Good indication if some IP is falling or not, are merchandise sales. Basically, merchandise with new SW characters is not selling well, is often on sales and yet no one is buying it. While merchandise with characters from old trilogy is still going strong. Kinda like Superman where very few give a fuck about new actor or those before him apart from Christopher Reeve. Or Masters of the Universe still selling merchandise despite having no show to support the sales. Some things are timeless, while other are shit from the get go.
Media might not want to admit it, but Disney Star Wars is huge blow to the franchise. Decent revenue from movie tickets is hiding the true story, just like great sales of Call of Duty were hiding the fact that is was slowly going down in quality every year. Until sales plummeted and everybody realized that.
I think it takes about two additional Disney movies for Star Wars to financially collapse to the point where they'll stop dedicating so much media coverage to the franchise.