Lots of verbal arguments and fights between these two clans, maybe if Strategus weren't so screwed up right now it would be a war.
Discuss? Thoughts? I want to know what people think.
Yeah, but LLJK are the only ones with nukes (goons ddos'ing the servers).
You just say that so we think that LLJK did it... ONLY TO FIND OUT ITS ATS DDOS'IN THE SERVERS.
Lots of verbal arguments and fights between these two clans, maybe if Strategus weren't so screwed up right now it would be a war.
Discuss? Thoughts? I want to know what people think.
Wouldn't work. ATS runs the Strategus servers therefore the outcome will always not be fair.
Because that's a strategy that would work more than once. "Hey gais lets kick/ban the enemy in the strat battles. hurr durr, chadz won't remove us from the database if we do that. Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
"EyeBeatWomen was banned from the strategus battle because of his name. HURF DURF." - Gorath or Lorne when the war actually breaks out.
Just identifying the problems before they happen which they WILL.
Strategus is a great idea and I applaud it. But seeing how you guys run the NA servers I can just see it not working out with issues similar to this always surfacing.
Lots of verbal arguments and fights between these two clans, maybe if Strategus weren't so screwed up right now it would be a war.
Discuss? Thoughts? I want to know what people think.
LLJK has verbal arguments with lots of people...and ATS bans lots of clans...quit trying to start shit between the big kids on the block.:lol: I'm not, simply looking for opinions and trying to start a valid discussion.
Lots of verbal arguments and fights between these two clans, maybe if Strategus weren't so screwed up right now it would be a war.
Discuss? Thoughts? I want to know what people think.
Cold war? No. I'd say things are in fact frozen. (no pun intended)
ps cool new avatar yo
Also, Eyebeat, nobody takes you seriously and posts like 'they would just cheat to win cause they on the server' don't help.It is a legitimate reason and hopefully the Strategus battles would get moderated differently than how the ATS servers are now moderated. Especially Strategus siege battles.
It is a legitimate reason and hopefully the Strategus battles would get moderated differently than how the ATS servers are now moderated. Especially Strategus siege battles.
One can only hope.
I do agree with this letting a clan run a strategus server is unfair
Why? It's not a problem as long as nothing biased goes on. You do realise that all the cRPG servers are run by someone from a clan, right?
This, people read the forums and think that ATS (or one of the several non-ATS admins) are even willing to use their power like that because of a few bad eggs posting and making a stink (no pun intended). As stated, if anything of the sort did occur, ATS could very well lose access to the database and NA strategus would go down. Nobody wants that. Besides, does anyone really think that The Northern Empire would have to cheat to beat LLJK? :rolleyes:
We have a massive player base, and it would only take couple days to mobilize all 250 so players.
This is our theme song for you that don't know.
Actually we're up to 315 now.
This, people read the forums and think that ATS (or one of the several non-ATS admins) are even willing to use their power like that because of a few bad eggs posting and making a stink (no pun intended). As stated, if anything of the sort did occur, ATS could very well lose access to the database and NA strategus would go down. Nobody wants that. Besides, does anyone really think that The Northern Empire would have to cheat to beat LLJK? :rolleyes:
Suggesting that people with power won't abuse it because it could be taken away doesn't really prove anything. Thousands of years of human history provides examples that are the exact opposite.
It is a legitimate reason and hopefully the Strategus battles would get moderated differently than how the ATS servers are now moderated. Especially Strategus siege battles.You do realize that there has NEVER been a legitimate instance of this happening, right? NA cRPG has gone smoothly in this respect since the beginning. The only people who will take you seriously are people who already think like you do.
One can only hope.
You do realize that there has NEVER been a legitimate instance of this happening, right? NA cRPG has gone smoothly in this respect since the beginning. The only people who will take you seriously are people who already think like you do.
