cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: MrShine on September 26, 2011, 09:59:23 pm

Title: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 26, 2011, 09:59:23 pm
We've all had this happen before:

A group surrounds someone, slashing at him from all angles.
The victim dies, and instantly his body becomes transparent.
An accurate arrow or swing travels through the falling body and connects with a friendly behind.

My proposal would be to allow the dead player to absorb swings for a very brief period of time after death as if he were still alive.  This would help avoid some of these unintentional swings from teammates that were not stray.

There are obvious times where poor aim and/or judgment cause team hits/kills, and there are other times (such as this situation) where it's just a matter of bad luck.  If you and a teammate surround an enemy you can effectively alternate swings and take someone down from 100%-0% by timing swings to keep someone stumbling and unable to defend themselves.   This is a smart thing to do, and requires teamwork. 

However you could have a swing chambered and in the process of being unleashed and a split second before your swing connects the enemy dies.  There is literally nothing you can do to stop the swing given human reflexes and/or an unbalanced weapon, and your team suffers the consequence due to the immediate removal of physical form.

Giving some substance to the corpse for a brief period of time is realistic and would help stop these types of team hits that punish players who make accurate (but unluckily timed) swings.

Agree/disagree/thoughts?  I don't even know if WSE can do this, but it would be pretty swell.

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Vibe on September 26, 2011, 10:00:16 pm
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on September 26, 2011, 10:00:45 pm
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: [ptx] on September 26, 2011, 10:12:24 pm
This was supposed to have been implemented in some previous Warband patch, you can still look it up in the patch notes, but, like a lot of things, it doesn't work.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Teeth on September 26, 2011, 10:17:36 pm
I suggested this too.

Aren't the cRPG team better coders than the Warband developers? I would love this.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Keshian on September 26, 2011, 10:18:41 pm
I can't think of a better suggestion to have 100% yesses.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: cmp on September 26, 2011, 10:21:11 pm
add this nao
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Teeth on September 26, 2011, 10:32:36 pm
add this nao
Code this now!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Ujin on September 26, 2011, 10:56:14 pm
can you also code spitting on the enemy corpses , stomping on them and feeding them to the dogs while you're at it ?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Paul on September 26, 2011, 10:58:47 pm
They tried to do it in Warband beta but it fucked everything up so they gave up on it in the end.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 26, 2011, 11:06:17 pm
They tried to do it in Warband beta but it fucked everything up so they gave up on it in the end.

So what could possibly go wrong trying to fix it in c-RPG? :)
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: ThePoopy on September 26, 2011, 11:41:23 pm
indeed, everything is allready fucked up
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 26, 2011, 11:46:36 pm
can you also code spitting on the enemy corpses , stomping on them and feeding them to the dogs while you're at it ?

Spitting on corpses? i would like that, add it to the Q menu; Taunts!

Oh and yes i support hitting dead corpses, code it nao.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: owens on September 27, 2011, 12:10:33 am
Ganking is a weak point of this game atm team damage is the only thing discouraging it so if it is difficult to implement i wouldnt bother. The Devs efforts should be aimed at importing some stuff from vikingr and fixing the weapon stats problem.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 27, 2011, 05:23:12 am
Ganking is a weak point of this game atm team damage is the only thing discouraging it so if it is difficult to implement i wouldnt bother. The Devs efforts should be aimed at importing some stuff from vikingr and fixing the weapon stats problem.

I don't know, I think team hits and kills come quite frequently from situations where someone dies and swings travel through.  I think it can make a significant difference in the outcome of a round. 

Bad swings and people jumping in front of swings I get; those should be 'punished' by team damage.  Swings that go through dead players?  Those are true swings that wouldn't normally hit a teammate except for the fact the dead player becomes a ghost instantly.

I do say this without any idea how challenging this would be to implement.  Obviously many other things might take priority, but if there was a way to fix this I can only see it as a gameplay improvement for the better.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on September 27, 2011, 05:52:14 am
IMO Its not that much of a problem. You have to play in a more gaurded way when pulling a gank. I find if you try and group gank good players it back fires anyway, people rush in and team hit and block shots and then the gankee becomes the ganker.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShovelFace on September 27, 2011, 07:41:09 am
i support but WSE is not a magic wand you know
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: HarunYahya on September 27, 2011, 12:02:28 pm
Sounds like an unnecessary work for devs.
Better solutions below:

-Don't be kill greedy,if 2 of your teammates fighting and seems like they are winning against one enemy , do not participate gangbang and avoid teamhits.

