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Topics - Nightmare798

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General Discussion / frame tearing when using wse2
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:04:29 am »
i get horrible frame tearing when using wse2. when i dont use it, warband is smooth even at maximus settings. what the hell?

General Discussion / donkeys?
« on: July 27, 2013, 11:13:27 pm » do you feel about them?

Game Balance Discussion / idea for 1h shielder balancing
« on: July 23, 2013, 01:03:14 am »
1. buff 1h speed. [bladed weapons]
2. make shield lifting faster. [not much lets say 10-15 speed]
3. make need for shielder to block right when the attack connects, if shielder blocks for longer time before getting hit, he gets damage based on 2% per second [max 10% of damage that would the weapon hitting him deal] due to the fact that he is exhausted from having his shield held up for long time, reducing his ability to properly block and increasing the chance of getting hit by his own shield due to impact.
4. make shield bash deal actual damage.

Suggestions Corner / fix 2h collision
« on: July 15, 2013, 02:32:57 pm »
right now 2h weapons are like lightsabers, slashing through walls liek they were made of air.

General Discussion / Siege ladders?
« on: July 11, 2013, 09:29:57 pm »
why are ladders disabled in siege? i wanted a siege engineer build and cant use ladders! this is knavery!

Suggestions Corner / no point in 1h\2h grip weapons
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:28:49 pm »
why are there 2h weapons that can be held in 1h when they are practically useless that way? there is huge penalty [i believe its 10%-15% damage and speed] anyways to be of use...

Suggestions Corner / long 1h mace
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:04:50 pm »
I would really like to see a mace with 90 range or something like that what do you guys think?

Suggestions Corner / lower upkeep costs
« on: July 04, 2013, 11:02:12 pm »
Now this has probably discussed over a lot but still...
i dont like the upkeep costs as they are now. even when i am wearing medium armor [guard helm, heraldic chain mail, rus cavalry boots] and having these weapons [italian sword and knightly heater shield] i am still losing an insane ammount of cash per round. i know this is supposed to reduce ammount of tincans running around, but it also kills the purpose of having custom equipment.

why am i forced to wear a light leather armor when i have a fucking chain mail in my inventory? thats bs, the gold rates are low as they are [multipliers cant really be relied upon as they are relative and i know sesions when i had nothing but x1 sometimes x2] and it absolutely kills the ballance and variety ,because long time players have enough cash by now to support their equipment which ironicaly induces the very situation this was meant to prevent and it also makes the game harder to get into for new players [because unlike some, they dont have 500k+ to get milanese plate and other tincan stuff]

so to sum this up:
new players nothing but leather
veterans: heavy plate and loomed weapons

so instead of having everyone running around in plate, we have few chosen ones and the rest is forced to suffer one hit kills and stupid look of village militia.

EDIT: forgot to add that not only you pay cash to buy weapon or armor, but you also cant wield it because it breaks three round later.

Suggestions Corner / Head count battle mode.
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:10:29 pm »
Hi i had an idea for game mode. this mode would be like battle, but instead of being limited to one life, players would respawn [when players die they would lose one ticket], and continue fighting. the point is that while siege fulfils this, it is often biased to either defenders or atackers, and it never happens on open ground [because it is siege ofc]

Closed Requests / banned because i accidentaly opened gate
« on: May 05, 2013, 03:39:19 pm »
i got banned from all servers because i accidentaly opened gate on eu 2 siege beta [i immediately closed it after realizing what ive done], is a ban really appropriate for something like this? i mean i did it first time and i immediately closed it...

Suggestions Corner / New combat animations.
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:43:04 am »
Hi when i was searching for mods on telltale forums, i came across this:
I think it would be an excelent way spice up combat in c-rpg a bit [especially when this mod uses vanilla anims except anim for bow]

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