1. Script:
http://infinitum.dyndns.org/tracer.cmd. It executes Windows tracert command until you stop it and saves output to tracelog.txt
2. Save the script to your desktop, note that it needs to be saved with .cmd extension
3. Run it (double click) when you start playing, check that it creates the file and start logging
4. If/when you get disconnected from the server, make a note of the time
5. If/when you are able to reconnect to the server, make a note of the time
If a few people do this, we may get some clue as to why this occurs. It is most likely a routing problem with the provider but impossible to diagnose and complain about if we have no data.
When you manage to capture a disconnect, copy it, strip out the irrelevant parts of the file (stuff way before and way after the disconnect) and rename it to something meaningful (like "Disconnect_day-month_hour-min-sec") so you basically create an archive of the disconnects.
Upload the file to
Pastebin and post the link, your notes and your approximate location and ISP here.