no more powerful maces?
Gen2 modifier is now scary , not powerful. (-0,5 weight)
what kind of mace you looking at, if not the exact type which 1 or 2 handed, looked at a couple of each, 1handed go Heavy,Balanced,Deadly example of 1 would be Iron Mace, which weight goes 2.5base 3.0gen1 2.5gen2 2.75gen3
2handed mods are Heavy,Powerful,Mighty and example Long Iron Mace weight is 4.5base 5.0gen1 5.25gen2 5.25gen3.
hope this helps, Scary seems to only exsist in the previews for heirlooms and not in the game, tell me if i'm wrong about that.
There are a lot of Issues with the previews on the webpage, once you actually heirloom it can be completely different. you could ask in the bug forums and see if you can get a reply from any of the mods, i can't tell you for definate.