its like saying "freedom freedom" its just redundant... right?Haha, got that righty Matey.
I demand to be moved above the rank of "patriot."
I am much more than a patriot.
a new way of proving the usa control all their citizen and ... * American brainwash*
... where am I?? Omg noooooo *American brainwash*
*reaching the Canadian frontier*
*running away*
I am calling on the armed militia of our fine nation please report to the Mechin region of the Strategus map.
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Our countrymen here seem to be suffering from a distinct lack of freedom, so it is time to mobilize our great wartime economy and hope for a better tomorrow.
God Bless America.
I'm starting a faction The_Kool_Kids and would like to help you guys in some battles maybe even ally we have about 4 members
Let me ask you... What would you do if you were asked to give up your dreams for freedom?Cry.
I'm starting a faction The_Kool_Kids and would like to help you guys in some battles maybe even ally we have about 4 members
U call America freedom?
What Den of Iniquity are you unfortunately from?
I found a handy guide for us Americans to understand people on the EU server
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"The United States' incarceration rate is, according to official reports, the highest in the world, at 737 persons imprisoned per 100,000 (as of 2005).[7] A report released in 2008 indicates that in the United States more than 1 in 100 adults is now confined in an American jail or prison.[8] The United States has 4% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population.[9]
In the US, most states strictly limit parole, requiring that at least half of a sentence be served. For certain crimes, there is no parole and the full sentence must be served."
Not my words. Yeah....freedom....
Freedom from Crime and Ner' do wells.
Thanks for pointing that out!
In lots of other countries they torture them to death or just shoot em in the streets.
"The United States' incarceration rate is, according to official reports, the highest in the world, at 737 persons imprisoned per 100,000 (as of 2005).[7] A report released in 2008 indicates that in the United States more than 1 in 100 adults is now confined in an American jail or prison.[8] The United States has 4% of the world's population and 25% of the world's incarcerated population.[9]
In the US, most states strictly limit parole, requiring that at least half of a sentence be served. For certain crimes, there is no parole and the full sentence must be served."
Not my words. Yeah....freedom....
Good luck from your great great great grand fathers and once mortal enemies!
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get out of here before i unload my rooty tooty point and shooty into your slappy hamI lol'd
I lol'd
I found a handy guide for us Americans to understand people on the EU serverYour American lingual scientists have failed to translate approperiately these things, allow me to elabourate for easier understanding of our correct form of speech:
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I was speaking british you ignorant cuntAnd I found it rather humorous.
Fuck yeah, Banal Nationalism for the win!
FRENCH fries!
You patriotic mother fucker!
I got the new map pack, but alas- it does not work! I put the new map pack in MB-modules-cRPG-textures. Anything else I need to do?
Cheerleader style time?
WHAT IS IT?!!!!!
lol it's an easy question: it's USA
now I know what kind of exam your student pass...
For America to remain forever a Free country, it is required for all nationmen to close their eyes and give up their own Freedoms to the almighty corporate elite, so that we may tackle worldwide terrorism!
I actually have Bill O'Reilly posters all over my apartment, not just my bedroom.+1 for humour.
Whenever I see something on the news about America bombing someone I immediately whip my dick out and begin furiously fapping while wearing an American flag like a cape. If they show footage of the bombs dropping I instantly cum.
At least I know most of you are trolling, and that not everybodyi s deluded as Daniel here lol.
You want your country to get nuked by the greatest, sexiest, most awesome, coolest, most epic and the country that's kickin ass and taking names?!
Sorry about Ganner banning your illegales counterparts.
Racist jokes and intentional racist trolling will not be tolerated.
Then you'd better ban everyone in USA clan then.
Can yall stop trolling our thread please?
You want your country to get nuked by the greatest, sexiest, most awesome, coolest, most epic and the country that's kickin ass and taking names?!
First time I ever heard an LLJK say "Could you please stop trolling us?" :lol:
Only if you stop trolling other threads. :rolleyes:
First time I ever heard an LLJK say "Could you please stop trolling us?" :lol:
Once an LLJK, Always an LLJK.
Once an Idiot, Always a bundle of sticks.
