Hmm, every sandbox i have tried, feeled a bit like "we are too lazy to create some contend for you. so here you have a few tools, make your own stuff and don´t bother us anymore." And there were simple kill quests as well.
Anyway for mmorpg i prefer simple, story driven, point&click ones. So i can clear some dungeons and do additionally something different.
But unfortunately pest features like "quest radar" and "blinking hotspots" are become more and more common lately (well and the f2p crap).
The Conan MMO itself was a bit disappointing. Meele combos sounded nice, i though that it will be like Street Fighter. But naa, i had to click on the skill then i had to click the right combo and not until then it fired off. So it was the standard system, only a bit more complicated (in other words, crap).