-Never shoot into a melee fight.Do not take risk to hit your teammate.

-You don't earn anything if you kill a guy in cRPG,killing the last enemy won't give you any bonuses i never understood why people take risk to hit/kill a teammate to finish off the last enemy.

-You don't do those retardic things above but your teammates do ?
You also have 1 solution for it which is running away from the scene.You don't have to kill that enemy, spare his life and let those raging kill greedy assholes finish him off if you don't want to take hits.

Simple isn't it ?

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Memento_Mori on September 27, 2011, 04:32:41 pm
Sounds like an unnecessary work for devs.
Better solutions below:

-Don't be kill greedy,if 2 of your teammates fighting and seems like they are winning against one enemy , do not participate gangbang and avoid teamhits.

-Never shoot into a melee fight.Do not take risk to hit your teammate.

-You don't earn anything if you kill a guy in cRPG,killing the last enemy won't give you any bonuses i never understood why people take risk to hit/kill a teammate to finish off the last enemy.

-You don't do those retardic things above but your teammates do ?
You also have 1 solution for it which is running away from the scene.You don't have to kill that enemy, spare his life and let those raging kill greedy assholes finish him off if you don't want to take hits.

Simple isn't it ?


Most people that are reading this suggestion probably do this. I know I intentionally hold attacks to position enemies for my team mates to hit, but not everyone does that. The whole, oh I finished your guy now you swing at his corpse and hit me almost killing me happens quite frequently & it would be nice if after you killed an enemy his ally archer couldn't potshot into him have the arrow ghost through his corpse and strike me.

All in all I support changing the instant-ghost corpse it is a great idea, but do not think it is 100% necessary.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 27, 2011, 06:12:04 pm
i support but WSE is not a magic wand you know

I'm not expecting miracles or results by next week.  I do however think that with WSE in the picture this change would go a long way towards improving the overall gameplay experience of melee combat.

Sounds like an unnecessary work for devs.
Better solutions below:
Maybe not high priority, but this isn't a superficial suggestion like adding new skins/voice chat options etc, this is (I feel) a legitimate gameplay improvement that could be done.  If it is too hard to implement or other pressing matters take priority that's life, but this is a suggestion forum for a reason, not a 'DEVS MUST IMPLEMENT NOW' forum.

-Don't be kill greedy,if 2 of your teammates fighting and seems like they are winning against one enemy , do not participate gangbang and avoid teamhits.

-Never shoot into a melee fight.Do not take risk to hit your teammate.

-You don't earn anything if you kill a guy in cRPG,killing the last enemy won't give you any bonuses i never understood why people take risk to hit/kill a teammate to finish off the last enemy.

-You don't do those retardic things above but your teammates do ?
You also have 1 solution for it which is running away from the scene.You don't have to kill that enemy, spare his life and let those raging kill greedy assholes finish him off if you don't want to take hits.

Simple isn't it ?

I partially agree with you when you say "leave doomed enemies to teammates", but there are a lot of situations where you want to make sure someone goes from wounded to dead.   A wounded enemy can still kill your team; a dead enemy cannot.  This applies doubly so to some of the big name players that might actually survive a 2-4 on 1 fight if my teammates attacking him aren't very skilled.

But I think you are confusing my suggestion with teamhits in general.  Yes, ganging up on someone will increase the likelihood of teamwounding by accident.  I don't think that side of things should be changed, watch your swings watch your arrows yadayada.

I'm talking about the teamhits that come from swinging through a recently killed enemy that were accurate well aimed attacks that came a second too late (but given the importance of chaining attacks these weren't actually poorly aimed swings).  I see no reason why this change wouldn't be one for the better for everyone.  Poorly aimed swings and shots will still teamhit like they always have, but these accurate shots would have a small grace period.

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Snoozer on September 27, 2011, 06:18:43 pm
wow i must be crazy i thought this was slightly implemented like a second after death THEN they become transparent

.i suppose it would b nice too many times u have to jump  a good player and in the end u loose more health thing each other then him hitting u especially in the last strike of the mob
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Renten on September 27, 2011, 06:30:26 pm
Its okay to leave an average player to the gank, but a lot of the times its because the last few guys left could easily take out the rest of your team if they only come at them 1v1 or 2v1. I feel terrible when I know the other two guys are going to die if I don't join in, but that I'll likely hit them at least once if I do join. It goes the same for me though, get the heck in there and save me from those killing machines.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Xant on September 27, 2011, 06:36:25 pm
Sounds like an unnecessary work for devs.
Better solutions below:

-Don't be kill greedy,if 2 of your teammates fighting and seems like they are winning against one enemy , do not participate gangbang and avoid teamhits.

