cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: Wookimonsta on October 07, 2011, 11:06:38 am

Title: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Wookimonsta on October 07, 2011, 11:06:38 am
Right, lets look at the stats of the arabian warhorse
hit points: 90
body armor: 10
difficulty: 7
speed: 41
maneuver: 48
charge: 20

This is a level 7 horse. The very epitome of riding, mounted death. Only the most dedicated cav can ride it. They need 21 Agi and they need to give away 7 skill points.
And what do they get? A very mobile rouncey. Seriously, its a very mobile, shitty rouncey.
The rouncey has more Hit Points (5) more armor (6) same speed, less maneuver (7) and same charge. Seriously? This is the best we can get? Thats not enough.
Now i'm not saying this horse should be as fast as a courser, or as strong as a destrier, but damn, it shouldn't be shittier than a rouncey. WTF?
Suggested stats:
hit points: 110
body armor: 20
difficulty: 7
speed: 44
maneuver: 48 (maybe 47 if you are gonna be assholes about it)
charge: 26
Cost: 450000

This may seem like its a big buff, but remember, this is the highest level horse apparently. It requires dedicated cav to pull off, and I think that dedication should be rewarded.

The stats shown here are not related to the poll. The poll is if it should be buffed in general, the stats are just my suggestion.

EDIT: Suggested price 450000, also poll reset with new info

Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Gisbert_of_Thuringia on October 07, 2011, 11:28:10 am
A bit much what you demand as a buff eh?
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Oberyn on October 07, 2011, 12:13:03 pm
I can only approved. Totally unselfish reasons of course.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Leshma on October 07, 2011, 12:28:58 pm
Just 7 more maneuver than Rouncey, poor Arabian is completely useless :cry:

Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on October 07, 2011, 12:32:34 pm
good luck with that! eventhough on paper it looks kinda weak.
You do have to put 7 riding skill points, some people dont realise that. Its like people saying :" oooh that archer does too much damage, nerf!" the guy invested 7 PD!

But i have to say that when i used it i could perform nasty killing streaks

just bring it back to 6 riding skill (and desert horse 6, desert horse 6, thats a joke right?)
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Laufknoten on October 07, 2011, 12:36:55 pm
hit points: 110
body armor: 20
difficulty: 7
speed: 44
maneuver: 48 (maybe 47 if you are gonna be assholes about it)
charge: 26
cost: 45000
Have fun.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Wookimonsta on October 07, 2011, 01:19:02 pm
Have fun.

45k cost is fine
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Wookimonsta on October 07, 2011, 01:28:56 pm
Just 7 more maneuver than Rouncey, poor Arabian is completely useless :cry:


considering its the horse that has the highest requirement, yes.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on October 07, 2011, 05:10:53 pm
It should get a small hp/armor buff. Not so much as to make its niche--which I assume is "maneuverable lancer bundle of sticks horse"--irrelevant. This is assuming that things stay as they are...

Or, we could lower the riding back down to a realistic number. I figure riding should be proportional to a horse's efficiency on the cRPG battlefield, rather than arbitrary references to realism. The horses that promote the most ass-kickery should be the hardest to ride--reserved for dedicated cavalry players, and the horses that are less effective should be easier to ride.

In this case effectiveness should be judged by observing the way those horses behave in-game. Our understanding of which horses are "bestest" should be based on what actually happens in the servers, and should include the experiences of both horse riders, and their foes. If some tincan pussy (get it, because I'm not at all a cowardly bitch for riding a courser) can offer insight into the effectiveness of the horses which trample him on a daily basis, then that insight should be fucking heeded. Same goes for the people who initiate the trampling.

In other words, I'm almost completely ignoring OP's initial post so that I can vomit my ideas all over the thread, regardless of what anybody else will or is saying.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Leshma on October 07, 2011, 05:41:32 pm
Can't believe you guys still cry like little babies while being on top every damn map...
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Tears of Destiny on October 07, 2011, 05:50:43 pm
Can't believe you guys still cry like little babies while being on top every damn map...

On top using the arabian?

Two handers still complain about archers despite being on top... Everyone complains.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Leshma on October 07, 2011, 08:21:21 pm
On top using the arabian?

Two handers still complain about archers despite being on top... Everyone complains.

Twohanders are never on top whenever there's a decent cav. Only two twohanders that can score better than decent cavalry are Chase and Phase.

Twohanders are in the same group with archers. Good twohander/archer on server will top the scoreboard. Others won't. But average cav can easily be first.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on October 07, 2011, 08:44:27 pm
i willing to bet most two handers kill, in average, more dangerous enemies then cav picking on peasent and late spawners
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: HentziTheHun on October 07, 2011, 09:53:17 pm
Twohanders are never on top whenever there's a decent cav. Only two twohanders that can score better than decent cavalry are Chase and Phase.

Twohanders are in the same group with archers. Good twohander/archer on server will top the scoreboard. Others won't. But average cav can easily be first.

(click to show/hide)

two 2h topping on cav map
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Leshma on October 07, 2011, 11:05:20 pm
That's because there isn't any capable cav on that team (unless you count Wookie as one).
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Smoothrich on October 08, 2011, 01:07:27 am
shut the fuck up leshma, someone mute him, what you are talking about has NOTHING to do with the thread

in fact, being 2 hander is WAY easier then being cav, i can get 20+ kills a map with either build, thing is against cav they have a chance to win jousts when i'm cav.  When I'm using a german greatsword, they pretty much have no chance to out lance me. 

