Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Kingtrisp on July 31, 2011, 08:36:02 pm

Title: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Kingtrisp on July 31, 2011, 08:36:02 pm
Pretty good battle right?
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Jarlek on July 31, 2011, 08:40:50 pm
Yeah. Good thing nobody was hacked and got free equpiment and gold. Then again if it WAS a hacking then boviously it was we who did it to ourself. That's what this guy is saying.

[20:38] <TrueThing> Some people seem to be afraid to fight so badly that they hack themselves and point fingers at others.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Kingtrisp on July 31, 2011, 08:42:05 pm
300k in propeganda i heard!!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Jarlek on July 31, 2011, 08:42:53 pm
300k in propeganda i heard!!
Of course. Why wouldn't we!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Pellegrino on July 31, 2011, 08:49:51 pm
I think the time has come to boycott until this mod is not taken seriously!
Accounts hacked, roster hacked, too many troll news... bad fix, put out without test.
I know this mod is free but this isn't funny.
My opinion.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Astinus on July 31, 2011, 08:53:15 pm
I think the time has come to boycott until this mod is not taken seriously!
Accounts hacked, roster hacked, too many troll news... bad fix, put out without test.
I know this mod is free but this isn't funny.
My opinion.
it's called strategus beta for a reason pelle
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: WSC_Falcon on July 31, 2011, 08:54:08 pm
It's God blessing, beware to hurt peacfull peasants :o
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Kingtrisp on July 31, 2011, 08:55:18 pm
It is true though, either a error or hacking has occuered and people are acting like nothing happened or raging.

I for one just want to fight some awesome battles not face trolling around/errors!!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: MrCookie on July 31, 2011, 08:56:47 pm
That happened, due to 1h and 28min battle for Sarimish and it takes the next battle's time. And we have only 1 EU server for strategus battles therefore there was no battle. No hacking intended. I hope. :D

Stay calm...
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: SPQR on July 31, 2011, 08:58:15 pm
In my opinion Strategus needs to be frozen until the following problems are fixed:

1) Hacking loopholes are fixed
2) Equipment bug is fixed
3) Spawn system re-worked

Beta or no, its pretty much unplayable as it is. No one is having fun, its just causing misery all around.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Dunecat on July 31, 2011, 09:05:55 pm
No one is having fun, its just causing misery all around.
I'm pretty sured that someone might be exactly having fun by causing all this. :o
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Pellegrino on July 31, 2011, 09:11:10 pm
it's called strategus beta for a reason pelle

I know but this is the old strat with some update. In my opinion old strat would be nice and play this in meanwhile devs are working on new strat.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Sharky on July 31, 2011, 09:31:47 pm
In my opinion Strategus needs to be frozen until the following problems are fixed:

1) Hacking loopholes are fixed
2) Equipment bug is fixed
3) Spawn system re-worked

Beta or no, its pretty much unplayable as it is. No one is having fun, its just causing misery all around.
+1 this. I understand that it's a beta and you work for free but this isn't really playable. Not with all those bugs, hacking and horrible balance. Better if you just take the time you need to fix those problems and then unfreeze it
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Blondin on July 31, 2011, 11:30:59 pm
I know but this is the old strat with some update. In my opinion old strat would be nice and play this in meanwhile devs are working on new strat.

I think the two are linked, old strat allows to test for strat v2, at the same time it helps keep us in suspense  :D
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Thovex on August 01, 2011, 12:30:50 am
It's already confirmed by developers it was a hack.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Jarlek on August 01, 2011, 12:34:08 am
And their IP?
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: chadz on August 01, 2011, 12:35:29 am
Not with all those bugs, hacking and horrible balance. Better if you just take the time you need to fix those problems and then unfreeze it

And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: a_bear_irl on August 01, 2011, 12:50:19 am
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

chadz, obviously people are eager to test, but when most of the bugs result in one side getting screwed over repeatedly, it sort of dampens desire to test - I know personally that getting taken off a roster a minute before a battle twice, or looking forward to a large field battle only to have it be over in 30 seconds because of an odd spawn mechanic is somewhat unpleasant. I think if you guys would make some effort to recompense victims of things like this, such as giving some troops or money, there would be much less rage on the forums.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Thovex on August 01, 2011, 12:55:17 am
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

