+1 for the nets that would be sweet, 50% chance of causing a knock-down?
I really don't mean to offend but the gear in the game is historically and geographically from all over the shop, this game isn't an exacting mock up of medieval battle. First of all, what, where and whom? If you are locking it down to 1000-1500 where are the boomerangs? they existed in this time period and were used for warfare. Or the Kylie? Where are the Arquebus? The dragon pistols? Chinese rockets? Indian war elephants, Nepalease guhrka sword thingy, Sikh scimitar? 3 Barrle english stick cannon, door bells (big metal tubes you load with explosives and get some poor fool to run up to a door and point the stick at and then blam, no more door and probably no more dude)?