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Topics - Dezilagel

Pages: [1] 2
General Off Topic / "Sillsch the Butcher"
« on: April 04, 2013, 02:51:48 pm »
Admit it  :D

Realism Discussion / Breaking news! C-rpg is "military realism"
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:55:01 am »
While searching to find Casimir's outfit on the planetside 2 forums I found this little gem:

Really...?  :lol:

I fell out of my chair laughing.

And yes, this deserves it's own topic.

Game Balance Discussion / New balance conspiracy!
« on: March 18, 2012, 07:47:51 pm »
Now... Just like everyone else I've never killed anyone on duel server without them having an excuse to conveniently put forward.

Some of these are very creative, but I stumbled across this absolute gem a few days ago:

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chadz, y u no fix broken woman animations?


General Off Topic / Spread the word, free the 104th! (Video!)
« on: February 13, 2012, 02:25:58 am »

Evil, evil admins banned us, help our cause!

Clarification: We (the 104th) were blanket banned from the official MM servers for no reason whatsoever. So we made this.

Suggestions Corner / Damage penalty while backpedaling
« on: February 10, 2012, 05:47:06 pm »
Let's face it. Backpedaling is and has always been a very powerful playstyle.

And with the current speed of the game and skill of the average player its usefullness only continues to rise.

I'm not saying it cannot be beaten, or that it doesn't have its disadvantages, but it is strong, and above all, imo, very boring.

In the past there have been threads/posts suggesting movement speed nerfs for backpedaling but that shouldn't be tampered with imo. Backpedaling should remain a viable defensive measure and when it comes to the movement speed in itself I at least feel that it's just about right.

What I would like to see though is less reward in the offensive department for backpedaling. Currently you have the speed bonus yes, but most of the time that works in favor of the backpedaler since his enemy will be moving towards him.

What I suggest is a flat damage increase/decrease depending on your speed and direction of movement.

This would encourage a more offensive style of play, both in duels and in battle. I feel the rewards for it are lacking in both currently. By going on the offensive you expose yourself to all manner of nastiness such as increased damage from arrows/attacks due to speedbonus, kicks, getting surrounded, etc and that's all fine but what's lacking are the rewards imo.

Currently the main reason for going really offensive on someone (read: backpedalers) in a duel/battle is because you want to actually get in contact with him, but you'll always be at a definitive disadvantage. and this is a bit silly imo.

The penalty for moving backwards should be bigger than the bonus for moving forward btw.

Other reasons why I'd like to see this change:

1. Buffing short weapons. They're horribly underused.

2. Buffing agi. Increased acceleration would mean that agi builds could make more use of the feature.

3. More damage vs. runners.

4. Rewards *good* teamwork. Making decisive pushes would have more of an effect.

5. Adds something to the movement in combat rather than just "outrange, outrange, outrange".

6. Kicking, standard outranging and other defensive techniques would still be perfectly viable,  while reducing the effect of the s-key + spam.

Problems I initially see with this:

1. Group fighting. Fighting a group as a single guy would be much harder.

2. 1h, they'll probably become too powerful.

3. Powering up the run away thensuddenlyturn-technique.

4. I have no clue of how to do it or if it's even possible with a sane amount of effort.

Comments? Like/dislike? Suggestions?

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Welcome to Dezi's honored ground of e-peen measurement!

Since there is seemingly a lot of grudges being held, people being angry with each other and a lot of flaming everywhere, I thought I would provide an opportunity to solve the conflicts the old-fashioned way, duels!

Now the best part is, this will not only be an opportunity to show of your oversized internet-based fornicational device, people will also be able to bet on the participants.

With all this information, there is only one question that you will be asking:

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Send proof to the world that that cavmy old friend who dominated you on EU1 is in fact a scrub! Show that annoying dude who disagrees with your (of course infallible) opinions on the forum who's the boss! Show the community that YOU in fact has the largest of them all!

Now, before you all get too excited and start jizzing all over your keyboards, there are a few rules to follow:

1. Official challenges and responses may only be issued in this thread. (preferably with a bit of RP thrown into it)

2. The challenged has a week to respond. He will be informed via pm. If the challenged does not reply or declines the challenge, he/she (j/k HE) will be "awarded" a place in the Hall of Shame. (Exceptions are of course mad if the challenged has very good reasons, such as not being online, or not having a character suited for the type of challenge issued!)

