Hey guys
As you perhaps now im making a item list for tournaments clanwars etc. everyone is wearing the khuyak armour and were only different by our headarmour, everyone in the clan has his own headarmour which only you use in the clan for clanwars and tournaments.
So im making a list where everyone can give me your headarmour wishes (1. first choice 2. second choice)
Thats the current list(in work) pls send me a pm for your wishes or tell me in ts.
Kinngrimm = Nordic Warlors Helmet 2.Bascinet
StuLLe = Black Hood with Mask
FranI love youan = 1. Black Hood with mask 2. Sipahi helmet
Electro = 1. Barbutte 2. Nasal Helmet
Shodanius = 1. Klappvisier 2. Great Helmet
Murmillus = 1. Milanes Sallet 2. Gnezdovo Helmet
Hygat = 1.Chapel de Fer 2. Khergite Lady Leather Helmet
Highglandeur = 1.Nordic Leather Helmet2. Nordic Fighter Helmet
Tom foolery =1. Strange Helmet 2. Pigface Klappvisier
Tuetensuppe =1. Nordic Leather 2. Nordic Footman Helmet
Herezy =1.Kettle Helmet 2. Novgrod Helmet
Overload =1.Sallet with Visor 2. Milanese Sallet