It doesn't matter, it'd just be fun if we could all get our stuff back and do something else, and after a fixed spawn for example we could actually fight and find more bugs which may not have been uncovered yet in some maps for example thanks to very fast battles.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Cepeshi on August 01, 2011, 01:06:34 am
Luckily i have not yet participated in any of these fucked up battles, but i was in 8 or so totally fine. Dunno if the teams were just OK and playing as it should have been, or if i was terribly lucky i was at work thru all the new exploiting stuff (well, dunno if exploit is the correct word, as it is just a "smart usage of ingame mechanics, no matter how much flawed" :D )

anyways, keep up the work with making strategus as cool as i find it for all them people raging here
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: HarunYahya on August 01, 2011, 01:23:39 am
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.
Well with this attitude you are not helping your community.
Everyone knows that this current strategus is BETA . The thing you don't understand is people are spending their time on pc instead of enjoying summer because everyone missed Strategus so damn much.Cuz of your troll reputation and lack of announcements people kept waiting for almost a year about strategus and you didn't tell anyone anything about it's progress then suddenly you release the old one so cRPG community went to serious Strategus community just in a few days.Everyone invested their hours to strat and diplomacy , tactics etc , then you add these shitty features and ruin everyone's work. Now I understand from your post you say : "It is in beta state , either live with it or gtfo."Yes you are running strat to test some new features but for god sake think and imagine before adding something directly.I do not understand how can a guy is intellegent enough to create whole complex strategus-crpg mod can't think giving defenders 1 minute and letting attackers spawn 1 troop per second is easily abusable ?

Now don't say people "It is a beta , shit happens." everyone waited enough and you still don't give any information to anyone about when will you fix this game or release the new strategus . I think you dont announce it to keep game alive but with this amount of bullshit it's not likely to happen.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: SPQR on August 01, 2011, 01:43:49 am
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

Nothing in strategus is quick and easy, everything takes many man-hours to accomplish. Just fielding and equipping a 1000 man army takes at least 1000 manhours of strategus to recruit, plus god knows how many to come up with the 100,000 gold needed to equip them.

Its easy to say "chill, its just a beta" but anyone is gonna get upset when hundreds of hours of work and collaboration are destroyed instantly because someone is getting into the server and messing with stuff (something we were told was fixed, by the way).

Its one thing to lose an army fair and square, but if you just lose everything instantly with no chance to even stop it from happening, makes strategus not even worth the effort of playing.


Also, its a BETA which means it should be in an unfinished but playable state. Strategus is not in a playable state right now.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: MrShine on August 01, 2011, 06:37:15 am
Everything is probably getting wiped, so ultimately everyone's time and effort if 'wasted' if you're putting your tryhard pants on for this strat.

chadz opened this up explicitly stating things will be bugged, new things will be tried.  Yes it sucks if you unfairly lose a fight now, but it's GOOD things like this are happening now instead of when new strat goes 'live' and things aren't wiped.

Frankly I'm happy to get the feel for strat now and try things out.  Deal with the inconveniences and more on with this as a learning experience.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Bjord on August 01, 2011, 07:06:05 am
To be honest, we should be lucky that Strategus beta came when it did and not several months later. Stop complaining, it's been repeated time after time that we are just stress testing and a part of this testing is having to deal with bugs and other misfortunes. I say it's better that we have to deal with this shit now than later when everything is more important.

Yes it sucks if you unfairly lose a fight now, but it's GOOD things like this are happening now instead of when new strat goes 'live' and things aren't wiped.

Frankly I'm happy to get the feel for strat now and try things out.  Deal with the inconveniences and more on with this as a learning experience.

^ +1

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Cepeshi on August 01, 2011, 07:14:25 am

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

exactly the reason i bought the game :mrgreen:
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: SPQR on August 01, 2011, 07:18:10 am
If its just a beta then what is the problem with doing rollbacks or compensation for victims of the hackings?

Letting hackers mess with the game only encourages them to continue doing it, beta or no.

It would be a lot easier to do our job as beta testers if hackers weren't fucking everything up.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Bjarky on August 01, 2011, 07:19:17 am
(click to show/hide)
+1  8-)
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Lansamur on August 01, 2011, 07:21:11 am
To be honest, we should be lucky that Strategus beta came when it did and not several months later. Stop complaining, it's been repeated time after time that we are just stress testing and a part of this testing is having to deal with bugs and other misfortunes. I say it's better that we have to deal with this shit now than later when everything is more important.