Seriously? You have been LLJK for that long and that is the best you can come up with? Even goate can do better then that...
Try again, say it like you mean it. C'mon, I believe in you, you can do this.
Seriously? You have been LLJK for that long and that is the best you can come up with? Even goate can do better then that...
Try again, say it like you mean it. C'mon, I believe in you, you can do this.
You are pretty bad at this.
At pointing out over used insults?
Goatee has really given me a better one then Kiki has.
I'll make a Brazil clan too :rolleyes:
Shouldn't you be off white knighting on irc hoping to get Coy to flirt with you? You are as creepy as Gnus is, if not worse. You really are a terrible troll, and this is coming from the troll clan.
I'll make a Brazil clan too :rolleyes:Sounds like a smashing good idea! Perhaps we can strike an alliance with you by the BADMIN clan and Team Canada?
Perhaps we can strike an alliance with you by the BADMIN clan and Team Canada?...Team Canada?
...Team Canada?
Speaking of LLJK, mind spreading the word to others that having one of you keep extending invitations for me to hop on the LLJK TeamSpeak is rather pointless and silly? Every time I come on IRC one of you buggers keeps bringing it up at least once a day. Amusing, really, but weird.
But... there is no America in Calradia
Yeah, I don't know if this clan is really doing a good job role-playing. There have been no pre-emptive strikes against weapons of mass destruction and we are already almost 3 weeks into new strategus.
Yeah, I don't know if this clan is really doing a good job role-playing. There have been no pre-emptive strikes against weapons of mass destruction and we are already almost 3 weeks into new strategus.Don't forget - lying about WMD's. Then their population sat around, not giving a shit whenever any other nation would have started protesting and rioting.
There were protests, they just were not televised on anything besides local Channels. As far as Riots, that is a good thing that there was non. Riots hurt The People more then anyone else.
why are you Capitalizing random Non-proper words
Don't forget - lying about WMD's. Then their population sat around, not giving a shit whenever any other nation would have started protesting and rioting.
Like Britain rose up in protest and rioting over the issue? What a hypocritical load of horseshit you little two bit, self styled communist.Because apparently I'm a Communist. :lol:
Also, understand that I am no patriot of my country, nor do I even consider myself apart of them, or any nation.Then go live in the fucking ocean, commie.
If I were to be a communist, would you be able to tell me what I believe? And why I should be hated?
Because apparently I'm a Communist. :lol:
Also, understand that I am no patriot of my country, nor do I even consider myself apart of them, or any nation.
ok i am home, pics of the food
burgerchili cheese tots(click to show/hide)hot dog(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
ok i am home, pics of the food
burgerchili cheese tots(click to show/hide)hot dog(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
that looks like a white hand! you are living a lie poophammer! you aint black... YOU AINT BLACK!!! YOU AINT NOTHING!!!!!! YOU AINT NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't want to do this, but badplayer cyber-bullied Katey_Peron.
[7:54 PM] <USA_BADPLAYER> USA isnt even a real faction dude
[7:55 PM] <USA_BADPLAYER> i dont know why people are getting so angry about it
I practically live in this thread.
chadz is trying to deny my freedom of speech by veto'ing my thread into the Spam section, but through our loyal patriots it may be moved but never forgotten.cRPG isn't a democracy..there's not vetoing going on here.,19170.0.html
Don't you have a "Young Socialists of America" meeting to attend, earth?Isn't it obvious that I lead it? Silly people that think the world is fair! :D
It pains me to do this, but I've modified the USA clan's banner.
chadz is trying to deny my freedom of speech by veto'ing my thread into the Spam section, but through our loyal patriots it may be moved but never forgotten.,19170.0.html
why do you make every other post teal the color of non-american gays, and instead of just using the youtube link use indy hipster youtu.beBecause I'm an indy hipster non-American gay.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginFuck yeah!
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The pearl harbor part comes from people saying the latest Tsunami in Japan is retribution for the Japs attack on well... pearl harbor.
I lol'd
Should be Tears of Destiny.
I am living in America awesome hat, you're living in Commieland, I know better :P.
Denial or at least brainwashed.
Ones born generations after the ones who died in Pearl Harbor should not have the final say in forgiving Japan.
