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Topics - RamsesXXIIX

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Here in the Coalition we feel that some people have forgotten the point and use of TS in our battles. Some people forget the most basic rules of conduct in a TS: Don't speak when others are speaking, don't chat or small-talk during battles, etc.

Some people have even muted their TS during play, using it only for the roster call.

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This behaviour is unacceptable and completely disrespectful to the numerous people in strategus who dedicate many hours of trading and moving to bring us fun, entertaining battles with lots of xp. We want strategus battles to be a chance for more organised play, and not a rampant team deathmatch.

As a result, we will begin to issue timeouts from coalition strategus battles.

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Strategus General Discussion / [Video Guide] How to join Strategus battles
« on: February 10, 2013, 03:29:28 pm »

A quick guide on how to start joining strategus battles. Have mercy with me, this is my first movie :D

Diplomacy / Fallen Diplomacy
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:55:48 pm »
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Other official diplomatic relations:
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The qualifying rounds will be held on 17.12.2011 and the finals on 18.12.2011.

Invited to come is everybody. But only clan members that will be able to form specified teams are allowed to participate in the event.

There will be multiple fights on one map among multiple clans. No need to negotiate with other clans where or when or on what map to meet. Everything will happen in three sessions (qualifiers group A, qualifiers group B, finals) - if you don't qualify to finals, you will fight on 1 session only, if you go to finals, you will fight 2 times. The finals will be on Sunday 18.12.20111 19:00 GMT[/i]

To avoid confusions, the current GMT time that the tournament uses as reference can be checked here.

1 - Absolutely no fighting outside the ranked tournament fights, no jumping down the tribune, no suiciding or killing teammates to regain health (if you want to regain health, rejoin via spectator). No punching or kicking of other players!!!!
2 - Clan team size is 8 people, 1 clan can form only 1 clan team
3 - Maximum ammount of members of 1 clan logged at one time on the server is 15.
4 - The highest body armor you can take for the tournament is Coat of Plates (Any color)
5 - Maximum 2 ranged weapons / team (1 ranged weapon = 1 bow OR 1 xbow OR 1 stack of throwing weapons)
6 - No spawning on horse, only Tournament master can spawn on one. Always listen to the tournament master, never hit him back.
7 - Use the chat as little as possible, preferably only when the tournament masters ask you something. Spamming the chat will get you muted/kicked/banned and your team penalized.
8 - Server will be in CTF mode - if your team is called into the tournament fight you have to join the same faction as your clanmates. The first team called into the battle joins upper faction, the 2nd team called into the battle joins lower faction!
9 - Server will be passworded, the password will appear here: shield
10 - No siege equipment (siege shields, ladders, construction sites) allowed.
11 - No looting of any weapons from the ground during the fights (like retaking throwing weapons from the ground, shields etc...)
12 - Common sense
13 - Rules can be discussed and can change further on

1 - For minor offenses there will be a warning first. This warning can be a written warning or a slash from the tournament master. If the tournament master slashes you it doesnt mean he wants to fight you, it means you are doing something wrong and you have to stop doing it. Keep doing it and you will get kicked. Come back and do it again and you will be banned and your team will be penalized.
2 - For major offenses like entering the arena when a battle is going on or killing the tournament master there will be no warning. Straight ban and your team will get penalized.
3 - If a team uses more ranged weapons than allowed, the fight outcome won't matter, their opponent will receive a 8:0 win.

1 - This tournament will be based on the classic qualifying system of 8v8 fights.
2 - There will be 2 groups for the qualifiers A and B with 9 teams each. There will be 18 matches within each group, everyone will get to fight 4 times. After the qualifiers are over, the first 3 teams from each group go to the Finals.

- 2a The qualifiers will be split in two phases: In the first phase, the 9 teams will be split in groups of 3. These 3 groups all fight in between each other. In the second phase the highest scoring teams from each group will create a new group called A. The second highest scoring team from each group will create a new group called B. The remaining teams will create group C. Each of these groups (A,B and C) will then fight in between each other, and the three highest scoring teams from throughout the whole qualifying rounds will proceed to the finals. Furthermore, advancing to group A awards a team with 4 points. Advancing to group B awards 2 points. Advancing to group C does not give any points. This is to discourage intentional loosing to get in a weaker group. 

3-  For every killed enemy your clan gets 1 point. So the winner will always get 8 points, the loser can get max 7 points.
4 - If during the qualifiers there are 2 teams with equal number of points, their places will be set by best of three 1vs1 DUELS between 2 of their members.
5 - There will be another 6 team group for the Finals. The system used here will be the same as qualifiers, 8vs8 fights but every match will be fought twice. There will be a 15 match session where everybody fights 5 times, a short break while I will do the math and announce the partial results, than the first 15 match session is repeated. Everybody will get to fight 10 times.
6 - If under any circumstances your clan fights with lower amount of people, your missing teammates are considered as killed (other team will get points just like for killing them).