^ +1

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

A post I can happily agree with.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Dunecat on August 01, 2011, 07:46:21 am
If its just a beta then what is the problem with doing rollbacks or compensation for victims of the hackings?

Letting hackers mess with the game only encourages them to continue doing it, beta or no.

It would be a lot easier to do our job as beta testers if hackers weren't fucking everything up.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Cepeshi on August 01, 2011, 07:50:24 am
It would be a lot easier to do our job as beta testers if hackers weren't fucking everything up.

this is exactly where you are wrong, nobody is forcing you to do anything, yknow

as i said above, let the dev actually develop the mod instead of dealing with rollbacks and whatnot
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Kingtrisp on August 01, 2011, 08:19:10 am
In truth people can keep saying were lucky to play strat now and its a beta so you do not have to play and i can understand were your coming from i sadly do not get how some people can not understand that some of these problems are stopping us from testing the system at all and having a negative impact on the testing phase such as these the ridiculous spawn mechanic were the defenders just spawn camp the attackers... and of course the other problem of being hacked and stopping everyone from playing and obviously giving themselves an advantage, now i could point fingers at shogunate seeming as it was them who were defending but sadly i have no idea if it was them or perhaps just someone there acquainted with or perhaps even just a random crpg player thinking of the best way to troll i sadly have no idea but what i do know is that i would rather strat was taken down till it was atleast working because atm it is unusable and thus i see no reason to keep it up unless it is patched soon.

i am very much aware that the thing we all asked for months i am recommending to be taken down!  :shock:
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Graf_Hodenschaf on August 01, 2011, 08:38:48 am
To be honest, we should be lucky that Strategus beta came when it did and not several months later. Stop complaining, it's been repeated time after time that we are just stress testing and a part of this testing is having to deal with bugs and other misfortunes. I say it's better that we have to deal with this shit now than later when everything is more important.

^ +1

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

I mean this IS beta, you are tester AND strategus will be restarted. So why are so many whining about playing, spending time and so on? I would also say, if you are not happy with the current status, stop playing and wait for the new strategus.

Funny thing is, when strategus was offline, so many guys asked about it and if chadz should restart the old strategus. Now its online again and people are whining about bugs ( in a beta version!!!! ).

Thank you very much for putting strategus online again. I didnt play the first strategus and i learned a lot from the current strategus - i off course will benefit from that at the new strategus!!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Lars on August 01, 2011, 08:54:38 am

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

Ye, i totally i agree,but Imo  devs should  remove "capture the spawn" feature, i think it requires a  a huge amount of time to fix it properly, you have to add spawns to every map(or something like that) and test again if it works.
Defenders are already inside the village, isn't that an advantage? Or i dunno,maybe let defenders spawn 20 seconds before attackers,but anyway, IMHO, removing "spawn capture" system will only add more fun to the game.

Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Blondin on August 01, 2011, 09:04:45 am
Plus, there will be a rollback, don't worry, when time comes everything will be wiped...
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: chadz on August 01, 2011, 09:17:05 am
Rollbacks, pausing, reimbursement ... That's not just a click of a button, that's a lot of manual work. Several hours, often.

Right now all spare time goes into bug and security holes fixing, and I know many things I'd prefer to doing this. But it has to be done.

Just giving back stuff that was lost would not help, it would just delay. Everything.

Time (and eventually motivation) is a rare resource for the dev team and we have to ration it carefully. Just doing a rollback or reimbursement - or even just pausing strategus - could actually take an entire day of our spare time. So developing halts, totally.

Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Earthdforce on August 01, 2011, 09:18:29 am
Rollbacks, pausing, reimbursement ... That's not just a click of a button, that's a lot of manual work. Several hours, often.

Right now all spare time goes into bug and security holes fixing, and I know many things I'd prefer to doing this. But it has to be done.

Just giving back stuff that was lost would not help, it would just delay. Everything.

Time (and eventually motivation) is a rare resource for the dev team and we have to ration it carefully. Just doing a rollback or reimbursement - or even just pausing strategus - could actually take an entire day of our spare time. So developing halts, totally.

