Why don't we stop this stupid discussion, agree that there are a lot of ranged now, and look for a solution?
I agree, this discussion is sterile, we do not understand each other, ranged like to play ranged and melee like to play melee, the most important being that everyone have fun.
Maps and possibility of the map (+ladders) causes with the help of tactics that a particular class will master the field, it's pretty hard to balance a map, so there's always be a hatred class and hatred behaviour/tactics (camping). I believe that official servers tend toward balanced map, seeking the fun of every players.
Personnal servers can do what they want, some will be melee only, some will be ranged friendly (owner of the server has the right to do what he wants, you have the right to not play on his server).
Btw, my main is shielder so i don't really have problem with ranged, and i started to play when archers were tank (plate, charger, laser sight machinegun), xbowman were bazooka (oneshot) and thrower were flame-thrower (total destruction at close range), i played each of them, it was fun.
Hell yeah, ranged are balanced now (Still there is a friendly ranged syndrom)
For me, the question is what will be Strategus?