1 - When your names are called you will join the appropiate faction - first team joins upper faction, second team joins lower faction and enter the arena. You will not start fighting untill the tournament master gives you the start.
2 - After calling the current fight I will announce the next fight as well. People who fight next must join the appropiate faction and gather at the arena gate so they are ready to enter the arena when called. This way everything will go a lot quicker and everybody will wait less between fights.
4 - The survivors will need to line up to be counted before leaving the arena. Leaving the arena or switching to spectator before I annouce the result means you are considered killed and your enemies get more points.

1 - There are 18 slots + substitutes available.
2 - Register your clan by applying in this thread - do not PM me, if you have a question, ask here so others can see the answer and don't have to ask the same thing again. Registrations are opened until Thursday, than the Groups will be decided.
3 - For registering: include clan name and visual style (visual style goes only to body armors while Coat of Plates is the highest you can take, other armor is free of choice. You can't register with the same visual style as the other clans, except for heraldic armors)
4 - When you register, include also the time you want to fight the qualifiers or include that you can fight on both times. There are 2 qualifiers both of them at the same day: Saturday 17th . The 1st qualify round is at 17:00 GMT the 2nd qualify round is at 19:00 GMT.
5 - It is still possible to apply to the tournament and still not be allowed to participate. This can happen if you apply late when many clans will be already registered before you and/or if you apply for the same time like majority of the other clans - thus it won't be possible to find a spot for you in the qualifying group. To prevent this: either apply quickly or make sure you can fight on both times. If you will be able to fight on both times it is highly probable that you will make it into the tournament (same goes for early applications as these have priority over those that apply late).

Thanks alot to Beau for help with organizing this so far.

DISCLAIMER!: Since Strategus is live these days there could be issues with major strat battles, and as such the tournament can be cancelled one of the last days :(. Lets just hope its gonna be a quiet weekend in strat :).

More updates might come in later posts from me.

Clans signed up:
Fallen Brigade (Visual style: Black Coat of Plates)19 GMT+0
Bandits (Visual style: Brigandine) 17 GMT+0
Merciless (Visual style: Rus Scale Armor) 19 GMT+0
Guards (Visual style: Heraldic Mail) 19 GMT+0
Templars (Visual style: Heraldic Mail) 17 GMT+0
Antarians (Visual style: Haubergons) 17 GMT+0
Bashibazouks (Visual style: Mamluke Mail) 19 GMT+0
Great Khans (Visual style: Sarranid Guard Armor) 19:00 GMT+0
Byzantium (Visual style: Cuir Bouili over Mail) 19:00 GMT+0
Nordmen (Visual style: Brown Rus Lamellar Cuirass) 17 GMT+0
Grey Order (Visual style: Light Kuyak) 17 GMT+0
Inglorious Bastards (Visual style: Banded Armor) 17 GMT+0
22nd Battalion (Visual style: Heavy Kuyak) 19 GMT+0
Gardrika (Visual style: Heraldic Mail) 17 GMT+0
SoA (Visual style: Heraldic Mail with Tabard) 19 GMT+0
Wolves Pack Mercenaries (Visual style: Heraldic Mail) 19 GMT+0
Mercenaries (Visual style: Heraldic Mail) 17 GMT+0
Ruconquista (Visual style: Lamellar Armor) 17 GMT+0


Brothers in Arms (Visual style: Studded Leather over Mail) 17 GMT+0
Kapikulu (Visual style: Coat of Plates(Red)) 19 GMT+0
Holy Roman Empire (Visual style: Heraldic Mail) 19 GMT+0
Strangers (Visual style: Green Rus Lamellar Cuirass) 17 GMT+0

Important update!
Since the DRZ is attacking Mercs in the middle of the tournament I have been forced to move the times of the qualifiers. First qualifier is at 16:00 GMT+0, and the second is at 21:00 GMT+0 All clans are requested to confirm they're gonna make it for the tourney.

Clans who have confirmed they're gonna fight at 16:00 GMT+0

Clans that have confirmed they're gonna fight at 21:00 GMT+0
Grey Order
22nd Battalion
Great Khans
Fallen Brigade

Kapikulu (21:00 GMT)
Brothers in Arms (16:00 GMT+0)
Strangers (16:00 GMT+0)

Beginner's Help and Guides / An unanswered question...
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:22:11 pm »
Hey guys.

I messaged Paul about this, but since he hasn't answered and I'm anxious to get the truth, I'm posting here in the hope one of you guys know the answer.

So, here's the deal.

I'm confused if/if not your speed is calculated when you are firing a ranged weapon (Be it throwing, x-bows or bows). Or said in other words, if speed bonus is calculated for you as well as your opponent.