The Arabian Warhorse was a shitty horse before, and is way worse now, was basically nerfed out of the game.  Congratulations, I guess?

It'd be OK if it could take more arrows, as it is it literally dies to 1 arrow, kind of silly.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Oberyn on October 08, 2011, 01:30:33 pm
Leshma: idiotic biased piece of shit, it is known. Incidentally, Leshma, please make a cav character. It will make me laugh. Pretty sure you did have one at some point, when all bandits went cav. Pretty sure you were also fucking terrible with it.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Siiem on October 08, 2011, 03:55:48 pm
in fact, being 2 hander is WAY easier then being cav

Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Leshma on October 08, 2011, 04:06:33 pm
Leshma: idiotic biased piece of shit, it is known. Incidentally, Leshma, please make a cav character. It will make me laugh. Pretty sure you did have one at some point, when all bandits went cav. Pretty sure you were also fucking terrible with it.

I like the new Oberyn. He is so full of win. In every single post.

Guess I'm outnumbered...
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Bulzur on October 08, 2011, 04:25:08 pm
You know that the riding skill improves the base stats or whatever of your horse.
So actually, the "effective"  maneuver of the arabian warhorse, with 7 riding skills, is really out of the world.
If you give it more hp, more armor, more speed, then it will fear no range (easy to avoid, and easy to quickly get in killing range) and other cavs (easu tou outmaneuver, and can even outspeed them) while also being way harder to kill ?

One thing the 7 riding skills requirement did, was actually make the cav realised how much benefit they have when upping this riding skill. Not specially a burden.

It's not cause it has high requiring skills that it has to be "unstoppable", else you'll soon see 2h (*cough* leshma *cough*) asking for a 21 str requirement sword with as much speed as the katana, but with 45 swing cut damage... or archer asking for a 8 PD bow with the same speed as the rus bow, and 5 more missile speed and damage than the longbow...

I wouldn't mind if it gets +5 health. But that's really all. You can't have the most maneuvrable horse, and with high survivability and high charge damage.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Oberyn on October 08, 2011, 05:08:10 pm
Isn't the improvement only FROM the baseline requirements? If I have 7 riding skill and use the arabian, there's no bonus from riding skill. The bonus only takes effect from 8+.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Oberyn on October 08, 2011, 05:12:53 pm
Guess I'm outnumbered...

chadz doesn't read every post, he just likes it when people defend devs. Also all my posts have always been full of win, so I don't know what he's talking about XD.
Seriously though, weren't you cav at some point? Have you even played after lance angle nerf? Did you ever use the arabian with the new requirements? Cause I remember you as a pretty bad heavy cav.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Jarlek on October 08, 2011, 07:48:04 pm
Isn't the improvement only FROM the baseline requirements? If I have 7 riding skill and use the arabian, there's no bonus from riding skill. The bonus only takes effect from 8+.
Sigh. Why do people still believe this?

No, you gain the bonus from skillpoint 1 and every single after that. 7 Riding gives you the riding bonus*7 as does shieldskill as does PS as does PT as does athletics as does PD as does IF as does EVERY single one.

The ONLY thing that is different is Power Draw which has an UPPER limit of requirement +4. You still get the bonus for those beneath, but if you got more than 4 over the requirement it stops boosting.

Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Teeth on October 08, 2011, 07:59:57 pm
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Wookimonsta on October 08, 2011, 09:55:22 pm
Sigh. Why do people still believe this?

No, you gain the bonus from skillpoint 1 and every single after that. 7 Riding gives you the riding bonus*7 as does shieldskill as does PS as does PT as does athletics as does PD as does IF as does EVERY single one.

The ONLY thing that is different is Power Draw which has an UPPER limit of requirement +4. You still get the bonus for those beneath, but if you got more than 4 over the requirement it stops boosting.


i was recently told that the riding skill bonus was nerfed heavily with WSE and it feels like it too.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Mtemtko on October 08, 2011, 10:15:16 pm
Dont we all just miss the jet warponies?

Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: ThePoopy on October 08, 2011, 10:55:17 pm
the whole thing that made those horses op was when used with high riding, raising the riding req dosnt make sense
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Oberyn on October 08, 2011, 11:29:03 pm
Sigh. Why do people still believe this?

No, you gain the bonus from skillpoint 1 and every single after that. 7 Riding gives you the riding bonus*7 as does shieldskill as does PS as does PT as does athletics as does PD as does IF as does EVERY single one.

The ONLY thing that is different is Power Draw which has an UPPER limit of requirement +4. You still get the bonus for those beneath, but if you got more than 4 over the requirement it stops boosting.


Because documentation for anything on cRPG is total crap? Yes, it's understood, it's not exactly rocket science. Don't need to be a dick about it, bro.
Title: Re: [Stats] Buff the Arabian Warhorse
Post by: Jarlek on October 08, 2011, 11:39:45 pm
Because documentation for anything on cRPG is total crap? Yes, it's understood, it's not exactly rocket science. Don't need to be a dick about it, bro.
No. This is not cRPG. This is not even Warband. This is Mount and Blade itself. I also tried to not be a dick about it, but it really comes up all the time. Sorry if it offended you but I'm just tired of having to explain obvious stuff to people. (nvm that I just came from Stronghold gamemode with every secound player spamming "WHAT IS THIS! OMG I GOTZ NO WAPPPONZ! OMFG BUILDINGS! IMMA DESTROY THEM!) So sorry if I sounded offensive.