Also i want pancakes with maple syrup now, thanks.
Scumbag America nuked Japan twice, "spread" their "democracy" with blood and gore sucking lifes and oil out of innocent countries.
Cries about 9/11 and Pearl harbor all the time.
Scumbag America nuked Japan twice,
Either that or an invasion of Japan, the predicition of life losses were around 5-10 millions (American soldiers, Japanese soldiers and civilians, the latter was being trained to ambush and stab shit with bamboo spear).
The nukes did less than 150 000 victims.
Sure in the long term there's consequences, but IMO they took the lesser of two evils.
Not only victims of nuke attack it is also about cruelty and radiation and stuff... So yeah in pearl harbor didn't die 150 thouzandz like in 2 nuke attacks. Also it s about attacking civilians.
263 945 - Hiroshima
149 226 - Nagasaki
Now that's some shit right?
America is just a whining country. Whining constantly about 9/11 grow up, it was 10 years ago!And yet on these forums, it is always someone like you from EU who mentions it first... Say if 9/11 was ten years ago... What does it say about you guys for whining about events in WWII? Also note that only a few years ago did Japan officially apologise for The Death March and invite our veterans over.
And yet on these forums, it is always someone like you from EU who mentions it first... Say if 9/11 was ten years ago... What does it say about you guys for whining about events in WWII? Also note that only a few years ago did Japan officially apologise for The Death March and invite our veterans over.
Is this the part where I start mentioning Russia staging fake attacks to start wars such as a certain Shelling a couple of decades ago? No country has a clean history.
And yet on these forums, it is always someone like you from EU who mentions it first... Say if 9/11 was ten years ago... What does it say about you guys for whining about events in WWII? Also note that only a few years ago did Japan officially apologise for The Death March and invite our veterans over.
Scumbag America nuked Japan twice, "spread" their "democracy" with blood and gore sucking lifes and oil out of innocent countries.
Cries about 9/11 and Pearl harbor all the time.
Every true patriot recognize the failure of his goverment, no?
Not only victims of nuke attack it is also about cruelty and radiation and stuff... So yeah in pearl harbor didn't die 150 thouzandz like in 2 nuke attacks. Also it s about attacking civilians.
263 945 - Hiroshima
149 226 - Nagasaki
Now that's some shit right?
This isn't an EU vs NA fight. This is Non-patriots vs Patriots.On the other hand, I do respect Canada quite alot. Probably the most decently run country for along time, in my opinion anyways.
Everybody stfu.
Dance bitch!
the fuck?Patriotism isn't as simple as that.
Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.
Dale Carnegie
Patriotism isn't as simple as that.
Bored. Somebody help out of this sinkhole of a thread.
If America is so bad for Pearl Harbor and nuking Japan in retaliation and all that jazz, how do you defend the Holocaust?
1) I'm not a jew to defend the Holocaust in which died 6 million jews
2) In WW2 died 27 million russians - no one cries about that
3) Its USA clan topic not Israel clan topic
Soooo yeah....
We have reached levels of critical trolling.
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I hate your picture's :wink:
Remember So Nyuh Shi Dae!!!
So Nyuh Shi Dae!!!
1) I'm not a jew to defend the Holocaust in which died 6 million jewsDid this not recently devolve into an NA vs EU topic? (at least some what?). I still fail to see your defense.
2) In WW2 died 27 million russians - no one cries about that
3) Its USA clan topic not Israel clan topic
Soooo yeah....
1) I'm not a jew to defend the Holocaust in which died 6 million jews
2) In WW2 died 27 million russians - no one cries about that
3) Its USA clan topic not Israel clan topic
Soooo yeah....
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Polish Military
SO MANY chocolate chip cookieS DIED IN WW2 WHY DOES NO ONE CRY ABOUT THEMOnly 5.5 million
Did this not recently devolve into an NA vs EU topic? (at least some what?). I still fail to see your defense.
making jokes about people with special needs is very very pathetic and sry but that show how primitive you seem to be
nothing else to say...