Even when chadz sounds serious it seems he's sort of trolling us..
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Magikarp on August 01, 2011, 09:48:43 am
Rollback or not, our element of surprise has been totally swept away. :/

It's a shame people do these things, they are clearly not doing this to help the devs.
Else they would've just pointed out they found a loophole.

Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: 3ABP on August 01, 2011, 12:47:48 pm
And how are we supposed to fix these bugs, hackings and horrible balances without, you know, someone testing it?

That's exactly the reason why we brought strategus back in the old form, and that's exactly the reason why there is no public link to strategus in the c-rpg site.

Everyone is free to join or leave this beta test. Thanks to all the guys who are joining the test.

If in testing stage due to bugs\hacking\abusing\rules violation (whatever)  - players loose a stuff\tickets\etc,
then why do not just compensate it to those peoples?
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Magikarp on August 01, 2011, 12:49:14 pm
If in testing stage due to bugs\hacking\abusing\rules violation (whatever)  - players loose a stuff\tickets\etc,
then why do not just compensate it to those peoples?
Mate, first they will put hard work into fixing these things, and then, MAYBE, they will reimburse victims.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: 3ABP on August 01, 2011, 12:51:15 pm
Well with this attitude you are not helping your community.
Everyone knows that this current strategus is BETA . The thing you don't understand is people are spending their time on pc instead of enjoying summer because everyone missed Strategus so damn much..
If noo one of players will not spent a time to this beta, and if here will not be a huge testing with a hunderts and tousands players - then beta newer ends. You know it?

If it's needed to just test a battles - then why just don't give a 10.000 tickets to one account and 10.000 to other.
And play 10 battles 1000x1000. It's easier? Not?

(click to show/hide)

P.s. for some of us it's a just a game between dinner and TV.
But for some part of players - it's more seriously. And we spending many hours\days\weeks\months to this game.
And if we loosing in 1 minute  result of months work - please try to imagine our feelings.
Loosing not because of our decisions, we did it well.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on August 01, 2011, 01:28:43 pm
P.s. for some of us it's a just a game between dinner and TV.
But for some part of players - it's more seriously. And we spending many hours\days\weeks\months to this game.
And if we loosing in 1 minute  result of months work - please try to imagine our feelings.
Loosing not because of our decisions, we did it well.

chadz said from the start that this version is for testing things for new strat, it was pretty clear that there will be a wipe before release of new version, if you didn't understand that and played this game like if it was a final version then you made the wrong decision.

At the end, when wipe will come, all your hours\days\weeks\months spend to this game will fade away.

This is a game, i don't know if you play for the fun or only for an internet victory, but obiouvlsy you should play for fun, there will be no victory.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Varyag on August 01, 2011, 02:13:00 pm
chadz said from the start that this version is for testing things for new strat, it was pretty clear that there will be a wipe before release of new version, if you didn't understand that and played this game like if it was a final version then you made the wrong decision.

At the end, when wipe will come, all your hours\days\weeks\months spend to this game will fade away.

This is a game, i don't know if you play for the fun or only for an internet victory, but obiouvlsy you should play for fun, there will be no victory.

You forget one important thing: clan reputation. This strategus will be wiped, but your reputation, your perceived ability to defend yourself, your claims and your allies will stay and transfer to the next stage of strategus. If you loose battles now, next time you will be treated as a potential slave (vassal).
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: 3ABP on August 01, 2011, 02:30:55 pm
Ok. We will not spend our time to Strategus. We will just apply for the battles.
But WHO will create those battles then? If all of us will just relax in this beta testing?

Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Donkleaps on August 01, 2011, 03:51:19 pm
In my opinion Strategus needs to be frozen until the following problems are fixed:

1) Hacking loopholes are fixed
2) Equipment bug is fixed
3) Spawn system re-worked

Beta or no, its pretty much unplayable as it is. No one is having fun, its just causing misery all around.

War is misery!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Kingtrisp on August 01, 2011, 04:00:59 pm
You forget one important thing: clan reputation. This strategus will be wiped, but your reputation, your perceived ability to defend yourself, your claims and your allies will stay and transfer to the next stage of strategus. If you loose battles now, next time you will be treated as a potential slave (vassal).

exactly^^ so for instance shogunate can just keep banging on about for example a couple of the big clans came to try and squash them and they ran in fear from our mighty armies!!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on August 01, 2011, 04:08:09 pm
Ok. We will not spend our time to Strategus. We will just apply for the battles.
But WHO will create those battles then? If all of us will just relax in this beta testing?