-Never shoot into a melee fight.Do not take risk to hit your teammate.

-You don't earn anything if you kill a guy in cRPG,killing the last enemy won't give you any bonuses i never understood why people take risk to hit/kill a teammate to finish off the last enemy.

-You don't do those retardic things above but your teammates do ?
You also have 1 solution for it which is running away from the scene.You don't have to kill that enemy, spare his life and let those raging kill greedy assholes finish him off if you don't want to take hits.

Simple isn't it ?


It's not simple at all, because you are wrong. Only way to avoid hitting teammates through dead enemies is to make every fight 1v1. It's not "greedy" if you try to help your teammate by hitting the enemy..
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Bulzur on September 27, 2011, 07:15:13 pm
So.... with that sugg :
We can't use meat shields anymore. Aka peasants getting onehitted, and you swinging before the ennemy finishes his strike, so being able to hit him freely.
This is, imo, a very good tactical slash, and if you had this dead players absorbing hits, then spammers will prevail. Just kill someone in front of you, other people will bounce off the corps, and you can continue spamming to get the other one.

So... or you make this "temporarily" VERY VERY small, so double hits will not result in tk, and we can still use the strategy mentionned above, or just no.

If you're killhungry, then karma will get you. Learn to know how many hits are needed, and to quickly block when the ennemy die, and this problem will be forgotten.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 27, 2011, 07:37:02 pm
If you're killhungry, then karma will get you. Learn to know how many hits are needed, and to quickly block when the ennemy die, and this problem will be forgotten.

Except there aren't hp meters over people's heads.  You have no way of knowing exactly how much life someone has remaining, nor how much damage your teammates are causing, nor how much damage that enemy took before he got surrounded by your teammates.  It's impossible to "learn to know how many hits are needed".  The best thing to do is take the swing if it's accurate: sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't and bonk a teammate through the corpse.

Also you said that peasant meat shields can't be used anymore...what?  If anything peasant meat shields will work better...their corpse will remain for a brief moment, so if two enemies were poking the peasant to death you won't get hit through the dying peasant's body - the body will protect you for a moment longer. 

I think you mean you can't swing through an immediately dead teammate to score a hit, to which I say GOOD. If you are positioned properly you should be in a position where your swing would cleanly hit the enemy anyways, and you should still connect before the enemy can recover from murdering the peasant next to you.  The same tactic works, just that you can't go through a teammate's body.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Bulzur on September 27, 2011, 07:47:27 pm
Except there aren't hp meters over people's heads.  You have no way of knowing exactly how much life someone has remaining, nor how much damage your teammates are causing, nor how much damage that enemy took before he got surrounded by your teammates.  It's impossible to "learn to know how many hits are needed". 

Experience ? Looking at armor ? Knowing the name of the guy, if he heirloomed his armor, maybe his build ? INFORMATION ? Nothing is impossible, unless you're too lazy to analyse all the data, and just want to kill the guy with no tags in front of you. Then i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do for you.

I think you mean you can't swing through an immediately dead teammate to score a hit, to which I say GOOD. If you are positioned properly you should be in a position where your swing would cleanly hit the enemy anyways, and you should still connect before the enemy can recover from murdering the peasant next to you.  The same tactic works, just that you can't go through a teammate's body.
It's not the same tactic if it's different... duh...
I'm speaking of "hiding" behind  a teammate peasant (or an afk dude), so none of your swings can hit the ennemy without going through your teammate. But he can't reach you either, and he'll loose patience first, and kill the guy. Then you take that opportunity to strike at him, "through" the dead body.

Your suggestion will destroy this tactic, so we'll have to rely on the "usual" footwork to do for it.
Of course, i'm not completely against the idea as well. People can adapt. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Leshma on September 27, 2011, 07:50:42 pm
Today I was hit by a slash from a horse which killed an archer standing in front of me (I took a lot less damage than I should). So even if dead body absorbs some damage it shouldn't absorb everything. Or what happened to me was just my imagination?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 27, 2011, 08:03:57 pm
Experience ? Looking at armor ? Knowing the name of the guy, if he heirloomed his armor, maybe his build ? INFORMATION ? Nothing is impossible, unless you're too lazy to analyse all the data, and just want to kill the guy with no tags in front of you. Then i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do for you.
Ok now you're just being silly :P

Even if you did make an enormous up-to-date spreadsheet on all c-RPG player builds, levels, armor (heirloomed etc), and were able to instantly recognize and recall these statistics everytime you were around your teammates and everytime you saw an enemy, there are still random factors such as:
-damage the enemy took before running into you that you have no way of knowing
-damage variation based on speed bonus, hit location, and general random deviation.

