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Messages - cmp

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General Off Topic / Re: Nice read: interview with Assange
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:21:39 pm »
Did it hurt?

I am always so staggered to learn what kind of people actually have Republican views, it is so extremely backwards I always assume the Republican vote consists solely of 50 year rednecks and Christians, not young people with life-long access to the internet.

True, but in this case it's not backwards, it's political: poor + educated = most likely not republican.
Defeating the evil democrats is more important than the well being of the nation. Real patriots.

Some more key words:

Illuminati, jet fuel can't melt steel beams, jews, Mossad, Bilderberg, Rothschild, GWB is a lizard.

My sources confirm that Greece is in debt from all the homeopathic medicine they had to buy to cure autism from vaccines, water fluoridation and chemtrails.

Why do people keep talking as if Germany owned 90% of Greece's debt?

France and Germany can print money? Monopoly money?

Bad grain/potato batch?

So forgiving debts 70 years ago for starting a WW is ok, but helping struggling people fucked by corrupt goverment and banks is not nowdays. Why?

You can trust Germans to learn from their mistakes. Levantines, not so much.

When in doubt, my guiding principle has always been "what would Genghis Khan do?"

Take down a couple of their ships to warn off the others, of course.

Conquer Libya. It was ours already anyway.

As if nobody thought of that before.
Check this out:
Also, at the time Libya was ruled by a dictator who could be reasoned with, now it's a lot worse.

Put em in your more stable ship and send em back. There really is no room, resources and honestly even tolerance for it.

Very gud solution, they will definitely not turn back and try again. Scout's honor.
Also Libya is totally gonna let us dump people that aren't even coming from there.

France is smart and refuse to let them enter , so is other countries.

Yeah, there is no difference whatsoever between refusing entry to people on your border and refusing entry to a floating wreck full of people (the fuck are you supposed to do? Shoot it?).

Thank god.

we are massively enraged at Italy, because "those filthy mafia pastaeaters"(an actual quote) are letting all those immigrants freely into their country and than guilttripping rest of Europe to give them free stuff

Wait, that's actually what EU people see? Holy fuck, I didn't know they were that dumb/blind.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: DX 12
« on: July 03, 2015, 06:48:36 pm »
Imagine Rust or Warband 200 players at same place battles in W3 graphics. Nobody could play that properly even in 2025.

Actually, that's not true. What makes W3 graphics extremely heavy is lighting and post processing, both of which are almost entirely independent from on-screen geometry (what matters is screen resolution). Adding hundreds of characters might be a little too much for current graphics cards, but it should be easily achievable in a generation or two.
That's just graphics though. There are bigger problems when making a game like that (network, CPU...).

Like in many newer games normal difficulty seems like what used to be easy difficulty, especially if you take quests with the lowest levels first before higher level ones.

I think it's more about the game getting easier as you progress, when it used to be the exact opposite.

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