
Which faith do you adhere to? (these are in no particular order)

Protestant Christian or Catholicism (christ followers)
135 (24%)
Buddhist or Hinduism
11 (2%)
Islam or Judaism
33 (5.9%)
Baha'i faith/ other cultural religion
3 (0.5%)
Non-Religious (atheist/agnostic)
328 (58.3%)
Wiccan, Voodo, or something else like it (magical discipline)
41 (7.3%)
Gnostic or other religious non-theistic discipline
12 (2.1%)

Total Members Voted: 561

Author Topic: What Religion are you?  (Read 39212 times)

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #105 on: February 26, 2011, 09:58:31 pm »
Well, at this point i believe its wasteful to invest more energy in this conversation and retireve for now. People who cant respect other religions than theirs and laugh about things they dont understand, are not my friends... :)  No offence- forget about it.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #106 on: February 26, 2011, 10:12:59 pm »
I apologize. I think it's just hard to separate names from their origins.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #107 on: February 27, 2011, 09:32:15 pm »
Your problem is:
You still believe the pathetic cliche of the christian religion which prejudices Satan as the evil in person- the pure opposite of the "good" God. You can be good or evil, but the Human nature who we Satanists call the personification "Satan" is hence not evil!
Thats just PURE cliche of the christians, because the beliefs in the Satanism are such different than theirs.
Respect our doings, not your belief what we do.
And one other thing:
Satanists are egocentric. Real responsible-minded Satanists never rape, murder or child abuse, because its bad for their esteem, familyharmony and conscience, because we hallow the nature and the living. Albeit the law resticts such bad things- as chriminals we couldnt live in satisfaction. Well unless you are a psychopath and would have fun at this.

Your assertation is a complete fallacy.  Its like claiming you are a chocolate chip cookie, and then stating that you believe in family values and non-violence.  and that hurting other people would be a crime against your nature as a chocolate chip cookie, because the true purpose of the chocolate chip cookies is to make the world a better place and commune with nature.  Utter nonsense.
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #108 on: February 28, 2011, 12:30:45 pm »
Wow, lot of replies. Am I going to let such an entertaining thread die a natural death? No!

Apologies for the non-assigned quotes, but the quoting system on these forums is either terrible, or I don't know how to use it properly.

Firstly, for Franklin:

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I would say that religious concepts and doctrine are interpreted through the veil or filter of human psychology. People kill each other, not because it is commanded by God or commanded by a religious text, but because that is how they interpret a command from God or a piece of religious text. The motive for killing someone has nothing to do with religion, but its a very useful excuse.
Human psychology and society is not influenced by religion, but by interpretations of religion.

And for chadz (and Phazy):

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I agree that atheism is not a religion. But it is a belief system. The example of 'not playing tennis is not a sport' is not a valid analogy. Not playing tennis, or even playing tennis, doesn't involve a knowledge statement about the world. You're not asserting that playing tennis exists.

If you say that God does not exist (and as Quine says, you can talk about a thing without accepting it's existence - he uses the example of a unicorn; by saying that unicorns don't exist, you're not saying they do exist by talking about them) you are stating that you have knowledge about the existence or non-existence of a proposed being: God. In fact, you are saying that the knowledge you have is true, and that God does not exist. 
Please demonstrate that you actually have such knowledge. If you don't, and you still call yourself an atheist, then you are making a leap of faith. You are making an epistemological claim about the world, with no evidence (no matter about the criteria for what constitutes evidence). This is exactly what other belief systems do (though religions at least claim that they have evidence).

In this way, atheism (the claim that there is no such thing as God), is a belief system (i.e. requires a leap of faith, or doesn't need evidence or proof of the knowledge).

Edit: I feel I have the right to attack religions, I was forced to be scared from god when I was a child and then put into an totally elite catholic church school where people were molested left and right of me from priests, thank god I was lucky enough to skip the experience first hand

Well, everyone has the right to attack religions, regardless of their personal experiences I think. The point where its not considered ok to attack religions and religious truths and assumptions (and the same goes for any philosophy or ideology) is the point when the religion gets dangerous, and also when the religion loses a lot of its meaning and value.

As for the whole Atheism causing deaths thing mentioned by some people, its ridiculous. The same as if you say Christianity caused the death of millions of people. It takes away all the personal responsibility of the people involved, both those who committed the actions, and those who did nothing to stop them. Its like saying YMCA was the cause of the deaths of millions of Jews. It wasn't. It was the people who killed them, who ordered their deaths, and who did nothing. Such a conception of Atheism or religion or an ideology removes free will and responsibility, and does exactly what those people did - uses the idea/belief as an excuse.