There was that LLJK guy who got banned by an ATS admin without warning from our last castle siege after he placed a ladder wrong and it threw someone off the wall. Even the defenders were baffled by that call, especially considering:
1) It was his first time placing a ladder
2) He apologized
3) Dozens of other people were ladderpulted by the defenders and weren't reprimanded
Was this documented? Granted I haven't participated in strat since my puter took a shit, but I really don't recall ever seeing anything about this which is odd, especially since it seems like something that would have caused a HUUUUUUUUUUGE stink all over the forums.
I believe we "stomped the yard" against ATS and won, and thus got the ban reversed, if my memory serves correctly.
You do realize that there has NEVER been a legitimate instance of this happening, right? NA cRPG has gone smoothly in this respect since the beginning. The only people who will take you seriously are people who already think like you do.Oh really?
There was that LLJK guy who got banned by an ATS admin without warning from our last castle siege after he placed a ladder wrong and it threw someone off the wall. Even the defenders were baffled by that call, especially considering:
1) It was his first time placing a ladder
2) He apologized
3) Dozens of other people were ladderpulted by the defenders and weren't reprimanded
lol, if by stomped the yard you mean gaga coming into vent and throwing a fit then yesYeah I am pretty sure that anyone that had clan members banned by corrupt admins during a Strategus battle would throw a fit. I mean we play the game to compete not to have some corrupt admins waste someones time actually trying to play the game.
So i'm confused. I'm not really interested in fighting LLJK...but it sounds like some LLJK members don't have the mutual feeling towards ATS...
Now its understandable that pretty much any knuckle head with 10 dollars can be in LLJK...but who am i supposed to ignore and who am I supposed to acknowledge on the forums?
Gaga you've told me this in the past, please refresh my memory.
an anti-LLJK bias
Mindblown..always thought you were a goon, Gorath :wink:
However, as a free game goes...you get what you pay for. Good day gentlemen.
Mindblown..always thought you were a goon, Gorath :wink:Nah I hate zergs and find pack animals pathetic. :wink:
I believe another NA server will be popping up if chadz allows it.
The goons will probably infect and taint that one as well like the last one that popped up. :wink:
The goons will probably infect and taint that one as well like the last one that popped up. :wink:
Uhm what?
Did you really just say that the admin staff is so shitty because we don't pay money?
So i'm confused. I'm not really interested in fighting LLJK...but it sounds like some LLJK members don't have the mutual feeling towards ATS...Listen I will explain this to you slowly.... No one ever said LLJK was going to fight ATS. I basically threw out my own opinion on what would happen if that were to happen. Which is that it would not make sense to fight ATS since they would obviously abuse their admin powers during the said strategus battle. Evidence was posted outlining what happened in the past. Then you post something like this which further proves you are trying to cop out on the accusation thrown into your face.
Now its understandable that pretty much any knuckle head with 10 dollars can be in LLJK...but who am i supposed to ignore and who am I supposed to acknowledge on the forums?
Gaga you've told me this in the past, please refresh my memory.
I believe Gaga has admin...and he's discussed with me many of the times the decisions we've made directed at LLJK. Each time i've expressed to him that its not the tag its the individual.Ok then give him admin that lets him remove bans.
If we wanted to remove lljk, we'd remove all of them.I mean this statement just sounds like someone that is afraid of some competition in the future.
Majority are quiet individuals who play, but a few go over the line either with game mechanics or trolling and it wont be accepted. But those are also the same people who voice their problems on the forums.Wrong. I for instance played the game like it should be played with not using chat at all and being a good team player. Topping the charts with kills of the enemy. I get banned by CrtlAltDe1337 for my name while other players with the phrase "rapist" in their name gets to still play on your servers. Now I am on your ass in the forums. To indirectly quote your buddy Gorath who is always gagging on your small thimble cock "Let the shit talking exist on the forums. Not in the game."
Uhm what?
Did you really just say that the admin staff is so shitty because we don't pay money?