So yes, I'm saying it is absolutely 100% impossible for a human being playing c-RPG to feel confidant that they can take another swing on an enemy without swinging through a corpse, or holding off because they are sure the enemy will die from a teammate's swing.   

Anyone who thinks otherwise is ignorant of variables or is bullshitting.

It's not the same tactic if it's different... duh...
I'm speaking of "hiding" behind  a teammate peasant (or an afk dude), so none of your swings can hit the ennemy without going through your teammate. But he can't reach you either, and he'll loose patience first, and kill the guy. Then you take that opportunity to strike at him, "through" the dead body.

Your suggestion will destroy this tactic, so we'll have to rely on the "usual" footwork to do for it.
Of course, i'm not completely against the idea as well. People can adapt. :mrgreen:

Oh no you mean a tactic that occurs 0.001% of the time might require the player to move around the dying peasant to land the hit instead of swinging through him?  Oh lawd have mercy!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Soldier_of_God on September 27, 2011, 08:37:50 pm
that would be nice
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Xant on September 27, 2011, 08:51:11 pm
Experience ? Looking at armor ? Knowing the name of the guy, if he heirloomed his armor, maybe his build ? INFORMATION ? Nothing is impossible, unless you're too lazy to analyse all the data, and just want to kill the guy with no tags in front of you. Then i'm sorry, there's nothing we can do for you.


So making dead bodies stop weapon isn't needed because people should be able to know how many times someone's been hit and how hard they've been hit and if they've heirloomed their armor and if they've recently respecced/retired and if they've been hit unfavorably and if the teammate you're attacking with will perhaps glance throwing off your calculations oh and obviously it's totally your own fault if you don't know all of this about every single player on the server. Silly you, you should've known that Mister X got hit two times half the map away from you and since he has 72 body armor and a total of 75 HP, you'll need exactly four hits to kill him given no speed bonus, three if you get a good speed bonus and six with unfavorable speed bonus.. oh wait, that's right, you'll also need to know the PS of your allies and if their weapon is heirloomed...

Edit: Let's not forget that weapons do random damage as well, hmm? The damage can be off by 15 or something, basically, on that random factor alone.

Tl;dr stop being silly.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Fartface on September 27, 2011, 09:12:03 pm
fuck yea.
but if you do an 2v1 and gank correcly its an easy win.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: HarunYahya on September 27, 2011, 11:54:07 pm
It's not simple at all, because you are wrong. Only way to avoid hitting teammates through dead enemies is to make every fight 1v1. It's not "greedy" if you try to help your teammate by hitting the enemy..
Another fail too lazy to explain why just read first post then my post and your reply again.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Xant on September 28, 2011, 12:15:37 am
A compelling argument.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Joxer on September 28, 2011, 05:19:57 pm
Makes me wonder how armagan made a big deal when this was introduced into native during beta. How is it that it is not working in crpg in the first place?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Jarlek on September 28, 2011, 06:14:19 pm
Makes me wonder how armagan made a big deal when this was introduced into native during beta. How is it that it is not working in crpg in the first place?
Because it was removed?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Bjord on September 28, 2011, 06:15:54 pm
+1 the instant I saw this thread.

I would love to mock my enemies further as they are falling to the ground, whack them two or three more times in the head etc. :lol:

Also, make arrows stick during the death anim too. Imagine 5 archers shooting at the same time at a charging infantryman, completely stopping him in his track - leaving him with an arrow-spattered chest.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Spa_geh_tea on September 28, 2011, 06:19:08 pm
Maybe code it so that the dead turn into "friendlies" so your weapons bounce as if doing team damage.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Joxer on September 28, 2011, 06:26:02 pm
Because it was removed?

By who and why?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Snoozer on September 28, 2011, 06:47:37 pm
+1 the instant I saw this thread.

I would love to mock my enemies further as they are falling to the ground, whack them two or three more times in the head etc. :lol:

Also, make arrows stick during the death anim too. Imagine 5 archers shooting at the same time at a charging infantryman, completely stopping him in his track - leaving him with an arrow-spattered chest.