3. The challenged decides time, date, and server (if a cross-continent challenge is issued). If the challenger cannot attend then a time is to be worked out through negotiation. Subsequently, if a challenger fails to show up to a match, he will also be placed in the Hall of Shame.

4. Since defending your e-honor is serious buissness, I've decided on banning a few items I consider "un-fun":

All crushthrough weapons.


Long Awlpike

Long spear/Pike/Bamboo spear

Plated Charger (for cav duels)

Any loomed items except for melee weapons. Will be checked! (The participants are assumed to have enough e-honor not to bring loomed armor)

All armor is allowed, although defending your e-honor in full plate will probably get you ridiculed.

Knockdown weapons are allowed, but usage of the feature (i.e striking your opponent when he's down, or kicking and striking him when he's trying to stand up) will be considered a dishonor, and you will not earn credit for the fight.

Participants may of course modify these rules if both parts agree.

5. Duels will take place on EU3 or NA3. Melee duels will be assumed, you will need to state specifically if any other type of challenge is intended. Be aware that declining a non-standard (i.e non-melee, non standard ruleset) challenge will not be penalized. (But as said, if you only have archer characters declining a standard challenge is ofc. free of Hall of Shame-nalty)

6. Successfully defending yourself in a challenge (i.e beating the challenger) will be considered an act of great skill and honor, and will net yourself a place in the Hall of Victory. Should you manage to defend yourself 3 times in a row, you will be awarded with a place in the most prestigious Hall of Fame (and a personal comment from me). In the Hall of Fame there will also be an internal ranking system, to track who has distinguished himself the most. Winning a challenge that you issued will not net you anything but bragging rights (and maybe some gold, more on that later).

7. 5 duels will be considered standard, although the participants may freely choose to fight more/less if they both agree. (This will still be considered a "standard challenge") I will personally supervise every duel, although volunteers to help do this would be much appreciated, especially NA. If I cannot come on the time assigned I will inform you on that and we'll work something out.

8. Betting follows a simple rule system. If you bet on someone and they win you get your gold back plus an amount of what was betted on the opposing player proportional to what you put in (If you put in 1k, your friend put in 2k, your fighter wins and the total bet on the opponent was 9k, you will get 3k and your friend will get 6k). Any size of bet will be considered valid, although you can never "win" more than 10x of what you put in, any excessive gold will be returned to the original owners (this is to prevent 1 gold bets). If bets are placed on one fighter only all money will be returned regardless of outcome. The first bet will be considered the minimum bet for that match (this is to prevent stagnant betting, i.e you put in 10 k the other side will put in 1k to maximize profit) You can only force bets no higher than 100 k though. You can of course put in more than 100k, but noone is forced to bet more than 100k against you.
   Bets are to be sent to me via PM (this is to prevent topic flooding), but don't worry, your bet will be posted in the topic.

   Yes, you can place bets on yourself, but then the maximum amount won will be restricted to 2x what you put in.

9. Common sense. Don't be a dick. Don't run across half the map. Don't challenge someone and then give up etc. Only one thing overrides common sense here and that is my judgement. If I consider a challenge invalid then that is so.

10. Have fun, and don't take it too seriously. I really want to see some intense fights, with both fighters trembling from pressure from the bets placed on them and so on, but don't take it too far. RP is great, so is humor.

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I will record all duels, and the plan is to eventually put together a nice video.

Constructive input is always welcome!

I forgot to mention: When you have decided upon a time and date please inform me asap so people can watch and I can be there without too much hassle.

UPDATE: Hobb_Captain_of_TkoV has volunteered to help with the NA duels (thanks!). If you have duel at awkward times, please contact him (forum nick: Hobb)

Current champion of the tournaments is Merc_Blueberrymuffin

Suggestions Corner / Reduce the price of headgear
« on: January 17, 2012, 02:22:21 pm »
With the increase in damage from headshots making head armor more redundant I feel this is the perfect time to lobby for something I've wanted for quite some time; cheaper headgear.

Headgear is a prime cosmetical feature, and the high-tier helmets generally look much better (especially the new ones!) than their low-teir counterparts. Considering that we already have a downside to wearing heavy helmets (the WPF slap), I think it would be nice if price wasn't such a big discouragement from wearing a heavy, awesome-looking helmet.