No i'm saying the admins don't get paid, they volunteer.Admin is a privilege not a job. They are hand picked by you. With the exception of LadyGaga they are all allies of yours in strategus.
And I have done just that as he has done. Difference is... You know who I am in game and I do not hide under 5 different Alts.Everyone (that is a factor) knows my alts, though I can see why you wouldn't.:lol:(click to show/hide)
You want unbanned, post a thread and it will get handled. If it doesn't, PM's work wonders (I keep saying this). You'd probably be surprised who has PM'd me and gotten unbanned when they ask for it like a sane human being instead of a frothy mouth breathinggoonteenager raging at the system.
http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,1487.0.html :rolleyes:
(click to show/hide)
So since a person who doesnt even play wouldn't do what we do, your never gonna be happy :/
Yeah no worries Gorath and BossAwesome
Plan to bring up a NA - New York Server
My Reason
It will allow both NA and EU to have similar pings. More traffic.
For now maybe just a 60 man.
Ive been in crpg long enough whos to be watched, so I dont think issues and drama will arise.
*Edit: No, you're still unbanned though I did see that you've been banned 3 times by 3 different people previously, can't just be all because of your name *
Now you understand why I am always salty on here.Ok, well I guess I'll take your word on why you were banned
This thread is silly.
basically i think everyone in this thread should be murdered irl.ICWUTUDIDTHAR
I find it ironic that the biggest troll clan (ATS) is calling lljk out for trolling. Between lorn and goreth have your troll points reached -300 yet? LOL ATS absolutely has abused their admin rights in strategus battles, by banning people and restarting the server. Admins get ladderpulted by two different people; get pissed at the first and ban the second? I'm not even going to start explaining whats wrong with that mentality.Facts Gorath isn't in ATS and lorn isn't an admin anymore.
So let's get the facts:
1. ATS doesn't pay for the server, they ask for donations.
2. Admining isn't a burden, it's a privilege.
Ecko, I have no problem with you and a lot of ATS players are excellent players and very cool, but you need to reign in your big mouth trolls that are ruining ATSs credibility and straighten out the admin abuse that goes on in the NA servers.
I find it ironic that the biggest troll clan (ATS) is calling lljk out for trolling. Between lorn and goreth have your troll points reached -300 yet? LOL ATS absolutely has abused their admin rights in strategus battles, by banning people and restarting the server. Admins get ladderpulted by two different people; get pissed at the first and ban the second? I'm not even going to start explaining whats wrong with that mentality.
So let's get the facts:
1. ATS doesn't pay for the server, they ask for donations.
2. Admining isn't a burden, it's a privilege.
Ecko, I have no problem with you and a lot of ATS players are excellent players and very cool, but you need to reign in your big mouth trolls that are ruining ATSs credibility and straighten out the admin abuse that goes on in the NA servers.
I find it ironic that the biggest troll clan (ATS) is calling lljk out for trolling. Between lorn and goreth have your troll points reached -300 yet?
That'd be like me going out and banning every single lljk member because a handfull made a bad choice.
What's the downside?A worse k/d ratio.
This thread is still silly.
Now it is silly.
Heroin, Goretooth, Gash, and Guts. And of course Ecko.
Much, much better than it used to be. Nice work on cutting out the rotten meat Ecko. There are probably still some resentment out there caused by the server's previous owner. I've played this game a long time and none of the shitty things i've seen admins do was ever done by any of the people quoted above.
Im tryins to uphold the law as best I can :D
You really like that gif huh
edit lol he changed it
Funny How everyonethinks I have a high pitch voice before they hear my voice
Well, you sounded about how I expected you to sound xD
Hang out with us more often, mate! Everyone's invited.
That is, until Ecko gets all prissy about our rowdiness and recalls errbady to your Vent xD
Well, you sounded about how I expected you to sound xD
Hang out with us more often, mate! Everyone's invited.