^great idea i never thought of beating the shit out of them some would be so much more lulz if you snuck up on someone doing this and killed them and do it to them

i remember in gears i use to kick corpses around lol
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Jarlek on September 28, 2011, 06:50:12 pm
By who and why?
I'm not sure, really. But I think it was because it didn't work properly and led to stuttering etc.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on September 29, 2011, 09:57:44 pm
Bump, because my fragile ego requires 100 people to profess their desire to sleep with me.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Tom Cruise on October 10, 2011, 11:59:37 pm
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Thomek on October 11, 2011, 01:50:18 am
Great idea coupled with the limbs falling off idea.

You can choose to chop your opponent to pieces, after he is dead.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: PieParadox on October 11, 2011, 08:40:28 am
Oooh I like the idea that someone was saying, that you can take on 4 people, kill 1 and immediately turn around to kill the other people behind you, using the dead body as a very temporary meatshield. That would be pretty epic, like a movie.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Snoozer on October 11, 2011, 10:57:02 am
oh how i would love to beat the shit out of someone when there dead,AND EVEN MORE SO GANK A GUY BEATING A CORPSE LOLOLOL

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 11, 2011, 11:00:12 am
This system would be great for HA's like me shooting into groups of friendly players when there are 1 enemy inside the group, less TK for meh

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: RiPLeY_II on October 11, 2011, 01:01:09 pm
This system would be great for HA's like me shooting into groups of friendly players when there are 1 enemy inside the group, less TK for meh


Don't you notice?


Don't do it anymore
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Phazey on October 11, 2011, 05:02:27 pm
I voted yes because of the text: "MrShine, make love to me"  :D

I'm here to collect my man love for voting yes.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: TucKMuncK on October 11, 2011, 05:16:53 pm
Yes if the dead guy becomes ragdoll.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on October 11, 2011, 06:13:26 pm
I voted yes because of the text: "MrShine, make love to me"  :D

I'm here to collect my man love for voting yes.

Hmm. Crossing the Atlantic for man-loving will be a challenge, but not an insurmountable one  :D
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 12, 2011, 09:04:11 am
Don't you notice?


Don't do it anymore

Y no lieke horses with archers on-top of them?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Dalhi on October 12, 2011, 02:53:01 pm
I remember that TaleWorlds wanted to implement it, pity it never worked. I would love to see it implemented, that would singificantly decrease the amount of teamkills, I recall thousands of situations when I was tk'ed, or I teamkilled someone  just becouse attack goes through the dead body. It's so fuckin' annoying.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: _JoG_ on October 12, 2011, 05:44:05 pm
I remember that TaleWorlds wanted to implement it, pity it never worked.
Yeah, back in the Warband beta there were two or even three patches with patchnotes claiming that this feature was introduced. However, everytime we tried testing it we found out it simply did not work.

Makes me wonder how armagan made a big deal when this was introduced into native during beta. How is it that it is not working in crpg in the first place?
Because it was removed?
It has never got removed, since it actually wasn't added :D
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Jarlek on October 12, 2011, 06:13:36 pm
Yeah, back in the Warband beta there were two or even three patches with patchnotes claiming that this feature was introduced. However, everytime we tried testing it we found out it simply did not work.
Because it was removed?

It has never got removed, since it actually wasn't added :D
Derp. I thought because it was in the patch notes, but no longer ingame that it was removed. Guess it was removed before it was implemented then xD
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Phew on October 12, 2011, 08:59:04 pm
Ragdoll bodies would be awesome beyond compare. Imagine two teammates playing "catch" with the corpse of the enemy they just vanquished by hitting it between them. Even more awesome if it got bloodier with each hit.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Snoozer on October 13, 2011, 06:32:49 am
I remember that TaleWorlds wanted to implement it, pity it never worked. I would love to see it implemented, that would singificantly decrease the amount of teamkills, I recall thousands of situations when I was tk'ed, or I teamkilled someone  just becouse attack goes through the dead body. It's so fuckin' annoying.
^i too can think of many -_-

Y no lieke horses with archers on-top of them?
^no gtfo of here u dirty little horse archer lol


