So seeing as Kalam is stepping down from making the banner pack, I decided to take up the gauntlet. Everything will be in the same format as before to keep things simple. Same rules apply and all the banners that were previously in will still be there. I'll update the pack at roughly the same time as Kalam might not be 100% those days each time, but be patient if you're waiting to have yours added
Arked's/Draggon's Banner Pack: As an alternative for a more realistic banner pack Draggon has taken up Arked's banner pack and is currently working on updating it:,28610.msg418518.html#msg418518The banner pack will be updated regularly. I've decided to do it more frequently so clans don't have to wait as long. Plus that spreads the work out nicely for me.
Clan Banner Pack
Current Version: to Knitler digging up the thread at the bottom of this post and explaining things to me, I can now change the colours of the banner backgrounds. So no more enforced slot system *paaaarrrrty*. Just tell me what slot you want, what heraldic background colour you want and you can have it.
Requirements for a Submission:
1. Clan Name and link to thread.
2. Banner, sized 132x340 pixels.
3. Slot Number.
4. Specified background colour
5. Clan must have at least 4 members.
6. Clan must be active.
7. Meets my aesthetic approval.
A-1-2: Soldiers of FortuneA-1-3: MercilessA-1-4: The Peloponnessian League
A-1-5: Lots and Lots of Jolly KnightsA-1-6: The Bartering BrigadeA-1-7: The PillagersA-2-1: Wolf Pack MercenariesA-2-2: OccitanA-2-3: Knights of SantiagoA-2-4:Kill CultA-2-5: Heiliges Römisches ReichA-2-6: The 22ndA-2-7: The MercenariesA-3-2: Cossacks Hetmanate A-3-3: Hounds of ChulainnA-3-4: Art of WarA-3-6: Children of the Green SunA-3-7: Pecores & Ordre des Chevaliers FrancsB-1-1: MeRkB-1-2: Kingdom of PolandB-1-3: Dragoni of ValahiaB-1-4: SwordbrothersB-1-5: The BarbariansB-1-6: BluefishB-1-7: SEMENstormB-2-1: The Roaming WolpertingersB-2-3: Sovereignty of Aegis B-2-4: Red LotusB-2-5: Teutonic OrderB-2-6: Saints of WarB-3-1:WARPIGSB-3-2: AstralisB-3-3: Baltimores B-3-5: The Kingdom of VelucaB-3-6: MagyarB-3-7: DruzhinaC-1-1: Deserters C-1-3: Knight's Uniate of The Templars C-1-4: Men at Arms C-1-6: The CompanyC-1-7: Singing Virgins C-2-1: Great KhansC-2-2: RuConqistaC-2-3: DoGC-2-4: Order of the Griffin C-2-6: Les CochonsC-2-7: WessexC-3-1: HyruleC-3-2: The Eurabian SultanateC-3-3: CraftyC-3-4: Blood OrderC-3-5: Camel Screamers C-3-6: Kingdom of Teneris C-3-7: The Grey OrderD-1-2: NinjaD-1-3: Noobs 4 BoobsD-1-4: JoannitesD-1-5: Knights of the Honor Guard D-1-6: F**k it Dude, Lets Go Bowling D-1-7: Among the ShadowsD-2-1: Boxxy's Army D-2-2: PROfessionalz D-2-3: Deutsche Krieger GottesD-2-5: D'Haran LegionsD-2-6: Black Watch D-3-3: Basileia Ton RomaionD-3-4: The Fallen BrigadeD-3-5: Order of Orange-Nassau.D-3-6: K-O-JD-3-7: Order of the StaffmenE-1-1:Antarian EmpireE-1-2: RedditE-1-3: PiousE-1-4: Knights HospitallerE-1-5: The StrangersE-1-6: KamilsE-1-7: PerfekteE-2-1: BashiBazouksE-2-3: Shaiths Melee DojoE-2-4: Den Bitre (The Bitter Danes)E-2-5: Norse HordeE-2-7: Knights TemplarE-3-2: PantheonE-3-3: EcorcheursE-3-4: The Royal KnightsE-3-5: Team KamikazeE-3-6: Cavalieres E-3-7: BS F-1-1: Legione ItalicaF-1-2: AcreF-1-6: Soldiers of the Grail F-2-2: Kingdom of Valois F-2-4: Crusader Knights G-1-1: The Caravan GuardsG-1-3: Chosen Hands of the Ascended Order of StratiaG-1-4: The AbaysG-1-6: Brothers in ArmsG-2-1: Varangian-rusG-2-2: Armée ImperialeG-2-3: Hashasins G-2-4: The Free Companies of CalradiaG-2-5: Snowhawk ClanG-2-6: Lost LegionG-3-1: The TurksG-3-3: SaracensG-3-4 Men of the ValeG-3-5 Nordmen Installation Instructions:
For installation:
1. Back up scripts.txt (.../Program Files/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/cRPG/ or .../Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/mountblade warband/Modules/cRPG/).
2. Extract banner pack to same location and replace all.
3. Enjoy.
Instructions for new crpg patches:
1. Back up scripts.txt
2. Copy in texture files from banner pack, not the scripts.txt
3. Download new banner pack once I've updated the new scripts.txt for the current crpg patch
Stock banner background:
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loginHelpful Links:Faction ListNiemand's Custom Tailored BannersInstructions for Changing Heraldic Backgrounds