That is, until Ecko gets all prissy about our rowdiness and recalls errbady to your Vent xD
:wink: Dexxtaa i got no problem with people playing in your ts, or in any ts, in fact i like some of the guys over there and i stop by from time to time...just when it gets packed you can hardly udder a word without someone else already talking
Gorath hang out in our TS.
It's like a REAL Spartan society.
Whoever yells the loudest gets the floor.
(oh underhanded. Watch the next thread to pop up be an RS ATS one)
"Daddy why are you yelling at the computer?"
Gorath hang out in our TS.
It's like a REAL Spartan society.
Whoever yells the loudest gets the floor.
(oh underhanded. Watch the next thread to pop up be an RS ATS one)
After reading this thread consider this the last time i help LLJK in a strat battle.
You may not have a choice, apparently they don't understand when they're told they're not wanted.
<Captain ClassicalOct 27, 2010>
The entire thread is silly, it's like one public airing of the Northern Empire's garbage. I don't understand how it was logical in any way shape or form to start that thread, is Ecko retarded, maybe he's a masochist at heart. It makes Ecko look two-faced, and somehow proud of it, he even openly talked about his plans for war with some of the Euro clans, and I guess he's pretending they can't read the thread?
Either way, it's Gaga acting calm, and collected (For once.. It's loving weird), while Ecko gets even more angry, and keeps posting smut, making himself look like an idiot even more (If he was smart he'd have the thread locked, and move on like the topics never was brought up, and deal with whatever Strategus backlash it caused with some of the Euro clans). The rest of the thread is just Gorath trying to troll LLJK, he doesn't seem to realize we find everything he says hilarious, like some sort of verbal cake-like food.
God, loving drama. Why are you even talking to Ecko, Duster? Socratic is in charge of all diplomatic relations as of yesterday, apologize, set up a meeting, and send our Diplomat! Anyways, I'll spectate in the tourney for the most part, unless someone wants me hot rockin' bod for their team.
e: I can't even find the locked thread, did he have it deleted (Smarter move than locking)? Someone link me the locked thread or something.
Sanitize your ass Socratic, it's about to be kissed by Goons!
Gorath, you know I fully expect you to show up for this event right? If you don't show up to be my battle buddy you will ruin your E-cred/honor.
Edit: Gorath I take your silence as acceptance. Let us train together in this thread. Oh gorath your sword is sooooo big where are you going to put something THAT big?
I am still in debate between your ass, your ear and your left eye socket. Perhaps I should bring a friend or two and get a little gangland action going? :wink:Hey, hey it is a 2v2 tournament silly. Plus with your size I am sure you could easily take the place of AT LEAST two other people.
Can't we all be friends?
Yeah, Gorath is only allowed one battle buddy at a time, folks and he is ALLLLLLL mine :twisted:
*psssst: I'm not the one that put on the tryhard pants looking for RL stuff to try and win a troll battle on a game forum. So who got to who? :wink:*
RL stuff? What RL-stuff?He thinks when any one of us do a thing, we all do that thing. Gorath doesn't really understand much...
He thinks when any one of us do a thing, we all do that thing. Gorath doesn't really understand much...
Yes, maybe one day, we can all be permabanned together for the actions of one person. Such is the fate of an organization that has no standards for membership, and no process for separating itself from members who cause constant problems for the community in which the organization resides.
bloo bloo bloo bloo
bloo BLOO bloo BLOO
Sorry bro, I'm the one still proving that LLJK is entirely comprised of moronic children with internet access whose sole purpose is to see how big of a fuckwad we can be to everyone else.
If only criminals with knives could solve internet squabbles, we wouldn't even be bothered here today. Gorath would knife us all into correctness.
*posts 4chan memes*
I pushed for a plan to kidnap Goraths parents until he paid the crpg gold ransom, but the worm plot won out by a narrow margin at the Annual LLJK Nefarious Scheme Summit.
Edit: Third place was "Operation: Carve the Word 'LLJK' on the Face of the Moon Via Giant Laser"