Ragdoll bodies would be awesome beyond compare. Imagine two teammates playing "catch" with the corpse of the enemy they just vanquished by hitting it between them. Even more awesome if it got bloodier with each hit.
i wow genius so you can play hacky sac with a corpse or make a home run with it lololol
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 13, 2011, 12:16:04 pm
^i too can think of many -_-
^no gtfo of here u dirty little horse archer lol

i wow genius so you can play hacky sac with a corpse or make a home run with it lololol

Lol, first time i go archer ppl whine towards me :D
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 13, 2011, 12:17:48 pm
Maybe I'll respec, HA is kinda boring :D I want to be an agi whore instead  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Banok on October 13, 2011, 03:02:05 pm

been waiting for this shit long time
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Savaris on October 20, 2011, 12:18:43 am
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Remy on October 20, 2011, 12:30:09 am
Maybe I'll respec, HA is kinda boring :D I want to be an agi whore instead  :mrgreen:

Ahh, but pew pew is so much fun.

Plus one makes many friends. They give you funny nicknames.  :P
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: IR_Kuoin on October 20, 2011, 04:41:30 pm
Ahh, but pew pew is so much fun.

Plus one makes many friends. They give you funny nicknames.  :P

Lol  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on October 20, 2011, 07:14:39 pm
Just want to thank people for the support and rampant love making sessions. After 167 votes it has an astounding 91.6% in favor.

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Zisa on October 20, 2011, 08:37:51 pm
Just want to thank people for the support and rampant love making sessions. After 167 votes it has an astounding 91.6% in favor.
could be the dopeler effect, or a lemming effect.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Snoozer on October 20, 2011, 10:01:37 pm
Just want to thank people for the support and rampant love making sessions. After 167 votes it has an astounding 91.6% in favor.

congrats on a successful thread

Lol, first time i go archer ppl whine towards me :D
when its HA of course nothing personal people just dont like HA

they are the ultimate kiting archer lololol
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Draggon on October 20, 2011, 11:02:56 pm
Oh man, definitely a +1 for this.

I'm sure the line for man-love has grown long (and hard?) but I'm willing to stand in line for this epic winningness of an idea.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Zisa on October 21, 2011, 01:22:00 am
The whole justification is for the 'accidental' tks after an opponent is killed - who does this? How often does it happen?
That many of you think it is a good idea?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Snoozer on October 21, 2011, 05:19:30 am
The whole justification is for the 'accidental' tks after an opponent is killed - who does this? How often does it happen?
That many of you think it is a good idea?
umm it happens all the time whether its our favor or not  :D. someone dies and an attack that was ment for them goes through them like nothings there.

-i have been killed by this
(during combat when an attack was ment for a friendly or enemy but the person was killed before it connected and then hit me through their body)

-i have killed enemy's with this
(some thing alot of the times i do this on purpose after all why not its not an illegal move)

-i have killed ally's with this(^same reasons as others)
and i know for a FACT im not the only one whether if it was a moment of opportunity or misfortune

it would make it nice if the body would be a factor in game play but the moment someone dies there corpse turns into a hologram that can be taken advantage of on purpose or on accident (again i have done both)

does it need to be changes?personally i would keep on playing the game if it was in or not but it does sound fun even if its something simple as a basic rag doll motion.but when you think about it its rather cheap move taken advantage of a bad part of the gameplay  :oops:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on October 21, 2011, 05:20:33 am
The whole justification is for the 'accidental' tks after an opponent is killed - who does this? How often does it happen?
That many of you think it is a good idea?

Its been a bit since I've been dedicated melee, but I remember it happening quite often.  Not always tks, but certainly wounds when ganging up on someone.  The ability to swing through a dead player punishes the sound chain-swing technique between coordinated teammates.  The game should punish poorly aimed attacks, not smart well aimed attacks.  And as was discussed earlier in the thread there is no true way of knowing if someone is going to life through the next swing that lands or not. You can team wound/kill even when you are doing everything right.

To turn it around, why don't you think it is a good idea?

E: Bah!  Beaten to the punch by Snoozer!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Zisa on October 21, 2011, 06:42:53 am
Its been a bit since I've been dedicated melee, but I remember it happening quite often.  Not always tks, but certainly wounds when ganging up on someone.  The ability to swing through a dead player punishes the sound chain-swing technique between coordinated teammates.  The game should punish poorly aimed attacks, not smart well aimed attacks.  And as was discussed earlier in the thread there is no true way of knowing if someone is going to life through the next swing that lands or not. You can team wound/kill even when you are doing everything right.

To turn it around, why don't you think it is a good idea?