You're right, if there is a wipe then you should stop playing cause you will lose all of it.

What about making battles for the game?
What i mean is playing for fun, make a war against somebody but you're not forced to spend hours, not forced to make drama, not forced to whine about "fail" game mechanics, not forced to insult your opponent (don't talk of you but in general).
Ofc, i understand that you could be upset, but if you lose because of external factors, well you have nothing to reproach yourself.
So yeah, you can play the game, create battle but in a relaxed state of mind.

For spawn rape, i'm sure chadz is working on something, but you should understand that without testing, he would never know that this system is a fail, meaning next system could be even worst until he finds something good and fair.
I agree some clans lose a lot of "work" but as i said, there will be a wipe, so ultimately, they would have lost everything anyway

About faction reputation, well i guess dices are rolled since a long time, there is a few big clans, all other will be vassals, some are respected, some not. When you have to prove something, you make it to prove it to yourself, not to others.

btw, Mercs didn't have to prove anything, i guess ppl attacked you because they hated you even before strat started again, they should have know that Mercs are hardcore players (like few clans in cRPG, i say Native clans have better chance), they should have know that it will be a fail...
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Lordark on August 01, 2011, 04:17:14 pm
chadz is such a bad ass.. GO chadz!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: SPQR on August 01, 2011, 06:01:48 pm
Rollbacks, pausing, reimbursement ... That's not just a click of a button, that's a lot of manual work. Several hours, often.

Right now all spare time goes into bug and security holes fixing, and I know many things I'd prefer to doing this. But it has to be done.

Just giving back stuff that was lost would not help, it would just delay. Everything.

Time (and eventually motivation) is a rare resource for the dev team and we have to ration it carefully. Just doing a rollback or reimbursement - or even just pausing strategus - could actually take an entire day of our spare time. So developing halts, totally.

Even if it does take a day to freeze strategus its still worth it. Hundreds of players are already upset over the current state of strategus and that number is only going to keep growing as more people are hacked and more effort is wasted because of broken mechanics. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, strategus is unplayable in this state. The only thing that keeping it up is going to accomplish is to increase the number of disgruntled members of the community.

I say freeze it, and then you can focus 100% of your time on what needs to be fixed instead of trying to keep this train on the rails and fix things at the same time.

Believe it or not, I understand that we need you for the existence of this mod, but that goes the other way too. Without a community to play, test, and give suggestions you'd just be a lonely dude on an empty map, playing by yourself. You need us too, and a lot of people are very unhappy about how this whole situation has been handled.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Gheritarish le Loki on August 01, 2011, 06:16:39 pm
It's already freezed...

no more battles...
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: chadz on August 01, 2011, 06:25:02 pm
Without a community to play, test, and give suggestions you'd just be a lonely dude on an empty map, playing by yourself.

I'd be a guy with a hellofa lot of free time.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Rubicon on August 01, 2011, 06:58:09 pm
maybe a suggestion subcat for strategus could seperate whiny posts and ppl who actually wants to help?
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Tears of Destiny on August 01, 2011, 07:15:19 pm
maybe a suggestion subcat for strategus could seperate whiny posts and ppl who actually wants to help?

Yes this please!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Razzen on August 01, 2011, 07:30:53 pm
Yes this please!

There would be too few posts :D
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: SPQR on August 01, 2011, 07:46:06 pm
You can play whack-a-mole with hackers from now till the end of time, they'll always find a new way in if they're determined enough. Especially considering crpg/strategus security is not exactly state-of-the-art. Meanwhile the game will be completely ruined.

But we can help deter future attempts by reversing the damage hackers do. What is the point in hacking, after all, if any damage you do will be reversed? As of now, the hacker(s) are achieving exactly what they set out to do, and so they will probably continue going about it. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing counter-hacking attempts as clans begin to feel like playing by the rules is a recipe for failure and that cheating is the only way to win.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Diomedes on August 01, 2011, 08:37:19 pm
Any clan that hacks I don't want to be apart of.  Winning through hacks in a buggy beta of a player-made mod for an indie game is not my idea of a good time.  I don't play to win, I play to have fun.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Bjarky on August 01, 2011, 08:40:29 pm
rollbacks don't stop people from hacking, hell its just another reason to continue hacking...
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Beans on August 01, 2011, 08:42:08 pm
You can play whack-a-mole with hackers from now till the end of time, they'll always find a new way in if they're determined enough. Especially considering crpg/strategus security is not exactly state-of-the-art. Meanwhile the game will be completely ruined.