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I'm glad that you've managed to find out that God isn't true. Please share your evidence or proof of this with everyone, so that we may all be as enlightened as you are :)

For Bull:

I lol'ed at this thread and didn't bother to read through 6 pages of internet dorks who think their opinion on the subject is worth a damn.

Well, everyone who has posted here's opinion is worth a damn. Religion is a universal subject. You could even argue that someone who has studied religion in an academic context has as much worth in their opinion as someone who knows nothing about religion, but believes in something, or believes that something is not the case. Religion is so complex, it is both personal and individual, and metaphysical and normative.

Everybody has religious expertise, because religion and belief are innate to humans.

Finally, for the people arguing over terms. The difficulty with terminology in religion, including the names of Satanic beings, is that the terms aren't fixed. Yes, it is hard to separate the words from their origins, but at the same time it isn't. Look at Allah for example. The origin of that name is completely irrelevant to its meaning today.
The various names for Satan mentioned in the old testament are generally thought to be deities of other non-Jewish (or non-Israelite more specifically) tribes. However, to say that these are not all names for one thing (Satan) is misleading, because they are. For the Christian tradition, all those deities are false idols and lies spread by Satan, so they are all names for Satan. However, if you asked an ancient Phoenician, Baal was a God.

Oh, and Leviathon is usually translated as: 'That which gathers itself in folds'. They had a different name for whales :P 

Fun thread!
I defended the village and all I got was this stupid title.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #109 on: February 28, 2011, 12:36:15 pm »
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #110 on: February 28, 2011, 12:38:11 pm »
That's a nice picture Alex. Where did you get it?
I defended the village and all I got was this stupid title.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #111 on: March 01, 2011, 01:22:12 am »
Im a emo...

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #112 on: March 01, 2011, 10:26:59 pm »
on the planet every thing has a explanation. if u wanna know the truths u need 1 thing


lazy people who believe in religion. do not search answers. just pass to say a gift from God.
There is everything in science is the answer.

im belivin in science . thats my relegion
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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #113 on: May 09, 2011, 03:56:12 pm »
So litle people who voted for Islam or ''Bahi''.

Thought there were more than that.

But atheistic belief was just a sure bet many would vote on.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #114 on: May 09, 2011, 05:20:52 pm »
I'm an atheist. And I guess you could call it a belief system, although I don't see the leap of faith.
I don't believe in God, until he is proven to exist. I admit the possibility, but as long as there is nothing to point toward it, it's not a question I even need to consider. If it is, then we're all part of an infinite amount of belief systems that deny the existence of, fore example, spaghetti monsters and flying omnipotent teacups.
Which makes it a little redundant in my eyes.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #115 on: May 09, 2011, 05:24:17 pm »
Not making any assumptions.

Skydadeeh & the teapot can exist... just Not In My Back Yard.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #116 on: May 09, 2011, 06:09:10 pm »
The old thread reawakes  :P

Faith is about faith, you believe or you don't.
It is not a science object: you can prove it exists so it's true; if you can't then it's false.

Nowadays, it is easy to shoot on religion, more difficult to assume one's faith... exactly like, in certain old times, it was easier to be religious than to defend one's scientific theory.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #117 on: May 09, 2011, 06:30:50 pm »
I'm an 'ex' muslim (Moroccan) - Alas, I've never believed in God and threw the fanatsy when I was 10 years old. Feels good man, seriously. Though, my parents are- especially Mum; She's super religious...

I don't say I'm an Atheist, I say I'm a human being, like my forefathers before me through thousands of years. They didn't need no gods when they were hunter and gatherer's  and we don't need them now. It's pure made by the people, for the people... If you can't see it now...

Then you're fucking stupid.

We humans have an average life-span of 25 000 days, you can either spend it freely, or let a book made of ink and paper rules your life like a sheep.

Peace brothers.

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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #118 on: May 09, 2011, 09:38:01 pm »
I'm an 'ex' muslim (Moroccan) - Alas, I've never believed in God and threw the fanatsy when I was 10 years old. Feels good man, seriously. Though, my parents are- especially Mum; She's super religious...

I don't say I'm an Atheist, I say I'm a human being, like my forefathers before me through thousands of years. They didn't need no gods when they were hunter and gatherer's  and we don't need them now. It's pure made by the people, for the people... If you can't see it now...

Then you're fucking stupid.

We humans have an average life-span of 25 000 days, you can either spend it freely, or let a book made of ink and paper rules your life like a sheep.

Peace brothers.


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Re: What Religion are you?
« Reply #119 on: May 09, 2011, 10:29:05 pm »
Science damn it! Why do you use such sacrilegious dishware? You have perfectly good tummies to eat from, and Science knows you shouldn't waste resources on dishware. In the name of Science, you are all infidels!