E: Bah!  Beaten to the punch by Snoozer!
First off, prehaps your memory is foggy, :P

I've done it once in the past 100 hours, had it done to me twice. Had more enemies die this way.
It's to the advantage of peasants and berserkers who are hoping for an enemy tk if they die, thus justifying their sad existence and end.

It will happen more often with unbalanced weapons that can not check swing in time, other wise, it is kill happy morons that do not care to notice the friendly on the other side of the enemy, thus THEY DID NOT DO EVERYTHING RIGHT.

Think of the body in the way of the other enemy - ya this shit is going to be fun when zombies are used as shields. Didn't think of that did ya?
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on October 21, 2011, 06:55:45 pm
Well when I say it's been "a bit" I mean since 1 gen ago when I went shielder.  I get in the fray a lot and do a lot of backstabbing.  Perhaps it doesn't impact 2handers and poles quite as much since they don't need to get in as close and therefore won't be swinging too far 'through' the enemy, but I remember it happening often.  Not every fight, but frequently enough, maybe to me/from me once every few rounds? 

I don't think your peasant/berserker scenario will change too much; the majority of the team hits gained in those situations come while the player is still alive ducking and weaving between people.  Hitting through the dead player only accounts for a small amount of hits at the end.

It will happen more often with unbalanced weapons that can not check swing in time, other wise, it is kill happy morons that do not care to notice the friendly on the other side of the enemy, thus THEY DID NOT DO EVERYTHING RIGHT.

Think of the body in the way of the other enemy - ya this shit is going to be fun when zombies are used as shields. Didn't think of that did ya?

I did think of that, which is why I mentioned that this should only happen for a very brief period of time, long enough to catch swings that may have been in progress before the player died.  Some people in the thread are talking about making meaty punching bags, which while funny is not my suggestion.

When I say "doing everything right" I mean they are about to land a successful blow on the enemy - not teammates to the sides, not the teammate behind, a proper swing.  And it WOULD be a proper swing if it wasn't for the enemy dieing an instant before the swing connects.  Sure you COULD argue that the person who swings should be mindful of distance control not only of the enemy in front of them but also anyone that is behind him, and I suppose that's fair enough given the current constraints of the game mechanics. 

But ghosting through dead people is still unrealistic and counterproductive to proper teamwork.  You can control your own swings and distance, but you can't control the teammate behind the enemy's movement or a random arrow coming in, or any other variables that could cause the enemy to die before you expect them to.  I firmly believe this will go a long way towards improving melee combat and overall gameplay in general, without breaking the ability to use enemies against themselves.

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Zisa on October 21, 2011, 07:07:33 pm
Meh, well written claptrap is still claptrap.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on October 21, 2011, 07:36:30 pm
Meh, well written claptrap is still claptrap.
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Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Zisa on October 21, 2011, 10:19:47 pm
what the heck is that... wait don't answer.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Patricia on October 22, 2011, 07:54:57 am
what the heck is that... wait don't answer.

Looks like a monster from that old SNES donkey kong game.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on November 27, 2011, 04:50:05 am
People voting no didn't read. They just always vote no!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on February 08, 2012, 04:21:15 pm
live. liiiive  :oops:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: _Tak_ on February 08, 2012, 04:28:16 pm
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Tzar on February 08, 2012, 04:30:34 pm
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Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Nehvar on February 08, 2012, 05:36:05 pm
95% of my TW/TK's relate to this.  Less than a second of absorbing hits is all the time they need to drastically reduce TW/TK's.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Phew on February 08, 2012, 07:36:55 pm
Now that Final Boss has implemented those sweet heirloom textures, this is at the top of my crpg wish list.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: The_Bloody_Nine on February 08, 2012, 09:57:50 pm
I this even possible? I mean they implemented this during warband beta and removed it again because it was causing too much problems. would be great, of course.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: TurmoilTom on February 16, 2012, 05:20:09 pm

Great idea MrShine, make love to me.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Teeth on February 16, 2012, 07:42:35 pm
Cmp, just so you know. You get massive e-peen and bragging rights towards the Taleworlds team if you succesfully code this.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Aleta on February 16, 2012, 11:57:32 pm
MrShine, you better get ready for one hell of a gangbang :P
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: RibaldRon on February 17, 2012, 12:13:44 am
Yes... Yes..... YESSSSS
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on February 17, 2012, 03:47:44 pm
Just bought a couple hundred boxes of condoms.  Cmp you do your part and I'll do mine!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: engurrand on February 17, 2012, 03:57:55 pm
you gonna code this?

open it up so others can help / spam you .
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on February 17, 2012, 04:27:42 pm
you gonna code this?

open it up so others can help / spam you .