Faction Halls / [1.2b] Dezilagel's bannerpack - Submit your banners!
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:18:11 pm »
This is inspired by Poophammer's "Free Banner Pack" that unfortunately didn't get going.


- Added ANT, tKoH and Ninja


- Added Legio


Extract to crpg/textures and overwrite.

Kalam's as default, I'll change that if asked.


The custom bannerpacks made for C-rpg have a lot of nice designs, but they all lack something:

That is a hint of complete unseriousness, which imho, is true for the mod in general in it's current state.

Therefore I'm putting together this bannerpack. A free-for-all composition for those of us who think this is a game and not a medieval warsim.

Submit your banner, submit your allies banner, submit your enemies banner! The idea is to get everyone together in creating the most fun/fucked up bannerpack ever.

ANY banner that meets the following rules will be considered:

1. Noting blatantly offensive. (No nudity etc.)

2. I choose whatever banners get added. ANY banner that follows rule 1 will be considered. (Don't fret, my aesthetic standard is not very high, and this is not supposed to be the "prettiest" bannerpack anyway)

I broke n. 3 with GK banner, so now moar freedom.

Other than that, it's free-for-all. The idea is, as said, to put all of our *creative* minds together.

Currently in the pack:


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Grey Order:

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Great Khans:

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Kingdom of England:

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(These are obv. the banners as displayed in-game, the game flips banners horizontally)

So, there you are. Now I want YOU to get working, and hopefully this will end up something worthwhile. 

General Discussion / So I made this sound mod... New stuff!
« on: December 04, 2011, 08:02:36 pm »
...that changes the arrow hit sound to something more appropriate, in this case Lezard's (thanks bro) "Fakkin' Bullshiet!".

EDIT: Fixed ver - new vid:

Enjoy, this is just the start, I'm working on a complete sound mod for warband.

Download: (Thanks elmuri!)

Extract to steam/steamapps/common/mountblade warband/sounds and replace files.

NEW! This changes the female yell to something more exciting than "yeaaaaarghhh...."


Same procedure as other sounds.

General Off Topic / First encounter with Cicero...
« on: November 18, 2011, 07:53:37 pm » Skyrim.

Old news probably (finally actually got around to uploading the vid), but I found this character to be pretty entertaining.¨

(Will get around to making a proper vid when I find the time/boredom)

Realism Discussion / Defend the virgin
« on: November 05, 2011, 07:30:40 pm »
We all know this mode is fail because 29/30 players of this mode are male, and none of them would realistically want to DEFEND a virgin.

Therefore I propose that the mode is changed to "Assault the virgin".

Predicted mode popularity +9001.


Spam / Since a lot of people have been asking...
« on: October 19, 2011, 04:21:08 am »

General Discussion / Fucked up heirloom exchange...
« on: October 18, 2011, 09:50:23 pm »

I had gotten hold of a pair of Lordly Cased Greaves for my clanmate Kocik and was going to trade them to him.

I screwed up the 0's when putting up the offer and within seconds Turmoiltom of the Haven clan had accepted the deal.

From: TurmoilTom_Rytier_of_Haven
To: BashiBazouk_Dezilagel
18.10.2011 16:57
Subject: marketplace transaction
I accept your marketplace offer.

I give you 110000 gold in exchange for your Lordly Cased Greaves

So I instantly sent him a message...

From: BashiBazouk_Dezilagel
To: TurmoilTom_Rytier_of_Haven
18.10.2011 16:58
Subject: Re: marketplace transaction
Dude, please...

Was meant for a friend

...but no answer.

And now were getting to why I'm making this (stupid) topic in the first place.

"Fine" I thought, you could easily miss those messages so I tried to contact him on the forums...

« Sent to: TurmoilTom on: Today at 14:48:11 » ReplyQuoteDelete
Dude... That loom was meant for a friend, mind giving it back?

 Sent to: TurmoilTom on: Today at 14:50:41 » ReplyQuoteDelete
Put up some stones for 110 k and I'll giveyou your money

« Sent to: TurmoilTom on: Today at 16:55:54 » ReplyQuoteDelete
Am I going to have to make another one of those stupid topics to get this resolved?,17103.0.html,17541.0.html


...but no answer here either.

Now it was becoming clear to me that this guy was ignoring me.

Look at time of his last post:


Re: Play with friends?
« Reply #1 on: Today at 16:39:15 »
You'll be placed on the same team more often if you use the same banner.,18711.msg266472.html#msg266472

I did also contact one of his clanmates on ts, and I posted a message in their faction thread, but nothing has come out of that yet either.