But we can help deter future attempts by reversing the damage hackers do. What is the point in hacking, after all, if any damage you do will be reversed? As of now, the hacker(s) are achieving exactly what they set out to do, and so they will probably continue going about it. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing counter-hacking attempts as clans begin to feel like playing by the rules is a recipe for failure and that cheating is the only way to win.

People DDOS the servers repeatedly, there was no point to that. No one gained anything, yet it still happened multiple times for days.

Rollbacks every time there is a hack could just slow down the eventual fixes. Hopefully with these numerous hacks they will have to make their security more serious.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Ylca on August 01, 2011, 08:52:19 pm
Pretty much apparent that this version of strat is mostly a joke. There will be no rollbacks, battles have been won that would have decisively changed the entire playing field by poor mechanics or hacking alone. Basically at this point there's no reason to give any care to actually treating this like it's going to have any effects at all. Hell might as well just throw armies around there is no room for gloating as battles are no battles at all, and playing battle mode is more fun than any strat battle thus far has been.

The order of the day seems to be extreme patience until the next one comes out. This one is a wash. Can't claim your clan is the best, can't claim you "claimed" anything really, can't really get any sort of bragging rights, can't really play a full match. Best to just accept that this is the way it's going to be for a while and have fun on the battle/siege servers until later and occasionally take a few minutes out of your day to check to see if strat battles have been modified for a higher enjoyment factor.

I hate to be the guy to say it but the beta is showing, we're just incredibly used to battle/siege being relatively well polished and many have been looking forward to strat for a very long time. If these issues are fixed newstrat will be amazing, and we're all assuming that they will be fixed (even if seemingly on Valve time). Devs keep pretty much saying "shut the fuck up we'll do it when we do it" so perhaps we should start listening. Ironically the people with the least ability to affect the game (players) are the most vocal in our concern for it's direction and future, but honestly it is nowhere near in our hands.

Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Tanreall on August 01, 2011, 08:56:51 pm
What chadz doesn't realize is this  is   our   lives!
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Thovex on August 01, 2011, 09:04:37 pm
Pretty much apparent that this version of strat is mostly a joke. There will be no rollbacks, battles have been won that would have decisively changed the entire playing field by poor mechanics or hacking alone. Basically at this point there's no reason to give any care to actually treating this like it's going to have any effects at all. Hell might as well just throw armies around there is no room for gloating as battles are no battles at all, and playing battle mode is more fun than any strat battle thus far has been.

The order of the day seems to be extreme patience until the next one comes out. This one is a wash. Can't claim your clan is the best, can't claim you "claimed" anything really, can't really get any sort of bragging rights, can't really play a full match. Best to just accept that this is the way it's going to be for a while and have fun on the battle/siege servers until later and occasionally take a few minutes out of your day to check to see if strat battles have been modified for a higher enjoyment factor.

I hate to be the guy to say it but the beta is showing, we're just incredibly used to battle/siege being relatively well polished and many have been looking forward to strat for a very long time. If these issues are fixed newstrat will be amazing, and we're all assuming that they will be fixed (even if seemingly on Valve time). Devs keep pretty much saying "shut the fuck up we'll do it when we do it" so perhaps we should start listening. Ironically the people with the least ability to affect the game (players) are the most vocal in our concern for it's direction and future, but honestly it is nowhere near in our hands.

I suppose you've never played a single strategus battle besides the 1 sec spawn cap or ai village 1 minute cap?

And I suppose you haven't worked 2-3 weeks to get a big army ready and armed and lose it within a second because of a hacker?
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Ylca on August 01, 2011, 10:30:31 pm
I suppose you've never played a single strategus battle besides the 1 sec spawn cap or ai village 1 minute cap?

And I suppose you haven't worked 2-3 weeks to get a big army ready and armed and lose it within a second because of a hacker?

I'm not sure what you're asking here as pertains to the point i was making.
Title: Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
Post by: Thovex on August 01, 2011, 11:19:21 pm
Hm, now I read my own reply and yours again I can't see it either.

I guess I need to get back to readb4post. :D