No I don't have the first clue about coding.  I think if this change is ever going to be implemented it falls in the WSE realm, which is (afaik) managed solely by Cmpx. 

This is merely a suggestion from a humble gamer who sees a valuable gameplay change.  :oops:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Bjord on February 17, 2012, 04:53:09 pm
I'll bring the lube, guys. Don't worry!  :wink:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Elindor on April 04, 2012, 09:03:56 pm
if not too hard to code in, then def +1
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: runemaster on April 04, 2012, 09:29:03 pm
Yes, I like the idea, in fact suggested the same thing a few days ago but was told it wasn't possible. Good idea though, would be great to see ragdoll corpses getting chopped up.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 04, 2012, 09:34:28 pm
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on April 04, 2012, 09:34:57 pm
Would be a great thing to add...not sure if it's a limitation of warband though.

Also would like to see horse corpses still a solid object after dying (no more ghost corpses flying through people), but I think that idea would be a lot less popular than the original idea.  So don't make them dependent on each other.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Dexxtaa on April 04, 2012, 09:37:09 pm
260 people want Shine to make love to them.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Elindor on April 04, 2012, 09:43:19 pm
he's got a lot of work to do then
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Shadowren on April 04, 2012, 10:06:55 pm
Amazing idea! +1
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on April 04, 2012, 11:03:57 pm
he's got a lot of work to do then

I've raped half of you so far... to the rest of you:

it could happen at any time.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: cmp on April 05, 2012, 12:05:32 am
It's in the todo list for WSE2. Release date still unknown, though.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Jarlek on April 05, 2012, 01:23:09 am
It's in the todo list for WSE2. Release date still unknown, though.

I want to have your babies.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Christo on April 05, 2012, 02:28:22 am
It's in the todo list for WSE2. Release date still unknown, though.


Bring it on!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Muki on April 05, 2012, 03:15:40 am
It's in the todo list for WSE2. Release date still unknown, though.

Yes this is good glad to hear you guys are working on it :D
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Chris_P_Bacon on April 05, 2012, 04:54:45 am
Honestly, I voted yes because I want Mr. Shine to make love to me.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Furax on April 05, 2012, 02:17:35 pm
Good idea, what would you do with horses tho? When a lancer brutally rams his lance through a dude, would his horse suddenly stop from the corpse? :o

Mweh on second thought he could just bump the poor body.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Jarlek on April 05, 2012, 09:33:24 pm
Good idea, what would you do with horses tho? When a lancer brutally rams his lance through a dude, would his horse suddenly stop from the corpse? :o

Mweh on second thought he could just bump the poor body.
Ragdoll physics? Ragdoll physics!
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Vingnir the Wanderer on April 06, 2012, 01:29:56 am
Hell yeah! dead horse shield wall, Custer style!   :lol:
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: TurmoilTom on April 15, 2012, 09:09:12 pm

Great idea MrShine, make love to me.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Riddaren on April 15, 2012, 09:52:32 pm
+1, but only if applied to horses as well.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Dooz on April 16, 2012, 10:15:30 am
Plus you get to desecrate fallen foes corpses. Respect the rage.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: cmp on June 15, 2012, 12:22:55 am

Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: agile on June 15, 2012, 12:24:18 am
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Smoothrich on June 15, 2012, 12:34:23 am


Somebody hire this man to fix outdated buggy broken turkish melee medieval games for a living
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Momo on June 15, 2012, 12:41:23 am


Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Zisa on June 15, 2012, 02:03:56 am
Ugh. I had forgotten I was supposed to be mad at Mr Shine.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Ozin on June 15, 2012, 02:22:51 am
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Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: MrShine on June 15, 2012, 05:56:04 am

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Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: autobus on June 15, 2012, 07:48:30 am
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Digglez on June 15, 2012, 09:05:43 am
nice chops CMP.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Bjord on June 15, 2012, 10:00:22 am
cmp codefather
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Vexus on June 15, 2012, 10:30:15 am
Cmpx plans for ranged:

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Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: Dalhi on June 15, 2012, 10:45:38 am
If i am not mistaken that would also mean disarming for 2h (as for all weapons) :lol: that would be epic QQing.
Title: Re: [WSE]Allow Dead Players to Absorb Hits Temporarily
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on June 15, 2012, 03:49:02 pm


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