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Topics - Darkkarma

Pages: [1] 2
Closed Requests / Ban request for Require_MB and Drizzt_MB
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:49:06 pm »
So these guys basically just sat at the end of maps and didn't contribute to the team for several map rotations, despite people complaining and telling them to join the fight.

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Ok so the camp fire was pretty cool/funny, but they literally did this shit for three map rotations. Others can verify if they so choose to.

Closed Requests / Ban request for satan_25
« on: October 22, 2012, 11:49:03 am »
Not sure what was up this kids ass but he kept coming up to me after I killed him in the previous map and would kick me during reloads repeatedly. One of the times he attempted to do just this but ran into zylorage's arrow path and got himself killed. He then proceeded to promptly go and teamkill zylo at the beginning of the next round.

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He was then qml'd for leeching a few rounds later only to never return.

    Alright, so i'm certain i'm not the first one to make a post like this but its finally gotten to the point where even I am noticing it. I've heard bits and pieces of what the next patch is supposed to bring as fair as build balances/nerfs and all but my question is still why hybrid cross bows/ 2-Hander builds are still clearly so much better than the dedicated arb/1h build? I wont even get into how utterly useless the arbalest is without looms when it comes to actual accurate distance shooting(even at 170 wpf). The regular crossbow is just so damn versatile, especially once you start to loom it.

    Here in NA i've seen countless long time xbow playing individuals switch from either the arb or heavy to the regular crossbow simply because its so good with a two-hander that its like having the best of both worlds. If I miss with my shot on a target and they close in and force me into melee, im at a sizable disadvantage, given how awful most one handers are now with anything under 6 powerstrike. A 2-hander on the other hand has quicker reload time and the opportunity to pull that huge german or danish greatsword off of their backs and melee just as fluidly as a dedicated melee player given how shallow the wpf cap on 2handers is.  The few of us that do stick with the arb do so out of personal preference or in my case, being too stubborn to simply switch to the flavor of the month to stay on top.

     Now, I'm not advocating or asking for a flat out ultra buff of the arb and nerfing of the regular crossbow, but god damn, if you want to de-value body shots and put more incentive on aiming for the head, at least give those of us that choose to actually use the Arbalest the accuracy to shoot people in the head without worrying about our shoots flying off to the left 75 percent of the time.
It shouldn't be impossible to hit a stationary target from distance without aiming your crosshair to the far top right of it simply because our bolts will not fly straight, especially when you have to wait upwards of three seconds in between shots.. As it stands, the hybrid 2 hander/cross bow build is leaps and bounds better than the dedicated arbalest/1 hander build.

    I know alot of dedicated meleers out there will read this and just scoff at this post thinking "good riddance, one less shitty ranged playstyle to worry about" but honestly, even if the dedicated xbows are nerfed out of existence, will having a bunch of two handed heroes with their side arm crossbows on their backs really be any better?

Guild Wars / July 20-22 final weekend Beta event before launch
« on: July 09, 2012, 06:39:06 pm »
"For our final Beta Weekend Event (July 20-22), we’re making the asura and sylvari races available to beta players for the first time. Players will be able to create characters from any of the five main races of Tyria—human, norn, charr, asura, and sylvari—and begin their Guild Wars 2 experience in any of the five radically different home regions."

More can be read here.

See you in game!

Closed Requests / Adriana (Wrongfully Banned)
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:53:27 am »
Alrighty, so this guy had jumped out of a map's boundaries and was literally just delaying and typing "im just gonna chill here", "find waldo",etc.  By the time I logged back in as an admin, I decided id toss out a short ban just for blatant delaying. Only problem was that I wasn't aware the ban button made it an auto ban. If someone with the appropriate admin level could remove the ban when you get a chance, i'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Sell/Trade / Karm's market
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:07:45 pm »
Heavy German Poleaxe +1- Open to offers

Heavy Swiss +1 - Open to offers

Mighty Great Long Bardiche - Open to offers

Lordly Saranid Guard Armor + 150k - Lordly Skutatos

Diplomacy / Dirigh Aban has gone green
« on: February 24, 2012, 05:34:42 am »
A most enjoyable and one sided victory, Dirigh Aban shall make for a great new home  for many way ward, down trotted and weary travelers. A must excellent gift for our lady and grand master, Canary on the date of her birth. Your grains, your wine and your women shall keep us company tonight as we wait for your impending counter attack at dawn. We are expecting the real battle to happen soon;do not disappoint us.

Viva Green.


Diplomacy / Beware of trade with the hospitallers.
« on: February 19, 2012, 12:42:25 pm »
Edited for sake of some peoples feelings

Buy / Buying +3 Mace
« on: October 30, 2011, 03:45:49 pm »
Looking for one of these +3 shit slappers! Post here or PM with offers.

General Off Topic / Soul Calibur 5 Welcomes Ezio Audtiore
« on: October 21, 2011, 06:57:58 pm »

Sell/Trade / MW Military cleaver for MW Langes Messer
« on: October 17, 2011, 02:24:58 pm »
Looking to trade my MW Military Cleaver for a MW Langes.

PM me if interested!

Closed Requests / An admin request to watch for Abdul_Batin_Mohammad
« on: October 12, 2011, 01:47:31 pm »
To summarize, he had been constantly arguing with Little_Red_ridinghood over his/her being a horse crossbowman. This boiled over into him TKing her deliberately at the beginning of a round in retaliation once they were put on the same team, with his subsequent leaving of the server seconds later to avoid administrative action after him seeing me ban someone a map earlier for the same reason..

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Should any other admin see him, please make sure to at the very least warn him for his conduct. I'll be sure to look for him as well. According to other players in game, he'd been doing a similar thing before I came in.



Game Admin Feedback / [NA] DarkKarma
« on: October 06, 2011, 11:50:18 pm »
Leave your feedback here!

Strategus Issues / Constant Troop bleed when battle locked.
« on: September 05, 2011, 07:51:52 pm »
Blondekhan attacked me last night, as I went out to meet enemy forces en route to our territories. What I was not aware of was the fact that you CONTINUE TO BLEED TROOPS AND MONEY IN UPKEEP EVEN WHILE WAITING TO DO BATTLE. Is this by design or simply a bug? Also, is there a set rate for how many you lose per hour?

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