Ok if you are jew and you feel sorry for your brothers and sisters who died in WW2 it is you who supposed to defend them not me. Just to let you know buddy...I don't think he got brothers from WW2 still alive. Then he must be a 100 year old crpg player atleast
God Bless the US!
1) U don't use the for USA or UK, one of the english rules.
Only 5.5 million
Meanwhile in Israel. . .Wow, really? You really are posting that?
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Zionism takes place.
Yeah. Is there something wrong with it? I apologize to all you Jewish Supremacists/Zionists. I'm sorry for posting such shockingly controversial imagery.
Well, you can only blame yourselves for following a leader who had no idea about how to wage a war :/
Not to mention that the amount of chocolate chip cookies dead has nothing to do with what I said. 5.5 million people is "only"? :D
Not the same thing at all. How is not letting some shitty art student into an art university the same as running to death because Comrade Stalin says so? :D
just because you don't know something?[/spoiler]
But I'm really really really proud of you, because you know EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVRYTING. No really, what a mother of God are you? Anyway it is useless to go onward, everyone will still be thinking the way they think. And I was aiming for other things in this topic.Yes, I can use Google, so I pretty much know everything. With this great power that I have (I'm never telling you the link to Google) I can even find einstein's artwork. Amazing, isn't it?
Qui hante la tempête et se rit de l'archer;
Exilé sur le sol au milieu des huées,
Ses ailes de géant l'empêchent de marcher.
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Hey, I live there!
#1 NA 1h cav.Diggy tootin' his own horn here? :lol:
I'm surprised not a single of you good patriots are giving your voice in support of the constitution here (,23881.0.html) :)
I'm surprised not a single of you good patriots are giving your voice in support of the constitution here (,23881.0.html) :)
I'm surprised not a single of you good patriots are giving your voice in support of the constitution here (,23881.0.html) :)
I'm surprised not a single of you good patriots are giving your voice in support of the constitution here (,23881.0.html) :)
This is why they won't listen: ( .. but can we change 1 mind, 1 vote, just by educating a few with hardcore facts on a random forum, that's good enough and well worth it, unfortunately the youngest Nation leads the rest so something has to be done to change the World for the better, might it be small or big, everything counts.
It is not at all pointless to share information about politics on an international forum, quite the contrary, and through communication we might all learn from each other. Nor is it only internal politics, the US are made up of people descending from all other the World, especially Europe, and World politics of the last 70 years (including most European states being your allies) have made it an issue to most of us who has the US presidency.
Probably because discussing internal politics is more often then not pointless on an international forum. We live here, we talk about it every week in person or on other forums, and are amidst the "issue" and thus not reliant on odd news sources since we are literally here and not going off of third hand information. We can see exactly what goes on, and how it has directly effected us. Why bother discussing it on this forum of all things, especially since the majority of the people talking in that thread can not even vote.
If everyone else though wants to talk about it too, then sure, more power to you.
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginHahaha so true, americans seem to hate logic.
Neither will I.
The fact that you say that you'd still like to see why any american should have a reason for not voting Ron Paul when Oberyn, and I have also made a similar post. rma, I've read Oberyn's post and agree with them for the most part, I wonder what prompts you to say otherwise.Would be a good place to start, mate. I'm not going to derail this thread though.
Neither will I.
Will take a look if there's any posts I may have missed.
I haven't read either of their posts but someone with basic knowledge of international economics would know why his economic policies and wanting to revert to the gold standard are just flat out terrible ideas. I am glad he is running as it is someone with consistent, different views to get the discussion going but he would be a bad choice among already bad choices.You need to take a look at the problems with fractional reserve banking to understand his views on the gold standard (which worked well in the past btw.). Study it yourself, closely, don't just take anyone else's word for it.
You need to take a look at the problems with fractional reserve banking to understand his views on the gold standard (which worked well in the past btw.). Study it yourself, closely, don't just take anyone else's word for it.
Ah this clan bring back memories
Brings. It brings back memories. I swear I'll beat the stupid out of your vocabulary.Stupidity. I swear I'll beat the stupidity out of your vocabulary.
I swear i'll do nothing because tears never makes a typo.
everyone who has posted about grammer in this thread will have their citizenship revoked and deported
assuming we already have legal citizenship