To try and investigate, I went through some of Pauls posts: I found this quote when searching in this thread:,17211.msg247332.html#msg247332

You only get no speed bonus from your own movement speed. The targets speed does count. For the damage calc(but not for trajectory calc) every projectile is handled as if it is launched from a static position.

This has some interesting effects with horse archery too. So imagine a HA who is chased by another cav, both at same speed and the HA is shooting backwards at the cav. Irl one would expect normal damage because shooter and target are moving at the same speed. But it is different in Warband physics. Here it thinks the arrow is launched from static postion and the target is moving towards the arrow, resulting in extra damage. A mounted thrower would even profit the most from this glitch because the smaller the projectile speed compared to the movement speed, the higher the damage bonus/malus.

On the other hand this makes advisable for a victim to ride away from the HA. Same here, irl one would expect normal damage if a HA chases another cav when both move at the same speed. In Warband only the victim speed counts and he rides away from the arrow resulting in less damage than normal. Mounted thrower suffer the most from this.

Same for infantry but of course the impact is small because of the low movement speed.

Bolded the important part.

From this, it appears that your speed bonus is not calculated.

However, I've also found a Warband Manual:

Taken from page 45-46: 
"SPEED BONUSES are also very important for ranged weapons. Your missiles will lose most of their starting speed at long ranges, and therefore will do much less damage. On the other hand, hurling a javelin forward while riding a horse at full gallop will devastate any opponent you hit, since the speed of the horse will be added to the speed of your hurling motio"

From this, it appears your speed bonus IS calculated in ranged.

So which exactly is right in cRPG?

Hope anybody knows the answer.

As most have experienced by now, fighting for villages in strategus battles is absolute shit. 9/10 ends in a spawnrape, and that's not what strategus should be. Its boring and repetitive for everyone.

To do something about this, The Fallen Brigade and a number of clans have decided to create a movement to make village fights interesting again. We call this movement:
The Village Movement

So, what it is YOU and these clans need to do?

You need to:
1) Sign up for as many village battles as possible, and with as many members as possible. Advertise this all around, and have people sign up early! The village AI is right now bugged or doesn't work very well, so you need to sign up very early.
2) Do your best and have fun on the village fights.
3) Don't have any grudges or sign up against particular clans. Sign up against (almost) all!

However, we will have some reservations:
1) We will allow clans to not sign up for their allies or clans with particular good relations. It is up to the clans themselves to decide who they won't sign up against, but all clans members of this movement should not have too many reservations.

2) We will sign up against all clans as much as possible, but we won't be targeting particular clans.

This movement aims to have:

1) More FUN and CHALLENGING strategus village battles! Spawnrape is boring, we want real battles!

2) NOT to hold any grudges or bad ties related to these village fights. I personally don't care if a clan keeps signing up against me, as long as its just AI villages.

Disclaimer: Where we got the idea
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Which clans supports and uses this policy?
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Wanna join as a clan? Feel free to post here, and I'll add you to the group. I'm hoping to have even more clans signing up for good and challenging strategus fights!

Thanks to all the clans supporting and using this policy. Hopefully we'll see some more interesting village fights soon!

General Off Topic / Formation battles (Native)
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:12:32 pm »
Hey guys!

I know many of you have abandoned native a long time ago, but now is a good chance to return to your roots.,174971.0.html

This guy is trying to get it back up on its feet again, and i've agreed to help him as much as i can. We need as many people as we can to get this going (The more the merrier).

If you feel like helping, we could very much use it! If you got skills in photoshop or similar, we need it. Make a post here, or just go ahead and make a signature! If you do not have, we can still use your help. Discuss it ingame, on IRC or TS/Vent. Everything helps!

Hope i've peeked some of you guys interest, even thought many here don't play native :)

PS: I'll keep this thread updated with date and time, as well as any other information you need.

Svenska/Norsk/Dansk Forum / Et kald til Nationer!
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:01:40 pm »
Hey allesammen

Nations cup 2011 i Mount&Blade starter snart.

I den anledning bliver der lavet et dansk/Islandsk hold, og jeg tror også der er et svensk og et norsk hold.

Hvis du har lyst til at være med, så skriv i det her topic:,158714.0.html

Håber i er friske(Og der er nogen der chekker her en sjælden gang imellem) ;)

Deadline for at skrive sig på: 16-03-2011

Suggestions Corner / Bots in Duel servers
« on: March 01, 2011, 06:44:43 pm »
Hello everyone.

If you guys have ever been to the Nditions duel server(I'm sure many of you have), you would have noticed some of the bots around. These bots are very good for practicing loads of different things, but mainly blocking and chambers. I think it would be a good addition to the duel servers.

If you haven't been on Nditions and don't know what it is, you should give it a try. Nditions_duel_server is a native server with some script additions that make it awesome and very good for training.

Also, that "trainer" bot on Nditions is invincible, so he's great fun to hit endlessly and get bloody :D

Is it possible to add?

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