I am sorry for the not-too-friendly tone of my messages, I was in a bad mood from some rl events.

But please, give me back my heirloom. I'll give you some gold if that's what you want. Anyways, I just hope you're a decent enough guy.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Kalmarunionen - nordiskt samarbete!
« on: October 14, 2011, 04:51:54 pm »
Kalmarunionen - ett initiativ för nordiskt samarbete

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(Orginalidéen är Bjords - all cred till honom)

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Idéen är kort sagt att (med bakgrund i den historiska unionen) skapa ett band mellan de nordiska spelarna här i C-rpg. Med tanke på hur många vi är (detta inkluderar många "högprofilspelare") är det synd att vi inte har ett ordentligt forum och att vi inte känner varandra riktigt, detta är vad vi hoppas kunna ändra på.

Mest som en kul grej; vi hoppas kunna erbjuda ett ställe för skandinaver att samlas på. En ts/ett forum där man kan få slippa snacka engelska eller en stormakt i strategus - det är upp till er!

Intresserad? Skriv här, skicka ett pm till mig eller Bjord alternativt kontakta mig på Steam "randomduckjump".

Idéer/support är självklart mer än välkommet!

TS: Nditions - "Kalmarunionen" (Längst ner av de europeiska klanerna)

Uppdatering ang. TS: Kanalen är nu tydligen borttagen   :? - ni hittar mig i "Inglorious Basterds" (Under "Royal Union") så länge.

Uppdatering: Har nu skapat en steam-grupp "Kalmarunionen C-rpg" (, mest av den anledningen att det är enklare att bara "hänga" i en steamchatt. Skriv till mig för en invite. (håller gruppen privat pga. tidigare erfarenheter)

Det här inlägget kommer updateras med mer info snart.

Uppdatering - här kommer banners!

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Och så något för jänkarna  :twisted:

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Game Balance Discussion / Armor: Effectiveness vs Melee and Ranged
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:15:48 pm »
So, from my understanding, ranged (apart from throwing, who has only recently been included) has had the extra_penetration flag ever since the new armor values, essentially bypassing the change.


Seriously, I've been stacking up on armor last month just to try and survive the ranged barrage, only to discover that the only thing it allows me/others to do is sometimes take 5-6 hits in melee (I'm sorry, but I don't think it's that much fun, regardless if I'm the guy taking the hits or delivering them), while ranged still bring me down in 2-3 shots if loomed (Or arbalest).

This has now lead to a metagame where meleeing becomes a tedious process - it used to be the quickest way of eliminating your opponents, now it's one of the slower with lancers and loomed ranged providing the real killing power as average armor increases.

And now with ranged gaining greater access to pierce damage weps, I feel even less inclined to use any type of armor other than for the sake of suviving more hits in melee.

But I can already survive hits in melee, I can block melee attacks!

The primary source of unblockable damage on the other hand, which is the type of damage you need defence against since you can't do much about it, ranged, gets a free pass and makes your armor much less effective.

It doesn't make any sense imho, I want to wear armor so that I can actually get into melee to do my thing.

A lot of people (as you probably have noticed) are currently stacking str/armor just because it allows you to take an incredible amount of melee punishment. This is not fun imo, I'm in their face with a big fucking axe, and they can actually defend against it - I want some killing power!

So suggestion:

Same armor reduction values for both melee and ranged - I'd prefer slightly reduced values overall while keeping soak low.

EDIT: Modified topic name to better display what this is about

EDIT 568: Stats.

armor_soak_factor_against_cut       = 0.65
armor_soak_factor_against_pierce    = 0.5
armor_soak_factor_against_blunt     = 0.4

armor_reduction_factor_against_cut       = 1.6
armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce    = 1.1
armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt     = 1.3

crpg penetration flag(applied modification for bows, crossbows and thrown)

armor_soak_factor_against_cut       = 0.78
armor_soak_factor_against_pierce    = 0.6
armor_soak_factor_against_blunt     = 0.48

armor_reduction_factor_against_cut       = 0.96
armor_reduction_factor_against_pierce    = 0.36 (!) EDIT: This maybe a typo from the guy I copied from, 1.1*0.6=0.66, anyone know about this?
armor_reduction_factor_against_blunt     = 0.78

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