Yeah, kind of like that. Sometimes local prices of certain products are insane and even ordering them from China is very pricey and takes to long while making a makeshift apparatus that does basically the same thing is a fraction of the price. Of course, you cannot make many things that need special equipment in products but some mundane things we all have laying around can be made. And since I order the printer it covers plastic casing for whatever I want/need to make.
Back to coronavirus. Cases in Italy number over 150 people now. Italy is the third big site of infection and first outside Asia which means by definition we should get pandemic announcement from WHO next week, if not tomorrow morning. Also, Dr. Tedros should resign if he has any moral values. His organization dropped the ball on this.
What is concerning, while these autocratic states are going hard on this disease, European people do not give a damn. For example, Iran cases number around 80 but today every neighbouring state of Iran closed its border with Iran. They are isolated. Also, they isolate themselves and are very harsh about it, Chinese style. In Italy, number of cases in a very short time reached double of Iranian cases but not a single European country has closed the local border it shares with Italy. EU in this context is a very bad thing because it helps the spread. Also, consider that distances between infected towns in Italy and other major European cities are much smaller than distances between cities in Asia. This is going to reach your country officially within a week and at this point, nothing can be done to stop it. It will become another seasonal disease on the menu, albeit much deadlier than typical suspects at least for now. That may improve as we develop some immunity to this virus but first wave will be nasty. That's what our elite and leadership are counting upon and shows how much they care about the common man. Just a number on the paper.